Trump Picking Nose Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Trump Picking Nose.

Quotes About Trump Picking Nose

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Well, the Taco Bell burrito scale of immense magnitude returned an 'r' factor of point eight six. Then when I applied the nose-picking coefficient, I discovered a multivariate numeration of nine dot oh sixteen on the Richter scale. ~ Debra Dunbar
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Debra Dunbar
The mother was holding a baby, had a stroller with what looked like twin girls around three, and had a five-year-old boy who was running around the shelves with a finger shoved up his nose. I considered warning him that if he fell, he would poke his brain out, but it struck me that losing intelligence was not something he was worried about. ~ Eileen Cook
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Eileen Cook
You can pick your friends. You can pick your nose ... but you can't pick your friends' noses.
Well, I didn't get to pick my parents.
I am glad that I have them, though.
I just wish that I wouldn't have to spend the rest of my life picking one of them and not the other. - Amber Brown ~ Paula Danziger
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Paula Danziger
The full tigers watched him silently. All females. Thankfully. He would be less than happy if he had to take on some territorial male.

Well, this little adventure was only going to last through today. As soon as night came, he would get his furry ass out of here. Even if he had to scare some poor security guard to death. Then he would be heading to California. He had some dog butt to kick.

Sighing, Nik looked up to find a small child staring at him. A small child busy picking his nose.

Could this get any worse?

The females stirred restlessly near him and he caught the scent they had.

Oh no. Please. Not that.

They stood in front of him, completely unaware of his presence and arguing like two ten-year-olds.

Nik didn't bother searching for a way out. There was no way out. Those two evil witches trapped him. Trapped him in hell.

Throwing up his hands in anger, Alek turned away from Ban, facing the tiger display. Alek's gold eyes stared at Nik for a moment, a frown of confusion pulling his brows down. Then he smiled. And then he just became plain hysterical.

Bastard! This wasn't and never would be funny!

Ban stared at Alek for several confused moments before catching sight of Nik.

