Nardos Flores Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Nardos Flores.

Quotes About Nardos Flores

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Tickle me, stroke me, feed me, fuck me,
Overload my senses-- hug me, drug me.
It's hard, you see, to consider what's more,
When we hate to think and love the gin.
But until this pleasure dies, I will never live--
There has to be more to life than this. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
Sharpen your Claws against wrong doing, against human suffering. Have Ears like Owls, HEAR what your child isn't telling you. Have Eyes like a Hawk, so that you might SEE all that passes before you. Be Brave like a Bear and have the Courage of a Mother Lion to SAVE our young. ~ Theresa L. Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Theresa L. Flores
Goodbye, but wave to me not! I cannot wallow seeing your hand unaccompanied, like an unclothed child deserving supplement. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
You can't ever take your love for granted. It's like a flower than needs sun, water, and food to survive. Without them, it cannot bloom. And besides, it's never too late to fall in love all over again, even for us old folks. ~ Jacob Z. Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Jacob Z. Flores
Joy is a flower that pain grows best. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
I who have nothing may have nothing, but I'll always have something that you don't. And that's respect. ~ Roberto Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Roberto Flores
Do you know how to pilot a yacht?" she asked.
"No, I don't, but I thought it would be fun to try it in pitch-black darkness in the middle of the Flores Sea," Nick said, smiling. "They light up the island, right?"
"You're such a smart-ass"
"I known, but I'm a charming smart-ass ~ Janet Evanovich
Nardos Flores quotes by Janet Evanovich
Look at what Al Davis has done. He hired the first Hispanic head coach (Tom Flores), the first black head coach (Art Shell), and now me. It's not a coincidence. People in sports talk a lot about inclusiveness and giving people opportunities. While they talk, I only see one person doing it. Al is the last person on Earth who'd do this for a pat on the back. A pat on the back would annoy him. He does it for the right reasons. ~ Amy Trask
Nardos Flores quotes by Amy Trask
People are very independent. And what I have seen with all the unions is that you have members who, regardless of who their union choose to endorse, ultimately want to exercise their own judgment and want to vote for the person they feel is best. ~ Lucy Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Lucy Flores
You don't think the dead guy is Miguel Flores."
"I think the dead guy's name was Lino."
"But ... that means maybe he wasn't even a priest, and he was up there doing the Mass thing, and marrying people, burying people."
"Maybe God struck him down for it. Case closed. We'll arrest God before end of shift. I want those dental records, and the dental records from New York."
"I'm pretty sure that arrest God stuff is blasphemy. ~ J.D. Robb
Nardos Flores quotes by J.D. Robb
Will this pain leave as quickly as you did? ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
I never told a victim story about my imprisonment. Instead, I told a transformation story - about how prison changed my outlook, about how I saw that communication, truth, and trust are at the heart of power. ~ Fernando Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Fernando Flores
A feel-good style can be a symptom of unawareness or lack of caring. ~ Fernando Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Fernando Flores
Over the last year, the RNC has made an unprecedented effort to engage Hispanic communities across Florida and around the country. Here in Florida the RNC has hired a diverse group of Hispanic staffers who are growing and reaching out to our community, to them I offer my most sincere gratitude. ~ Anitere Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Anitere Flores
Hope is the raw material of losers. ~ Fernando Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Fernando Flores
Just because they write something In this font
And break apart their lines
To rhyme
To dramatize
To imitate
Doesn't make what they say true.
And quotations marks
Don't make sentences "life conclusions." A post, a page,
A billboard, or a wallpaper -
Let it swirl for a few
and if you want to spit it out,
V omit.
If you want to keep it,
Let it ride shotgun.
But argue with it first.
Don't simply accept it
Because you may
By accident
Accept a monster
As a poem. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
Halfway through the set, the lead singer, who goes by Cloud, knife in hand, begins to stab at the cutout of Copal Brandt with a lion's passion. Out of nowhere blood is produced and Cloud proceeds to rub it all over his own face and body, then on his own bandmates. Afterwards he roars into the microphone, 'Do you know why we're doing this, McAllen? We're doing this FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON!!!!!!!!! ~ Fernando A. Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Fernando A. Flores
We're all the same whoever loves. ~ Meg Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Meg Flores
Dora Flores was one of the few people Tom confided in. She reported to him as Cyber Division's Inner-Office Field Support. She still had a slight Mexican flavor in her pronunciations, and he liked it. ~ Michael Ben Zehabe
Nardos Flores quotes by Michael Ben Zehabe
Are you in there? If not here, then where'd you go?
They say the living arena Earth and the dead are out,
But where are those trapped in-between high and low?
Where exactly are you wandering about?

Why would this happen to a human being?
I want to curse God and call him a fake,
But I am too desperate to risk ruining
The chance he may choose to help today. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
I have been very lucky. I have always been able to eat and drink and dance in my life so I am not afraid of anything. And if suddenly I should have nothing I would still be grateful. ~ Micaela Flores Amaya
Nardos Flores quotes by Micaela Flores Amaya
When you're a kid, the world can be bounded in a nutshell. In geographical terms, a child's universe is a space that comprises home, school and - possibly - the neighbourhood where your cousins or your grandparents live. In my case, the universe sat comfortably within a small area of Flores that ran from the junction of Boyacá and Avellaneda (my house), to the Plaza Flores (my school). My only forays beyond the area were when we went on holiday (to Córdoba or Bariloche or to the beach) or occasional, increasingly rare visits to my grandparents' farm in Dorrego, in the province of Buenos Aires.

