Nelken Spice Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Nelken Spice.

Quotes About Nelken Spice

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Give me that pumpkin-spice-latte-loving penis; I need it. ~ Michael Arceneaux
Nelken Spice quotes by Michael Arceneaux
I can read the headlines now: 'Red's Goodie Basket has the Sweetest Pumpkin Spice Dicks Around!' I ~ Alexa Riley
Nelken Spice quotes by Alexa Riley
The Fremen! They're paying the Guild for privacy, paying in a coin that's freely available to anyone with desert power - spice. ~ Frank Herbert
Nelken Spice quotes by Frank Herbert
Being in this band [the Spice Girls] is like having four (three now) older sisters. They all look after me and I couldn't dream of leaving them. ~ Emma Bunton
Nelken Spice quotes by Emma Bunton
I wrote 'Lights' a long, long time ago. And I expected it to be on the album, because it was - I wrote it with 'Biff' Stannard. And he wrote every single Spice Girls song and every single pop song of the 90s, basically. So I thought, you know, I was really lucky to work with him, but I didn't think it would be a big song for some reason. ~ Ellie Goulding
Nelken Spice quotes by Ellie Goulding
London was a spice mecca. The first recipe for curry in English was actually published in 1747. ~ Tom Parker Bowles
Nelken Spice quotes by Tom Parker Bowles
The masculine scents of tobacco, spice and a hint of grapefruit hit her nostrils and affected her like she's dropped into a Godiva factory. What was he wearing ? Reminded her of the bonding scent vampires threw off when they met their soul mates in her fave series, The Black Dagger Brotherhood. ~ Jennifer Probst
Nelken Spice quotes by Jennifer Probst
Although we were The Spice Girls of 1984 in Europe, My work has never been widely promoted in the U.S. ~ Holly Johnson
Nelken Spice quotes by Holly Johnson
When I lived in New York and went to Chinatown, I learned that these flavors and their meanings were actually a foundation of ancient Chinese medicine.
Salty translated to fear and the frantic energy that tries to compensate for or hide it.
Sweet was the first flavor we recognized from our mother's milk, and to which we turned when we were worried and unsure or depressed.
Sour usually meant anger and frustration.
Bitter signified matters of the heart, from simply feeling unloved to the almost overwhelming loss of a great love. Most spices, along with coffee and chocolate, had some bitterness in their flavor profile. Even sugar, when it cooked too long, turned bitter. But to me, spice was for grief, because it lingered longest. ~ Judith Fertig
Nelken Spice quotes by Judith Fertig
Work as if you'll earn a Nobel Prize. Give regardless of your wallet's size. Laugh until tears roll from your eyes. These are the things that give life its spice. ~ Joan Marques
Nelken Spice quotes by Joan Marques
Of course, I loved the Spice Girls. I loved Geri and Baby, but who liked Posh Spice? They said I looked like her, and I said: 'That's not cool, that's really mean.' ~ Cara Delevingne
Nelken Spice quotes by Cara Delevingne
I can figure out which Spice Girl I wanna impregnate. ~ Eddie Murphy
Nelken Spice quotes by Eddie Murphy
1 cup milk (more or less, depending on how thick you like your oatmeal) ½ cup quick-cook rolled oats ¼ cup canned pumpkin puree ¼ teaspoon pumpkin pie spice ¼ teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon salt ½ banana, sliced ¼ cup walnuts, chopped 2 tablespoons maple syrup Whipped cream (optional) Bring the milk to a boil in a saucepan. Add the oats, then stir in the pumpkin, spices, and salt. Cook, stirring constantly, about 2 minutes (or as indicated by the package directions on the rolled oats). Pour the oatmeal into a bowl and add sliced banana, walnuts, maple syrup, and whipped cream (if desired). ~ Jordan Reid
Nelken Spice quotes by Jordan Reid
Do all wizards," he said, "get the kiddie crowns and war them around? Or is that only for special occasions?"
