Moncayo Artist Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Moncayo Artist.

Quotes About Moncayo Artist

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There's no map for being an artist. ~ Seth Godin
Moncayo Artist quotes by Seth Godin
There's a lot of other artists doing things outside of that depth that I enjoy - that music that I can actually have fun to, and not be in depth and think about, then I appreciate that. ~ Kendrick Lamar
Moncayo Artist quotes by Kendrick Lamar
Sometimes you have to listen to a CD over and over before you really get it, but as soon as I heard the first note of R&B artist Chrisette Michele's debut CD, I was blown away. Her voice is playful but pretty, light but strong - the woman's got soul. ~ Gayle King
Moncayo Artist quotes by Gayle King
Create with the heart; build with the mind. ~ Criss Jami
Moncayo Artist quotes by Criss Jami
Sydney is full of the craziest and most talented artists of all kinds. ~ Keiynan Lonsdale
Moncayo Artist quotes by Keiynan Lonsdale
To a large degree, we are still bound to the modern scientific spirit, that characterizes reality merely by its material and mechanic aspects, without including life, consciousness and the intimate communion with that which poets, musicians and artists bring us in their magnificent works. ~ Leonardo Boff
Moncayo Artist quotes by Leonardo Boff
I feel there is a strong bond between artists and children and all other sacred fools. ~ Gottfried Helnwein
Moncayo Artist quotes by Gottfried Helnwein
I really believe that I am the first and only artist to throw not just the 'subject' out of my paintings, but every 'object' as well. ~ Wassily Kandinsky
Moncayo Artist quotes by Wassily Kandinsky
Closed eyes cannot see light ~ Andrea L'Artiste
Moncayo Artist quotes by Andrea L'Artiste
No one would want to pay a penny for an empty canvas by me. But it would be quite another if the empty canvas were signed by a great artist. I would be surprised if an empty canvas by Picasso or Matisse signed and inscribed with the words, 'I wanted to paint such and such on this canvas, but did not do so,' would not fetch thousands ... After all, with an empty canvas, the possibilities are limitless, and so perhaps is the cash. ~ Semir Zeki
Moncayo Artist quotes by Semir Zeki
I was probably born with the ability to draw, but that does not make you an artist. ~ James Rosenquist
Moncayo Artist quotes by James Rosenquist
Poverty when coupled with creativeness is usually free of frustration. This is true of the poor artisan skilled in his trade and of the poor writer, artist, and scientist in the full possession of creative powers. Nothing so bolsters our self-confidence and reconciles us with ourselves as the continuous ability to create; to see things grow and develop under our hand, day in, day out. The decline of handicrafts in modern times is perhaps one of the causes for the rise of frustration and the increased susceptibility of the individual to mass movements. ~ Eric Hoffer
Moncayo Artist quotes by Eric Hoffer
Back in I want to say 2011, Taylor Swift was on her 'Speak Now' tour. She was kind enough to bring me out as one of the openers on that tour. Between her and Miranda Lambert, who also helped me out that year, I got a pretty non-typical first tour as a fellow artist. ~ Charlie Worsham
Moncayo Artist quotes by Charlie Worsham
Britney's a very beautiful human being. After I worked with her, I realized that there was a reason why she was the most popular pop artist over so many other pop artists at that time who were more talented, had better voices. And it was because of her heart, her soulShe had the most amazing energy and was always positive and a very discreet person. We were young, too, and got to make a movie about three friends on a road trip. It was so much fun! ~ Zoe Saldana
Moncayo Artist quotes by Zoe Saldana
The modern artist ... is working and expressing an inner world - in other words - expressing the energy, the motion, and other inner forces. ~ Jackson Pollock
Moncayo Artist quotes by Jackson Pollock
It's valuable to me as an artist and actor to explore all kinds of outlets. So if a local filmmaker in Milwaukee had a good story, I'd be part of it in a second. ~ Tanya Fischer
Moncayo Artist quotes by Tanya Fischer
They told me that they are starting a classic label, and wanted me to be the first artist. So I signed, and am producing myself, and writing my own music, but I'm their first artist on their classic label. And I have creative control. ~ Teena Marie
Moncayo Artist quotes by Teena Marie
No," he said after a pause, "the true art of the gods is the comic. The comic is a condescension of the divine to the world of man; it is the sublime vision, which cannot be studied, but must ever be celestially granted. In the comic the gods see their own being reflected as in a mirror, and while the tragic poet is bound by strict laws, they will allow the comic artist a freedom as unlimited as their own. They do not even withhold their own existence from his sports. Jove may favor Lucianos of Samosata. As long as your mockery is in true godly taste you may mock at the gods and still remain a sound devotee. But in pitying, or condoling with your god, you deny and annihilate him, and such is the most horrible of atheisms. ~ Karen Blixen
