Turknett Associates Quotes

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Quotes About Turknett Associates

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There is another innovation at Harvard which I think made a tremendous difference and that is the decision to try to recruit the very best person in the field for an available faculty position. In the period after World War II Harvard literally engaged in world-wide searches for the very best and created a culture in which it was simply unacceptable to hire friends and associates, to make decisions based on personal affections or inclinations. ~ Henry Rosovsky
Turknett Associates quotes by Henry Rosovsky
St. Luke again associates St. John with St. Peter in the Acts of the Apostles, when, after the Resurrection, that strange boldness had come upon the disciples. ~ Alfred Noyes
Turknett Associates quotes by Alfred Noyes
Every defendant knows, if endowed with the mental competence for criminal responsibility, that the life he will take by his homicidal behavior is that of a unique person, like himself, and that the person to be killed probably has close associates, 'survivors,' who will suffer harms and deprivations from the victim's death. ~ David Souter
Turknett Associates quotes by David Souter
The careless, the lukewarm Catholics should, above all, dread hell, for he is continually walking on the brink of the infernal abyss. He makes little of the precepts of hearing Mass, of the prescribed abstinence from flesh meat, he scruples not neglecting the religious training of his children, he associates with persons and frequents places that are to him an occasion of sin, he yields to impure thoughts, commits sins of impurity without remorse, gives way to his vindictive feelings against his neighbor, indulges in excess in eating and drinking, neglects prayer and the sacraments. Now is the time for him to be aroused from his life of sin, now is the time for him to give up sin and change his life, for if he defers doing so, it may soon be to late. This may, indeed, be the last warning that God gives him. ~ Fr. Martin Von Cochem
Turknett Associates quotes by Fr. Martin Von Cochem
I have a very keen sense of smell and always associate certain people and places with particular fragrances. For me, nothing is more likely to set a mood than certain scents. I find I vary the perfume I use depending on the climate and the time of day. However a few great perfumes seem to work for most occasions. ~ Elizabeth Hurley
Turknett Associates quotes by Elizabeth Hurley
Adjectives are used as nouns ("greats," "notables"). Nouns are used as verbs ("to host"), or they are chopped off to form verbs ("enthuse," "emote"), or they are padded to form verbs ("beef up," "put teeth into"). This is a world where eminent people are "famed" and their associates are "staffers," where the future is always "upcoming" and someone is forever "firing off" a note. Nobody in America has sent a note or a memo or a telegram in years. Famed diplomat Condoleezza Rice, who hosts foreign notables to beef up the morale of top State Department staffers, sits down and fires off a lot of notes. Notes that are fired off are always fired in anger and from a sitting position. What the weapon is I've never found out. ~ William Zinsser
Turknett Associates quotes by William Zinsser
I learned my first lesson at the Walt Disney Company about not being able to trust my associates. ~ Michael Ovitz
Turknett Associates quotes by Michael Ovitz
All things are created twice, but not all first creations are by conscious design. In our personal lives, if we do not develop our own self-awareness and become responsible for first creations, we empower other people and circumstances outside our Circle of Influence to shape much of our lives by default. We reactively live the scripts handed to us by family, associates, other people's agendas, the pressures of circumstance - scripts from our earlier years, from our training, our conditioning. ~ Stephen Covey
Turknett Associates quotes by Stephen Covey
We are hearing the imams that are preaching in places like the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. The imam preached there to the migrants go in to Western Europe, build your enclaves there, breed their women and do not associate or assimilate into the broader society. ~ Steve King
Turknett Associates quotes by Steve King
No wonder we are all more or less pleased with mediocrity, since it leaves us at rest, and gives the same comfortable feeling as when one associates with his equals. ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Turknett Associates quotes by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
I think the scariest thing to me is to think that somebody would only associate me with one character and that that's all that I would get to play. ~ Carla Gugino
Turknett Associates quotes by Carla Gugino
I learned that everybody is not your friend. You have to watch who you associate with and surround yourself with positive things and people who want to do something positive. ~ Gucci Mane
Turknett Associates quotes by Gucci Mane
Let me strive every moment of my life to make myself better and better, to the best of my ability, that all may profit by it.
Let me think of the right and lend all my assistance to those who need it, with no regard for anything but justice.
Let me take what comes with a smile, without loss of courage.
