Precocious Kids Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Precocious Kids.

Quotes About Precocious Kids

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I'll ring for Mrs. Mullet, Feely said, reaching for a velvet pull that hung near the mantelpiece, and which probably hadn't been used since George the Third was foaming at the mouth. ~ Alan Bradley
Precocious Kids quotes by Alan Bradley
I grew up in a family where the internalized understanding was that the kids were going to grow up into a better world. I worry, because I don't think my kids are going to have that. The world is very scary. The world would be scary without the choices the current administration made, but they just exacerbated it. And it ticks me off. I want my kids to have a good life. ~ Bradley Whitford
Precocious Kids quotes by Bradley Whitford
could make them laugh, and although he couldn't make them like him, that was absolutely okay. They were dead-enders headed for dead-end marriages and dead-end jobs. They would raise dead-end kids and dandle dead-end grandkids before coming to their own dead ends in dead-end hospitals and nursing homes, rocketing off into darkness believing they had lived the American Dream and Jesus would meet them at the gates of heaven with the Welcome Wagon. Morris was meant for better things. He just didn't know what they were. ~ Stephen King
Precocious Kids quotes by Stephen King
If you can inspire a kid that's maybe the best part of being a comic book artist. ~ Marko Djurdjevic
Precocious Kids quotes by Marko Djurdjevic
Of course, New Brighton is very shabby, very rundown, but people still go there because it's the place where you take kids out on a Sunday. ~ Martin Parr
Precocious Kids quotes by Martin Parr
I will say that growing up as a kid in an urban environment and having lived in cities all my life, the one achievement that everyone can look forward to is getting the perfect parking spot. ~ Saul Perlmutter
Precocious Kids quotes by Saul Perlmutter
Don't you want to know what's real and what's not? I remember when I was a kid, you know, this whole Cold War thing. They had us scared of the Russians. So, it's almost like, what's real and what's not? ~ Queen Latifah
Precocious Kids quotes by Queen Latifah
I'm following my dreams and doing what I love as a designer. I did not want to be one of those kids with a famous last name that doesn't do anything. That is very unfulfilling to me and I'm very happy. ~ Nicky Hilton
Precocious Kids quotes by Nicky Hilton
I still get a lot of letters from kids and parents who face different challenges and disabilities. I share some of the lessons that I learned through sports and baseball, which makes me feel good. It's incredible to have an impact that way. ~ Jim Abbott
Precocious Kids quotes by Jim Abbott
Why, Tom - us people will go on livin' when all them people is gone. Why, Tom, we're the people that live. They ain't gonna wipe us out. Why, we're the people - we go on.'
'We take a beatin' all the time.'
'I know.' Ma chuckled. 'Maybe that makes us tough. Rich fellas come up an' they die, an' their kids ain't no good, an' they die out. But, Tom, we keep a-comin'. Don' you fret none, Tom. A different time's comin'. ~ John Steinbeck
Precocious Kids quotes by John Steinbeck
A friend tweeted me with 'The Big Freeze.' I don't know about that one. I've got to go home, play around with the kids and figure something out. I'll have one. ~ Shaquille O'Neal
Precocious Kids quotes by Shaquille O'Neal
Cromwell informed me I'd only have the keys to my car once I'd earned his trust back. His trust? Like I was the creeptastic person who whipped kids off the street and collected them like figurines? ~ Jennifer L. Armentrout
Precocious Kids quotes by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Hey, great idea: if you have kids, give your partner reading vouchers next Christmas. Each voucher entitles the bearer to two hours' reading time *while the kids are awake*. It might look like a cheapskate present, but parents will appreciate that it costs more in real terms than a Lamborghini. ~ Nick Hornby
Precocious Kids quotes by Nick Hornby
we can choose to only worry about our own kids if we would like to, but unless we also choose to do our part in order to do the greatest good for the greatest number, then our kids will not have much of anything to choose from in terms of loyal friends or potential marriage partners. ~ Darrell Roberts
Precocious Kids quotes by Darrell Roberts
Christmas was really where I started coming into my own as a performer because I did all this stuff on my own, all this performing on my own, When other kids were outside playing, I was in my room conjuring characters and impressions and things like that. ~ Jim Carrey
Precocious Kids quotes by Jim Carrey
When I first started, I saw myself shooting documentaries or making documentaries, which is what I did, mostly, for a number of years. So it was quite a surprise how I found myself shooting features. It was like my wildest dreams as a kid collided. ~ Roger Deakins
Precocious Kids quotes by Roger Deakins
A 'good' father will tenderly cultivate his children. But a 'good' father who is also a 'brave' father will let the children without cultivate the child within. ~ Craig D. Lounsbrough
Precocious Kids quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough
There's more time spent on teaching kids about recycling than on character development in the American schools. ~ Dennis Prager
