Soap Opera Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Soap Opera.

Quotes About Soap Opera

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Union with God is not something we acquire by a technique but the grounding truth of our lives that engenders the very search for God. Because God is the ground of our being, the relationship between creature and Creator is such that, by sheer grace, separation is not possible. God does not know how to be absent. The fact that most of us experience throughout most of our lives a sense of absence or distance from God is the great illusion that we are caught up in; it is the human condition. The sense of separation from God is real, but the meeting of stillness reveals that this perceived separation does not have the last word.

This illusion of separation is generated by the mind and is sustained by the riveting of our attention to the interior soap opera, the constant chatter of the cocktail party going on in our heads. For most of us this is what normal is, and we are good at coming up with ways of coping with this perceived separation (our consumer-driven entertainment culture takes care of much of it). But some of us are not so good at coping, and so we drink ourselves into oblivion or cut or burn ourselves "so that the pain will be in a different place and on the outside."

The grace of salvation, the grace of Christian wholeness that flowers in silence, dispels this illusion of separation. For when the mind is brought to stillness, and all our strategies of acquisition have dropped, a deeper truth presents itself: we are and have always been one wit ~ Martin Laird
Soap Opera quotes by Martin Laird
It was the tale of a woman scorned, a woman locked in battle over her man, her money, her children, and her rights as a long-term wife. It was a morality tale of Biblical proportions, involving adultery and covetousness, all of it wrapped in a great big flag emblazoned with the almighty U.S. dollar - and concluding in what, on the face of it, appeared to be a most blood-curdling case of stark, premeditated murder in the first degree. Shooting them in their sleep? No soap opera writer could have concocted better. ~ Bella Stumbo
Soap Opera quotes by Bella Stumbo
He reminded me of the typical soap-opera star. His words were fake, his smile was fake, and his very presence affected me like nails on a chalkboard. ~ Jamie McGuire
Soap Opera quotes by Jamie McGuire
Sessioning is simply the process of showing your player an exit for a play session. It might seem counterintuitive, but it appears in a great number of successful F2P titles. It is, to reuse the soap opera analogy, a cliffhanger. ~ Will Luton
Soap Opera quotes by Will Luton
I think one of the great strengths of 'The Flash' is just how close everyone is on the show. They tend not to have these raging conflicts, like what we keep giving everybody on 'Arrow.' That show is more of a soap opera, and I don't say that derogatorily. ~ Andrew Kreisberg
Soap Opera quotes by Andrew Kreisberg
In Europe, I'm recognized on the street sometimes. And that's cool, because I don't have to live there and deal with it every day. Unless you're Stephen King - a great writer, by the way, and anyone who says different knows nothing about the craft - you're more likely to be recognized in America if you play in a soap opera than if you're a novelist. ~ George Pelecanos
Soap Opera quotes by George Pelecanos
I like soap opera acting. If it's done really well, there's nothing better. It's old school. It's like what those melodramas in the '30s and '40s were like. ~ Parker Posey
Soap Opera quotes by Parker Posey
I only use my sick days for hang-overs and soap opera weddings. ~ Kate O'Brien
Soap Opera quotes by Kate O'Brien
The soap opera was so long ago - the thing about soap operas, and there's something to be said for doing it, but you do a script a day. I don't want to say it's a training ground; it really isn't, but what it does teach you is discipline. ~ Frank Grillo
Soap Opera quotes by Frank Grillo