"Do all werewolves," I shot back, snatching the crown from my head, "wear glasses and too much Old Spice? Or is taht only for full moons? ~ Jim Butcher
Nelken Spice quotes by Jim Butcher
I never watched those Spice Girls. I didn't enjoy that at all. So I didn't know Victoria Beckham well. But she came out with this pretty boy, got married, and the boy got more tattoos and more tattoos. And then I met her a few times, and we started work, and something happened. You know, she wanted it. She loves what she's doing. ~ Manolo Blahnik
Nelken Spice quotes by Manolo Blahnik
Variety is the spice of life, a truth which, of course, every happy marriage seems to contradict. ~ Theodor Fontane
Nelken Spice quotes by Theodor Fontane
Hello, my name is ees Lebkuchen Spice, and I vant to show you my coooooookies ... ~ David Levithan
Nelken Spice quotes by David Levithan
I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation. ~ George Bernard Shaw
Nelken Spice quotes by George Bernard Shaw
You know Victoria Beckham. She was in that girl group, and they were about to tell us what they really, really wanted, and I was like "Yes, tell me what you really, really want!" And they were like, "Do you really, really wanna know what I really, really want?" And I was like, "Yes, I just told you!" And it turned out that, instead of wanting something, they just wanted to zigazig ah, which is not even a thing. ~ John Green
Nelken Spice quotes by John Green
'Spice Girls' is about unifying the world - every age, every gender, everyone. It's woman power, it's an essence, a tribe. ~ Geri Halliwell
Nelken Spice quotes by Geri Halliwell
The phrase was so simple and for most women, so generic. Any other female would have laughed off such a question from a boy she had no interest in. But in my case, it was a landmark moment in my life. Number 23 had gone where no other man had gone before.
Until then, my history with men had been volatile. Instead of a boyfriend or even a drunken prom date, my virginity was forfeited to a very disturbed, grown man while I was unconscious on a bathroom floor. The remnants of what could be considered high school relationships were blurry and drug infused. Even the one long-lasting courtship I held with Number 3 went without traditional dating rituals like Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversary gifts, or even dinner.
Into young adulthood, I was never the girl who men asked on dates. I was asked on many fucks. I was a pair of tits to cum on, a mouth to force a cock down, and even a playmate to spice up a marriage.
At twenty-four, I had slept with twenty-two men, gotten lustfully heated with countless more, but had never once been given flowers. With less than a handful of dates in my past, romance was something I accepted as not being in the cards for me. My personality was too strong, my language too foul, and my opinions too outspoken. No, I was not the girl who got asked out on dates and though that made me sad at times, I buried myself too deeply in productivity to dwell on it.
But, that day, Number 23 sparked a fuse. That question showed a glimmer of ~ Maggie Georgiana Young
Nelken Spice quotes by Maggie Georgiana Young
Anytime you do something Latino, yeah, I love the color, the spice. ~ Esai Morales
Nelken Spice quotes by Esai Morales
But more usually I find that age has bestowed a kind of comfortable anonymity. We are not especially interesting, by and large--waiting for a bus, walking along the street; younger people are busy sizing up one another, in the way that children in a park will only register other children. We are not exactly invisible, but we are not noticed, which I rather like; it leaves me free to do what a novelist does anyway, listen and watch, but with the added spice of feeling a little as though I am some observant time-traveller, on the edge of things, bearing witness to the customs of another age. ~ Penelope Lively
Nelken Spice quotes by Penelope Lively
Variety is the spice of life. We all want surprises. ~ Tony Robbins
Nelken Spice quotes by Tony Robbins
Finally, we would have been offered either a spring takiawase, meaning "foods boiled or stewed together," or a wanmori (the apex of a tea kaiseki meal) featuring seasonal ingredients, such as a cherry blossom-pink dumpling of shrimp and egg white served in a dashi base accented with udo, a plant with a white stalk and leaves that tastes like asparagus and celery, and a sprig of fresh sansho, the aromatic young leaves from the same plant that bears the seedpods the Japanese grind into the tongue-numbing spice always served with fatty eel. ~ Victoria Abbott Riccardi
Nelken Spice quotes by Victoria Abbott Riccardi
[My father] was generous with his affection, given to great, awkward, engulfing hugs, and I can remember so clearly the smell of his hugs, all starched shirt, tobacco, Old Spice, and Cutty Sark. Sometimes I think I've never been properly hugged since. ~ Linda Ellerbee
Nelken Spice quotes by Linda Ellerbee
Achievers can almost literally taste success because they imagine their goals in such vivid detail. Setbacks only seem to add spice and favor to the final taste of victory. ~ Denis Waitley
Nelken Spice quotes by Denis Waitley
The clock in the kitchen chimed and Anna looked up. The first batch of cookies would be ready any moment; then it would be time to put it in another tray. After that, there were four different types of bread, krumkaker (she wouldn't fill them with cream in this heat), and at least two spice cakes to make. Her mother hated the idea of her baking cakes that might not sell ("The ingredients cost money"), but Anna knew people would want them, and they made a tidy profit off cakes. It was a win-win. ~ Jen Calonita
Nelken Spice quotes by Jen Calonita
You know," she confided, "your recipe for Cajun Chicken Pasta? On page twenty-eight?" She nodded toward the book I'd just signed for her.
