Graeme Souness Funny Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Graeme Souness Funny.

Quotes About Graeme Souness Funny

Enjoy collection of 36 Graeme Souness Funny quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Graeme Souness Funny. Righ click to see and save pictures of Graeme Souness Funny quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

I won't be fining players for getting sent off. ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
Sometimes you have to play in a position that you may not feel is your best. ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
It's the price on the ticket and emphasizes the pressure every manager is under weather you are at the top or bottom of the league. ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
Scottish football is full of hammer throwers. ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
I remember being in intensive care, looking at the clock and thinking 'don't go to sleep, don't go to sleep'. I can laugh about it now but I was petrified. ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
If you're going to win the Premier League, you're going to have to finish ahead of Chelsea and Manchester City. ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
There will be internal discipline, but I can envisage both of them playing for Newcastle again. They're top-class players and they don't come along very often. ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
God has given him an attitude that he can deal with anything football throws at him.
(on Michael Owen) ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
Everton are a bigger club than Liverpool. Everywhere you go on Merseyside you bump into Everton supporters. ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
The best signing I ever made at Rangers was Walter Smith. ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
With a body like he has, I want him to be a bully. But he is too nice - he is perfect son-in-law material, but I don't want a team of son-in-laws. ~ Graeme Souness
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Souness
I wish I were dumber so I could be more certain about my opinions. It looks fun. ~ Scott Adams
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Scott Adams
Popularity, my dear, is as overrated as a large member. ~ Sarah Winman
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Sarah Winman
Films that rely on their cast to be funny are often episodic and feel like a series of loosely connected sketches rather than a satisfyingly structured script. ~ Simon Pegg
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Simon Pegg
I had never thought of him as actually weird - possibly because we might both be weird along the same dimensions. ~ Graeme Simsion
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Graeme Simsion
She appears to have a face that would stop a clock and raise hell with small watches, bless her heart. ~ Celia Rivenbark
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Celia Rivenbark
Marriage is a matter of give and take, but so far I haven't been able to find anybody who'll take what I have to give. ~ Cass Daley
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Cass Daley
Okay, so let's say we're all in the bubble. What's tonight then? Part of the bubble too? Because, it can't be all bad if there's Nutter Butter pancakes, right?"
He flashed a crooked smile. "This? This is a blip in the bubble. A glitch in the matrix. This is the ultimate not-supposed to. ~ Margaux Froley
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Margaux Froley
Yes!" it exclaimed, bouncing up and down, its ears flapping like sails. "Yes, you hear me! Razor found you! Found girl and funny dark elf. ~ Julie Kagawa
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Julie Kagawa
But the love of adventure was in father's blood. ~ Buffalo Bill
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Buffalo Bill
I looked up my family tree and found out I was the sap. ~ Rodney Dangerfield
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Rodney Dangerfield
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Could you tell me more about this 'profanity'?"
Mrs. Miller nodded at my dictionary. "I'll assume you don't need a definition. Perhaps you'd prefer an example?"
"That would be so helpful, thank you very much."
Without missing a beat, Mrs. Miller rattled off a stream of obscenities so fully and completely unexpected that I fell off my chair. Mothers were defiled, their male and female children, as well as any and all offspring who just happened to be born out of wedlock. AS for the sacred union that produced these innocent babes, the pertinent bodily appendages were catalogued by a list of names so profoundly scurrilous that a grizzled marine, conceived in a brothel and dying of a disease he contracted in one, would've wished he'd been born as smooth as a Ken doll. The act itself was invoked with such a verity of incestuous, scatological, bestial, and just plain bizarre variations that that same marine would've given up on the Ken doll fantasy, and wished instead that all life had been confined to a single-cell stage, forever free of taint of mitosis, let alone procreation.
Somewhere during the course of all this I noticed I'd snapped my pencil in half, and now I used the two ends to gouge out my brain.
"Guhhhhhh guhhhhh guhhhhhh guhhhhh guhhhhh," I said, by which I meant: "You have shattered whatever tattered remnants of pedagogical propriety I still possessed, and my tender young mind has broken beneath the strain." N ~ Dale Peck
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Dale Peck
Nothing ruins a good thing quite like knowing you share your opinions with mindless little tits. ~ Yahtzee Croshaw
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Yahtzee Croshaw
FREEDLEY: Will I feel better after I take it? DR. FITCH (coldly): I, am a physician, Freedley, not an astrologer. If you want a horoscope, there's a gypsy tearoom over on Lexington Avenue. ~ S.J Perelman
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by S.J Perelman
As I come to the end of my advice and send you off into the world, I have an alternative way for you to stay on the straight and narrow: periodically watch Groundhog Day. It was made long ago, in 1993, but it's still smart and funny, the chemistry between the stars (Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell) is terrific, and it has a happy ending. Groundhog Day is also a profound moral fable that deals with the most fundamental issues of virtue and happiness. ~ Charles Murray
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Charles Murray
The funny thing is,' Calvin said, 'I thought I'd been breathing underwater this whole time, but I guess I've been drowning. ~ Shaun David Hutchinson
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Shaun David Hutchinson
The older I get, the less time I want to spend with the part of the human race that didn't marry me. ~ Robert Breault
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Robert Breault
The best time to go fishing is when you can ~ Ed Zern
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Ed Zern
It's better to spend money like there's no tomorrow than to spend tonight like there's no money. ~ P. J. O'Rourke
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by P. J. O'Rourke
The training part," I guessed.
"Yup. You're going to be Dimitri's partner."
A moment of funny silence fell, probably not noticeable to anyone except Dimitri and me. Our eyes met.
"Guarding partner," Dimitri clarified unnecessarily, like maybe he too had been thinking of other kinds of partners. ~ Richelle Mead
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Richelle Mead
And I figured you'd drive a four-hour round-trip before giving up your car to someone else ~ Richelle Mead
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Richelle Mead
Men came in and dragged us apart. It took us five minutes to bring Nora to. She sat up holding her cheek and looked around the room until she saw Morelli, nippers on one wrist, standing between two detectives. Morelli's face was a mess: the coppers had worked him over a little just for the fun of it. Nora glared at me. "You damned fool," she said, "you didn't have to knock me cold. I knew you'd take him, but I wanted to see it."
One of the coppers laughed. "Jesus," he said admiringly, "there's a woman with hair on her chest. ~ Dashiell Hammett
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Dashiell Hammett
Funny thing about fear. When you cling to it, the fear grows exponentially, a monster morphing into a suffocating mass. But when you face it head-on, conquering the beast before it swallows you whole, you find there was nothing there to fear at all. The chains break, and the whole world feels lighter than ever before. ~ Juliette Cross
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Juliette Cross
One might also say that history is not about the past. If you think about it, no one ever lived in the past. Washington, Jefferson, John Adams, and their contemporaries didn't walk about saying, "Isn't this fascinating living in the past! Aren't we picturesque in our funny clothes!" They lived in the present. The difference is it was their present, not ours. They were caught up in the living moment exactly as we are, and with no more certainty of how things would turn out than we have. ~ David McCullough
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by David McCullough
It's funny, I started by making fake American movies, 'The Transporter' and stuff like that. I was shooting in France, but everything was in English. But then afterwards, I was looking at real French movies like the Jacques Audiard movies. ~ Louis Leterrier
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Louis Leterrier
There are the class clowns that are disruptive and the kids laugh and you earn the teacher's disdain, I was the kind of class clown that also cracked the teacher up. I was funny in a way that was not dissing the teacher; I was funny just to be funny. ~ Jason Mantzoukas
Graeme Souness Funny quotes by Jason Mantzoukas
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