She remained silent. There was nothing left to say. He'd said it all the night before. He had to end it. He could never leave his wife. And, in fact, she had known this. Although she loved him - and truly she did - he wasn't hers. He belonged to his wife. She'd earned him. It didn't matter that he was her first love or that she was his passion. It didn't matter that they had loved one another for more than half their lives. It didn't matter that he had married his wife on the rebound. It didn't matter that he didn't love the woman. It didn't even matter that they had turned into some soap-opera cliche. He was married to someone else and that meant that she was leftovers and destined to remain on the periphery in the shadow of another woman's marriage. But no more. She was well and truly sick of it. ~ Anna McPartlin
Soap Opera quotes by Anna McPartlin
I don't know, a lot of people go crazy about 'Breaking Bad,' but I don't like the soap opera aspect of it and only following one character. I like the context to all of it, all the pieces, like 'The Wire.' It's more about the state of things; it's not about the narrative of a person. ~ Gael Garcia Bernal
Soap Opera quotes by Gael Garcia Bernal
In television the democratization of knowledge and its pedagogical commercial exuberance have become one. Consider from the end of the nineties such BBC history shows as Surviving the Iron Age or The Ship: Retracing Cook's Endeavor Voyage - each shown 2001.... All these shows recruit volunteers who are put into environments conspicuously uncomfortable.... An emphasis on participants' surprise at the difficulties of daily life and a previously unexamined and thus taken for granted assumption of physical comfort is the formula for melodrama in these kinds of shows.... All of them are one part soap opera, one part period recreation - and with folks from our time who invite audience identification as "us," viewers mentally enacting too, playing at, reenacting, shadowing, experimenting, speculating, trying to provide evidence for, various understandings of varying pasts.... "Science" and all it stands for - knowledges broadly understood or our everyday knowledge-managed technologies - are especially lively players in the action.... ~ Katie King
Soap Opera quotes by Katie  King
Every day we see allurements of one kind or another that tell us what we have is not enough. Someone or something is forever telling us we need to be more handsome or more wealthy, more applauded or more admired than we see ourselves as being. We are told we haven't collected enough possessions or gone to enough fun places. We are bombarded with the message that on the world's scale of things we have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. Some days it is if we have been locked in a cubicle of a great and spacious building where the only thing on the TV is a never-ending soap opera entitled Vain Imaginations. But God does not work this way. ~ Jeffrey R. Holland
Soap Opera quotes by Jeffrey R. Holland
Misery loves company. This is a Hollywood soap opera, and I'm not going to be a star in another Bryant soap opera. ~ Karl Malone
Soap Opera quotes by Karl Malone
Because we're in a small town and somewhat isolated from the fast lane of high tech, we've been able to grow and concentrate on our work instead of being distracted by the competition and getting caught up in the soap opera of Silicon Valley. ~ Jack Dangermond
Soap Opera quotes by Jack Dangermond
When you work on a soap opera, that's three years of you working every day. There was no time to do anything other than the soap opera - you're locked in. ~ Nathan Fillion
Soap Opera quotes by Nathan Fillion
I started a novel in the back of a notebook, and it was great because it looked like I was taking notes. And I just, I kept it up, it was sort of fantasy, it was part soap opera. It was utterly dreadful, but that's how I got hooked. ~ Jacqueline Carey
Soap Opera quotes by Jacqueline Carey
Imagine immortality, where even a marriage of fifty years would feel like a one-night stand. Imagine seeing trends and fashions blur past you. Imagine the world more crowded and desperate every century. Imagine changing religions, homes, diets, careers, until none of them have any real value.Imagine traveling the world until you're bored with every square inch. Imagine your emotions, your loves and hates and rivalries and victories, played out again and again until life is nothing more than a melo-dramatic soap opera. Until you regard the birth and death of other people with no more emotion than the wilted cut flowers you throw away. ~ Chuck Palahniuk
