Aboutir Translation Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Aboutir Translation.

Quotes About Aboutir Translation

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The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that a cover is a sort of translation, that is, an interpretation of my words in another language -- a visual one. It represents the text, but isn't part of it. It can't be too literal. It has to have its own take on the book.

Like a translation, a cover can be faithful to at the book, or it can be misleading. In theory, like a translation, it should be in the service of the book, but this dynamic isn't always the case. ~ Jhumpa Lahiri
Aboutir Translation quotes by Jhumpa Lahiri
I was one of those girls that were repeatedly told, "You have such a pretty face." (I suspected that was said to every fat girl.) Translation: If I weren't so fat, I'd be pretty. Gratzi! ~ Misti D. Mosteller
Aboutir Translation quotes by Misti D. Mosteller
Every act of communication is a miracle of translation. ~ Ken Liu
Aboutir Translation quotes by Ken Liu
I read a lot. I always have, but in those two years I gorged myself on books with a voluptuous, almost erotic gluttony. I would go to the local library and take out as many as I could, and then lock myself in the bedsit and read solidly for a week. I went for old books, the older the better
Tolstoy, Poe, Jacobean tragedies, a dusty translation of Laclos
so that when I finally resurfaced, blinking and dazzled, it took me days to stop thinking in their cool, polished, crystalline rhythms. ~ Tana French
Aboutir Translation quotes by Tana French
I was very lucky. I don't know German, or Dutch, or Chinese, or Thai. I don't know them, so I can't judge, so I have to go on the word of the publisher that it's a good translation. ~ Sandra Cisneros
Aboutir Translation quotes by Sandra Cisneros
Readable, faithful, accurate-what more could you ask for in a modern translation of the Bible? GOD'S WORD Translation is a great version for enhancing your love for God's Word. I recommend it. ~ Ann Spangler
Aboutir Translation quotes by Ann Spangler
Mister Cameron - I have read the unexpurgated Ovid, the love poems of Sappho, the Decameron in the original, and a great many texts in Greek and Latin histories that were not though fit for proper gentlemen to read, much less proper ladies. I know in precise detail what Caligula did to, and with, his sisters, and I can quote it to you in Latin or in my own translation if you wish. I am interested in historical truth, and truth in history is often unpleasant and distasteful to those of fine sensibility. I frankly doubt that you will produce anything to shock me. ~ Mercedes Lackey
Aboutir Translation quotes by Mercedes Lackey
It had been communicated to me through the odd, secret whispers of women that a female's nose must never shine. In war, in famine, in fire, it had to be matte, and no one got a lipstick without the requisite face powder. … I was taunted by the problem: how could someone write something like the 'Symposium' and make sure her nose did not shine at the same time? It didn't matter to me that I was reading a translation. I'd read Plato's brilliant, dense prose and not be able to tear myself away. Even as a reader my nose shined. It was clearly either/or. You had to concentrate on either one or the other. In a New York minute, the oil from Saudi Arabia could infiltrate your house and end up on your nose. It didn't hurt, it didn't make noise, it didn't incapacitate in any way except for the fact that no girl worth her salt took enough time away from vigilance to read a book let alone write one. ~ Andrea Dworkin
Aboutir Translation quotes by Andrea Dworkin
I'm really tired of people saying what is lost in translation. Look at what you gain. You gain three universes worth of books. It's worth it to lose something in translation, if you can get a hundred more texts that are going to change your life. ~ Arshia Sattar
Aboutir Translation quotes by Arshia Sattar
Artists are looking for a new modernity that would be based on translation: What matters today is to translate the cultural values of cultural groups and to connect them to the world network. This "reloading process" of modernism according to the twenty-first-century issues could be called altermodernism, a movement connected to the creolisation of cultures and the fight for autonomy, but also the possibility of producing singularities in a more and more standardized world. ~ Nicolas Bourriaud
Aboutir Translation quotes by Nicolas Bourriaud
TRULY, "thoughts are things," and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects. A ~ Napoleon Hill
Aboutir Translation quotes by Napoleon Hill
If you love life you also love the past, because it is the present as it has survived in memory. Translation by David Downie ~ Marguerite Yourcenar
Aboutir Translation quotes by Marguerite Yourcenar
Translation, it read: But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the LORD's victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the LORD is with you! ~ Stacy Hawkins Adams
Aboutir Translation quotes by Stacy Hawkins Adams
A drawing is a translation. That is to say each mark on the paper is consciously realted, not only to the real or imagined "model", but also to every mark and space already set out on the paper. Thus a drawn or painted image is woven together by the energy (or the lassitude, wen the drawing is weak) of countless judgements [sic]. Every time a figuration is evoked in a drawing, everything about it has been mediated by consciousness, either intuitively or systematically. ~ John Berger