"Totally works with skim milk instead of heavy cream." She nodded proudly. "Not that I tried the cream version. I'm sure in a blind taste test that's the one I'd prefer, but skim works!"
I imagined the dish, using milk in the pan with the chicken fond, sun-dried tomatoes, oregano, and blackening spice, and could see where the milk would reduce into a nice thick sauce. ~ Beth Harbison
Nelken Spice quotes by Beth Harbison
As far as people whose style interests me, I'd say Grace Kelly, Gwen, Spice Girls, Victoria Beckham, and that nanny called Fran. ~ Iggy Azalea
Nelken Spice quotes by Iggy Azalea
So I hope husbands and wives will continue to debate and combat
Over everything debatable and combatable
Because I believe a little incompatibility is the spice of life
Particularly if he has income and she is pattable. ~ Ogden Nash
Nelken Spice quotes by Ogden Nash
A good spice often deceives us into thinking that someone is a good cook. ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Nelken Spice quotes by Mokokoma Mokhonoana
I looked up to see the sun struggling behind a gray mass of snow clouds.
I could relate.
And then a beam of sunlight found a way through. A sign? Maybe.
But what was this? I gasped. The bakery esters had refracted into visible bands of flavor.
Red raspberry, orange, and the yellow of lemon and butter.
Pistachio, lime, and mint green.
The deepest indigo of a fresh blueberry
The violet that blooms when crushed blackberries blend into buttercream.
The Roy G. Biv that a baker loves.
And then the darkness: chocolate, spice, coffee, and burnt-sugar caramel. ~ Judith Fertig
Nelken Spice quotes by Judith Fertig
Chief Moroka was not as great an orator as most of the Native chiefs but he excelled in philosophy. In that respect his witty expressions and dry humour were equal to those of Moshueshue, the Basuto King. He spoke in a staccato voice, with short sentences and a stop after each, as though composing the next sentence. His speeches abounded in allegories and proverbial sayings, some traditional and others spontaneous. His own maxims had about them the spice of originality which always provided his auditors with much food for thought. [104] ~ Sol T. Plaatje
Nelken Spice quotes by Sol T. Plaatje
Danger is the spice of life and you've got to take a risk now and then ... that's what makes life worthwhile. ~ Anthony Hopkins
Nelken Spice quotes by Anthony Hopkins
The progress of Sybilla though a market was the progress of worker bee through a bower of intently propagating blossoms. Everything stuck. From the toy stall she bought two ivory dolls, a hen whistle, a rattle and a charming set of miniature bells for a child's skirts: all were heroically received and borne by Tom, henceforth marked by a faint, distracted jingling. From the spice booth, set with delicious traps for the fat purse, she took cinnamon, figs, cumin seed and saffron, ginger, flower of gillyflower and crocus and - an afterthought - some brazil for dyeing her new wool. These were distributed between Christian and Tom. They listened to a balladmonger, paid him for all the verses of "When Tay's Bank," and bought a lengthy scroll containing a brand-new ballad which Tom Erskine read briefly and then discreetly lost. "No matter," said the Dowager cheerfully, when told. "Dangerous quantity, music. Because it spouts sweet venom in their ears and makes their minds all effeminate, you know. We can't have that." He was never very sure whether she was laughing at him, but rather thought not. They pursued their course purposefully, and the Dowager bought a new set of playing cards, some thread, a boxful of ox feet, a quantity of silver lace and a pair of scissors. She was dissuaded from buying a channel stone, which Tom, no curling enthusiast, refused utterly to carry, and got a toothpick in its case instead. They watched acrobats, invested sixpence for an unconvincing mermaid a ~ Dorothy Dunnett
Nelken Spice quotes by Dorothy Dunnett
I was beginning to fear that you had turned into one of those boring females who can only say 'Yes, my dear' ... You know very well, Peabody, that our little discussions are the spice of life
'The pepper in the soup of marriage'
Very aptly put, Peabody. If you become meek and acquiescent, I will put an advertisement in the Times telling Sethos to drop by and collect you. Promise me you will never stop scolding ... ~ Elizabeth Peters
Nelken Spice quotes by Elizabeth Peters
There was something about the scent of apple, she thought, that was truly unique to just that fruit-- it really did touch on so many childhood memories. Probably because it was among the first baby foods so many ate.