As his brothers literally rolled on the ground laugh ~ Shelly Laurenston
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Shelly Laurenston
She had something Adam didn't. Curiosity. First step to growth
and if it wasn't for Eve's Adam would still be sitting by the side of the pool picking his nose and scratching his scalp, bamboozled by his own reflection. Off in her part of Eden, Eve hadn't bothered naming the animals. On the other hand she'd discovered how to milk some of them and how best to eat the eggs of others. She'd decided she wasn't overly keen on torrential rain and had built a shelter from bamboo and banana leaves, into which she'd retire when the heavens opened, having set out coconut shells to catch the rainwater with a view to saving herself the schlep down to the spring every time she wanted a drink. The only thing you won't be surprised to hear about is that she'd already domesticated a cat and called it Misty. ~ Glen Duncan
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Glen Duncan
... All will be
forgotten, everything you perceived, thought,
dreamed, hoped, remembered ... all the past
all the crawling fucking coughing chestpounding
nose-picking and deathward attempts
to make real some desperate desire, like
standing upright for a minute in the sun. The
sun that will die. ~ Franz Wright
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Franz Wright
While Keith negotiated the large, echoing room and over-sized elevator buttons, Carrot Top tagged along behind him, staring up at the ceiling and occasionally picking his nose.
"Stop that," Keith said.
"It's part of my character," Carrot Top replied. "It's what boys do."
Keith watched Carrot Top twist his hand around to get what appeared to be a deeply satisfying dig on. Then, as if possessed by some innate reflex, he dope-slapped the leprechaun in the back of the head.Carrot Top whipped around, furious, but before he could speak, Keith said, "It's what fathers do. ~ Nicole Kimberling
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Nicole Kimberling
The rules took a while to sort out. Lena and Carmen wanted to focus on friendship-type rules, stuff about keeping in touch with one another over the summer, and making sure the Pants kept moving from one girl to the next. Tibby preferred to focus on random things you could and couldn't do in the Pants
like picking your nose. ~ Ann Brashares
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Ann Brashares
It is not always easy to diagnose. The simplest form of stupidity - the mumbling, nose-picking, stolid incomprehension - can be detected by anyone. But the stupidity which disguises itself as thought, and which talks so glibly and eloquently, indeed never stops talking, in every walk of life is not so easy to identify, because it marches under a formidable name, which few dare attack. It is called Popular Opinion ... ~ Robertson Davies
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Robertson Davies
One of those cases where you couldn't just fold. God, across the table of Fate, was picking His nose, scratching His ear, laying on tells with a prodigal hand, it had to mean something, and a faulty guess would be better than none. ~ Thomas Pynchon
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Thomas Pynchon
I have seen the Virgin
in an appletree at Chartres
And Saint Joan burn
at the Bella Union.
I have seen giraffes in junglejims
their necks like love
wound around the iron circumstances
of the world.
I have seen the Venus Aphrodite
armless in her drafty corridor.
I have heard a siren sing
at One Fifth Avenue.
I have seen the White Goddess dancing
in the Rue des Beaux Arts
on the Fourteenth of July
and the Beautiful Dame Without Mercy
picking her nose in Chumley's. ~ Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Joe Lon and Willard slipped out of their shirts. Willard flipped over and walked around in the dirt on his hands. Joe Lon took the bottle of whiskey out of his back pocket, set it carefully on the step of the Winnebago, checking out Susan Gender's red pants again as he did. Then he went into a steady handstand and did six dips, his nose just short of the dirt each time he went down. They both came off their hands and looked at Duffy.
"I'm impressed," said Duffy, shortly. "What the hell are you, gymnasts?"
"Drunks," said Joe Lon picking up the bottle. ~ Harry Crews
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Harry Crews
I swear my car won't run unless I'm picking my nose: At least, I'm that superstitious about it, so I don't want to take any chances. ~ Adam Carolla
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Adam Carolla
When I was younger and my parents used to always slap my hand if I was picking my nose or if I was running around screaming I was told to shut up. ~ Prince William
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Prince William
As I see it, you're always unsteady on your legs. You can't find your courage. You'll go to any length to avoid what displeases you, and you gallop after whatever you want. And why is that? There is no why; it's because you're free to. You enjoy the luxury of picking and choosing because you have the latitude. You're never pushed into a tight corner as I am, so it never occurs to you to thumb your nose at the world. ~ Soseki Natsume
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Soseki Natsume