Soap Opera quotes by Chuck Palahniuk
For every reader, like me, who scheduled his/her classes around their favorite soap opera. ~ Elisabeth Naughton
Soap Opera quotes by Elisabeth Naughton
Every life of a character is within a context. If I write detached from a social and political background, my story looks like a soap opera where everybody is indoors, not working and living off their emotions. ~ Isabel Allende
Soap Opera quotes by Isabel Allende
If you lower the standards of your life and expect to live life like the people in a movie or a soap opera, you are not living God's will for your life. ~ Sue Detweiler
Soap Opera quotes by Sue Detweiler
If work isn't rooted in comedy, people will turn from it, or they'll use it like soap opera. ~ Israel Horovitz
Soap Opera quotes by Israel Horovitz
If my life were still a movie, this is the part that would end up on the cutting room floor. We were all just fill-ins for a long-running soap opera. The actors changed, but the story seldom did. Certainly not the action. ~ Charles Martin
Soap Opera quotes by Charles Martin
In the case of 'The Housewives,' I call the 'Housewives' sociology of the rich. I think it's just fun to watch. It's guilt-free gossiping that you can have. It's like the modern-day soap opera, in my mind. ~ Andy Cohen
Soap Opera quotes by Andy Cohen
I kind of went into soap opera with 'General Hospital' in the '80s. It's like theater because every day it's a new script, which really doesn't have a beginning, middle or end like a play or a movie script. So you have to be on your toes and bring it every day. And you have to be spontaneous, which is really how I like to work. ~ Jack Wagner
Soap Opera quotes by Jack Wagner
Music has always played a big part in my life and, believe it or not, in my soap opera career. ~ Kassie DePaiva
Soap Opera quotes by Kassie DePaiva
Many years ago I was in another soap opera called The Newcomers which was on twice a week for three years. I really don't think I could do another stint like that again. ~ Jeremy Bulloch
Soap Opera quotes by Jeremy Bulloch
Think 'Game of Thrones.' In the old days, this sort of show might be considered bad writing. It doesn't really seem to be moving toward a crisis or climax, it has no true protagonist, and it's structured less like a TV show or a movie than a soap opera. ~ Douglas Rushkoff
Soap Opera quotes by Douglas Rushkoff
Life is an X-rated soap opera. ~ John Irving
Soap Opera quotes by John Irving
The only way to stave off boredom, in a complex domesticated primate like humankind, is to increase one's intelligence. This is not appealing to the average primate, who instead invents emotional games (soap opera and grand opera dramatics). ~ Robert Anton Wilson
Soap Opera quotes by Robert Anton Wilson
Most of my escapades were getting my Labrador dog into the back of my car to drive to Brooklyn where I worked at Avenue M Studios shooting a soap opera and battling being a 17 to 18-year-old playing twins being afraid that I was going to get fired, because who wouldn't fire me? I had no idea what I was doing. ~ Anne Heche
Soap Opera quotes by Anne Heche
You can't have a decent party for the survivors of a deadly blast without inviting the person who detonated the explosion. ~ Anthony Rubino Jr.
Soap Opera quotes by Anthony Rubino Jr.
A soap opera character on the bar TV says, "You killed him, you smothered him with doughnuts!" Another character, another scene--she is sitting in a room with a man and an elderly woman--the leas character wonders if she's dead. The man says, No, you're alive," and the other woman hands her a plate of doughnuts.
A commercial comes on. A couple are on a date and the woman's voice-over articulates interior thoughts of what a wonderful guy her friend has set her up with: "He's so cute, and his IQ is higher than my bank balance . . . but she didn't tell me he has . . . Tourette's syndrome. ~ David Byrne
Soap Opera quotes by David Byrne
'Gone With The Wind' is one of the all-time greats. Read Margaret Mitchell's book and watch the film again; it's a soap opera in all its glory. It is superb and memorable. ~ Timothy Dalton
Soap Opera quotes by Timothy Dalton
Warner leans back, just a little. "Tell me what you want," he says desperately. "Tell me what to do," he says, "and I'll do it."