Precocious Kids quotes by Dennis Prager
Step-parenting and being a step-sibling presents a lot of exciting opportunities. When families break up and re-form, there may be less order, less certainty, and a bit more trauma involved, but kids can end up having half-a-dozen parent figures. ~ Morris Gleitzman
Precocious Kids quotes by Morris Gleitzman
I don't like to read things that people write about me. I'd rather read what kids have to say about me because it's not their profession to do that. ~ David Bowie
Precocious Kids quotes by David Bowie
My parents had three kids right after the Second World War, and we were all sort of sickly. Then I had a fourth sibling, with very serious asthma. The medical bills ... So my parents always struggled. ~ Patti Smith
Precocious Kids quotes by Patti Smith
I grew up with no money. My kids will grow up with a lot of money and so it's really important to me, and it will always be a part of my parenting, to keep them conscientious and connected socially to other people. ~ Ryan Phillippe
Precocious Kids quotes by Ryan Phillippe
I'm very proud of all my children. They all have Christian families; they read the Bible; they pray; the kids go to Sunday school; they know the Ten Commandments by heart. That's my greatest honor, and I couldn't do anything to glorify God that could surpass that. That's very meaningful. ~ Robert H. Schuller
Precocious Kids quotes by Robert H. Schuller
That force - which the system tried to laugh at - when it finally broke through and the movement was recognized, the media said they were "just a bunch of spoiled kids, dope smokers [who] don't know what the hell they want." To demean it as something laughable - but that didn't work for very long. It's still an ongoing struggle; they're trying to find out how to fight. It's very exciting times. ~ Haskell Wexler
Precocious Kids quotes by Haskell Wexler
When I was a kid, three years old, I couldn't walk by the piano without reaching up and trying to play a few notes on it. There are kids who are just drawn to listening to music and dancing to it and trying to conduct. ~ Michael Tilson Thomas
Precocious Kids quotes by Michael Tilson Thomas
Neuroligacally, human beings haven't caught up with today's overstimulating environment. Getting kids out in nature can make a difference. ~ Michael Gurian
Precocious Kids quotes by Michael Gurian
Once they arrive, affirmative action kids are generally left to sink or swim academically. Brown (University) offers plenty of counseling and tutoring to struggling students, but, as any academic Dean will tell you, it's up to the students to seek it out, something that a drowning minority student will seek to avoid at all costs, fearing it will trumpet a second-class status. ~ Ron Suskind
Precocious Kids quotes by Ron Suskind
Kids don't think about their folks nearly as much as everybody imagines. Parents are just there, like background music at the mall. ~ Ron Koertge
Precocious Kids quotes by Ron Koertge
They were both my patients and they were two kids. I took care of both of them....Of both their bodies. And...for a brief moment I wondered if this is how God feels when he looks down at us. How we are all his kids....Our bodies....Our souls....And I felt a great deal of compassion....For both of them.... ~ Moises Kaufman
Precocious Kids quotes by Moises Kaufman
I would say that kids are great in many ways, because I think that we are less hampered when it comes to 'this costs too much' or 'that's impossible'. ~ Adora Svitak
Precocious Kids quotes by Adora Svitak
Only by remembering to say 'no' will the women of 21st century regain their voice and remember their power. 'No' is the most important word in a woman's dialectic arsenal, and it is the one word that our employers, our leaders, and quite often, the men in our lives would do anything to prevent us from saying. No, we will not serve. No, we will not settle for the dirty work, the low-paid work, the unpaid work. No, we will not stay late at the office, look after the kids, sort out the shopping. We refuse to fit the enormity of our passion, our creativity, and our potential into the rigid physical prison laid down for us since we were small children. No. We refuse. We will not buy your clothes and shoes and surgical solutions. No, we will not be beautiful; we will not be good. Most of all, we refuse to be beautiful and good. ~ Laurie Penny
Precocious Kids quotes by Laurie Penny
Alec waited. He'd heard kids
say terrible things before now. Adults poured poison in their minds, and
then it came out of their mouths.
Lily laughed.
"He said," Lily reported with unholy joy, "'What is that cool man doing
with you? ~ Cassandra Clare
Precocious Kids quotes by Cassandra Clare
Your kids never really leave do they? They might live elsewhere, sometimes not even on the same continent, but Mum is always first port of call when there's trouble. Parenting is a lifetime commitment. ~ Cindy Vine
Precocious Kids quotes by Cindy Vine
I was, as a kid, really obsessed with reading ... that was about as geeky as you could possibly get. ~ Junot Diaz
Precocious Kids quotes by Junot Diaz
The best way to describe my ability was to say that after the game the other kids would say to me, 'Way to try!' ~ Jon Stewart
Precocious Kids quotes by Jon Stewart
Kids. They're not tin cans or sheetrock. They're laughing machines. Wind them up and watch them go. ~ Carew Papritz
Precocious Kids quotes by Carew Papritz
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