Get Me Going Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Get Me Going.

Quotes About Get Me Going

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Baby, your rhymes get me going. ~ Rick Remender
Get Me Going quotes by Rick Remender
I like to dance and sing when there's no one around, but, if I'm out, I'm really shy about it. So it takes a lot to get me going, but I enjoy being around music. ~ Derek Jeter
Get Me Going quotes by Derek Jeter
The Price Is Right can really get me going. ~ Sam Peckinpah
Get Me Going quotes by Sam Peckinpah
Dropkick Murphys get me going, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana ... plus, all the regular hip-hop stuff. ~ Kobe Bryant
Get Me Going quotes by Kobe Bryant
You never get mad," she said when their server left the table. "Except at me."
"That's not true," he said tightly. "Torie can get me going."
"Torie doesn't count. You were obviously her mother in a previous life. ~ Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Get Me Going quotes by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
I basically started playing violin at the age of six. That lasted about three years because my previous teacher died and the second teacher didn't really know how to successfully get me going. ~ Miroslav Vitous
Get Me Going quotes by Miroslav Vitous
I just always had energy and my energy came from G-O-D! But I never needed anyone to get me going because I always had that energy. ~ Tommy McDonald
Get Me Going quotes by Tommy McDonald
I drink coconut water before my workouts. It has just the right amount of calories and electrolytes to get me going. My body has actually started craving it. ~ Jennifer Morrison
Get Me Going quotes by Jennifer Morrison
He seemed to be drinking in her face, looking at her instead of into her.
"Stop. Stop that. This isn't goodbye."
Blake pulled her left hand to his mouth and kissed her ring finger. "I'm still glad it's empty. He never deserved you. Of that, I'm very sure."
Livia saw moisture in his eyes. "You're saying goodbye. No. Here's what I'm sure of. I'll walk away from this house right now, wearing only what I have on my back and be happy. With you I can taste forever - it's right here." Livia pointed at her lips and then kissed his.
Blake allowed the kiss, but mumbled a question as well, "How many shotguns does he have?"
"Not enough to get me away from you." Livia traced his jaw.
Blake took her hand and kissed her palm, then her forehead, "Livia, go in there and let him talk to you. He's a father. I'd want to talk to my daughter at a moment like this. Let's give him that respect."
"I will not go in there. Where will you go?"
Livia felt a gentle tug on her heart. She was torn. She wanted to comfort her dad and get him to understand who Blake was, but in as little time as possible so she could get back to Blake.
"My inamorata, you know where I'll be: where I'll always be. Waiting. For you." Blake began putting the mask on.
Livia looked around wildly, feeling close to irrational. "I don't want you to go." These words were inadequate to express her need.
Blake smoothed her hair away from her face. "I've often wished I had a father. L ~ Debra Anastasia
Get Me Going quotes by Debra Anastasia
Trust nothing, suspect everything. If you want to figure out the truth, you shouldn't just be standing here, trying to get me to talk. Go out and see color for yourself. ~ Marie Lu
Get Me Going quotes by Marie Lu
But no matter what I do, it will always get me, bother me, and you know what this is, what gets me, and will continue to get me throughout my existence? It's that we as humans will never know the results of the other choice. What would have happened if I chose that instead of this? Naturally, the results or consequences would probably be different, perhaps very different. More importantly, would the other option have been the better choice? We will never know. I will never know. And this will always get me. ~ Jack Serv
Get Me Going quotes by Jack Serv
I like playing on stage, don't get me wrong. ~ John Oates
Get Me Going quotes by John Oates
My goal is to make something special and pure, and that keeps me going, keeps me busy on the path of sobriety. ~ Ariel Pink
Get Me Going quotes by Ariel Pink
In my own life, I have noticed when I have been meeting directors, that the same sentence with the same inflection can be said by a man, like: "Get me this." But if the same thing is said by a woman, it's seen as harsh and unacceptable. That always fascinates me. ~ Meryl Streep
Get Me Going quotes by Meryl Streep
I definitely use my music to kind of alleviate my stress and get me through specific moments in time where I'm just being really tough on myself. ~ Idina Menzel
Get Me Going quotes by Idina Menzel
I love my girlfriend, don't get me wrong. I truly love this woman, but I have the ability to have sex without any emotional involvement. It's a gift. ~ Adam Ferrara
Get Me Going quotes by Adam Ferrara
You couldn't get me to go travel around and sit in a hotel room again. I have no interest in doing that. So everybody's happy. I am, at 74. Some people like doing it, but I never was much for that, anyway. It's a lot of work. So the only thing I miss about all of it is the camaraderie of the tour, but that doesn't offset the rest of it. ~ Phil Everly
Get Me Going quotes by Phil Everly
What kept me going through all the years? More than anything, the love of and respect for competition. That's what it comes down to for me. That's why I do this. ~ Lesley Visser
Get Me Going quotes by Lesley Visser
