If You Want To Do Something Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about If You Want To Do Something.

Quotes About If You Want To Do Something

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If you want to do something that really changes someone's life, the best thing you can do is make the person you're trying to help a participant in the process. ~ John Stahl-Wert
If You Want To Do Something quotes by John Stahl-Wert
There are no short cuts. If you want to do something special, there's a serious price to pay. There's no way around it. ~ Tom Thibodeau
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Tom Thibodeau
If you want to do something very praiseworthy and very saintly, make a child happy! ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Mehmet Murat Ildan
If you want to do something for Jah, then dont associate with people who do nothing ~ Rihanna
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Rihanna
If you want to do something, try it! The worst anyone you ask for help can do is say no. ~ Anne Beatts
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Anne Beatts
If you want to do something in your life,

share everything but never your ideas. ~ Vikash Shrivastava
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Vikash Shrivastava
If you want to do something and you have a goal, do it, don't wait, because your channel might change sometime soon - and quite unexpectedly. ~ Sean Swarner
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Sean Swarner
When I teach classes at the School of Visual Arts,, I'll ask the students, 'How many of you have been to a museum this year?' Nobody raises their hand and I go into a tirade. If you want to do something sharp and innovative, you have to know what went on before. ~ George Lois
If You Want To Do Something quotes by George Lois
If you want to do something creative, life won't wait. ~ Hilary Reyl
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Hilary Reyl
I believe fully that if you want to do something, you just go do it. You can sit around, think about it, waiting until things are perfect, wringing your hands, dithering and hesitating and slowly twisting your panties into a perfect little fisherman's knot. Or you can get up off your lazy fucking ass and do something. What's the worst that can happen? ~ Aisha Tyler
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Aisha Tyler
If you want to do something, anything, with all your heart, you will find a way. ~ Pat Farmer
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Pat Farmer
If you want to be all like smart and adult about this shit then do the right thing. But if you want to do something fun and take a chance, then screw what anyone else thinks. Rock and roll, man! ~ Karina Halle
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Karina Halle
If you want to do something, do it! ~ Plautus
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Plautus
If you want to do something then be the best. ~ Garrett Morgan
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Garrett Morgan
Every single person, pretty much, is taught what they're supposed to do: go to school, get a job, find someone to love, get married, have kids, raise the kids, and then die. Nobody questions that. What if you want to do something different? ~ Aziz Ansari
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Aziz Ansari
If you want to do something extraordinary, there's always risk involved. I was always willing to take that risk. ~ Felix Baumgartner
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Felix Baumgartner
Pain is a spiritual wake-up call showing you that there are oceans you have not yet explored. Step beyond the world you know. Reach for heights that you never thought possible. Go to places you have deemed off limits. This is the time to take off the shell of your past and step into the rich possibilities of your future. God does not give us dreams that we cannot fulfill. If you want to do something great with your life-whether it's to fall madly in love, become a teacher, be a great parent-if you aspire to do something beyond what you are doing now, this is the time to begin. Trust yourself. ~ Debbie Ford
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Debbie Ford
People that don't know and hear about it, they start to think that all the people that do jiu-jitsu smokes pot, is a drug addict. Here I am fighting for something good, and the guy is fighting for something bad, in my point of view. I can't agree with that, what he represents. Nothing to do with his jiu-jitsu, his school. If you want to do something like that, do it in private. Keep it to yourself. ~ Royce Gracie
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Royce Gracie
If you want to do something courageous, try Love. ~ Sean King
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Sean King
If you want to do something for your children and show how much you love them, the single best thing-by far-is to support organizations that will create a better world for them and their children. ~ Michael Bloomberg
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Michael Bloomberg
They think the government shows people everything - how to work, study, eat, sleep and that's it. They are afraid of change. They do not understand that if you want to do something, you should do it. You are free, people, free! ~ Anton Krotov
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Anton Krotov
As a lawyer's daughter, I'd always known that if you want to do something, no matter how far-fetched it may seem to other, you should seek legal advice. ~ Marcia Tucker
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Marcia Tucker
People think they are coming to me for advice," Mampanyin said, "but really, they come to me for permission. If you want to do something, do it. ~ Yaa Gyasi
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Yaa Gyasi
If you want to do something, Go for it you've got nothing to loose ~ Louis Tomlinson