"This is, by far, the craziest shit I have ever seen," Kenji says. "I really never would've believed it. Not in a million years."

"It's like a soap opera." Ian nods. "But with worse acting. ~ Tahereh Mafi
Soap Opera quotes by Tahereh Mafi
My life is just like a soap opera filmed in a psychiatric ward. - T-SHIRT ~ Darynda Jones
Soap Opera quotes by Darynda Jones
My mother became a casting director, and she cast me in a soap opera called 'One Life to Live.' I was, like, 8 years old, playing a kid who had hurt himself on a skateboard. I had, like, three lines. I did the lines, and everybody in the studio applauded - I was immediately hooked after that. I was like, 'This is the life for me.' ~ Christian Slater
Soap Opera quotes by Christian Slater
I went out to testify in front of the Ways and Means Committee out in Congress on open free trade to China. Now, this would affect literally every Minnesotan in some way or another, if not all Americans in some way or another ... The local media sent no one out to cover my testimony ... Well, then a couple weeks later, I go out to do The Young and the Restless, the TV soap opera, and everybody sends crews. We had to move them into a room in three different sections or three shifts of them because there was so much media covering that. ~ Jesse Ventura
Soap Opera quotes by Jesse Ventura
I vowed I would never do a commercial, or a soap opera - both of which I did as soon as I left the Acting Company and was starving. ~ Kevin Kline
Soap Opera quotes by Kevin Kline
It was an emergency!" Seth blurted. "Read my lips - emergency reading - not some demented idea of fun. If I was starving, I would eat asparagus. If somebody held a gun to my head, I would watch a soap opera. And to save Fablehaven, I would read a book, okay, are you happy?"
You had best be careful, Seth," Grandma warned. "The love of reading can be contagious."
I just lost my appetite," he declared ... ~ Brandon Mull
Soap Opera quotes by Brandon Mull
You made one phone call and got your hands on an obscure French soap opera?" I stare at him. "Fuck. The Life of Dean is truly glorious."

"Told ya. ~ Elle Kennedy
Soap Opera quotes by Elle Kennedy
'Friends' played in this territory of being funny, and then also just grabbing your heart. And not afraid of that. It was a comedic soap opera. Not being afraid to have an audience feel something, laugh and cry, was quite extraordinary and quite wonderful. ~ Warren Littlefield
Soap Opera quotes by Warren Littlefield
This is, by far, the craziest shit I have ever seen," Kenji says. "I really never would've believed it. Not in a million years."
"It's like a soap opera ... But with worse acting."
"I think it's kind of sweet ... ~ Tahereh Mafi
Soap Opera quotes by Tahereh Mafi
You would be amazed at the pompadour that I was rocking in the first job I had on the soap opera called 'Loving,' my first contract job. ~ Michael Weatherly
Soap Opera quotes by Michael Weatherly
I think of myself as a realistic writer, not a creator of soap opera or melodrama. ~ Joyce Maynard
Soap Opera quotes by Joyce Maynard
Permission to speak, sir?" the chief of boat of the Alexandria said.

"When do you ask, COB?" Vancel replied. "Sure."

"Hate the situation that we're in, sir," the COB said. "Really getting to hate fish. Don't want to think about what's happened ashore, sir. But this Wolf Squadron thing is like the best soap opera ever."

"And turns out she got knocked up by sitting where the guy had spewed in his sleep!"

"No fuckin' way!"

