Johnny Ola Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Johnny Ola.

Quotes About Johnny Ola

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When Johnny Depp saw it, he was so excited he fluffed up to twice his normal size. ~ Diane Messidoro
Johnny Ola quotes by Diane Messidoro
I realized that it was great to have a job, but it didn't have anything remotely to do with what I was striving for, so why was I doing it? ~ Johnny Depp
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Depp
There are only three men in the world who are licensed to wear shorts: Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and Tom Cruise. ~ Bill Nighy
Johnny Ola quotes by Bill Nighy
Sometimes a butterfly flaps its wings and the weather turns out fine. ~ Johnny Rich
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Rich
I was always fascinated by people who are considered completely normal, because I find them the weirdest of all ~ Johnny Depp
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Depp
Cheetah bit me whenever he could. The [Tarzan movie] apes were all homosexuals, eager to wrap their paws around Johnny Weismuller's thighs. They were jealous of me, and I loathed them. ~ Maureen O'Sullivan
Johnny Ola quotes by Maureen O'Sullivan
I always thought Johnny Carson was just brilliant, and I used to watch him and all the comics that would be on the show every night - and I'd dream about it being me. ~ Steven Wright
Johnny Ola quotes by Steven Wright
Sometimes, in prison, when he'd been lying awake at night staring at the bunk over his head, Johnny had thought that he missed Wolf most of all.
Wasn't that a damned sad commentary on his life?
The dog whined again. Knowing he was being ridiculous, that he was liable to lose the hand at the wrist when the animal charged, Johnny nonetheless took a step forward,holding out his fingers for sniffing.
"Wolf? Come here, boy."
Incredibly, the huge animal sank to its belly and slunk forward, behaving as if it wanted to believe but feared a cruel trick. Johnny dropped to his knees to greet it, his hands reaching out, burrowing in the coarse hide, stroking and scratching as the dog whined and licked and pawed him and butted him with its head.
"Ah, Wolf," he said as he accepted the truth at last, that this one thing that he had loved had been spared in order to greet him. Then, as the big head snuggled into his lap, he wrapped his arms around the dog's thick neck and buried his face against the animal's side.
For the first time in eleven years, he wept. ~ Karen Robards
Johnny Ola quotes by Karen Robards
People like Johnny Depp are an exception. He is the current model of what an actor should be. His body of work speaks volumes. He was so under-rated for so long, but he will have longevity - and it is such a gratifying thrill to see he is finally getting the recognition he deserves. ~ Dustin Hoffman
Johnny Ola quotes by Dustin Hoffman
Figure skating is theatrical. It's artistic. It's elegant. It's extremely athletic. And there's a very specific audience for that. ~ Johnny Weir
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Weir
The only responsibility I feel is to deliver something that's new or at least to attempt that. The real responsibility is to entertain and to try and make people laugh. ~ Johnny Depp
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Depp
When I do an album I try to find a producer that's excited about something that they want me to sing, and I check with the record company to find out what they think they can sell - which is their No. 1 priority. ~ Johnny Mathis
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Mathis
With any part you play, there is a certain amount of yourself in it. There has to be, otherwise it's just not acting. It's lying. ~ Johnny Depp
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Depp
When Johnny Cash died, ... I picked up my guitar and got the idea that Bob Dylan was the last man standing, the last of the real gods. It was for Dylan, Cash, Lennon, Elvis that's what I was thinking. ~ Jon Bon Jovi
Johnny Ola quotes by Jon Bon Jovi
We couldn't get along without him. We needed Johnny as much as he needed the gang. And for the same reason. ~ S.E. Hinton
Johnny Ola quotes by S.E. Hinton
I said no, get used to it. I like seeing you suffer with the expectancy of the unknown truth. I like seeing you squirm on pins and needles as I deny you something you crave. Besides, you're cute when you get mad, the way your lip curls up and- ~ Johnny Stone
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Stone
There's the whole Mad Hatter's dilemma, it was the amount of mercury that they used in the glue to make the hats. Everything was damaging. So, in terms of the Mad Hatter, looking at it from that perspective of this guy who literally is damaged goods, physically damaged, emotionally a little obtuse, and taking that and deciding that he should be - as opposed to just this hyper, nutty guy - he should explore all sides of the personality at an extreme level. ~ Johnny Depp
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Depp
Okay. Would you rather I looked like Hugh Jackman or George Clooney?"