Don't get me wrong-painting's all right. But now that we have photography, what's the point? ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Get Me Going quotes by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
God uses people to help others. I only pray my faith is strong enough to get me through what I have to face. ~ Jennifer Hudson Taylor
Get Me Going quotes by Jennifer Hudson Taylor
We've instrumentalized niceness as a way of greasing the social wheels, yet it's often a ruse. We're polite and we don't disagree to get through daily existence with the least degree of friction. But by turning niceness into a lubricant, we've leeched it of meaning. A smile and a nod might signify "Get me out of here!" as much as it means "Nice to meet you." That's ~ Chris Voss
Get Me Going quotes by Chris Voss
One thing has always kept me going - and it's not really courage or bravery, unless that's what courage or bravery is made of - is that sense that there are so many ways in which I'm vulnerable and cannot help but be vulnerable, I'm not going to be more vulnerable by putting weapons of silence in my enemies' hands. Being an open lesbian in the Black community is not easy, although being closeted is even harder. ~ Audre Lorde
Get Me Going quotes by Audre Lorde
I feel like a pink worm in the core of this green room, as though I have eaten my way in and should be working on becoming a butterfly, or something. I'm not real awake, here, at the moment. I hear somebody coughing. I hear my heart beating and the high-pitched sound which is my nervous system doing its thing. Oh, God, let today be a normal day. Let me be normally befuddled, normally nervous; get me to the church on time, in time. Let me not startle anyone, especially myself. Let me get through our wedding day as best I can, with no special effects. Deliver Clare from unpleasant scenes. Amen. ~ Audrey Niffenegger
Get Me Going quotes by Audrey Niffenegger
Don't get me wrong, being rich was fucking awesome. If anyone tells you being rich isn't awesome then they're not doing the whole being rich thing right. ~ Barbie Bohrman
Get Me Going quotes by Barbie Bohrman
Everybody should have their own personal logo. Mine is a smiley face that's winking, as if I'm passing on secret knowledge. But it's not like I tell just anybody. My secrets are so sought after that the NSA is always whispering at me to try to get me to give them something, anything. ~ Jarod Kintz
Get Me Going quotes by Jarod Kintz
Looking down, I noticed the blood spreading across the marble floor and onto my fucking shoes. "Damn it. Get me new shoes as well." Hanging up, I dried my hands and stared at the bodies around me, just as another fool stepped in. He froze, looking first at the blood and then to me. "Anger issues," I said to him reaching for my gun. ~ J.J. McAvoy
Get Me Going quotes by J.J. McAvoy
A smile is just such an amazing thing. And to think that some of those people can now smile because they can see you, that gives me that sort of charge, energy ... that's what powers up my batteries. That's the joy that I have and that keeps me going. That's my rocket fuel, I suppose. ~ Gabi Hollows
Get Me Going quotes by Gabi Hollows
Pitchers did me a favor when they knocked me down. It made me more determined. I wouldn't let that pitcher get me out. They say you can't hit if you're on your back, but I didn't hit on my back. I got up. ~ Frank Robinson
Get Me Going quotes by Frank Robinson
It seemed to me that I had barely reached the Court when people were trying to get me off. ~ William O. Douglas
Get Me Going quotes by William O. Douglas
If he hadn't lied to you, he would have been a different person than he is.' She is trying to get me to see that although I thought I loved this man very completely for exactly who he was, I was in fact blind to the man he actually was, or is. ~ Maggie Nelson
Get Me Going quotes by Maggie Nelson
My mom keeps me going, man. She deserves such a good life. I just wanna give it to her. My dad, too. My family, my friends, they keep me motivated. Just knowing my personal legend, just knowing what I'm supposed to do, that keeps me going. ~ Big Sean
Get Me Going quotes by Big Sean
I'm a breakfast type of guy. Don't get me wrong. I can cook, I'm kinda nice on the burner, but I enjoy making breakfast. I do it all ... Scrambled eggs ... French toast ... Pancakes ... Breakfast is my thing. ~ Ja Rule
Get Me Going quotes by Ja Rule
No, I'm not angry. I'm furious. Livid. I'm beyond. If anger were the circles of hell, I'd be sitting there in the ninth one with fucking Lucifer himself. No. I'd kick Lucifer out. I'd be too angry for Lucifer. For fucking Satan. Do you get me? ~ Aminah Mae Safi
Get Me Going quotes by Aminah Mae Safi
Cover versions, that's my forte, that's all I ever used to do. When you play your own songs, it's quite scary, 'cause I'm quite honest and open, they can be very revealing. But covers, I don't have to think about, just get me up there! ~ Ellie Goulding
Get Me Going quotes by Ellie Goulding
Grandma Mazur stood two feet back from my mother. "I gotta get me a pair if those," she said, eyeballing my shorts. "I've still got pretty good legs, you know." She raised her skirt and looked down at her knees. "What do you think? You think I'd look good in them biker things?" Grandma Mazur had knees like doorknobs. ~ Janet Evanovich
Get Me Going quotes by Janet Evanovich
I was looped in on your little romantic quest. The only way to get me out without it looking suspicious was to suggest that I come after you dumb asses, since I supposedly know your crappy personality so well. ~ Alexandra Bracken
Get Me Going quotes by Alexandra Bracken
Well,that all worked out nicely," Edward said from my hand.