Let me be considerate of my country, of my fellow citizens and my associates in everything I say and do.
Let me do right to all, and wrong no man. ~ Kenneth Robeson
Turknett Associates quotes by Kenneth Robeson
There is nothing more alone in the universe than man. He is alone because he has the intellectual capacity to know that he is separated by a vast gulf of social memory and experiment from the lives of his animal associates. ~ Loren Eiseley
Turknett Associates quotes by Loren Eiseley
Taylor grinned. "Well, I've been giving these things a lot of thought - "
" - You really have been busy these past twelve hours - "
" - and I feel as though I've peaked in the large firm environment. After all, there's only so much you can learn in one place - "
" - I'm pretty sure that's a line from a song - "
" - and so I was thinking that maybe I should start my own law firm."
With this having been declared, they both fell silent. After a long moment, Jason spoke first.
"I think that's a great idea."
Taylor jumped off the couch excitedly. "I know! I can see it now - Taylor Donovan and Associates. That has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
Jason gave her the strangest look. "Don't you mean Taylor Andrews and Associates?"
Taylor laughed as if this was the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard.
She stopped abruptly when she saw Jason's serious expression. "Ohh . . . I see our first fight as a married couple is going to be a big one. ~ Julie James
Turknett Associates quotes by Julie James
Right before when the iMac came out is when most people associate Apple started. That's when people remember Apple - that first iMac or that first laptop that was a clam shell. To me everything before that was what was interesting. ~ Joshua Michael Stern
Turknett Associates quotes by Joshua Michael Stern
Let him be great, and love shall follow him. Nothing is more deeply punished than the neglect of the affinities by which alone society should be formed, and the insane levity of choosing associates by others eyes. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Turknett Associates quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson
I call them associates; I don't like the word 'employee.' ~ Mickey Drexler
Turknett Associates quotes by Mickey Drexler
We are tempted (and encouraged) to believe that the kingdom of God spreads throughout the earth by presenting the gospel, through some pat formula, to strangers. That doesn't happen very often. The gospel spread throughout the world of the first centuries by conversations between close friends and relatives, business associates and neighbors-people with whom the passionate Christians already had personal contact. So today the Church grows and expands, and people come to maturity in Christ nearly always through the influence of people they already know and trust, like you.

Even the most shy person among us talks to people every day. Most of that talk is idle chatter, not very useful for the advancement of God's kingdom. Every one of those less-than-redemptive conversations is a lost opportunity for extending the Lordship of Jesus. However, if we could learn to enhance the quality of our conversations, we could improve our ability to do what Jesus commanded-make disciples. We could turn that meaningless chatter into a means of God's grace, helping our friends become all God intends for them and enriching their lives (and our own) in the process. ~ D. Michael Henderson
Turknett Associates quotes by D. Michael Henderson
In social networks, you gain and bestow status through those you associate with. ~ Tim O'Reilly
Turknett Associates quotes by Tim O'Reilly
People today find real debate about actual topics difficult, and much prefer the parody of debate which consists of giving a dog a bad name and then beating him for it, and lashing out, too, at anyone who associates with the dog you happen to be beating at the time. ~ N. T. Wright
Turknett Associates quotes by N. T. Wright
As an associate at McKinsey & Company, my first assignment was on a team that consisted of a male senior engagement manager (SEM) and two other male associates, Abe Wu and Derek Holley. When the SEM wanted to talk to Abe or Derek, he would walk over to their desks. When he wanted to talk to me, he would sit at his desk and shout, "Sandberg, get over here!" with the tone one might use to call a child or, even worse, a dog. It made me cringe every time. I never said anything, but one day Abe and Derek started calling each other "Sandberg" in that same loud voice. The self-absorbed SEM never seemed to notice. They kept it up. When having too many Sandbergs got confusing, they decided we needed to differentiate. Abe started calling himself "Asian Sandberg," Derek dubbed himself "good-looking Sandberg," and I became "Sandberg Sandberg." My colleagues turned an awful situation into one where I felt protected. They stood up for me and made me laugh. They were the best mentors I could have had. ~ Sheryl Sandberg
Turknett Associates quotes by Sheryl Sandberg
I'm looking forward to partnering with TPG Capital and Leonard Green & Partners. This transaction is a clear endorsement of J. Crew and the hard work and dedication of all of our associates. ~ Mickey Drexler
