Financial Risk Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Financial Risk.

Quotes About Financial Risk

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No partnership, for that matter, would have hired me, or anyone remotely like me. Was there ever any correlation between an ability to get into, and out of, Princeton, and a talent for taking financial risk? At ~ Michael Lewis
Financial Risk quotes by Michael Lewis
I'm afraid sometimes certain individual cases of defaults are unavoidable. What we should do is to step up monitoring, properly handle relevant matters, and ensure there is no regional and systemic financial risk. ~ Li Keqiang
Financial Risk quotes by Li Keqiang
The securitisation of mortgages added a new dimension of systemic risk. Financial engineers claimed they were reducing risks through geographic diversification: in fact they were increasing them by creating an agency problem. The agents were more interested in maximising fee income than in protecting the interests of bondholders. That is the verity that was ignored by regulators and market participants alike. ~ George Soros
Financial Risk quotes by George Soros
Suning Appliance has no problem of financial risk. Do you think I'm risky? I'm definitely not risky. ~ Zhang Jindong
Financial Risk quotes by Zhang Jindong
To be alive at all involves some risk. Harold Macmillan ~ Anonymous
Financial Risk quotes by Anonymous
The main effect of turning a partnership into a corporation was to transfer the financial risk to the shareholders. "When things go wrong it's their problem, ~ Michael Lewis
Financial Risk quotes by Michael Lewis
I think risk is important. I don't care if it's a great financial risk or a physical risk. You only get out of something what you put into it and the fact that you are willing to risk something means that you are going to get a lot more out of it. ~ Yvon Chouinard
Financial Risk quotes by Yvon Chouinard
In theory, the risk of business failure can be reduced to a number, the probability of failure multiplied by the cost of failure. Sure, this turns out to be a subjective analysis, but in the process your own attitudes toward financial risk and reward are revealed.

By contrast, personal risk usually defies quantification. It's a matter of values and priorities, an expression of who you are. "Playing it safe" may simply mean you do not weigh heavily the compromises inherent in the status quo. The financial rewards of the moment may fully compensate you for the loss of time and fulfillment. Or maybe you just don't think about it. On the other hand, if time and satisfaction are precious, truly priceless, you will find the cost of business failure, so long as it does not put in peril the well-being of you or your family, pales in comparison with the personal risks of no trying to live the life you want today.

Considering personal risk forces us to define personal success. We may well discover that the business failure we avoid and the business success we strive for do not lead us to personal success at all. Most of us have inherited notions of "success" from someone else or have arrived at these notions by facing a seemingly endless line of hurdles extending from grade school through college and into our careers. We constantly judge ourselves against criteria that others have set and rank ourselves against others in their game. Personal goals, on the other ha ~ Randy Komisar
Financial Risk quotes by Randy Komisar
I believe the more personally removed people are from a major financial event, the less it is to affect their appetite for risk. ~ Ziad K. Abdelnour
Financial Risk quotes by Ziad K. Abdelnour
I have a perverse attraction to risk. Not physical risk but emotional, financial risk - anything than can't kill you immediately. ~ Scott Adams
Financial Risk quotes by Scott Adams
Suicide rates have not slumped under the onslaught of antidepressants, mood-stabilizers, anxiolytic and anti-psychotic drugs; the jump in suicide rates suggests that the opposite is true. In some cases, suicide risk skyrockets once treatment begins (the patient may feel not only penalized for a justifiable reaction, but permanently stigmatized as malfunctioning). Studies show that self-loathing sharply decreases only in the course of cognitive-behavioral treatment. ~ Antonella Gambotto-Burke
Financial Risk quotes by Antonella Gambotto-Burke
There is a point where courage becomes a symptom of mental illness. ~ Wayne Gerard Trotman
Financial Risk quotes by Wayne Gerard Trotman
But the funniest one they showed us was about the need for leisure time. I was sitting next to women who work until one in the morning every day. And here they were telling us that when a person does not get any rest, he becomes a destructive member of society because of the elevated risk of accidents. The women were laughing so hard they fell off their chairs. ~ Masha Gessen
Financial Risk quotes by Masha Gessen
Stepping out of a normal routine, finding novelty, being open to serendipity, enjoying the unexpected, embracing a little risk, and finding pleasure in the heightened vividness of life. These are all qualities of a state of play. ~ Stuart M. Brown Jr.