But the writing we call children's fiction is not a childish thing: childish things include picking your nose and eating the contents, and tantruming at the failure to get your own way. The 45th President of America is childish. Children's fiction has childhood at its heart, which is not the same thing. ~ Katherine Rundell
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Katherine Rundell
The Hawk's keen nose is picking up the scent of a COWARD! Right . . . about . . . HERE! he snarled, and pointed at ME! ~ Rachel Renee Russell
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Rachel Renee Russell
The act of copulation is like that of picking the nose. It's all right to be doing it yourself but it is a singularly unattractive spectacle for the onlooker. ~ Roald Dahl
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Roald Dahl
Do you realize the illicit sensuous delight I get from picking my nose? I always have, ever since I was a child. There are so many subtle variations of sensation. A delicate, pointed-nailed fifth finger can catch under dry scabs and flakes of mucous in the nostril and draw them out to be looked at, crumbled between fingers, and flicked to the floor in minute crusts. Or a heavier, determined forefinger can reach up and smear down-and-out the soft, resilient, elastic greenish-yellow smallish blobs of mucous, roll them round and jellylike between thumb and forefinger, and spread them on the undersurface of a desk or chair where they will harden into organic crusts. How many desks and chairs have I thus secretively befouled since childhood? Or sometimes there will be blood mingled with the mucous: in dry brown scabs, or bright sudden wet red on the finger that scraped too rudely the nasal membranes. God, what sexual satisfaction! ~ Sylvia Plath
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Sylvia Plath
Bluetooth earpieces are so geeky," Dan Cahill said.
"But they free up your hands for surfing the web, stealing priceless jewels, and eating pastry," Atticus said, taking a huge bite out of an apple strudel.
"And picking your nose," Dan added, which caused Atticus to blow a mouthful of strudel all over the seat in front of them occupied by Dan's sister, Amy, who was trying to sleep ~ Roland Smith
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Roland Smith
When you first saw 'The Truman Show,' did anyone else walk around for the next week not picking your nose just in case? ~ Anna Kendrick
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Anna Kendrick
I meditate and put on a rubber tire with three bottles of beer. Most of the time I just sit picking my nose and thinking. ~ James Gould Cozzens
Trump Picking Nose quotes by James Gould Cozzens
All my nose is picking up on is the smell of green alfalfa hay and baling twine. I check with Keeper to see if he's sniffing up either hide or hair of Sneaky Tim Ray since my dog can can whiff dubious intentions from an acre away. People can hide their badness from one another, but the scent of wrongdoing is pungent and unmistakable to our four-legged friends. ~ Lesley Kagen
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Lesley Kagen
The ethic of ecstasy is the opposite of the trial's ethic; under its protection everybody does whatever he wants: now anyone can suck his thumb as he likes, from infancy to graduation, and it is a freedom no one will be willing to give up; look around you on the Metro; seated or standing, every single person has a finger in some orifice of his face-in the ear, in the mouth, in the nose; no one feels he's being observed, and everyone dreams of writing a book to tell about his unique and inimitable self, which is picking its nose; no one listens to anyone else, everyone writes, and each of them writes the way rock is danced to: alone, for himself, focused on himself yet making the same motions as all the others. In this situation of uniform egocentricity, the sense of guilt does not play the role it once did; the tribunals still operate, but they are fascinated exclusively by the past; they see only the core of the century; they see only the generations that are old or dead. ~ Milan Kundera
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Milan Kundera
Sex is like nose picking. It's fine as long as you practice it yourself, but it's disgusting watching someone else doing it. ~ Roald Dahl
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Roald Dahl
The lady carried upon her upper lip certain reddish demonstrations, which, if the imagination had been assisted by her attire, might have been mistaken for a beard. These were, however, in all probability, nothing more than eyelashes in a wrong place, as the eyes of Miss Brass were quite free from any such natural impertinencies. In complexion Miss Brass was sallow - rather a dirty sallow, so to speak - but this hue was agreeably relieved by the healthy glow which mantled in the extreme tip of her laughing nose. ~ Charles Dickens
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Charles Dickens
I have come to use the pan-Celtic history, which spans from 500 BC to the present, as a creative springboard. The music I am creating is a result of traveling down that road and picking up all manner of themes and influences, which may or may not be overtly Celtic in nature. ~ Loreena McKennitt
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Loreena McKennitt
I tried to warn you,