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Louis Tomlinson
If you want to do something evil, put it inside something boring. Apple could put the entire text of "Mein Kampf" inside the iTunes user agreement, and you'd just go agree, agree, agree - what? - agree, agree. ~ John Oliver
If You Want To Do Something quotes by John Oliver
What's right? If you want something, you have the right to take it. If you want to do something, you have the right to do it. ~ Bret Easton Ellis
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Bret Easton Ellis
If you want to do something, you find a way. ~ Amber Heard
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Amber Heard
The important thing is staying together if you want to do something special. ~ Yannick Noah
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Yannick Noah
If you want to do something dangerous ... Don't tell your girlfriend! ~ Christopher Titus
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Christopher Titus
Don't ask about the consequences if you want to do something. Otherwise you'll never do it. ~ Erich Maria Remarque
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Erich Maria Remarque
If you want to do something and you feel in your bones that it's the right thing to do, do it. Intuition is often as important as the facts. 663 ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
If You Want To Do Something quotes by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Stop waiting for life to show up. You don't live life by waiting for it to come to you; you live through actions. You want to travel? Then travel. You want to write? Then write. You want to live? Then live. Your life is in no one's hands but your own. If you want to do something, no one is stopping you except yourself. There isn't going to be a perfect moment, time, or opportunity: there is only now. You've been waiting for a sign? Here it is: to truly live, you actually have to participate. Get up and get going. Now. ~ Avina Celeste
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Avina Celeste
The second thing is, if you want to do something about global warming, you have to think much more long-term. There is something wrong with saying we should start using renewables now, while they are still incredibly expensive. ~ Bjorn Lomborg
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Bjorn Lomborg
Every habit and faculty is confirmed and strengthened by the corresponding actions, that of walking by walking, that of running by running. If you wish to be a good reader, read; if you wish to be a good writer, write. If you should give up reading for thirty days one after the other, and be engaged in something else, you will know what happens. So also if you lie in bed for ten days, get up and try to take a rather long walk, and you will see how wobbly your legs are. In general, therefore, if you want to do something, make a habit of it; if you want not to do something, refrain from doing it, and accustom yourself to something else instead. ~ Epictetus
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Epictetus
If you want to do something, then you do it. If you don't want to do something, don't just do it because your friends are doing it, or because all the popular kids are doing it. ~ Alia Shawkat
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Alia Shawkat
At your age - says Mr. Hughees -, you think getting old and dying's what other people do. At my age, you think, Where did it all go? If you want to do something, do it. 'Cause your turn to be in that box, it's coming. No doctor, no diet, no nothing'll keep it away. It'll be here. Quick as - she snaps her fingers and Elf blinks - that. ~ David Mitchell
If You Want To Do Something quotes by David Mitchell
If you want to do something you have to imagine it. If you don't imagine it, it will never happen ~ Muhammad Yunus
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Muhammad Yunus
One's state of mind is three-quarters of what counts, so it has to be carefully nurtured if you want to do something great and lasting. ~ Paul Gauguin
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Paul Gauguin
If you want to do something different, you're going to come up against a lot of naysayers. ~ James Dyson
If You Want To Do Something quotes by James Dyson
I kinda like this Jay-Z thing, where he's retired, but he keeps doing shows. I think I beat him to that. If you say you're retired, people don't bother you so much, and then if you want to do something, you can do it. ~ Bill Murray
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Bill Murray
If you want to do something really big, do it as part of a team. ~ John C. Maxwell
If You Want To Do Something quotes by John C. Maxwell
So if I can give anyone advice in this business on love and balancing, it's that you truly have to take a second, step back, to figure out who you are and what you want. And it is okay if those people around you don't fit into that. Because what you don't want to do is end up living your life for someone else. ~ Eva Marcille
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Eva Marcille
If you could have looked into my heart then when I want to laugh, if you could have done so when the laugh arrived, if you could do so now, when King Laugh have pack up his crown, and all that is to him, for he go far, far away from me, and for a long, long time, maybe you would perhaps pity me the most of all. ~ Bram Stoker
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Bram Stoker
At the end of the day, you either want or you don't want to know about it. It's a mercy thing - you have to give back. However you do it, you have to give something back. You have to. ~ Thierry Henry
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Thierry Henry
Funny how you never hear novelists or painters say they work in the 'creative industries', but only squalid little advertising people. How could this be? (.....)

