Quivira Golf Course Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Quivira Golf Course.

Quotes About Quivira Golf Course

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I'd been told there are 10 difficult holes and eight impossible ones. I'm still trying to work out which the 10 difficult holes are. ~ Lee Westwood
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Lee Westwood
The Japanese eat, sleep, and breathe golf; the only thing they don't do is actually play it, because to get on a course, you have to make a reservation roughly 137 years in advance, which means that by the time you actually get to the first tee you are deceased. Of course, in golf this is not really a handicap. ~ Dave Barry
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Dave Barry
I challenge myself everywhere, onstage, on the golf course. Hey, isn't that the point of it all? To keep getting better? Otherwise why do it? ~ Hal Linden
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Hal Linden
If you hit a bad shot, just tell yourself it is great to be alive, relaxing and walking around on a beautiful golf course. The next shot will be better. ~ Al Geiberger
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Al Geiberger
I spent hours as a kid on the putting green of the local golf course imagining I was sinking a putt to win the Masters. ~ Mike Weir
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Mike Weir
A Nicklaus Design golf course is done by the guys in my company that I work with, that have been trained in my vision, and they do what they think I might do. They might come in the office and ask me questions and I'd certainly answer their questions, but I'm not involved in the site visits or anything else. ~ Jack Nicklaus
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Jack Nicklaus
Golf really excites me only when the course is difficult and challenging. I love competing. The pressure of competition against fine holes and fine players makes me feel very much alive. ~ Jack Nicklaus
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Jack Nicklaus
I really enjoy what little time I have at home. The golf course and practice facilities are perfect and so close to home! ~ Paula Creamer
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Paula Creamer
Columbus went around the world in 1492. That isn't a lot of strokes when you consider the course. ~ Lee Trevino
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Lee Trevino
Forty percent of the United States drains into the Mississippi. It's agriculture. It's golf courses. It's domestic runoff from our lawns and roads. Ultimately, where does it go? Downstream into the gulf. ~ Sylvia Earle
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Sylvia Earle
And we were taught to play golf. Golf epitomizes the tame world. On a golf course nature is neutered. The grass is clean, a lawn laundry that wipes away the mud, the insect, the bramble, nettle and thistle, an Eezy-wipe lawn where nothing of life, dirty and glorious, remains. Golf turns outdoors into indoors, a prefab mat of stultified grass, processed, pesticided, herbicided, the pseudo-green of formica sterility. Here, the grass is not singing. The wind cannot blow through it. Dumb expression, greenery made stupid, it hums a bland monotone in the key of the mono-minded. No word is emptier than a golf tee. No roots, it has no known etymology, it is verbal nail polish. Worldwide, golf is an arch act of enclosure, a commons fenced and subdued for the wealthy, trampling serf and seedling. The enemy of wildness, it is a demonstration of the absolute dominion of man over wild nature. ~ Jay Griffiths
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Jay Griffiths
I went to play golf and tried to shoot my age, but I shot my weight instead. ~ Bob Hope
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Bob Hope
The Old Testament is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, disbelief - call it what you will - than any book ever written. It has emptied more churches than all the counter-attractions of cinema, motor-bicycle and golf course. ~ A.A. Milne
Quivira Golf Course quotes by A.A. Milne
Pebble is a piece of sacred ground. They say it's the greatest meeting of land and water in the world. This course was heaven designed - just the way it fits on the land. ~ Johnny Miller
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Johnny Miller
Even when you're keeping score, golf is all about focusing on the shot at hand, the total score being a sum of those shots. On magic mushrooms, each shot was an act of self-expression - a karate kick, a pirouette, a paintbrush stroke. The course was an aren, a stage, and a canvas.

That's the way it felt playing in the backcountry, too. Going beyond the simple visual appreciation of a landscape and interacting with it beyond the reach of the physical body. Launching shots across canyons and rivers and down mountainsides and beaches. The motion of the body determining the motion of the ball - its flight an extension of the body like a spider riding the wind on a silken thread or a perfectly cast fly arcing down onto the surface of the water.