"That has got to be the lamest excuse ever! 'No, seriously, Mom, I got pregnant from a life raft deck! ~ John Ringo
Soap Opera quotes by John Ringo
Baseball is a soap opera that plays out day after day, one that a lot of elderly women watch until the characters and the plot becomes a part of their life. She got to enjoy the personal side of the players. They were her kids. The Braves were her family. ~ Bob Hope
Soap Opera quotes by Bob Hope
Soap opera wouldn't be my first choice, but at this point in my life, I would consider a soap. It would allow me to act and still do other things with my life. ~ Joe Lando
Soap Opera quotes by Joe Lando
Ask most kids about details about Auschwitz or about how the American Indians were assassinated as a people and they don't know anything about it. They don't want to know anything. Most people just want their beer or their soap opera or their lullaby. ~ Marlon Brando
Soap Opera quotes by Marlon Brando
St. Clair gets a crush on Anna. He's torn between her and Ellie, and he spends so much time running between them that he hardly has time left for Josh. And the more time that Josh spends alone, the more he realizes how alone he actually is. All of his friends will be gone the next year. Josh grows increasingly antagonistic toward school, which makes Rashmi increasingly antagonistic toward him, which makes him increasingly antagonistic toward her. And she's upset because Elie dropped her as a friend, and Meredith is upset because now St. Clair likes two girls who aren't her, and Anna is upset because St. Clair is leading her on, and then St. Clair's mom gets cancer.
It's a freaking soap opera. ~ Stephanie Perkins
Soap Opera quotes by Stephanie Perkins
Why are homosexuals addicted to soap opera? Because our lives are a vivid situation. ~ Don DeLillo
Soap Opera quotes by Don DeLillo
If life is a soap opera you shouldn't be in too much of a hurry to get to the final credits. ~ Michael Portillo
Soap Opera quotes by Michael Portillo
Our epoch has been give many nicknames
the Age of Anxiety, the Atomic Age, the Space Age. It might, with equally good reason, be called the Age of Television Addiction, the Age of Soap Opera, the Age of the Disk Jockey. ~ Aldous Huxley
Soap Opera quotes by Aldous Huxley
If you're in the middle of a monumental and devastating life crisis, hang in there. It'll be over in about an hour. Two hours, tops. ~ Anthony Rubino Jr.
Soap Opera quotes by Anthony Rubino Jr.
Soaps taught me the fundamentals of the game. You know, how to show up, hit your mark, how to be on time. That soap opera world is a microcosm of the entertainment culture. ~ Michael Weatherly
Soap Opera quotes by Michael Weatherly
Some soap opera, you know, real people pretending to be fake people with made-up problems being watched by real people to forget their real problems. ~ Chuck Palahniuk
Soap Opera quotes by Chuck Palahniuk
I am a living soap opera. ~ Virginia Graham
Soap Opera quotes by Virginia Graham
When something like that happens, people want to try to find some dirt and make it more of a soap opera. But I think we both walked away with the door still open, if we want to do something together again. So yeah, I would call it a friendly break-up. ~ Scott Stapp
Soap Opera quotes by Scott Stapp
In writing the short novel Fahrenheit 451 I thought I was describing a world that might evolve in four or five decades. But only a few weeks ago, in Beverly Hills one night, a husband and wife passed me, walking their dog. I stood staring after them, absolutely stunned. The woman held in one hand a small cigarette-package-sized radio, its antenna quivering. From this sprang tiny copper wires which ended in a dainty cone plugged into her right ear. There she was, oblivious to man and dog, listening to far winds and whispers and soap-opera cries, sleep-walking, helped up and down curbs by a husband who might just as well not have been there. This was not fiction. ~ Ray Bradbury
Soap Opera quotes by Ray Bradbury
Soap opera seems to be a dirty word, but actually they are the most popular shows we have. People want to know what happens next, people hate the villains and love the lovers. It's good, fun TV. But I wouldn't call 'Downton' a soap opera as such. ~ Dan Stevens
Soap Opera quotes by Dan Stevens
The important prediction is not the automobile, but the parking problem; not radio, but the soap opera; not the income tax, but the expense account; not the Bomb, but the nuclear stalemate ~ Isaac Asimov
Soap Opera quotes by Isaac Asimov
You could probably prove, by judicious use of logarithms and congruent triangles, that real life is a lot more like soap opera than most people will admit. ~ Molly Ivins
Soap Opera quotes by Molly Ivins
To be let go from a soap opera is the most embarrassing confidence basher in the world. It's like, 'Oh, if I'm not good enough for that, I'm not good enough for anything.' ~ Cam Gigandet
Soap Opera quotes by Cam Gigandet
'All My Children' taught me a great work ethic; you work so hard on a soap opera! ~ Eva LaRue
Soap Opera quotes by Eva LaRue
Off this fucking predictable soap opera, this will happen now, then that, then that and you say that you are christian and you start watching series of Turkey people which believe in a very different god so far god of hell - Allah... ~ Deyth Banger
Soap Opera quotes by Deyth Banger
Even the Beatles lived their lives as a soap opera. ~ Chris Lowe
Soap Opera quotes by Chris Lowe
Allie." Dean leans forward and fixes me with an eerily somber stare. "This show is fucking stupid."

"I know," I say sheepishly. "But it's addictive. Trust me, one episode of this crap and you'll be hooked."

"Sorry, baby doll, but I can pretty much guarantee that's not gonna happen."



It happened.

God help me. I'm into this show.