If you listen to advertisers, you'd think they're the fucking Oracle and that for a fee they'll slip you the Answer. They are obsessed with being seen as 'creative', but what they do seems rather to be 'parasitical' : pinching cultural innovations and using them to persuade people that they want stuff. So there's a dilemma for us all to think 'creatively' about. ~ Steve Lowe
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Steve Lowe
The hardest thing about being a manager is realizing that your people will not do things the way that you would. But get used to it. Because if you try to force them to, then two things happen. They become resentful - they don't want to do it. And they become dependent - they can't do it. Neither of these is terribly productive for the long haul. ~ Marcus Buckingham
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Marcus Buckingham
What if - is more complicated than that? What if maybe opposite is true as well? Because, if bad can sometimes come from good actions - ? where does it ever say, anywhere, that only bad can come from bad actions? Maybe sometimes - the wrong way is the right way? You can take the wrong path and it still comes out where you want to be? Or, spin it another way, sometimes you can do everything wrong and it still turns out to be right? ~ Donna Tartt
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Donna Tartt
Nothing among all human emotions is more beautiful and more hopeless than the wish to be loved for oneself alone. Who are you anyway, next to countless others, to deserve such preference ? We do not want to be interchangeable; let no one be able to pinch-it for us. A figurative unmistakability claiming to be spatial and siritual. As though the earth had only one heaven, and heaven only one earth, we lay claim to the validity of both and, if we have one, we want to be the other. In reality, however, we are filled with planets, and countless heavens open their doors to us. ~ Elias Canetti
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Elias Canetti
It was one of those rare times of shared happiness, of perfect contentment. We had a feeling of expectation, that what was already wonderful would only get better and better as time went on. These moments are one of the rarest, most fragile things in the world. You have to seize the day; you have to recall all the rotten, dirty things you endured to earn this peace. You have to remember to enjoy each minute, each hour, because although you may feel like it's going to last forever, the world plans otherwise. You want to be grateful for every precious second, but you simply can't do it. It's not in human nature to live life to the fullest. Haven't your ever noticed that equal amounts of pain and joy are not, in fact, equal in duration? Pain drags on until you wonder if life will ever be bearable again; pleasure, though, once it's reached its peak, fades faster than a trodden gardenia, and your memory searches in vain for the sweet scent. ~ George Alec Effinger
If You Want To Do Something quotes by George Alec Effinger
I've always believed that you have to have the skills before you destroy the skills. If you want to be crude, be crude, but don't be crude because you don't know how to do it, because you're not perfect at drawing and pattern-cutting. ~ Louise Wilson
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Louise Wilson
If I'm scared and I'm a coward, why do you guys want to see me fight? ~ Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
I go out of my way to make sure you don't have any reason to feel jealous, but when you do get possessive, I like it. I want you to fight for me. I want you to care that much. I want you crazy about me. But possessiveness without trust is hell. If you don't trust me, we've got nothing. ~ Sylvia Day
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Sylvia Day
There is no method of self-knowledge. Seeking a method invariably implies the desire to attain some result – and that is what we all want. We follow authority – if not that of a person, then of a system, of an ideology – because we want a result that will be satisfactory, which will give us security. We really do not want to understand ourselves, our impulses and reactions, the whole process of our thinking, the conscious as well as the unconscious; we would rather pursue a system that assures us of a result. But the pursuit of a system is invariably the outcome of our desire for security, for certainty, and the result is obviously not the understand of oneself., When we follow a method, we must have authorities – the teacher, the guru, the savior, the Master – who will guarantee us what we desire, and surely that is not the way of self-knowledge. Authority prevents the understanding of oneself, does it not? Under the shelter of an authority, a guide, you may have temporarily a sense of security, a sense of well-being, but that is not the understanding of the total process of oneself. Authority in its very nature prevents the full awareness of oneself and therefore ultimately destroys freedom; in freedom alone can there be creativeness. There can be creativeness only through self-knowledge. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Jiddu Krishnamurti
There are two ways of making yourself stand out from the crowd. One is by having a job so big you can go home before the bell rings if you want to. The other is by finding so much to do that you must stay after the others have gone. The one who enjoys the former once took advantage of the latter. ~ Henry Ford
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Henry Ford
Hypatia: ... I don't want to be good; and I don't want to be bad: I just don't want to be bothered about either good or bad: I want to be an active verb.
Lord Summerhays: An active verb? Oh, I see.An active verb signifies to be, to do or to suffer.
Hypatia: Just so; how clever of you! I want to be; I want to do; and I'm game to suffer if it costs that. But stick here doing nothing but being good and nice and ladylike I simply won't. ~ George Bernard Shaw
If You Want To Do Something quotes by George Bernard Shaw
Oh, please." Loki stepped back, examining me with a look of disappointment. "It's only a matter of degree. So I killed a god. Big deal! He went to Niflheim and became an honored guest in my daughter's palace. And my punishment? You want to know my punishment?"