But girls never listen.

Got your innocence insured?

'Cause it's 'bout to be stolen

Right out from under your nose.

Prepare to curl your toes.

I've got a one-track mind.

You've got a nice behind.


I had a good thing goin'

All numb in my shell,

Then you took me by surprise

And now I'm scared as hell.

I don't wanna feel for you,

I don't wanna feel.

If feeling means hurting,

Then I don't wanna be real.

You crank up my lust, girl,

You tame down my rage.

You let your inner vixen

Roam out of her cage.

The moment our lips met

I saw it in your eyes,

But you were seeing me,

too, I now realize.


What do I want from you?

I want everything.

And I'm not gonna share -

This ain't a casual fling.

You can be my bad girl,

I'll even be your good boy.

How'd the tables get turned?

F*** it, I'll be your love toy. ~ Wendy Higgins
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Wendy Higgins
Gorilla, a guy who got his name because he's hairy and because his arms are so long his knuckles scrape the floor. He's grinning and moving closer and she's blocked in on all sides by a mass of bodies. I look at her and him. I look at the window. I think back to our date. She can always break his nose if he gets too friendly. I jump through, land on the grass, and turn around. Who am I kidding? I want to see it if she breaks his nose. ~ Cath Crowley
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Cath Crowley
Another most interesting change in the ideas and philosophy of science
brought about by quantum mechanics is this: it is not possible to predict exactly
what will happen in any circumstance. For example, it is possible to arrange an
atom which is ready to emit light, and we can measure when it has emitted light
by picking up a photon particle, which we shall describe shortly. We cannot,
however, predict when it is going to emit the light or, with several atoms, which
one is going to. You may say that this is because there are some internal "wheels"
which we have not looked at closely enough. No, there are no internal wheels;
nature, as we understand it today, behaves in such a way that it is fundamentally
impossible to make a precise prediction of exactly what will happen in a given
experiment. ~ Richard P. Feynman
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Richard P. Feynman
It's very hard to be great at what you do if you aren't deeply passionate, ~ Ivanka Trump
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Ivanka Trump
His nose is like a capsized ship, his mouth the size of three, his jaw and cheekbones hefty as armor, and his eyes are iridescent. His face is a room overstuffed with massive furniture. ~ Jandy Nelson
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Jandy Nelson
I can't muster a smile. Even with the knowledge that it's dark outside and light up here, it's hard to believe that he can see us. We should be invisible. We are so alone. Mabel and I are standing side by side, but we can't even see each other. In the distance are the lights of town. People must be finishing their workdays, picking up their kids, figuring out dinner. They're talking to one another in easy voices about things of great significance and things that don't mean much. The distance between us and all of that living feels insurmountable. ~ Nina LaCour
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Nina LaCour
When I tell somebody to do something I'm not going to get a lobbyist calling me the next day to say please don't do that even though it's good for America. ~ Donald Trump
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Donald Trump
I still can't quite grasp what you are telling me. I find it impossible to believe that there would be such unreasoning feeling against harmless people."
Amaryl said bitterly, "That's because you've never had any occasion to interest yourself in such things. It can all pass right under your nose and you wouldn't smell a thing because it doesn't affect you."
Dors said, "Mr. Amaryl, Dr. Seldon is a mathematician like you and his head can sometimes be in the clouds. You must understand that. I am a historian, however. I know that it isn't unusual to have one group of people look down upon another group. There are peculiar and almost ritualistic hatreds that have no rational justification and that can have their serious historical influence. It's too bad."
Saying something is 'too bad' is easy. You say you disapprove, which makes you a nice person, and then you can go about your own business and not be interested anymore. It's a lot worse than 'too bad.' It's against everything decent and natural. We're all of us the same, yellow-hairs and black-hairs, tall and short, Easterners, Westerners, Southerners, and Outworlders. We're all of us, you and I and even the Emperor, descended from the people of Earth, aren't we? ~ Isaac Asimov
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Isaac Asimov
Aswepulluptothe industrial facility that houses the newspaper's operations, I feel immense dread. It is because my life is utterly changed, and yet returning to work symbolises picking up the reins of continuity. It trivialises Victoria's death. How can resuming work and paying the bills be more important than mourning the loss of one's own child? Such grief will take a lifetime. If I get out of the car and go in through the entrance, it means suppressing that grief. It means the farce begins of having people think that you accept she is dead. And it is the beginning of 'After'. ~ Linda Collins
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Linda Collins
I think Donald Trump is moving to - and will continue to move to the economic argument, as to why what he's doing is - represents a commitment to stand up to big business, to international corporations who favor more immigration and lower wages - that's what they favor - and a defense of the interest of the American people who go to work every day. ~ Jeff Sessions
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Jeff Sessions
The most ludicrous of all ludicrous things, it seems to me, is to be busy in the world, to be a man who is brisk at his meals and brisk at his work. Therefore, when I see a fly settle on the nose of one of those men of business in a decisive moment, or if he is splashed by a carriage that passes him in even greater haste ... I laugh from the bottom of my heart. And who could keep from laughing? What, after all, do these busy bustlers achieve? Are they not just like the woman who, in a flurry because the house was on fire, rescued the fire tongs? ~ Soren Kierkegaard
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Soren Kierkegaard
If you want to beat Donald Trump - then you need to be the candidate that is not the establishment in your thinking, in the way you're presenting yourself. ~ Dalia Mogahed
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Dalia Mogahed
Empathetic people are superb at recognizing and meeting the needs of clients, customers, or subordinates. They seem approachable, wanting to hear what people have to say. They listen carefully, picking up on what people are truly concerned about, and respond on the mark. ~ Daniel Goleman
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Daniel Goleman
My advice to you, Joe, is to pick up a damn shovel, clean up whatever shit you can and learn how to shut your fucking mouth while you still have all of your teeth and can breathe through your nose. ~ Rhea Rhodan
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Rhea Rhodan
I broke my nose and got a concussion when I was 13. ~ Michael Cera
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Michael Cera
Come here, little one."
"I want to go back."
He hoped she stood there arguing for a time. "Obey your husband."
She wrinkled her nose. "It's broad daylight."
"Keemah, come."
Growing tired of just looking when he could be touching, Hunter cocked his head and let her see him leering. He was awarded a fetching glimpse of slender, creamy thighs and honey gold. She gasped and dropped to her knees as if someone had dealt a blow to the backs of her legs.
Tucking her skirt under her knees, she cried, "Have you no shame?"
His answer was a slow grin. Seizing her wrist, he drew her toward him. "There is no shame. You are my woman."
Pulled off balance, she fell across his chest. Squirming, but halfheartedly, she said, "There's a time and a place for everything, and this isn't it."
"No?" He ran a hand under her blouse. "I say it is a very good time."
She jerked when his fingers scaled her ribs. "That tickles."
Without warning he rolled with her, coming out on top. He kissed her lightly on the lips while he moved his hand from her ribs to her breast. The small mound of warm flesh fit perfectly in his hand, the crest springing taut against his palm. Scarlet flamed on her cheeks. Unable to resist, Hunter lifted her blouse and moved off her to look, one thigh slanted across both of hers to keep her still. He had guessed right; when she was shy, she grew pink all over.
"Hunter!" She tried to shove the leather down. "Someone might come! ~ Catherine Anderson
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Catherine Anderson
Hanging out with Sam or any two-year-old is basically one big suicide watch. Their mission is to find one new way after another of offing themselves - piss in an electric socket, lick a pit bull's nose, chase an ice cream truck into traffic - and your job as a parent is to step in before it happens. ~ Michael J. Fox
Trump Picking Nose quotes by Michael J. Fox
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