I came over tonight with the single-minded purpose of working the charm and convincing Allie to get naked with me again. Instead, I'm sipping on a margarita, I've just watched two hours' worth of a French soap opera, and now I'm texting Logan to let him know I won't make it to Malone's. Because…God help me…I want to know what happens next. ~ Elle Kennedy
Soap Opera quotes by Elle Kennedy
Maybe I can do some writing then. The phrase made him sick. It had no meaning anymore. Like a word that is repeated until it becomes gibberish that sentence, for him, had been used to extinction. It sounded silly; like some bit of cliché from a soap opera. Hero saying in dramatic tones – Now, by God, maybe I can do some writing. Senseless. For a moment, though, he wondered if it was true. Now that she was leaving could he forget about her and really get some work done? Quit his job? Go somewhere and hold up in a cheap furnished room and write? You have $123.89 in the bank, his mind informed him. He pretended it was the only thing that kept him from it. But, far back in his mind, he wondered if he could write anything. Often the question threw itself at him when he was least expecting it. You have four hours every morning, the statement would rise like a menacing wraith. You have time to write many thousands of words. Why don't you? And the answer was always lost in a tangle of becauses and wells and endless reasons that he clung to like a drowning man at straws.("Mad House") ~ Richard Matheson
Soap Opera quotes by Richard Matheson
My grandmother was this unbelievably smart, phenomenally cool woman and [soap operas] were just always on in her house. I just realized that I live in a soap opera, and it's awesome. ~ Ian Somerhalder
Soap Opera quotes by Ian Somerhalder
The majority of American writers today have chosen passive non-resistance to things as they are, producing sloughs of poetry about their personal angst and anomie, cascades of short stories and rivers of novels obsessed with the nuances of domestic relationships - suburban hanky-panky - chic boutique shopping mall literary soap opera. When they do speak out on matters of controversy they attack not the evils of our time but fellow writers who may insist on complaining. ~ Edward Abbey
Soap Opera quotes by Edward Abbey
I am a person. I am not a soap opera. ~ Kate Winslet
Soap Opera quotes by Kate Winslet
In order to get the things I want, it helps me to pretend I'm a figure in a daytime drama, a schemer. Soap opera characters make emphatic pronouncements. They ball up their fists and state their goals out loud. 'I will destroy Buchanan Enterprises,' they say. 'Phoebe Wallingford will pay for what she's done to our family.' Walking home with the back half of the twelve-foot ladder, I turned to look in the direction of Hugh's loft. 'You will be mine,' I commanded. ~ David Sedaris
Soap Opera quotes by David Sedaris
My life is a soap opera. ~ C.E. Starkweather
Soap Opera quotes by C.E. Starkweather
If I were your mother, I would also warn you to beware of buildings that claim to be the houses of God. If heard it said once, jokingly, that on their days off, when they are not actively intervening in human affairs or shoring up the sweetness of the earth, the orishas get together in a little apartment in a poor section of Havana around a very big screen television and laugh themselves silly a the unceasing soap opera that is our lives, all the while puffing on good Cuban cigars and swigging cheap rum. And, darling, whether you imagine one big white distant god or many more particular brown ones who like their little pleasures, I would tell you to get off your butt and out of the house if you want to make contact. If you go to a mausoleum, you'll find dead bodies. Living gods inhabit a living world. ~ Joyce Thompson
Soap Opera quotes by Joyce Thompson
As Tristan left the darkroom he heard Lacey's soap opera voice. "And so our two heroes part," she said, "blinded by love, neither of them listening to the wise and beautiful Lacey" - she hummed a little - "who, by the way, is getting a broken heart of her own. But who cares about Lacey?" she asked sadly. "Who cares about Lacey? ~ Elizabeth Chandler
Soap Opera quotes by Elizabeth Chandler
Dumb luck brought on the move from business to acting. I had moved to New York when I was 23, in the year 2000. On a lark, I went to audition for a soap opera. I thought, 'Hey, this will be a really fun story to tell my grandkids one day, that I auditioned for a soap!' ~ Teddy Sears
Soap Opera quotes by Teddy Sears
Politics in a democratic society should not be treated like a baseball game, a game show or a soap opera. The times are too serious for that. ~ Bernie Sanders
Soap Opera quotes by Bernie Sanders
I am a person. I am not a soap opera. There is never going to be a next [tabloid] installment about my life because my own stuff is my own stuff. ~ Kate Winslet
Soap Opera quotes by Kate Winslet
When a lack of white blood cells exposes the horizon of being, one has to make a choice. To cloister yourself away in a germ-free environment, alive but alone, or to embrace the woman you love and catch your death of cold at the marriage ceremony? What a great show. It's inner-directed script was unmatched by any other soap opera. ~ Benson Bruno
Soap Opera quotes by Benson Bruno