"You were tied on a stone slab," I said. "With poison from a snake dripping on your face. I know."

"Do you?" Loki pulled back his cuffs, showing me the raw scars on his wrists. "The gods were not content to punish me with eternal torture. They took out their wrath upon my two favorite sons–Vali and Narvi. They turned Vali into a wolf and watched with amusement while he disemboweled his brother Narvi. Then they shot and gutted the wolf. The gods took my innocent sons' own entrails…" Loki's voice cracked with grief. "Well, Magnus Chase, let's just say I was not bound with ropes."

Something in my chest curled up and died–possibly my hope that there was any kind of justice in the universe. "Gods."

Loki nodded. "Yes, Magnus. The gods. Think about that when you meet Thor."

"I'm meeting Thor?"

"I'm afraid so. The gods don't even pretend to deal in good and evil, Magnus. It's not the Aesir way. Might makes right. So tell me… do you really want to charge into battle on their behalf? ~ Rick Riordan
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Rick Riordan
She's all yours."
"I never said I wanted her."
"Sure you don't."
"I don't. I just want to fuck her." Even if she is the most infuriating woman I've ever met. I'll just gag her when we finally do it. ~ Samantha Towle
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Samantha Towle
It's not that we don't want to be all over the radio. I'd love to have a hit single. However, I also want to be in the business a long time and longevity is something that we all wanted. In order to have that, you have to be true to what you do and to each other. ~ Margo Timmins
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Margo Timmins
This is the third night you've kept me up crying. Thought I'd give your mother a rest. Right now you haven't mastered English yet so I thought I'd put this on film for you. I want to show you something. Tony, see that? I built that for you and someday you're going to realize that it represents a lot more than just people's inventions. It represents my life's work. Someday you'll figure it out, and when you do, you'll do even bigger things with your life. I just know it. You're the future. I've created so much in y life, but you know what is the thing I'm proudest of? You. My son. The secret to the future is here! ~ Alex Irvine
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Alex Irvine
What [Tulio Serafin] said that impressed me was: "When one wants to find a gesture, when you want to find how to act on stage, all you have to do is listen to the music. The composer has already seen to that." If you take the trouble to really listen with your soul and with your ears - and I say soul and ears because the mind must work, but not too much also - you will find every gesture there. And it is all true, you know. ~ Maria Callas
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Maria Callas
If you tell me no, I will be silent. If you prefer, I shall never ask again. But you should know that I would plead on my knees. If I thought you wanted me there.'

"To win my help?"