Turknett Associates quotes by Mickey Drexler
Habitual associates are known to exercise a great influence over each other's minds and manners. Those whose actions are for ever before our eyes, whose words are ever in our ears, will naturally lead us, albeit against our will, slowly, gradually, imperceptibly, perhaps, to act and speak as they do. ~ Anne Bronte
Turknett Associates quotes by Anne Bronte
He referred to Pope Paul III as "His Hellishness." Were not the pope and his associates at least members of the church? Yes, as much as spit, snot, pus, feces, urine, stench, scab, smallpox, ulcers, and syphilis are members of the body. Luther was never one to mince words. ~ Timothy George
Turknett Associates quotes by Timothy George
Long after their associates have gone southward, they linger like the last leaves on the tree. It is indeed "good-bye to summer" when the bluebirds withdraw their touch of brightness from the dreary November landscape at the north to whirl through the southern woods and feed on the waxy berries of the mistletoe. ~ Neltje Blanchan
Turknett Associates quotes by Neltje Blanchan
One should not associate with controversy; one should always reach for the highest ratings; one should never forget that there is safety in numbers; one should always remember that comedy, adventure, and escapism provide the best atmosphere for selling. ~ Peter George Peterson
Turknett Associates quotes by Peter George Peterson
We live in a society of social networks, with Twitter pages and Facebook, and that's fine, but we have contact with our work associates, our family, our friends, and it seems like half the time we are more preoccupied with our phone and other things going on instead of the actual relationships that we have right in front of us. Hopefully, people can learn from this and try to actually help if someone is battling something deeper on the inside than what they are revealing on a day-to-day basis. ~ Brady Quinn
Turknett Associates quotes by Brady Quinn
All transgressions begin with sinful thinking ... guard against the pictures of lewdness and sensuality that Satan flashes upon the screen of your imagination, select with care the books you read, choose discerningly the kind of entertainment you
attend, the kind of associates with whom you mingle, and the kind of environment in which you place yourself. ~ Billy Graham
Turknett Associates quotes by Billy Graham
And how do you explain to your wife that you don't have all the answers, and that you might not know what you are doing, and that you are afraid you are going to fail? How do you admit that you are most afraid that, one day, she'll walk - and replace you with an educated, professor-type guy, who shares her same interests, schedule, and the way she was used to living, especially when all of your friends, your business associates, even your own damned brother, are all just waiting for you to mess up so they can have a shot at taking her away from you? How do you look the woman you love in her eyes and tell her that? ~ Leslie Esdaile
Turknett Associates quotes by Leslie Esdaile
The food in such places is so tasteless because the members associate spices and garlic with just the sort of people they're trying to keep out. ~ Calvin Trillin
Turknett Associates quotes by Calvin Trillin
If you could only speak the devil fair enough, he might save you the cost of the doctor. Such strange lingering echoes of the old demon-worship might perhaps even now be caught by the diligent listener among the grey-haired peasantry; for the rude mind with difficulty associates the ideas of power and benignity. A shadowy conception of power that by much persuasion can be induced to refrain from inflicting harm, is the shape most easily taken by the sense of the Invisible in the minds of men who have always been pressed close by primitive wants, and to whom a life of hard toil has never been illuminated by any enthusiastic religious faith. To them pain and mishap present a far wider range of possibilities than gladness and enjoyment: their imagination is almost barren of the images that feed desire and hope, but is all overgrown by recollections that are a perpetual pasture to fear. ~ George Eliot
Turknett Associates quotes by George Eliot
I just don't care for apologies. They're never sincere. I can vouch for this since I have the urge at this very moment to apologize for being so rude. But honestly, my impulse to apologize is only because I feel uncomfortable with the guilt I feel and my stupid human brain associates an apology with mollifying my own discomfort. Apologies are just a reminder of how selfish people are. ~ J.L. Mac
Turknett Associates quotes by J.L. Mac
Of love and my parents, there is little to be written; their relationship to their children was utilitarian. We were fed and housed and dressed and outfitted with more cash than our associates and that was all. We were also vaguely taught certain vague absolutes: that we were better than no one but infinitely superior to everyone... ~ Lorraine Hansberry
Turknett Associates quotes by Lorraine Hansberry