I have the absolute utmost respect for soap opera actors now. They work harder than any actor I know in any other medium. And they don't get very much approbation for it. ~ Joan Collins
Soap Opera quotes by Joan Collins
I've always enjoyed playing a little left of center characters. Otherwise I'd be on a soap opera. ~ Bruce Campbell
Soap Opera quotes by Bruce Campbell
I don't like reality shows and have never watched them, but I'm addicted to 'Real Housewives' because it's authentic old-time soap opera reborn! ~ Camille Paglia
Soap Opera quotes by Camille Paglia
That small circle of earth became a second home to both of us. Gardening boring? Never! It has surprise, tragedy, startling developments - a soap opera growing out of the ground. I'd forgotten that tremolo of expectation produced by a tiny forest of sprouts. ~ Paul Fleischman
Soap Opera quotes by Paul Fleischman
I keep to a minimum dialect, in-jokes about football (soccer) teams and soap opera characters, so as not to lose North American readers. ~ Peter Robinson
Soap Opera quotes by Peter Robinson
What I find difficult, when I read, is to encounter other people's achievements passed off as one's own. I find it difficult to discover literary tradition so warmly embraced and coddled, as if artists existed merely to have flagrant intercourse with the past, guaranteed to draw a crowd but also certain to cover that crowd in an old, heavy breading. I find it difficult when a narrative veers toward soap opera, when characters are explained by their childhoods, when setting is used as spackle to hold together chicken-wire characters who couldn't even stand up to an artificial wind, when depictions of landscape are intermissions while the author catches his breath and gets another scene ready. I find writing difficult that too readily subscribes to the artistic ideas of other writers, that willingly accepts language as a tool that must be seen and not heard, that believes in happy endings, easy revelations, and bittersweet moments of self-understanding. I find writing difficult that could have been written by anyone. That's difficult to me, horribly so. Mr. Difficult? It's not Gaddis. Mr. Difficult is the writer willing to sell short the aims of literature, to serve as its fuming, unwanted ambassador, to apologize for its excesses or near misses, its blind alleys, to insult the reading public with film-ready versions of reality and experience and inner sensations, scenes flying jauntily by under the banner of realism, which lately grants it full critical immunity. ~ Ben Marcus
Soap Opera quotes by Ben Marcus
We all fictionalize ourselves in the process of creating a story out of the raw materials of our life. For some it is a soap opera, for others an epic, but, for all of us, it's an ongoing narrative that we constantly manipulate and reshape, improving (like the best anecdotes) in the retelling. This is not just true of writers. The story is one of the key ways we define and order our experiences as human beings: how we tell ourselves and others who we are.
(from the Daily Telegraph) ~ Neil McCormick
Soap Opera quotes by Neil McCormick
It's better to be on a soap opera to renew your career and following than to be on any other medium. ~ Joan Fontaine
Soap Opera quotes by Joan Fontaine
Come on, Lana," Liv groans. "Stop keeping me in suspense. Get to the juicy stuff."
I fling my pillow at her. "Hey! This isn't the latest soap opera we're discussing. This is my life!"
"Your life with the Kennedys," she swoons, tossing the pillow back at me. "That sounds like a soap opera I'd watch. ~ Siobhan Davis
Soap Opera quotes by Siobhan Davis
The show is escapism. If you look back to when I was in college, all the girls in the sorority houses were gathered around watching soap operas. That was the escapism, the show that was giving you something you couldn't have. Now, you go into any sorority house, there are 50 to 100 girls piled in watching The Bachelor. We are the modern-day soap opera. ~ Chris Harrison
Soap Opera quotes by Chris Harrison
I stood there, watching her. The whole world was a dream, I realized. Everyone was acting in a bad soap opera. The whole world was one big FOX TV show. ~ Blake Nelson
Soap Opera quotes by Blake Nelson
Contemporary art is based on that an artist is supposed to go into art history in the same way as an art historian. When the artist produces something he or she relates to it with the eye of an art historian/critic. I have the feeling that when I am working it is more like working with soap opera or glamour. It is emotional and not art criticism or history of art. ~ Odd Nerdrum
Soap Opera quotes by Odd Nerdrum
Working on a soap opera is such good training for the novice actor. No rehearsal, 120 pages of dialogue per week, and one take to get the scene right. No room for error. ~ Dylan Bruce
Soap Opera quotes by Dylan Bruce
Soap opera rappers, all these niggas sound like 'All My Children'. ~ Drake
Soap Opera quotes by Drake
I think the joy of any soap opera is it is always there. You are allowed into this world for a little while and it's safe in that you are watching other people go through some troubles rather than yourself. It's there every night, and there is something special about that sort of terrestrial television experience for a mass audience. ~ Amanda Donohoe
Soap Opera quotes by Amanda Donohoe
emmersmacks: E youre going to be around for the Dog Days livewatch right