Aboutir Translation quotes by John Berger
I wrote 'Yellow Submarine' for the Beatles. I wrote the screenplay for 'The Games,' about the Olympic Games. I wrote 'Love Story,' both the novel and the screenplay. I wrote 'RPM' for Stanley Kramer. Plus, I wrote two scholarly books and a 400-page translation from the Latin, and I dated June Wilkinson! ~ Erich Segal
Aboutir Translation quotes by Erich Segal
W-MT: There was a book I read about in the New York Times Book Review. It had a red cover, maybe? A.J.: Yeah, that sounds familiar. [Translation: That is excessively vague. Author, title, description of the plot - these are more useful locators. That the cover might have been red and that it was in the New York Times Book Review helps me far less than you might think.] Anything else you remember about it? [Use your words.] ~ Gabrielle Zevin
Aboutir Translation quotes by Gabrielle Zevin
A God who counts minutes and pennies, a desperate sensual God, who grunts like a pig. A pig with golden wings, who falls and falls, always belly side up, ready for caresses, that's him, our master. Come, kiss me. ~ Louis Ferdinand Celine
Aboutir Translation quotes by Louis Ferdinand Celine
There is an old Italian proverb about the nature of translation: "Traddutore, traditore!" This means simply, "Translators-traitors!" Of course, as you can see, something is lost in the translation of this pithy expression: there is great similarity in both the spelling and the pronunciation of the original saying, but these get diluted once they are put in English dress. Even the translation of this proverb illustrates its truth! ~ Daniel Wallace
Aboutir Translation quotes by Daniel Wallace
I was in Cancun, Mexico, sitting in a disappearing-edge swimming pool, on a bar stool that was actually under the water, watching palm trees sway in a sultry breeze against the unmistakable aqua splendor of the Caribbean Sea; drinking coconut, lime, and tequila from a scooped-out pineapple, with salt spray of breaking surf and sun kissing my skin.
Translation: I'd died and gone to heaven. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Aboutir Translation quotes by Karen Marie Moning
For him, the kampung was a place to live and work that was based on a steadfast and intimate relationship between man and nature. The village was a true reflection of life in the tropics. ~ Isa Kamari
Aboutir Translation quotes by Isa Kamari
Poetry is what gets lost in translation. ~ Robert Frost
Aboutir Translation quotes by Robert Frost
Beyond the offer tables and online bestseller charts are many other narratives: books that take readers away from what they know, challenge the assumptions that underpin life elsewhere and present a strikingly different world ["How Books Get Lost In translation," Financial Times, January 15, 2015]. ~ Ann Morgan
Aboutir Translation quotes by Ann Morgan
(True,) the white hole said. (My name is Khairelikoblepharehglukumeilichephreidosd'enagouni-) and at the same time he went flickering through a pattern of colors that was evidently the visual translation. ~ Diane Duane
Aboutir Translation quotes by Diane Duane
refers to linguistic hybridity on the level of text that has no representational function within the narrative. In other words, it has no object: it is neither translational mimesis representing another language nor does it represent the self-translation of a character or an embodied narrator. It is characterized by the absence of a fictional translator. If, ~ Susanne Klinger
Aboutir Translation quotes by Susanne Klinger
During the decade following the discovery of the double-helical structure of DNA, the problem of translation - namely, how genetic information is used to synthesize proteins - was a central topic in molecular biology. ~ Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
Aboutir Translation quotes by Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
Poetry cannot be translated; and, therefore, it is the poets that preserve the languages; for we would not be at the trouble to learn a language if we could have all that is written in it just as well in a translation. But as the beauties of poetry cannot be preserved in any language except that in which it was originally written, we learn the language. ~ Samuel Johnson
Aboutir Translation quotes by Samuel Johnson
Translation is the circulatory system of the world's literatures ~ Susan Sontag
Aboutir Translation quotes by Susan Sontag
As far as modern writing is concerned, it is rarely rewarding to translate it, although it might be easy. Translation is very much like copying paintings. ~ Boris Pasternak
Aboutir Translation quotes by Boris Pasternak
What will you prefer if you have new king or the king of good times. ~ Institute For Translation Of Hebrew Literature
Aboutir Translation quotes by Institute For Translation Of Hebrew Literature
If creative fiction writing is a process of translating an abstraction into the concrete, there are three possible grades of such writing: translating an old (known) abstraction (theme or thesis) through the medium of old fiction means (that is, characters, events or situations used before for that same purpose, that same translation) -- this is most of the popular trash; translating an old abstraction through new, original fiction means -- this is most of the good literature; creating a new, original abstraction and translating it through new, original means. This, as far as I know, is only me -- my kind of fiction writing. ~ Ayn Rand
Aboutir Translation quotes by Ayn Rand
And [We had sent] Lot when he said to his people, "Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds?

