Watabe Golf Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Watabe Golf.

Quotes About Watabe Golf

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Brayen had wanted to go out Saturday, but that was the day I'd promised to drive Adrian to San Diego. Brayden compromised on breakfast, catching me before I hit the road, and we went out to a restaurant adjacent to one of Palm Springs' many lush golf resorts. Although I had long since offered to pull my share, Brayden continued picking up the bills and doing all the driving. As he pulled up in front of my dorm to drop me off afterward, I saw a surprising and not entirely welcome sight awaiting me: Adrian sitting outside on a bench, looking bored. ~ Richelle Mead
Watabe Golf quotes by Richelle Mead
Wherever we play golf, people come out here to get autographs. They obviously come out to watch us play and see us in action, but they also want to interact with us. ~ Bernhard Langer
Watabe Golf quotes by Bernhard Langer
Some settlers began with no implements but an ax. In conversation, the subject of axes
their ideal weight, their proper helves
was more popular than politics or religion. A man who made good axes, who knew the secrets of tempering the steel and getting the center of gravity right, received the celebrity of an artist and might act accordingly. The best ax maker in southern Indiana was "a dissolute, drunken genius, named Richardson." Men who really knew how to chop became famous, too. An ax blow requires the same timing of weight shift and wrist action as a golf swing, and as in golf those who where good at it taught others; sometimes all the men in one district learned their stroke from the same axman extraordinaire. A good stroke had a "sweetness" similar to the sound of a well-struck golf or tennis ball, and gave a satisfaction which moved the work along. ~ Ian Frazier
Watabe Golf quotes by Ian Frazier
I'm a golfaholic. And all the counseling in the world wouldn't help me. ~ Lee Trevino
Watabe Golf quotes by Lee Trevino
I would say that I bought the land under which Trump Tower sits while playing golf. ~ Donald Trump
Watabe Golf quotes by Donald Trump
A tap-in is a putt that is short enough to be missed one-handed. ~ Henry Beard
Watabe Golf quotes by Henry Beard
Three months later, on September 5, 2001, at a pro-am event preceding the Canadian Open at the Royal Montreal Golf Club, I was invited to play a round with Tiger Woods. Nothing in the game of politics had ever been as nerve-racking as that game of golf. ~ Jean Chretien
Watabe Golf quotes by Jean Chretien
Golf is my real profession. Entertainment is just a sideline. I tell jokes to pay my greens fees. ~ Bob Hope
Watabe Golf quotes by Bob Hope
I love swimming, tennis, and I am taking up golf. I am not serious about it, I just go to the range and practice. Other than that, I enjoy going to the movies and hanging out with my friends. ~ Mila Kunis
Watabe Golf quotes by Mila Kunis
When I'm not acting, I try to be normal, play golf, play hockey. It's funny because you're in this little bubble when you're working - you don't read books, you don't really keep up with the news, you're just living that life. ~ Taylor Kitsch
Watabe Golf quotes by Taylor Kitsch
This is a tournament. The others are all championships. ~ Jack Nicklaus
Watabe Golf quotes by Jack Nicklaus
Golf is about knowledge, and studying another player - more than listening to a teacher - is the best way to get it. ~ Vijay Singh
Watabe Golf quotes by Vijay Singh
Sex and golf are the two things you can enjoy even if you're not good at them. ~ Kevin Costner
Watabe Golf quotes by Kevin Costner
It was a great honour to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. I didn't know they had a caddie division. ~ Bob Hope
Watabe Golf quotes by Bob Hope
I can play the game only one way. I must play every shot for all there is in it. I cannot play safe. ~ Bobby Jones
Watabe Golf quotes by Bobby Jones
I learned to surf for 'Soul Surfer.' Surfing is like golf: You're always battling, and it keeps knocking you down. There are a lot of wipeouts. But when you stay with it and catch that wave, you really taste it. It's magic. ~ Dennis Quaid
Watabe Golf quotes by Dennis Quaid
The difficulty is, all swing thoughts decay, like radium. What burnt up the course on Wednesday has turned to lead on Sunday. Yet it does not do to have a blank mind: the terrible hugeness of the course will rush into the vacuum and the ball will spray like a thing berserk. ~ John Updike
Watabe Golf quotes by John Updike