MirkerLurker: Duh. The day I miss Dog Days is the day I eat my own foot.

Apocalypse_Cow: *takes screenshot*

Apocalypse_Cow: let it be known on this day that if eliza ever misses dog days, she will eat her own foot.

emmersmacks: Masterminds would love that one

emmersmacks: Creator of Monstrous Sea eats own foot over teen soap opera

Apocalypse_Cow: tacky teen soap opera.

MirkerLurker: Tacky teen soap opera? Yes. Wildly entertaining? Also yes.

emmersmacks: Amen


Apocalypse_Cow: but seriously tho, dog days is the worst

emmersmacks: Not worse than the second season when Chris got with Ben

Apocalypse_Cow: chris got with jason in the second season, not ben

emmersmacks: Says the guy who doesnt watch Dog Days

Apocalypse_Cow: . . .

emmersmacks: Ah how the mighty have fallen ~ Francesca Zappia
Soap Opera quotes by Francesca Zappia
Having sex with your neighbour is not a good idea. Not under any circumstances, nothing good will come of it. It's a cliché. It's a soap opera. It's a bad made for TV movie. ~ Helen Argiro
Soap Opera quotes by Helen Argiro
Beware some people are just talking to you to gain information to use against you. Be careful with what you say around others because it may not be understood the way you expected. There are those who are waiting for the opportunity to spread rumors. And, with only a few words your life has been turned into a soap opera. ~ Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Soap Opera quotes by Amaka Imani Nkosazana
The ordinary reality, as I perceive it, is but a huge and intricate virtual screen which operates on multiple levels. Its origins and developments extend far beyond the understanding and scope of the established functioning of the mind. Trapped in the pen of the binary system and the identification with their physical bodies, human beings eat up a fodder made up of sin, guilt and fear, as they watch the soap opera of life being repeated over and over. Yet such a mirage is so insane and unreal that attentive eyes cannot help discovering gaps all over the place. Although the operators at the projector do their best to botch it up, the absurd illusion of this misperception may reveal itself at any moment. It is like a boasting block of ice showing off its solidity as long as the temperature is below zero and yet inevitably starting to thaw and melt away in warmer weather. ~ Franco Santoro
Soap Opera quotes by Franco Santoro
And in our dark days, with so many threatening clouds on the horizon, he concluded, we puff up a story like this to drug people, to distract their
attention from the serious problems and
divert them with a Romeo-and-Juliet
story, one scripted, however, by a soap opera writer. ~ Andrea Camilleri
Soap Opera quotes by Andrea Camilleri
I'd done two years on a soap opera where I was shooting things every day and they gave me a hard time about that, which I think is the wrong way to teach a young actor. They just made me really, really self-conscious about everything I did, which is the opposite of what you need to be when you're filming. ~ Iwan Rheon
Soap Opera quotes by Iwan Rheon
Etiquitte Quotes «
» Everything Is Okay Quotes