Financial Risk quotes by Stuart M. Brown Jr.
In general, democracy and individualism have advanced in spite of and often against specific economic interest. Both democracy and individualism have been based upon financial sacrifice, not gain. Even in Athens, a large part of the 7,000 citizens who participated regularly in assemblies were farmers who had to give up several days' work to go into town to talk and listen. ~ John Ralston Saul
Financial Risk quotes by John Ralston Saul
Freedom has its risks. ~ Marianne Williamson
Financial Risk quotes by Marianne Williamson
There's a lot of risk in putting what you suspect you really are into your music. ~ J. Tillman
Financial Risk quotes by J. Tillman
You don't have to act strong when you are strong.
It is only those who are strong enough to risk being broken that are truly unbreakable. ~ Jacqueline Simon Gunn
Financial Risk quotes by Jacqueline Simon Gunn
I shall be as willing as the next man to fall down in worship before the System, if only I can manage to set eyes on it. Hitherto I have had no success; and though I have young legs, I am almost weary from running back and forth ...
Once or twice I have been on the verge of bending the knee. But at the last moment, when I already had my handkerchief spread on the ground, to avoid soiling my trousers, and I made a trusting appeal to one of the initiated who stood by: "Tell me now sincerely, is it entirely finished; for if so I will kneel down before it, even at the risk of ruining a pair of trousers (for on account of the heavy traffic to and from the system, the road has become quite muddy)," - I always receive the same answer: "No, it is not yet quite finished." And so there was another postponement - of the system, and of my homage.
System and finality are pretty much one and the same, so much so that if the system is not finished, there is no system. ~ Soren Kierkegaard
Financial Risk quotes by Soren Kierkegaard
If I don't get a TV show next year because someone looks up my Wikipedia and it says 'openly gay,' then it's worth the risk because I've had so many years being openly gay and proud of myself as a role model. ~ Max Von Essen
Financial Risk quotes by Max Von Essen
I knew that I would have to be brave. Not foolhardy, not in love with risk and danger, not making ridiculous exhibitions of myself to prove that I wasn't terrified
really genuinely brave. Brave enough to be quiet when quiet was called for, brave enough to observe before flinging myself into something, brave enough to not abandon my true self when someone else wanted to seduce or force me in a direction I didn't want to go, brave enough to stand my ground quietly. ~ Piper Kerman
Financial Risk quotes by Piper Kerman
To not follow Jesus is to be unmoved. To be unmoved is to risk the greatest danger of all: To misunderstand and misrepresent God. ~ Ronnie McBrayer
Financial Risk quotes by Ronnie McBrayer
This is what men risk so much for; this shiver, this acute heat and desire. This is what they think eternity feels like. ~ Kendare Blake
Financial Risk quotes by Kendare Blake
If you don't care about the people around you or treat them as if they don't matter, you'll stop the flow of possibilities. This includes your financial prosperity. Creating a vehicle for good that you feel passionate about is the final step toward true prosperity. ~ Joe Vitale
Financial Risk quotes by Joe Vitale
Never go into venture capital if you want a peaceful life. ~ Georges F. Doriot
Financial Risk quotes by Georges F. Doriot
Talent has no gender. People are hiring young male directors right out of film school, off of a student film or off of a film at Sundance for millions of dollars. You can do the same with a female. It's not a risk about the work if you respect the film that they made. ~ Gina Prince-Bythewood
Financial Risk quotes by Gina Prince-Bythewood
If you feel you have a film that's valid, you stick your ass on the line. ~ Nick Nolte
Financial Risk quotes by Nick Nolte
Index funds eliminate the risks of individual stocks, market sectors, and manager selection. Only stock market risk remains. ~ John C. Bogle
Financial Risk quotes by John C. Bogle
People who keep dogs live longer on average than those who do not. This is not some kind of pro-canine campaigning fantasy. It is a simple medical fact that the calming influence of the company of a friendly pet animal reduces blood pressure and therefore
the risk of heart attack. ~ Desmond Morris
Financial Risk quotes by Desmond Morris
I realized I wasn't going to find a man until I was willing to expose myself to possible harm, to assume the risks of rejection and betrayal and heartbreak that came along with caring about someone. Someday, I promised myself, I would be ready for that kind of risk. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Financial Risk quotes by Lisa Kleypas
