Thoroughbred Horse Racing Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Thoroughbred Horse Racing.

Quotes About Thoroughbred Horse Racing

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The secret is, first, get a thoroughbred horse because they are the most nervous animals on earth. Then get the biggest gun you can find and make sure the starter fires that big gun right by the nervous thoroughbred's ear. ~ Jesse Owens
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Jesse Owens
When the striped pole slips by I slide low in the saddle and give Kali room to go. One moment she's bottled up, and the next she's a stream of copper, her chestnut mane smacking me hard in the face while her strides lengthen and everything becomes a droning rumble of hooves and wind. ~ Mara Dabrishus
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Mara Dabrishus
On a horse that consistently hung left-The best thing you can do is put a bit of lead in his right ear, to act as a counterbalance ... with a shotgun. ~ Lester Piggott
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Lester Piggott
Polo, racing and horse shows all are doing great work to help the farmer and rancher to raise better horses. ~ Will Rogers
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Will Rogers
I have been in the speculative game ever since I was fourteen. It is all I have ever done. I think I know what I am talking about. And the conclusion that I have reached after nearly thirty years of constant trading, both on a shoestring and with millions of dollars back of me, is this: A man may beat a stock or a group at a certain time, but no man living can beat the stock market! A man may make money out of individual deals in cotton or grain, but no man can beat the cotton market or the grain market. It's like the track. A man may beat a horse race, but he cannot beat horse racing. ~ Jesse Livermore
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Jesse Livermore
Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people. ~ W.C. Fields
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by W.C. Fields
My hobbies away from horse racing would be reading and painting; I love art. ~ Chantal Sutherland
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Chantal Sutherland
I bought my first horse when I was 15. I always loved racing and I started studying about breeding and I've been doing it now for 30 years, so I have some credibility. ~ David Cassidy
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by David Cassidy
Football is only once a week. NASCAR is once a week. Those sports are insanely popular. Horse racing is oversaturated. Unless tracks cut back to three days a week of full fields, a lot of people will really hurt down the road. Horse racing, to survive, has to go to that. Let's face it: Churchill Downs only does well on Derby Week. ~ Rick Pitino
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Rick Pitino
To pilot a racehorse is to ride a half-ton catapult. It is without question one of the most formidable feats in sport. ~ Laura Hillenbrand
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Laura Hillenbrand
Along with my passion for horse breeding, I was a horse racing enthusiast ... In 1974 I was elected as a committee member and subsequently as a steward of the Turf Club. I had a burning desire to clean up the sport, which had always carried the stigma of gambling and manipulation. ~ Cyrus S. Poonawalla
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Cyrus S. Poonawalla
But what truly horsey girls discover in the end is that boyfriends, husbands, children, and careers are the substitute-for horses ~ Jane Smiley
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Jane Smiley
I have stood in a bar in Lambourn and been offered, in the space of five minutes, a poached salmon, a leg of a horse, a free trip to Chantilly, marriage, a large unsolicited loan, ten tips for a ten-horse race, two second-hand cars, a fight, and the copyright to a dying jockey's life story. ~ Jeffrey Bernard
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Jeffrey Bernard
Books on horse racing subjects have never done well, and I am told that publishers had come to think of them as the literary version of box office poison. ~ Laura Hillenbrand
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Laura Hillenbrand
Money, horse racing and women: three things the boys just can't figure out. ~ Will Rogers
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Will Rogers
A horse gallops with his lungs, perseveres with his heart, and wins with his character. ~ Federico Tesio
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Federico Tesio
If I am asked to give advice to those who are inclined to spend their time and their money on the Turf I should give them the advice 'Punch' gave to those about to marry
– don't." --5th Earl of Roseberry