"This is going to be so very popular," she said thoughtfully. "I might tone down some of the earth notes, maybe bring up some of the brightness."
Dylan observed as she made some exacting adjustments to the dials while simultaneously watching their correlating meters.
Grace took a few quick sniffs, smiled, and then held the nose cup to his face again. He put his hand on hers and drew the cup even closer.
"I think this balance would make a lovely cider or a blend to an organic cinnamon and apple oatmeal," she said.
"Yes," said Dylan, nodding. "Hot from the pan on a cold autumn morning. I can absolutely smell that."
"Let's bring up a spice note, warm up the composition a bit." Watching his face, her left hand still with his, her right hand reaching out to the dials, Grace adjusted the machine, and she could see from his face when she was hitting just the right notes.
Dylan started laughing.
"What?" she asked happily.
"I smell my mother's apple pie." He pressed his warm hand to hers on the cup as he inhaled. "That's amazing!" Then he grabbed her hand and moved the cup toward her. "Here, you have to try this."
Their hands still together, she inhaled. "Oh, this 'is' amazing. Yum." Grace reached for a dial and adjusted i ~ Jeffrey Stepakoff
Nelken Spice quotes by Jeffrey Stepakoff
Oh my gosh, he smells good, like some exotic but comforting spice, nutmeg or cardamom. Slowly Damian lowers his head to mine and I think my chest might explode, my heart is tap-dancing so quickly.
He's going to kiss me.
I've imagined this and now it's really happening, I am like a block of wood. I can't move. I can't breathe. I close my eyes as the lightest feather of a breath , then lips, brushing over my lips. His breath is sweet and the taste of coffee barely lingers in his mouth. I feel as though my whole body has turned to liquid, into a river of millions of droplets, rushing apart and then back together.
"You have the softest lips," he whispers as he pulls back to look at me.
"So do you," I murmur. Oh, was that a stupid thing to say? I turn my face into his jacket and breathe in his scent. ~ Lisa Ann Sandell
Nelken Spice quotes by Lisa Ann Sandell
The post-'Merlin' era is an exciting time to look forward to. Variety is the spice of life. That's the fantastic thing about acting - all the different challenges it can provide you with. To limit yourself just to one would be foolish; therefore, I'm looking forward to different things that come my way. ~ Bradley James
Nelken Spice quotes by Bradley James
I'm afraid I couldn't like him without a spice of human naughtiness. ~ Louisa May Alcott
Nelken Spice quotes by Louisa May Alcott
Variety is the Spice of Life. What Have You Varied Today? ~ S.J. Francis
Nelken Spice quotes by S.J. Francis
[Lunch] was composed of one of the fish she had caught, evidently rescued from Mogget. This had been grilled with ginger, pepper, and some spice she didn't know, set atop a salad of grains and greenleaf, accompanied by a lightly sparkling clear wine she had to admit was delicious and refreshing. ~ Garth Nix
Nelken Spice quotes by Garth Nix
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