"Be damned to your help. I want your mouth, and your hands, and your hair, and your eyes. I want to stop feeling as though half of my world has gone missing. That puts no obligation on you, none at all, but it is the truth. Do as you wish with it. ~ K.J. Charles
If You Want To Do Something quotes by K.J. Charles
If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. ~ Stephen King
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Stephen King
If the Indian people want stories written about themselves, how they want them told, they are going to have to make them, they're going to have to finance them. If you let Hollywood do it, Hollywood is going to get it wrong most of the time. ~ Ricky Schroder
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Ricky Schroder
What did you think when I first told you about the animals I found?"
He seemed confused. It obviously wasn't what he'd expected. "Violet, I was seven years old. I thought it was badass. I think I was probably even jealous."
She made a face at him. "Didn't you think it was creepy? Or that I was weird?"
"Yeah," he agreed enthusiastically. "That's why I was so jealous. I wanted to be the one finding dead bodies. You were like an animal detective or something. You were only weird 'cause you were a girl." He grinned. "But I learned to overlook that since you always took me on such cool adventures."
Violet released a breath, smiling. She knew he was telling the truth, which only made it funnier to hear him saying the words out loud. Of course, what little boy didn't want to go scavenging through the woods and digging in the dirt?
She tried again. "Did you ever tell anyone? Does your mom know?"
He lifted her hand to his mouth and rubbed her knuckles across his lower lip, his gaze locked with hers. "No," he promised. "I swore I wouldn't, not even her. I think she knows something, or at least she thinks you have the worst luck ever, since you found all those dead girls." He lowered his voice. "She was really worried about you after the shooting last year. You're like a daughter to her." He leaned close. "Of course, that makes it kind of creepy when I do things like this."
He kissed her. It was intimate. Not soft or sweet this time, it was deep and pa ~ Kimberly Derting
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Kimberly Derting
Getting unstuck is a matter of choice. If you want flourish in life make a choice today to move into that reality. You can do it. ~ Sereda Aleta Dailey
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Sereda Aleta Dailey
I want to get to a point in my career where I can be a role model. A good one. I want to say, 'I got here without drugs, and I got here without drinking or smoking. If I can do it, you can do it. I have no doubt.' I really want kids to have a chance in life. ~ Chad Michael Murray
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Chad Michael Murray
I can't spend time with people I don't enjoy. I can't do it anymore as theater. I make choices, and that's a beautiful thing about growing up, learning to say no, in a nice way, just say no. I have this friend…we just went different ways in life. Once he came to me and said, "Francis, you don't like me anymore." and I said "No, it's not that I don't like you, we've chosen different styles of life. I still have beautiful souvenirs of all the things we did together and how close we were, but the truth is it's not that you bore me, but I don't enjoy talking to you anymore and I don't want to fight with you but there's nothing in common between your life and mine nowadays". I would have never said that but he asked me. So what could I say? I said the truth. Growing up has a bit to do with that, to be able to tell the truth, to show who you are, even if it hurts. ~ Francis Mallmann
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Francis Mallmann
You've probably worked out by now that if you think courageous thoughts, you will cross busy streets without looking, and if you think sadistic, venal thoughts, you will find yourself pulling out the chair every time someone is about to sit down. You are what you think. So if you don't want to turn into your father, you don't want to think yourself into a corner like he did- you need to think yourself into the open, and the only way to do that is to enjoy not knowing whether you're right or wrong, play the game of life without trying to work out the rules. Stop judging the living, enjoy futility, don't be disillusioned with murder, remember that fasting men survive while starving men die, laugh as your illusions collapse, and above all, always bless every single minute of this silly season in hell. ~ Steve Toltz
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Steve Toltz
After I left here on Saturday, I decided never to see you again."
He was sliding the frittata under the broiler, so she could only see his profile, but damn if he didn't appear to be smirking.
"I know that, darling. It wounds my pride you won't go out with me, but I can console myself with the knowledge that when you do see me, you can't keep your knickers on for ten minutes running."
She threw her cookie at him, feigning indignation. "You bastard! Are you calling me easy?"
"I like you easy. Besides, you're not to blame. Who'd want to wear wet knickers? ~ Ruthie Knox
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Ruthie Knox
When I came out of the wagon, he had her in a dramatic dip and was giving her a kiss. I set the needle and thread next to my shirt and waited. It seemed like a good kiss. I watched with a calculating eye, dimly aware that at some point in the future I might want to kiss a lady. If i did, I wanted to do a decent job of it.
After a moment my father noticed me and stood my mother back on her feet."That will be ha'penny for the show, Master Voyeur,"he laughed. "What are you still here for, boy? I'll bet you the same ha'penny that a question slowed you down. ~ Patrick Rothfuss
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Patrick Rothfuss
You must do whatever you think is best. But I know one thing. Nothing meant more to Graystripe than your friendship and his Clan. Even when he was in RiverClan, he longed to go home. He would want to see ThunderClan as strong as it could possibly be, even if that meant accepting that he's not coming back. ~ Erin Hunter