"Yup." I sat down and propped the postcard upright against my books. "Thanks."
"Whatever for?"
"Being real,I guess. I'm pretty sure this paper about your life will get me into NYU.Which,when you think about it, is a pretty great gift from a guy I've never met who's been dead for a hundred years."
Edward smiled. It was nice to see. "My pleasure,darling girl. I must say, I like this spark of confidence in you."
"About time,huh?"
"Yes,well.Have you forgiven the Bainbridge boy?"
"For hiding you."
"He wasn't.I was hiding me." I gave Edward a look before he could gloat. "Yeah,yeah. You've always been very wise. But this isn't really about my forgiving Alex,is it?"
He had the grace to look a little embarrassed. "I suppose not. So?"
"So.I think you were a good guy, Edward. I think you probably would have told everyone exactly how you felt about Marina of you could have.If she hadn't been married, maybe, or if you'd lived longer. I think maybe all the pictures of you did of her were your public delcaration. Whaddya think? Can I write that? Is it the truth?"
"Oh,Ella." His face was sad again, just the way he'd cast it in bronze. But it was kinda bittersweet now, not as heartbroken. "I would give my right arm to be able to answer that for you.You know I would."
"You don't have a right arm,Mr. Willing. Left,either." I picked up the card again. "Fuhgeddabo ~ Melissa Jensen
Get Me Going quotes by Melissa Jensen
Making a film, it uses a certain ... 'pretend-muscle,' I don't know what you want to call it. It exhausts something in me, I find. It has to be really something to get me interested. ~ Jeff Bridges
Get Me Going quotes by Jeff Bridges
Mr Norrell determined to establish himself in London with all possible haste. "You must get a house, Childermass," he said. "Get me a house that says to those that visit it that magic is a respectable profession - no less than Law and a great deal more so than Medicine."
Childermass inquired drily if Mr Norrell wished him to seek out architecture expressive of the proposition that magic was as respectable as the Church?
Mr Norrell (who knew there were such things as jokes in the world or people would not write about them in books, but who had never actually been introduced to a joke or shaken its hand) considered a while before replying at last that no, he did not think they could quite claim that. ~ Susanna Clarke
Get Me Going quotes by Susanna Clarke
There's no reason to stop. Who knows what's around the bend? To participate, meet new people. It's mostly other musicians and people like you, or anybody I meet who's in this, that keeps me going. ~ Stephen Malkmus
Get Me Going quotes by Stephen Malkmus
I don't know what my assistant would do besides get me pot. ~ Zach Galifianakis
Get Me Going quotes by Zach Galifianakis
We don't live in a jazz world, unfortunately. I think if I had lived in a jazz world, I would have done OK. I'm not sure I would have done great. I'm a lover of jazz music, so I would have been happy, don't get me wrong. I go to jazz concerts like the biggest jazz fan in world. The drag is that I don't play jazz for a living. ~ George Benson
Get Me Going quotes by George Benson
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of killing unwanted babies, it's just that the idea of letting women make a decision doesn't sit well with me. ~ Zach Braff
Get Me Going quotes by Zach Braff
It is hard to get mad at Donald Trump for saying stupid things, in the same way you don't get mad at a monkey when he throws poop at you at the zoo ... What does get me angry is the ridiculous, disingenuous defending of the poop-throwing monkey. ~ Jon Stewart
Get Me Going quotes by Jon Stewart
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