Golf Putter Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Golf Putter.

Quotes About Golf Putter

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This thing is for the game of golf, yeah, but trust me, the Europeans don't have that mentality. ~ Payne Stewart
Golf Putter quotes by Payne Stewart
[Jack Nicklaus] was the first to bring in course management. He could go to a course and tell you within one stroke what was going to win. He used to set his sights on that because he could shoot it. He was the only player I know who, if he decided he wanted to win a tournament, could go out and do it. No one will ever be as popular as Arnold Palmer and no one will ever come close to Jack as a player. ~ Lee Trevino
Golf Putter quotes by Lee Trevino
I don't think I'll live long enough to shoot my age. I'm lucky to shoot my weight. ~ Bruce Lansky
Golf Putter quotes by Bruce Lansky
Every rock'n'roll band I know, guys with long hair and tattoos, plays golf now. ~ Alice Cooper
Golf Putter quotes by Alice Cooper
Everybody who plays top-level sport, whether it's golf or football, or whatever, needs to get into 'The Zone' ... For me personally, on the morning of a round, preparation is always about getting into the zone. The less I communicate with other people, the better. I'm trying to rehearse in my mind what I am working on in my game: going through my swing keys, going through my putting keys. When I get to the course I get the pin positions for the day and I'll analyze those. I'll make a strategy for the golf course and look how I'm going to play it ~ Paul McGinley
Golf Putter quotes by Paul McGinley
Playing polo is like trying to play golf during an earthquake. ~ Sylvester Stallone
Golf Putter quotes by Sylvester Stallone
Americans are less mystical about what produced their inland or meadow courses; they are the product of the bulldozerm rotary ploughs, mowers, sprinkler systems and alarmingly generous wads of folding money. ~ Alistair Cooke
Golf Putter quotes by Alistair Cooke
The golf course. He never thought he'd sink so low, but he did, like every other old duffer across the land. ~ T.C. Boyle
Golf Putter quotes by T.C. Boyle
When one thinks of golf and Scotland, the first thing that comes to mind is usually St. Andrews, especially the famed Old Course. ~ Raymond Bonner
Golf Putter quotes by Raymond Bonner
It's Star Wars golf. This place was designed by Darth Vader. ~ Ben Crenshaw
Golf Putter quotes by Ben Crenshaw
Well, until man is redeemed he will always take a fly rod too far back, just as natural man always overswings with an ax or golf club and loses all his power somewhere in the air; only with a rod it's worse, because the fly often comes so far back it gets caught behind in a bush or rock. ~ Norman Maclean
Golf Putter quotes by Norman Maclean
I've always said as a political scientist that "culture" is what we use when we can't explain things. I think it's more about accessibility. Part of the problem is that this is an expensive game [golf]. I know in a couple of places where there are black members, and they come from pretty much the same socioeconomic level that the white members come from. ~ Condoleezza Rice
Golf Putter quotes by Condoleezza Rice
Playing golf is not hot work. Cutting sugar cane for a dollar a day - that's hot work. Hotter than my first wrist watch. ~ Chi Chi Rodriguez
Golf Putter quotes by Chi Chi Rodriguez
We were all born with webbed feet and a golf club in our hand. ~ Old Tom Morris
Golf Putter quotes by Old Tom Morris
Sports formed me. I was always decently skilled but lacked size, so I had to resort to using my skill versus my power. I strategically play golf because that's all I can do. It's the same on the basketball court. I try to get open and shoot it. Or I use the open space on the soccer field. ~ Zach Johnson
Golf Putter quotes by Zach Johnson
I have an insane desire to shave a stroke or two off my handicap. ~ Alistair Cooke
Golf Putter quotes by Alistair Cooke
Fairway: a narrow strip of mown grass that separates two groups of golfers looking for lost balls in the rough. ~ Henry Beard
Golf Putter quotes by Henry Beard