Verily, you practise your lusts on men instead of women. Nay, but you are a people transgressing beyond bounds (by committing great sins)."

And the answer of his people was only that they said: "Drive them out of your town, these are indeed men who want to be pure (from sins)!"

Then We saved him and his family, except his wife; she was of those who remained behind (in the torment).

And We rained down on them a rain (of stones). Then see what was the end of the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists, sinners, etc.)."
( A translation of Quran,7;80-84) ~ Qur'an
Aboutir Translation quotes by Qur'an
The other thing that I started doing for myself was, I went through my diary of ideas that I keep and made sure that the translation of the comic to the movie was good. ~ Guillermo Del Toro
Aboutir Translation quotes by Guillermo Del Toro
Animosity does not eradicate animosity. Only by loving kindness is animosity dissolved. This law is ancient and eternal. (attributed to Buddha) ~ Ananda Maitreya
Aboutir Translation quotes by Ananda Maitreya
I love working with the actors eye-to-eye. I think something gets lost in translation, not only through a monitor, but when you leave the area where the actual scene is taking place. ~ Drew Barrymore
Aboutir Translation quotes by Drew Barrymore
I have many, many editions of the books, and they are all rather different. In the end, the one I used was the most recent French translation. French suits the tales well, and it's a beautiful translation. The Italian one is good as well ... English has fallen short. ~ Marina Warner
Aboutir Translation quotes by Marina Warner
Alternate translation: Come brethren, if you have a mind to be ingrafted in the vine, It is a pity to see you lopped off in this manner From the stock. Reckon up the prelates in the very see of Peter; And in that order of fathers see which has succeeded which. This is the rock over which the proud gates of hell prevail not. ~ Saint Augustine
Aboutir Translation quotes by Saint Augustine
Apart from whether collectivism, the "communist vermin," is a danger to decent life, the communism gnawing at his entrails was no more than a natural longing for something better, a protest against persistent hunger transformed into a love for this strange doctrine, whose essence he could never grasp but whose translation, "bread for the poor," was something which he understood and, more importantly, filled him with hope. ~ Ernesto Che Guevara
Aboutir Translation quotes by Ernesto Che Guevara
Photography speaks a universal language that does not need translation, and with an immediacy that the written word lacks. It freezes a moment in time, leaving an indelible image. ~ Bianca Jagger
Aboutir Translation quotes by Bianca Jagger
If the Gospel of Judas found in Codex Tchacos can be convincingly identified as being a Coptic translation of the original Greek Gospel of Judas that Bishop Ireneaus mentioned around A.D. 180 in his book, "Against Heresies," it will be an important step in the study of ancient gnosticism. We would have for the first time the chance to trace back the history of Sethian gnosticism to before the time of Irenaeus. This would be a significant gain in our knowledge of early Christianity. ~ Gregor Wurst
Aboutir Translation quotes by Gregor Wurst
A desire to believe (despite all evidence to the contrary) that words are at bottom the names of things is what makes the translator's mission seem so impossible. ~ David Bellos
Aboutir Translation quotes by David Bellos
Lark frowned. "I thought she was associated with fate. Her Arcana name's Our Lady of Fate."

"As she desired it to be," he said. "But it's a very liberal translation."

I'd thought these Arcana things were set in stone. Now the goalposts were moving.

He downed that shot, then poured another. "She appears to control fate, but she doesn't have any influence over what happens to her. Her power is passive. She doesn't read the future and consciously affect it - not like the Fool does." Aric's gaze grew distant. "Ages ago, Fortune was known more accurately as Lady Luck. The Fool was known as the Hand of Fate. She despised him for that and envied his power. ~ Kresley Cole
Aboutir Translation quotes by Kresley Cole
By reason of weird translation, many such sets of instructions read like poems anyhow. ~ Brian Ferneyhough
Aboutir Translation quotes by Brian Ferneyhough
Dreaming and hoping won't produce a piece of work; only writing, rewriting and rewriting (if necessary)- a devoted translation of thoughts and dreams into words on paper will result in a story. ~ Roberta Gellis
Aboutir Translation quotes by Roberta Gellis
Repetition plus translation plus generalization results, with the correct calculation, in clarification. If there is such a thing as 'progress in religion', it can only manifest itself as increasing explicitness. ~ Peter Sloterdijk
Aboutir Translation quotes by Peter Sloterdijk
I just enjoy translating, it's like opening one's mouth and hearing someone else's voice emerge. ~ Iris Murdoch
Aboutir Translation quotes by Iris Murdoch
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