This is the part of the game that is hard for nongolfers to see. You have to play to feel it. It isn't visible through the TV screen or from outside the picket fences and privet hedges. The forest gets lost in tress of tartan and argyle, visors and V-necks. Golf seems to be one thing but is very much another, and backcountry golf and mushroom night golf are as true to the nature of the game as any stuffy country club championship or Saturday Nassau or fourball. ~ John Dunn
Quivira Golf Course quotes by John   Dunn
I think if you are going to base your whole life on what you do on the golf course, you are up for a lot of ups and downs. ~ Tom Lehman
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Tom Lehman
Emerald as heavy as a golf course, ruby as dark as an afterbirth, diamond as white as sun on the sea ... ~ Anne Sexton
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Anne Sexton
It's great to be somewhat of a role model. I want to be a positive and good role model and lead by example and try to do the best I can. Playing good golf definitely draws attention, but I want to have a good attitude on the course and do the right things. ~ Rickie Fowler
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Rickie Fowler
I'm not feeling very well - I need a doctor immediately. Ring the nearest golf course. ~ Groucho Marx
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Groucho Marx
Luck usually visits me at 2 am on a cold morning when, red-eyed and bone-weary, I am pouring over law books preparing a case. It never visits me when I am at the cinema, on a golf course or reclining in an easy chair. ~ Louis Nizer
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Louis Nizer
Business idea: Merge a billiard table with a golf course, and make the pockets as deep as a typical politician's pants. ~ Jarod Kintz
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Jarod Kintz
I think I'm really good at forgetting about golf when I'm off the golf course. ~ Inbee Park
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Inbee Park
I love the golf courses because it brought the best out of me. It made me prepare, made me work at it, made me do the things I needed to do to be better, and that's what I loved about USGA events. If you couldn't handle it, then you got beat, and that's OK. ~ Jack Nicklaus
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Jack Nicklaus
I had a wonderful experience on the golf course today. I had a hole in nothing. Missed the ball and sank the divot. ~ Don Adams
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Don Adams
The President is also captured in a well-worn TV news clip, making a boilerplate response to a question on terrorism and then asking the reporters to watch his drive. Well, that's what you get if you catch the President on a golf course. If Eisenhower had done this, as he often did, it would have been presented as calm statesmanship. If Clinton had done it, as he often did, it would have shown his charm. ~ Christopher Hitchens
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Christopher Hitchens
I'm not the most charismatic, maybe emotional, fun-packed individual on the golf course; I get that. ~ Zach Johnson
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Zach Johnson
St. Andrews by far is my favorite golf course in the world. It's where the game all started, it's why we have 18 holes instead of 22 and I think the history behind St. Andrews is amazing. There is no other golf course in the world that can say that every great player who has ever played the game has played that golf course. ~ Tiger Woods
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Tiger Woods
I can honestly say in my entire career, I've never gone around a golf course and not mis-hit a shot, but today I never missed a shot. I hit every driver perfect, every iron perfect. I'm in awe of myself. ~ Greg Norman
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Greg Norman
If I get a week off, I'll go to a hotel that has a golf course. I like to come downstairs and go right onto the course. I'll do that five days in a row. ~ Lewis Black
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Lewis Black
Dear reader, if you have ever had to tromp around on a hot golf course for hours, lugging someone else's ungainly golf bag filled with long metal objects, then you too would most likely prefer lying in the shade, half-listening to rich boys complain, instead. ~ Jon Skovron
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Jon Skovron
I like going there for golf. America is one vast golf course today. ~ King Edward VIII
Quivira Golf Course quotes by King Edward VIII
When I was a little girl in Savannah playing, there were never enough hours in the day or holes on the golf course. I just loved the game so much. ~ Hollis Stacy
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Hollis Stacy
If I owned a Rembrandt and it had some dull colors, I don't think I'd go put reds and yellows in there just to brighten it up. I feel the same way about old golf courses. When you have a masterpiece, I sure wouldn't tinker with it. ~ Ray Floyd
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Ray Floyd
You learn their honesty, you learn their competitiveness. You learn a lot about a person. It's not that they have to sink the putt and there's a great deal of talent involved - but you do learn about how competitive a person is on the golf course, and frankly, how honest. ~ Donald Trump
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Donald Trump
Golf was my first glimpse of comedy. I was a caddy when I was a kid. I was on the golf course rather than being in lessons, but I can play better now than I could then. ~ Bill Murray
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Bill Murray
In golf as in life, it's the follow through that makes the difference. ~ Ben Wicks
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Ben Wicks
You're awfully quiet," Marlboro Man said, his hand resting on the back of my head.
"Am I?" I asked, playing dumb. "I don't mean to be."
"You're not your usual self," he responded, his hand finding the back of my neck. A million tingles traveled down my spine.
"Oh, I'm fine," I said, trying to appear strong and together. "I think that twenty-mile run got the best of me today."
Marlboro Man chuckled. I'd hoped that would happen. "Twenty miles? That's a mighty big golf course," he remarked. We both laughed, well aware that I was way too much of a pansy-ass to run such a distance. ~ Ree Drummond
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Ree Drummond
I've always - I grew up on the old-style traditional type of golf course, tree lined and all small greens, big undulations. And Oakmont just fit my eye. ~ Paula Creamer
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Paula Creamer
I admire a lot of people, but in terms of sport I've always loved the mentality of Tiger Woods on a golf course. I always love his eyes when he's setting himself and focusing on his decision; he has a really strong, focused face and believes that he can make the shot. ~ Rafael Nadal
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Rafael Nadal
If you ever feel sorry for somebody on a golf course, you better go home. If you don't kill them, they'll kill you. ~ Seve Ballesteros
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Seve Ballesteros
One of my favorite things to do is play golf at Braemar Country Club. It's quiet and not overly crowded. The people are nice, and there's wildlife all around the course. As far as my game itself, I can go from a 10 handicap to a 30, depending on the day. ~ Scott Baio
Quivira Golf Course quotes by Scott Baio
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