The Chosen One is often told that failure is not an option. The Dark Lord knows that failure, like hurt and harm, is one not simply an option, but one of many companions. True power seldom comes without risk. Sufficient risk eventually results in harm. If you think you can trap a thousand demons and never have a single one break through your defenses and wreak havoc on your mind for a while - then you've likely never summoned any demons at all. ~ Jeff Mach
Financial Risk quotes by Jeff Mach
I can tell you that when I travel the state, when I talk to people, they are really struggling, in a very real way. They're losing their jobs, they're losing their homes, they're dealing with financial challenges. ~ Alexi Giannoulias
Financial Risk quotes by Alexi Giannoulias
No misfortune is worse than underestimating the enemy. Underestimating the enemy, I risk losing my treasure. ~ Laozi
Financial Risk quotes by Laozi
I can tell you many reasons why environmental stories don't get adequate attention in conventional media. Basically, environmental risks don't fit the norms of journalism. They're incremental. We hate incremental. ~ Andrew Revkin
Financial Risk quotes by Andrew Revkin
BitCoin is actually an exploit against network complexity. Not financial networks, or computer networks, or social networks. Networks themselves. ~ Dan Kaminsky
Financial Risk quotes by Dan Kaminsky
For a certain type of woman who risks losing her identity in a man, there are all those questions ... until you get to the point and know that you really are living a love story. ~ Anouk Aimee
Financial Risk quotes by Anouk Aimee
Henry James would probably roll over in his grave if he knew he was in any way responsible for this book. ~ Garth Risk Hallberg
Financial Risk quotes by Garth Risk Hallberg
Risks are a measure of people. People who won't take them are trying to preserve what they have. People who do take them often end up having more.
Some risks have a future, and some people call them wrong. But being right may be like walking backwards proving where you've been.
Being wrong isn't in the future, or in the past.
Being wrong isn't anywhere but being here.
Best place to be, eh? ~ Paul Arden
Financial Risk quotes by Paul Arden
Mainly thinking, well,
I'm still alive
and have the ability to expel wastes from my body
and poems.
and as long as that's happening
I have the ability to handle
and the economic reports in the
financial section. ~ Charles Bukowski
Financial Risk quotes by Charles Bukowski
If those of us in positions of responsibility fail to do everything in our power to protect the right of privacy, we risk something far more valuable than money. We risk our way of life ... Fortunately, technology gives us the tools to avoid these risks. It is my sincere hope that by using them and by working together, we will. ~ Tim Cook
Financial Risk quotes by Tim Cook
It's always a risk. Wherever there is great emotion. because there is power in that. And few people handle power well. ~ Morgan Matson
Financial Risk quotes by Morgan Matson
There's nothing called a perfect pick-up line. Men always have to face the risk of rejection. ~ Kabir Bedi
Financial Risk quotes by Kabir Bedi
The quality of life does not depend on happiness alone, but also on what one does to be happy. If one fails to develop goals that give meaning to one's existence, if one does not use the mind to its fullest, then good feelings fulfill just a fraction of the potential we possess. A person who achieves contentment by withdrawing from the world to "cultivate his own garden," like Voltaire's Candide, cannot be said to lead an excellent life. Without dreams, without risks, only a trivial semblance of living can be achieved. ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Financial Risk quotes by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
It was one thing to, she thought, to sit safely alone in the attic, reading the letters of happily married Grandma Jo and think how pleasant it would be to have someone to give her own heart to; it was quite another to be confronted with the risk of actually opening up her chest to give it. ~ Gabrielle Donnelly
Financial Risk quotes by Gabrielle Donnelly
The key trait of a Sperm Pirate is that she is not driven by desperation. Escaping poverty or hardship is not her motive. She usually has a good education and access to the same opportunities as the man she tries to trap. However, she understands that it is more efficient to enjoy a lavish lifestyle through the sweat of another's labour. But the Sperm Pirate is acutely aware that the infatuation of a hormonal man has a brief shelf life. This poor collateral must be cashed in before it expires. A pregnancy is the best way to convert this volatile resource into a stable asset. Babies are reliable insurance policies. They create legal obligations for financial support, even when the sweet milk of passion turns sour. ~ Taona Dumisani Chiveneko