Moncayo Artist quotes by Karen Blixen
I feel that this is my artistic home, and I'm very happy to be a California artist together with many others who are not from here originally but who decided to make this the center of their activities. There's something about that that I find very inspiring and satisfying. ~ Esa-Pekka Salonen
Moncayo Artist quotes by Esa-Pekka Salonen
Edwin Land of Polaroid talked about the intersection of the humanities and science. I like that intersection. There's something magical about that place. There are a lot of people innovating, and that's not the main distinction of my career. The reason Apple resonates with people is that there's a deep current of humanity in our innovation. I think great artists and great engineers are similar in that they both have a desire to express themselves. In fact some of the best people working on the original Mac were poets and musicians on the side. In the seventies computers became a way for people to express their creativity. Great artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were also great art science. Michelangelo knew a lot about how to quarry stone, not just how to be a sculptor. ~ Walter Isaacson
Moncayo Artist quotes by Walter Isaacson
No phenomenon can be isolated, but has repercussions through every aspect of our lives. We are learning that we are a fundamental part of nature's ecosystems. ~ Arthur Erickson
Moncayo Artist quotes by Arthur Erickson
Starving artist: starving for affection, starving for attention ~ Jessica-Lynn Barbour
Moncayo Artist quotes by Jessica-Lynn Barbour
While an artist can choose whether or not to be responsive and responsible towards other human beings, by definition a designer must be. ~ Paola Antonelli
Moncayo Artist quotes by Paola Antonelli
Once you establish a foundation of knowing what the greatest recording artists of all time were ... Wouldn't you want your kids to know this stuff? ~ Robbie Robertson
Moncayo Artist quotes by Robbie Robertson
Try telling the boy who's just had his girlfriend's name
cut into his arm that there's slippage between the signifier
and the signified. Or better yet explain to the girl
who watched in the mirror as the tattoo artist stitched
the word for her father's name (on earth as in heaven)
across her back that words aren't made of flesh and blood,
that they don't bite the skin. Language is the animal
we've trained to pick up the scent of meaning. It's why
when the boy hears his father yelling at the door
he sends the dog that he's kept hungry, that he's kicked,
then loved, to attack the man, to show him that every word
has a consequence, that language, when used right, hurts. ~ Todd Davis
Moncayo Artist quotes by Todd Davis
The Internet has been a great outlet for storytelling. After all, there are web-based shows that have started online and have then gotten picked up. I think it's a great opportunity for artists to get through the network roadblock. It just allows us another venue to be creative in. ~ Eva LaRue
Moncayo Artist quotes by Eva LaRue
Designers may be the true intellectuals of the future. ~ Paola Antonelli
Moncayo Artist quotes by Paola Antonelli
I eat fish, three times a week meat, and if not yogurt, something like this and it rarely continues. ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Moncayo Artist quotes by Karl Lagerfeld
You are an artist. The canvas is your life. Make something worth staring at. ~ Cheryl Richardson
Moncayo Artist quotes by Cheryl Richardson
It's a very obsessive profession that you need to stay obsessed to get anywhere, and it's very easy for us to get obsessed and then nothing else matters. I was reading Somerset Maugham's novella, Moon and Sixpense, about this artist based on Gauguin's life. It was so beautifully written. You must be first rate because second rate you might not survive. If you're an accountant, you'll survive second rate. If you chance it big, you may not get anywhere. ~ Joan Chen
Moncayo Artist quotes by Joan Chen
The art wouldn't complain if we leave her alone. Losing a touch with art, however, is losing a touch with our imagination. ~ Pawan Mishra
Moncayo Artist quotes by Pawan Mishra
Artists love to immerse themselves in chaos in order to put it into form, just as God created form out of chaos in Genesis. Forever unsatisfied with the mundane, the apathetic, the conventional, they always push on to newer worlds. ~ Rollo May
Moncayo Artist quotes by Rollo May
What can be sadder than a discouraged artist dying not from his own commonplace maladies, but from the cancer of oblivion? ~ Vladimir Nabokov
Moncayo Artist quotes by Vladimir Nabokov
Great artists make the roads; good teachers and good companions can point them out. But there ain't no free rides, baby. ~ Ursula K. Le Guin
Moncayo Artist quotes by Ursula K. Le Guin
Rose was patently a degenerate. Nature, in scheduling his characteristics, had pruned all superlatives. The rude armour of the flesh, under which the spiritual, like a hide-bound chrysalis, should develop secret and self-contained, was perished in his case, as it were, to a semi-opaque suit, through which his soul gazed dimly and fearfully on its monstrous arbitrary surroundings. Not the mantle of the poet, philosopher, or artist fallen upon such, can still its shiverings, or give the comfort that Nature denies.