We get our fist glimpse of the big wide world from those we love unconditionally. If we see our elders suffer because they cannot get a job, or see them demoted, or working for a pittance, our compassion translates these observations and we conclude that the world outside is cruel and brutal. (This is politics.) If we hear our parents bad-mouthing certain politicians and agreeing with their opponents, our compassion translates these observations and we conclude that the former are bad guys and the latter are good guys. (This is politics.) If we observe palpable fear in our parents at the very sight of soldiers and policemen, our compassion translates our observations and we conclude that, though all children have bogeymen, ours wear uniforms. (This is politics.) ~ Marcelo Figueras
Nardos Flores quotes by Marcelo Figueras
Remember, I am always 12 steps ahead.. ~ Silvia Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Silvia Flores
Secrets lose their power when they are no longer secrets. ~ Theresa L. Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Theresa L. Flores
I wish I hadn't met you in the rain: it comes every winter.
I wish you hadn't told me your favorite wine: I've become a drinker.
I wish I never showed you my hidden birthmark:
It looks back at me at night asking where you are.
I wish I hadn't read you my journal, all the pages praising you,
It's corrupted now that I can't tell if I write for me or you.
I wish I hadn't told you my daily routine: it's not mine anymore.
I can't enjoy 11:11, my favorite song, a birthday cake, or a concert tour.
I'm not afraid of the future, it's the past that takes a while. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
We obviously talk about immigration, but that's not the number one priority for - at least that I've seen with the Latino demographic. And we have not seen that as polling as the number one issue either. ~ Lucy Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Lucy Flores
Workers are like lemons: When the rich have sucked out all the juice, they throw them in the garbage. ~ Ricardo Flores Magon
Nardos Flores quotes by Ricardo Flores Magon
When you see the extent to which people try, like the tremors of a ballet dancer, or the intensity of a pianist, or a mural containing the details of tiny little people making up the background-- you see the vulnerable extension of our private selves. There is an element inside us and it wavers between beauty and madness. You know it when you see it, like a hyperactive atom bouncing in a tube. It is like trying, really trying, and when we do, we are in our most honest forms. When we reach, we expose the contents of the human spirit. The more often we see it spill, the more encouraged we are to go further. And we can go further than others, in joyous competition. After all, it is called the human race, no? ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
Our eyes see the future we desire
And if yearning is enough, turn blind entire
To any threats that challenge our hope.
Oh, how small indeed is Reality's scope. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
An organsation's results are determined through webs of human commitments, born in webs of human conversations. ~ Fernando Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Fernando Flores
She's like a sentence I never heard.

'Come again,' I said. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
Our best comes out when we have honest discussions. ~ Fernando Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Fernando Flores
Why is it called tierra and not tierro? Why is it round, like two breasts sewn together, like the two halves of an orange - a naranja - or the belly of a pregnant woman, and has never had any phallic tendencies, even while it was first forming? Why do we say naturaleza, in the feminine, and not naturalezo? Why did the old poets prefer to write la mar and not el mar, the way most people do today? Why is it la noche, night, la madrugada, dawn, la soledad, solitude, la ternura, tenderness, la felicidad, happiness, la luz, light, la luna, the moon, las constelaciones, the constellations, la voz, a person's voice, las caricias, caresses, las flores, flowers, la melancolía, melancholy? Why would it seem that the really poetic words are in the feminine? But that's nonsense. Mentira, lie, is feminine, and that's not so poetic. And there are lots of poetic words that are masculine: el cielo, the sky, el alba, another word for dawn, el misterio, mystery, el desea, desire, el parto, childbirth, el bien, good as opposed to evil. And speaking of evil, that's masculine in gender, el mal, and so is power, el poder. Although we shouldn't forget el querer, loving, a word that belongs to the strategy of desire. And also has a little bit of goodness in it. Bondad, goodness, is a very pretty word, and very feminine - it's conjugated in the feminine. On the other hand, muerte, death, which is feminine, no matter how she gets herself up to look attractive and profound, could she ever seduce anyone ~ Zoé Valdés
Nardos Flores quotes by Zoé Valdés
So think of the American Great Plains as one more reminder that we can find home again. ~ Dan Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Dan Flores
In the name of justice the most savage and revolting acts are perpetrated. ~ Ricardo Flores Magon
Nardos Flores quotes by Ricardo Flores Magon
Our worst comes out when we behave like robots or professionals. ~ Fernando Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Fernando Flores
A total commitment is paramount to reaching the ultimate in performance. ~ Tom Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Tom Flores
I want to die because I love you.
I don't want to die because I love you. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
But our eyes know to find each other and they do. And it reminds me of the way the ocean breaks: Blue turning blue again. Blue meeting land. Collapsing there, deeply. It reminds me of nothing else. And that means we are safe. ~ Meg Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Meg Flores
There are seconds of remembering you throughout the day -- moments when my heart twitches. Moments when I am hell-bent on forgetting your heaven-sent scent. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
When trust improves, the mood improves. ~ Fernando Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Fernando Flores
Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great. ~ Fernando Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Fernando Flores
Whether Sapiens are to blame or not, no sooner had they arrived at a new location than the native population became extinct. The last remains of Homo soloensis are dated to about 50,000 years ago. Homo denisova disappeared shortly thereafter. Neanderthals made their exit roughly 30,000 years ago. The last dwarf-like humans vanished from Flores Island about 12,000 years ago. They left behind some bones, stone tools, a few genes in our DNA and a lot of unanswered questions. They also left behind us, Homo sapiens, the last human species. ~ Yuval Noah Harari
Nardos Flores quotes by Yuval Noah Harari
Oh pillow, please continue to kiss my cheek round. I'll let you listen to my dreams to see the girl you'll never meet. ~ Karl Kristian Flores
Nardos Flores quotes by Karl Kristian Flores
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