Financial Risk quotes by Taona Dumisani Chiveneko
There's too much risk in loving,'
the young boy said,
said the old man,
'there's too much risk in not. ~ Atticus Poetry
Financial Risk quotes by Atticus Poetry
If we continue to stand up for our rights, none of us alive today will ever have to pick up a weapon against our government. The bad news is that if those rights are watered down or taken away, the risk of tyranny will increase with each passing generation. ~ Glenn Beck
Financial Risk quotes by Glenn Beck
I love the business of business; I love the risk raking. ~ Felix Dennis
Financial Risk quotes by Felix Dennis
I can't help but wonder why leaders are so often hesitant to lead. I guess it takes a lot of conviction and trusting your gut to get ahead of your peers, your staff and your employees while they are still squabbling about which path to take, and set an unhesitating, unequivocal course whose rightness or wrongness will not be known for years. Such a decision really tests the mettle of the leader. By contrast, it doesn't take much self-confidence to downsize a company - after all, how can you go wrong by shuttering factories and laying people off if the benefits of such actions are going to show up in tomorrow's bottom line and will be applauded by the financial community? ~ Andrew S. Grove
Financial Risk quotes by Andrew S. Grove
Closeness to people may look like scary, mind-boggling business, but it doesn't have to be that scary. And it's not that difficult. It even feels good, when we relax and let it happen. It's okay to feel afraid of closeness and love, but it's also okay to allow ourselves to love and feel close to people. It's okay to give and receive love. We can make good decisions about who to love and when to do that. It's okay for us to be who we are around people. Take the risk of doing that. We can trust ourselves. We can go through the awkwardness and friction of initiating relationships. We can find people who are safe to trust. We can open up, become honest, and be who we are. We can even handle feeling hurt or rejected from time to time. We can love without losing ourselves or giving up our boundaries. We can love and think at the same time. We can take off our track shoes. ~ Melody Beattie
Financial Risk quotes by Melody Beattie
Your courage to take a risk and your ability to accept responsibility will define you. ~ Debasish Mridha
Financial Risk quotes by Debasish Mridha
In any case I just cannot imagine attaching so much importance to any food or treat that I would grow irate or bitter at the mention of the suffering of animals. A pig to me will always seem more important than a pork rind. There is the risk here of confusing realism with cynicism, moral stoicism with moral sloth, of letting oneself become jaded and lazy and self-satisfied
what used to be called an 'appetitive' person. ~ Matthew Scully
Financial Risk quotes by Matthew Scully
The essence of the this-time-is-different syndrome is ... rooted in the firmly held belief that financial crises are things that happen to other people in other countries at other times; crises do not happen to us, here and now. We are doing things better, we are smarter, we have learned from past mistakes. The old rules of valuation no longer apply. Unfortunately, a highly leveraged economy can unwittingly be sitting with its back at the edge of a financial cliff for many years before chance and circumstance provoke a crisis of confidence that pushes it off. ~ Carmen Reinhart
Financial Risk quotes by Carmen Reinhart
The practice of thrift is not outdated. We must discipline ourselves to live within our incomes even if it means going without or making do. The wise person can distinguish ... between basic needs and extravagant wants. Some find budgeting extremely painful, but I promise you, it is never fatal. ~ Marvin J. Ashton
Financial Risk quotes by Marvin J. Ashton
Faith is a record of great risks taken. ~ Winkie Pratney
Financial Risk quotes by Winkie Pratney
Of course you realize you're leaving me in the position of being the one tell everyone - your mother, Luke, Alec, Izzy, Magnus ... '
'I guess I shouldn't have said there wouldn't be no risk to you,' Clary said meekly.
'That's right,' said Simon. 'Just remember, when your mother's gnawing my ankle like a furious mama bear separated from her cub, I did it for you. ~ Cassandra Clare
Financial Risk quotes by Cassandra Clare
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