I love the golf courses because it brought the best out of me. It made me prepare, made me work at it, made me do the things I needed to do to be better, and that's what I loved about USGA events. If you couldn't handle it, then you got beat, and that's OK. ~ Jack Nicklaus
Watabe Golf quotes by Jack Nicklaus
Advice to expectant mothers: you must remember that when you are pregnant, you are eating for two. But you must remember that the other one of you is about the size of a golf ball, so let's not go overboard with it. I mean, a lot of pregnant women eat as though the other person they're eating for is Orson Welles. ~ Dave Barry
Watabe Golf quotes by Dave Barry
I've taken up golf in the past five or six years, and most of the time there aren't too many people out there that can drive a ball further than I can. ~ Bo Jackson
Watabe Golf quotes by Bo Jackson
As for me, tough duty though it may be, I continue to do my part for the commercial recreation industry. Fishing, boating, tennis, golf, running, hunting, and all of this. Horseshoes. It's tough duty. Somebody has to do it, and I'm going to keep on. ~ George H. W. Bush
Watabe Golf quotes by George H. W. Bush
They were real golfers, for real golf is a thing of the spirit, not of mere mechanical excellence of stroke. ~ P.G. Wodehouse
Watabe Golf quotes by P.G. Wodehouse
I like golf, hiking, camping, boating and fishing. ~ Bryan Clay
Watabe Golf quotes by Bryan Clay
So, you know, if, if I wanted to get up and just play golf one day, I would just get up and play golf. If I wanted to go to Vegas, I would just get up and go to Vegas. ~ Michael Phelps
Watabe Golf quotes by Michael Phelps
When I quote others I do so in order to express my own ideas more clearly. ~ Michel De Montaigne
Watabe Golf quotes by Michel De Montaigne
I love horse racing, I play golf, and I love travelling. ~ Ian Rush
Watabe Golf quotes by Ian Rush
I never saw you without a golf club tie.
I never saw you with a golf club.
I never saw you without yachting shoes.
I never saw you in a yacht. ~ Rachel Joyce
Watabe Golf quotes by Rachel Joyce
What's the point of washing off your ball when teeing off on a water hole? ~ Bruce Lansky
Watabe Golf quotes by Bruce Lansky
Golf is like a razor. You get just so sharp and then it begins to dull a little more the more you use it. ~ Doug Sanders
Watabe Golf quotes by Doug Sanders
It's often necessary to hit a second shot to really appreciate the first one. ~ Henry Beard
Watabe Golf quotes by Henry Beard
Talking to a golf ball won't do you any good, unless you do it while your opponent is teeing off. ~ Bruce Lansky
Watabe Golf quotes by Bruce Lansky
Dennis Murray is a wonderful Golf Professional who is personable and skillful as an instructor. Dennis helped me work on my golf swing for a full week back in the 80's when I was still playing the PGA Tour. His instruction was great and helped my game very much. ~ Jerry Pate
Watabe Golf quotes by Jerry Pate
My caddie 'Stovepipe' tried to talk me into hitting a 3-wood. But I took out the turf rider (4-wood) instead. The moment I hit it, I felt something in my bones. Walter Hagen was playing with me and Bobby Jones was on the green. 21 people were behind the green. The sun was going down. I wasn't sure it had gone in the hole until I saw all 21 people jumping up and down. ~ Gene Sarazen
Watabe Golf quotes by Gene Sarazen
I am always working out, whether I am on vacation or at home. When in La Jolla, I like to surf, play tennis, and golf - but surfing is definitely my favorite. ~ Alexander Ludwig
Watabe Golf quotes by Alexander Ludwig
I got no pride on the hole. It's a par-5 and I play it that way. A four is a birdie. ~ Lee Trevino
Watabe Golf quotes by Lee Trevino
Golf never ceases to be a challenge, even when it really is just you and the ball out there and nobody else. ~ Arnold Palmer
Watabe Golf quotes by Arnold Palmer
I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer spectators. ~ Gerald R. Ford
Watabe Golf quotes by Gerald R. Ford
The ardent golfer would play Mount Everest if somebody put a flagstick on top. ~ Pete Dye
Watabe Golf quotes by Pete Dye
Chances are you have a deep connection to books because at some point you discovered that they were the one truly safe place to discover and explore feelings that are banished from the dinner table, the cocktail party, the golf foursome, the bridge game. Because the writers who mattered to you have dared to say I am a sick man. And because within the world of books there is no censure. ~ Betsy Lerner
Watabe Golf quotes by Betsy Lerner
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