Having a great golf swing helps under pressure, but golf is a game about scoring. It's like an artist who can get a two-inch brush at Wal-Mart for 20 cents or a fine camel-hair brush from an art store for 20 dollars. The brush doesn't matter - how the finished painting looks is what matters. ~ Jerry Pate
Golf Putter quotes by Jerry Pate
Who can say I have a bad swing? The only thing that matters in golf is the score you put on the board. You don't have to look pretty out there, you have to win. Look at my record and tell me who has a better swing than mine. ~ Lee Trevino
Golf Putter quotes by Lee Trevino
First and fore-most, you must have confidence. Your second mental problem is concentration. Think the shot through in advance before you address the ball. Draw a mental image of where you want it to go and then eliminate everything else from your mind, except how you are going to get the ball into that preferred spot. ~ Sam Snead
Golf Putter quotes by Sam Snead
I enjoy Augusta. I enjoy its challenges. There's no other golf course like this anywhere. Its greens and its challenges on and around the greens are just super, super tough. So the greens are fun to play in sort of a morbid way. ~ Ben Crenshaw
Golf Putter quotes by Ben Crenshaw
Don't force your kids into sports. I never was. To this day, my dad has never asked me to go play golf. I ask him. It's the child's desire to play that matters, not the parent's desire to have the child play. Fun. Keep it fun. ~ Tiger Woods
Golf Putter quotes by Tiger Woods
After a golfer has been out on the circuit for a while he learns how to handle his dating so that it doesn't interfere with his golf. The first rule usually is no woman-chasing after Wednesday. ~ Tony Lema
Golf Putter quotes by Tony Lema
During my last year of high school, I tried out for the varsity golf team. For about a year, I'd taken golf lessons from an old golf pro. ~ J.D. Vance
Golf Putter quotes by J.D. Vance
This fitness thing is blown out of proportion. What am I going to do on a treadmill - smoke a cigarette and drink a diet Coke? ~ John Daly
Golf Putter quotes by John Daly
I found a 1992 New York Times article:Bill Clinton playing golf at a club that he played at all of his adult life as governor, that didn't allow black membership! I guarantee most Americans don't know that. ~ Sean Hannity
Golf Putter quotes by Sean Hannity
I think Tahoe is one of the hidden gems in the country, and I've played a lot of golf around the country. You can't beat the smells and the clean air and just the way it makes you feel. ~ Trent Dilfer
Golf Putter quotes by Trent Dilfer
Perhaps [God] resided only above England. Or perhaps He had retired and now lived quietly in some remote Condominium Galaxy where He enjoyed a game of intergalactic golf now and again, deftly driving, pitching and putting stars into eighteen black holes in space, loosing devils on us whenever He scored a bogey. Or perhaps He hid behind every tree, rock and bush, or was closer than my very breath. Whatever He did, however He did it, Whoever and Whatever He wasn't or was, if he wanted my attention He'd have to leave off making Himself so scarce. ~ David James Duncan
Golf Putter quotes by David James Duncan
Well my dad was a pretty good player at one stage and my two older brothers played golf as well. So there were always golf clubs flying around the house. ~ Retief Goosen
Golf Putter quotes by Retief Goosen
If you think your hands are more important in your golf swing than your legs, try walking a hole on your hands. ~ Gary Player
Golf Putter quotes by Gary Player
Once when I'd been in a lot of bunkers, my caddie told me he was getting blisters from raking so much. ~ JoAnne Carner
Golf Putter quotes by JoAnne Carner
Of course, Dwight D. Eisenhower gets credit for doing more for golf than any other White House resident, a mid- to high-handicapper though he was. ~ Dan Jenkins
Golf Putter quotes by Dan Jenkins
I can't just wake up and watch TV and do nothing. I need a day off working out, seeing the wife, play a little golf, see my kids. ~ Pete Sampras
Golf Putter quotes by Pete Sampras
The word is control. That's my ultimate - to have control. ~ Nick Faldo
Golf Putter quotes by Nick Faldo
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