The Fast Set: The World of Edwardian Racing by George Plumptre, 1985. ~ D.E. Ireland
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by D.E. Ireland
A good jockey doesn't need orders and a bad jockey couldn't carry them out anyway; so it's best not to give them any. ~ Lester Piggott
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Lester Piggott
I am still under the impression that there is nothing alive quite so beautiful as a thoroughbred horse. ~ John Galsworthy
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by John Galsworthy
Vacations in my family are rare events squeezed between races. I can count them on one hand, and even those amount to only a few hours each. Shopping in Los Angeles. Sinking my toes into snow white sand in Florida. They are tiny slips of memory strung around horses. ~ Mara Dabrishus
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Mara Dabrishus
I don't play golf, and I'm not into horse racing. ~ Lloyd Dorfman
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Lloyd Dorfman
A human can be a real prick but maintain the capacity for good and a good hearted soul is capable of great evil. Never judge a person as absolutely one way or another because you sell the human race short when you do. ~ Jim McGarrah
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Jim McGarrah
Celaena had a sudden moment of clarity then, as her hair ripped from her braid and the wind tore at her clothes. Of all the girls in all the world, here she was on a spit of beach in the Red Desert, astride an Asterion horse, racing faster than the wind. Most would never experience this - she would never experience anything like this again. And for that one heartbeat, when there was nothing more to it than that, she tasted bliss so complete that she tipped her head back to the sky and laughed. ~ Sarah J. Maas
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Sarah J. Maas
If horse racing is the sport of kings, then drag racing must be the sport of queens. ~ Bert Sugar
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Bert Sugar
Fascination with horses predated every other single thing I knew. Before I was a mother, before I was a writer, before I knew the facts of life, before I was a schoolgirl, before I learned to read, I wanted a horse. ~ Jane Smiley
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Jane Smiley
Football management is such a pressurised thing - horseracing is a release. I'm also learning to play the piano - I'm quite determined - it's another release from the pressure of my job. ~ Alex Ferguson
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Alex Ferguson
If you want to understand the effect of weight on a horse, try running for a bus with nothing in your hands. Then try doing it with your hands full of shopping. Then think about doing that for four and a half miles. ~ Jenny Pitman
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Jenny Pitman
Sailing heart-ships through broken harbors out on the waves of the night, still the searcher must ride the dark horse racing alone in his fright. ~ Neil Young
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Neil Young
When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk: he trots the air; the earth sings when he touches it; the basest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes. ~ William Shakespeare
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by William Shakespeare
You don't have to be Einstein to see that horse racing is dangerous. Those two ambulances driving behind you aren't there for the scenery. I will never get over the fatalities of colleagues. It is the saddest and toughest part of this sport. ~ Tony McCoy
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Tony McCoy
That was the first time I saw a horse start from a kneeling position! ~ Henny Youngman
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Henny Youngman
Horse racing is waning in popularity. ~ Elayne Boosler
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Elayne Boosler
My father is a huge horse racing fan, so I was introduced to the sport long before 'Seabiscuit.' But the role made me an even bigger fan. Horse racing is one of my favorite sports. ~ Elizabeth Banks
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Elizabeth Banks
Once upon a time, before the boys were killed and when there were more horses than cars, before the male servants disappeared and they made do, at Upleigh and at Beechwood, with just a cook and a maid, the Sheringhams had owned not just four horses in their own stable, but what might be called a 'real horse', a racehorse, a thoroughbred. Its name was Fandango. It was stabled near Newbury. It had never won a damn thing. But is was the family's indulgence, their hope for fame and glory on the racecourses of southern England. The deal was that Pa and Ma - otherwise known in his strange language as 'the shower' - owned the head and body and he and Dick and Freddy had a leg each.
'What about the fourth leg?'
'Oh the fourth leg. That was always the question. ~ Graham Swift
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Graham Swift
Imagine yourself sitting on top of a great thoroughbred horse. You sit up there and you just feel that power. That's what it was like playing quarterback on that team [the Pittsburgh Steelers]. It was a great ride. ~ Terry Bradshaw
Thoroughbred Horse Racing quotes by Terry Bradshaw
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