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Erin Hunter
Do what YOU want to do because if you don't, you are nothing but your own slave.-RVM ~ R.v.m.
If You Want To Do Something quotes by R.v.m.
So you want to improve the world? Then do it. To the next person who crosses your path, say something kind, do something generous, perform a simple act of service. By doing this on a regular basis, you will indeed improve the world. ~ Richelle E. Goodrich
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Richelle E. Goodrich
You're kidding," Shane said. "Do you think I want to visit Crazy McTeeth in his lair of insanity?"
"No," Claire said, "but I'm pretty sure you won't like it if I go alone when I just kind of promised to be with you. So ... ?"
"Right. I've been missing Nutty McFang anyway."
"Stop making up names for him."
"What about Count Crackula?"
"Just stop. ~ Rachel Caine
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Rachel Caine
I pray because I am real clear that what I am doing and how I am doing it is my service, is my ministry, and so I want to be in perfect alignment with my creator. I do not care who you are. If I do not get the okay on the inside, you will not be showing up on the outside. ~ Iyanla Vanzant
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Iyanla Vanzant
Invention is by its very nature disruptive. If you want to be understood at all times, then don't do anything new. ~ Jeff Bezos
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Jeff Bezos
People always ask me if I hate the nuns. Do I make my movies extra dirty to piss them off? I always say no, that's not the point. To a Catholic, a movie is only dirty if it makes you want to have sex more. If it makes you feel sick, disgusted, ashamed of your own body, then it's not a dirty movie at all. It's a Catholic movie. And I make very Catholic movies. ~ Kevin Smith
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Kevin Smith
It's funny. All you have to do is say something nobody understands and they'll do practically anything you want them to. ~ J.D. Salinger
If You Want To Do Something quotes by J.D. Salinger
I promise to tell you everything you want, but first I want something from you in return.
What do you want? Olivia asked.
I want a kiss, William said. You and I, we're making a deal of sorts ... a bargain that we will keep each other's secrets ... ~ Evette Davis
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Evette Davis
Where did you get your tat?"
"Aaron's shop. You want to get a tat?" he asked, grinning as if this was hilarious.
"I have one," I said, rolling the ball into the gutter. "It's not finished though."
"How come?"
"My brother interrupted the tattoo and I never had the money to get it done again."
"No, I meant how come you're such a bad bowler? Is it genetic?" he asked. "Like do you come from a long line of people who can't make a ball roll in a straight line?"
"You're hilarious."
"I try, Pixie Dust. ~ Bijou Hunter
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Bijou Hunter
You may want to change the place or the direction of the Moon or you may do something more practical: You accept the Moon as it is! ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Mehmet Murat Ildan
And if doctor says that you don't have IBS with constipation, you might want to get a second opinion, because I had doctors that were telling me ... of course, a lot of this has to do with science - progressing. ~ Cybill Shepherd
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Cybill Shepherd
Rule One: Make friends with death
Tailgating in the Antarctic is no joke. We are trying to do nothing less ambitious than reverse the course of history. We want Team Krill to defeat Team Whale.
Look, if you want to tailgate in comfort, don't get on the boat. You can buy some quail eggs or snails or whatever you people eat and you can watch the Food Chain Games on your flat TV. Stay in Los Angeles. Hug your wife on your plush banquette. Cheer for the Antarctic minke whales, like every other asshole.
No, wait a second, here comes the real Rule One: if you are a supporter of Team Whale, you can go fuck yourself, my fine sir.
This list is for the fans of Team Krill. ~ Karen Russell
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Karen Russell
A good play is a good play. If you want to chalk up your rejection letters to the fact that you're a woman, that's your choice. But often you get a rejection letter because your play isn't ready. Or the time isn't ready for your play. And that has nothing to do with gender. ~ Jane Anderson
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Jane Anderson
I don't think you can ever do too much. Life would be so boring if you didn't have these, like, holes to fall into and climb out of. I want to do everything. I just want everything. I don't think you can ever have too much. ~ Courtney Love
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Courtney Love
If you asked an 18-year-old what they want to do with their life, and the options are 'Transformers' or Lars von Trier, he's probably shipping out for 'Transformers.' If you ask a 26-year-old what he wants to do, 'Transformers' or Lars von Trier, he'd probably pick Lars von Trier. So, my sensibilities are changing as I change. ~ Shia Labeouf
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Shia Labeouf
It's easy to hear the voices of others and often very difficult to hear your own. Every person you meet is going to want something different from you. The question is: what do you want for yourself? ~ Beyonce Knowles
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Beyonce Knowles
He pushes his hair, soaked from the snow, out of his eyes. "So what are we going to do, break a window? Look for a back door?"
"I'm just going to walk in," I say. "I'm her son."
"You also betrayed her and left the city when she forbade anyone from doing that," he says, "and she sent people after you to stop you. People with guns."
"You can stay here if you want," I say.
"Where the serum goes, I go," he says. "But if you get shot at, I'm going to grab it and run."
"I don't expect anything more."
He is a strange sort of person. ~ Veronica Roth
If You Want To Do Something quotes by Veronica Roth
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