Like no one else ... you share that part of my mind that associates itself mostly with ideal things and places ... The impression thinking about you gives me is very closely linked with that given me by a lonely hillside or a sunny afternoon ... or books that have meant more to me than I can explain ... This is grand, but still it isn't enough for this world ... The earthly and obvious part of me longs to see and touch you and realise you as tangible. ~ Vera Brittain
Turknett Associates quotes by Vera Brittain
Now if you not only support them through that pregnancy, but now provide childcare for them so they can go back to school and get their GED or their associate's degree or bachelor's degree or their master's degree, learn how to take care of themselves, teach their baby how to take care of themselves so that you break the cycle of the dependency. ~ Benjamin Carson
Turknett Associates quotes by Benjamin Carson
I grew my mustache when I was nineteen in order to look older. I never shaved it off even though it overran its usefulness many, many years ago. Once you get started in television, people associate you with your physical appearance - and that includes the mustache. So I can't shave it off now. If I did, I'd have to answer too much mail. ~ Walter Cronkite
Turknett Associates quotes by Walter Cronkite
I've long believed that good food, good eating, is all about risk. Whether we're talking about unpasteurized Stilton, raw oysters or working for organized crime 'associates,' food, for me, has always been an adventure ~ Anthony Bourdain
Turknett Associates quotes by Anthony Bourdain
First one gives off his best picture, the bright and finished product mended with bluff and falsehood and humor. Then more details are required and one paints a second portrait, and third
before long the best lines cancel out
and the secret is exposed at last; the planes of the picture have intermingled and given us away, and though we paint and paint we can no longer sell a picture. We must be satisfied with hoping such fatuous accounts of ourselves as we make to our wives and children and business associates are accepted as true. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald
Turknett Associates quotes by F Scott Fitzgerald
It just happens to be that people like to associate poetry and rap music. I think that idea is kind of corny. ~ Earl Sweatshirt
Turknett Associates quotes by Earl Sweatshirt
I hadn't gone to Andover, or Horace Mann or Eton. My high school had been the average kind, and I'd been the best student there. Such was not the case at Eli. Here, I was surrounded by geniuses. I'd figured out early in my college career that there were people like Jenny and Brandon and Lydia and Josh - truly brilliant, truly luminous, whose names would appear in history books that my children and grandchildren would read, and there were people like George and Odile - who through beauty and charm and personality would make the cult of celebrity their own. And then there were people like me. People who, through the arbitrary wisdom of the admissions office, might share space with the big shots for four years, might be their friends, their confidantes, their associates, their lovers - but would live a life well below the global radar. I knew it, and over the years, I'd come to accept it.
And I understood that it didn't make them any better than me. ~ Diana Peterfreund
Turknett Associates quotes by Diana Peterfreund
Pick your associates well, back them fully, empower them with both accountability and responsibility, and they will produce far more than you ever will achieve on your own. ~ Michael Useem
Turknett Associates quotes by Michael Useem
When I went to Philadelphia I was 26 years old and really sitting on top of the world. Family life, a professional career, plenty of friends and associates, and a good reputation, a wish list that could be the envy of many. ~ Julius Erving
Turknett Associates quotes by Julius Erving
Wealth is not a given or an accident of history. It is not bestowed on us like rain from above. It is the product of human creativity in an environment of freedom. The freedom to own, to make contracts, to save, to invest, to associate, and to trade: these are the key to prosperity. ~ Llewellyn Rockwell
Turknett Associates quotes by Llewellyn Rockwell
Siemens' health care IT assets provide additional scale, R&D, an impressive client base, and knowledgeable and experienced associates who will help Cerner achieve our plans for the next decade. ~ Neal Patterson
Turknett Associates quotes by Neal Patterson
If you associate enough with older people who do enjoy their lives, who are not stored away in any golden ghettos, you will gain a sense of continuity and of the possibility for a full life. ~ Tom Stoppard
Turknett Associates quotes by Tom Stoppard
One of the most critical decisions made in life is choosing with whom to spend your time. For it is those close relationships that gradually mold our character until we become a reflection of the company we keep. ~ Richelle E. Goodrich
Turknett Associates quotes by Richelle E. Goodrich
I choose faithfulness ... Today I will keep my promises. My debtors will not regret their trust. My associates will not question my word. My wife will not question my love. And my children will never fear that they father will not come home. ~ Max Lucado
Turknett Associates quotes by Max Lucado
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