Yet he was a little bit of each - poet, philosopher, and artist; a nerveless and self-deprecatory stalker of ideals, in the pursuit of which he would wear patent leather shoes and all the apologetic graces. The grandson of a 'three-bottle' J.P., who had upheld the dignity of the State constitution while abusing his own in the best spirit of squirearchy; the son of a petulant dyspeptic, who alternated seizures of long moroseness with fits of abject moral helplessnes, Amos found his inheritance in the reversion of a dissipated constitution, and an imagination as sensitive as an exposed nerve. Before he was thirty he was a neurasthenic so practised, as to have learned a sense of luxury in the very consciousness of his own suffering. It was a negative evolution from the instinct of self-protection - self-protection, as designed in this case, against the attacks of the unspeakable.

("The Accursed Cordonnier") ~ Bernard Capes
Moncayo Artist quotes by Bernard Capes
When the writer (or the artist in general) says he has worked without giving any thought to the rules of the process, he simply means he was working without realizing he knew the rules. ~ Umberto Eco
Moncayo Artist quotes by Umberto Eco
No matter the style, the farther one goes the more obstacles increase, and the more distant appears the object it is desired to attain. Again, the most strenuous labor affords the greatest artists but a disquieting gleam which only reveals their inadequacy, while the self-satisfied ignoramus surrounded by the deepest gloom flatters himself that he has nothing more to learn. ~ Jean-Georges Noverre
Moncayo Artist quotes by Jean-Georges Noverre
It's never the same relationship. I see my job as filling in the blanks. Whatever it is that the artist lacks in the process of making a record, I'm supposed to fill that in. And sometimes it's a lot of stuff and I have to hector them about working on the material and that sort of thing. Sometimes you have an artist that's really fairly self-sufficient; they just need another ear to offer some objective criticism, but otherwise pretty much know what they're doing. It varies a lot. ~ Todd Rundgren
Moncayo Artist quotes by Todd Rundgren
I believe in previous lives and the Muse - and that books and music exist before they are written and that they are propelled into material being by their own imperative to be born, via the offices of those willing servants of discipline, imagination and inspiration whom we call artists. ~ Steven Pressfield
Moncayo Artist quotes by Steven Pressfield
I play piano and guitar and I do write my own stuff so to a certain extent I know what I want to do in regards to music. But I'm still finding out what kind of music is my favourite kind to listen to, never mind do myself so I've got a lot of time to find out myself and develop myself as an artist. ~ Richard Fleeshman
Moncayo Artist quotes by Richard Fleeshman
We are going to finish this picture just the way I want it ... because you cannot compromise an artist's vision. ~ Ed Wood
Moncayo Artist quotes by Ed Wood
As an artist, I want a reaction. ~ Chester Bennington
Moncayo Artist quotes by Chester Bennington
As artists, are we quasi psychiatrists who mend the soul? Do we provide the consolations, escapes, and reassurances which enable us to survive? Or are we reporters of the truth, assembling the multiple shards of reality into intricate portraits which seek out the connections between misery and blessing, violence and wisdom? Do we protect or investigate the heart? ~ Russell Sherman
Moncayo Artist quotes by Russell Sherman
I don't have a burning desire to go out and document anything. It just happens when it happens. It's not a conscious effort, nor is it a struggle. Wouldn't do it if it was. The idea of the suffering artist has never appealed to me. Being here is suffering enough. ~ William Eggleston
Moncayo Artist quotes by William Eggleston
The pen provides a pathway for the musings of the heart. ~ Erin Forbes
Moncayo Artist quotes by Erin Forbes
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