"Johnny Depp," she says.
She answers a little too fast for my comfort. "What the hell, Lake? You're supposed to say Will! You're supposed to say you want me to look like me!"
"But you weren't one of the options," she says.
"Neither was Johnny Depp! ~ Colleen Hoover
Johnny Ola quotes by Colleen Hoover
A lot of kids bought guitars and started playing rock'n'roll because of us. ~ Johnny Ramone
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Ramone
Human speculation is no match for divine revelation. ~ Johnny Hunt
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Hunt
The only technical things I know are treble, volume and reverb, that's all. ~ Johnny Thunders
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Thunders
This dress code should be mandatory for most events. ~ Johnny Depp
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Depp
Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood, and you're the one I need ~ Johnny Cash
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Cash
Everybody I meet in public seems to want to audition for me. If I ask a guy what time it is, he'll sing it to me. ~ Johnny Carson
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Carson
Even people that know Johnny Cash's music really well and know that he was married don't really know that much about June Carter. So finding out about her really helped to inform my performance and to bring her to the front in a way that she has never been before. ~ Reese Witherspoon
Johnny Ola quotes by Reese Witherspoon
I'm still a Chicagoan in the fact that I can't do Christmas with sand and palm trees. It just doesn't compute - it's not Christmas unless your face hurts when you step outside. ~ Johnny Galecki
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Galecki
When I started out, everyone seemed to be adopting these names ... Johnny Rotten, Sid Vicious. I wasn't really Rotten or Vicious or Nasty, so I wanted something a bit more funny - yet something that seemed real rock 'n' roll ... something that acknowledged my ambition. ~ Billy Idol
Johnny Ola quotes by Billy Idol
Privately I think that I'm not really somebody who has a network television show. Celebrities are other people - Johnny Carson and Sylvester Stallone. I'm just a kid trying to make a living is the way I feel. ~ David Letterman
Johnny Ola quotes by David Letterman
I made odd noises as a child. Just did weird things, like turn off light switches twice. I think my parents thought I had Tourette's syndrome. ~ Johnny Depp
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Depp
One of the greatest pieces of advice I've ever gotten in my life was from my mom. When I was a little kid there was a kid who was bugging me at school and she said Okay, I'm gonna tell you what to do. If the kid's bugging you and puts his hands on you; you pick up the nearest rock ... ~ Johnny Depp
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Depp
Pure, white rock 'n' roll, with no blues influence. ~ Johnny Ramone
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Ramone
Only one golfer in a thousand grips the club lightly enough. ~ Johnny Miller
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Miller
All music comes from God. ~ Johnny Cash
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Cash
Tomorrow it'll all be over, then I'll have to go back to selling pens again. ~ Johnny Depp
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Depp
Can we say, in this case, that the cause of a cause is the relevant cause? ~ Johnny Rich
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Rich
You do a movie, depending on the character, there's some degree of makeup involved, especially when you're playing a vampire and you're all white and kind of dead. Sleeves, regarding costumes, there are generally sleeves, which I appreciate. I think we all do. ~ Johnny Depp
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Depp
It was really special for Bass Pro Shops to take Tracker off the side and put Joplin, Missouri on there. They have helped me a lot this past week with putting together ways to raise money to help rebuild Joplin. It's my hometown. It was heartbreaking to see the tornado and see all the people that lost their homes and the ones that lost their lives. It is really special that Johnny let us put that on there. Hopefully we made some people proud tonight. ~ Jamie McMurray
Johnny Ola quotes by Jamie McMurray
That would have been a great ticket, Reagan and Ford - an actor and a stuntman. ~ Johnny Carson
Johnny Ola quotes by Johnny Carson
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