Singsong Karaoke Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Singsong Karaoke.

Quotes About Singsong Karaoke

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I can rock out anything. I mean, I can rock out a little 'Time After Time'. I can do a little 'Grease Lightning'. It depends on the mood, but we do go karaoke, my friends and I in Los Angeles, and it's a lot of fun. ~ Kristen Bell
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Kristen Bell
I got to play Kim in Bye Bye Birdie, Sandy in Grease, and Maria in The Sound of Music. And it was so much fun for me, but the thing that I looked forward to the most was at the cast parties. After the shows they had karaoke machines set up and that's when I could sing country music. ~ Taylor Swift
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Taylor Swift
I was about 11 when my mother brought me this karaoke machine and I was really into it back then, but about 4 or 5 years ago is when I started printing up my own music, going to the studio and doing my own thing. ~ Obie Trice
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Obie Trice
Jina Matthews, who worked at the cubicle directly beside Carlin's, wasn't having a good way, either. She was on her phone, her expression tense. She and her boyfriend had been fighting a lot lately, and it looked as if Jina was at the end of her rope. She said a few choice words, then thumbed a button on her phone. Looking across the aisle at Carlin, she made a wry face.
"It was so much more satisfying when you could slam a phone down. Pushing a button just doesn't have the same gratification factor." Her phone, set to vibrate, buzzed around on the desk as another call came in. Jina picked it up, looked at the caller ID, and jabbed the button again. "Unless it's the off button." She leaned forward and spoke to the silent phone. "Call all you want, jackass. I can't hear you," she said in a singsong falsetto. ~ Linda Howard
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Linda Howard
From a floor below someone was singing with a karaoke machine, Paul McCartney's 'Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time,' completely out of tune. 'Beyond doubt the worst Christmas song ever written,' New York said to me, quietly. 'Like a request to God to end the universe. ~ Glen Duncan
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Glen Duncan
Jung Min is SS501's Hitler. When we lived together, we played video games. But we can't turn the sound loud. Not even by one click. Jung Min says we can't have it loud, so we're like "Ok, fine. He's our member, so let's be understanding and turn it down." We turn it off, but he goes to his room and does karaoke! ~ Kim Kyu-jong
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Kim Kyu-jong
I only sing in my church choir. Except the other night, I stole the show at karaoke night. ~ Taylor Swift
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Taylor Swift
They ended up in a amusement arcade on Old Compton Street, where Nora insisted Stephen join her on one of those dance-step machines, and as he stood next to her, stomping out a dance routine on the illuminated dance floor, he had a sudden anxiety that Nora might be one of those kooky, free-spirit types, the kind of irreverent life-force who, in the imaginary romantic comedy currently playing in his head, turns the hero's narrow life upside down, etc., etc. The acid test for free-spirited kookiness is to show the subject a field of fresh snow; if they flop on their backs and make snow-angels, then the test is positive. In the absence of snow, Stephan resolved to keep an eye open for other tell-tale kookiness indicators: a propensity for wacky hats, zany mismatched socks, leaf-kicking, a disproportionate enthusiasm for karaoke, kite - flying and light-hearted shoplifting, the whole Holly Golightly act. ~ David Nicholls
Singsong Karaoke quotes by David Nicholls
Little Red, Little Red, what's in the chip bag, Little Red?"
And in the same singsong voice I answered, "Nothing at all, Nothing at all, Nothing at all but your grandpa's head. ~ Neal Shusterman
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Neal Shusterman
Whenever I have friends over, we end up eating and talking and losing track of time, and, once in a while, singing karaoke. It reminds me of the family meals we had in Russia, which always lasted a very long time. That's a tradition I miss. ~ Maria Sharapova
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Maria Sharapova
Asia is the continent rhythm forgot. At best Asian music is off-brand American pop, like Sonny Bono in a karaoke bar. At worst Asian music sounds as if a truck full of wind chimes collided
with a stack of empty oil drums during a birdcall contest. ~ P. J. O'Rourke
Singsong Karaoke quotes by P. J. O'Rourke
Isn't it obvious, Dad? Rafe's in love, Rachel said in a singsong voice. ~ Melody Anne
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Melody Anne
I cannot sing karaoke because it's hard and weird. If I actually tried to sing, I would probably sound good, and I think that's weird and not fun. ~ Skylar Astin
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Skylar Astin
True love is singing karaoke 'under pressure' and letting the other person sing the Freddie Mercury part. ~ Mindy Kaling
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Mindy Kaling
Karaoke is something that's near and dear and very close to my heart. I was a karaoke host when I was working my way through university. I was a full-time student and karaoke was my night job. ~ Nathan Fillion
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Nathan Fillion
Okay, so first we get you a new computer and then a Facebook page. Priorities, you know," he said, typing in Kyle's password.

"What would I do without you--"

"Found her," he interrupted. "She's at Carrie's OK Bar. It's downtown."

"What the hell is Carrie's OK Bar?"

"It's a karaoke bar. Travis, come on."

"Wait, how do you know she's there?"

"She checked in there about twenty minutes ago."

"What does that mean?"

"Oh. Right. Since you left, it's become very important that we all constantly know each other's thoughts, locations, and birthdays."

"That's really stupid. Except for in this one very specific situation. I can't go if her fiancé's there, though. That would be too weird."

"He's not."

"How do you know?"

"Because she put 'Girls' Night' with about five exclamation points after it."

"Are people just asking to be murdered?"

"Pretty much. So are we going? ~ John Corey Whaley
Singsong Karaoke quotes by John Corey Whaley
I secretly love the song 'No More Tears.' It's my go-to karaoke song that I do with all my friends. ~ Megan Hilty
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Megan Hilty
I don't believe in karaoke. Let's let the singers sing. ~ Jake M. Johnson
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Jake M. Johnson
There's our homecoming picture. Last Halloween, when I dressed up as Mulan and Peter wore a dragon costume. There's a receipt from Tart and Tangy. One of his notes to me, from before. If you make Josh's dumb white-chocolate cranberry cookies and not my fruitcake ones, it's over. Pictures of us from Senior Week. Prom. Dried rose petals from my corsage. The Sixteen Candles picture.
There are some things I didn't include, like the ticket stub from our first real date, the note he wrote me that said, I like you in blue. Those things are tucked away in my hatbox. I'll never let those go.
But the really special thing I've included is my letter, the one I wrote to him so long ago, the one that brought us together. I wanted to keep it, but something felt right about Peter having it. One day all of this will be proof, proof that we were here, proof that we loved each other. It's the guarantee that no matter what happens to us in the future, this time was ours.
When he gets to that page, Peter stops. "I thought you wanted to keep this," he said.
"I wanted to, but then I felt like you should have it. Just promise you'll keep it forever."
He turns the page. It's a picture from when we took my grandma to karaoke. I sang "You're So Vain" and dedicated it to Peter. Peter got up and sang "Style" by Taylor Swift. Then he dueted "Unchained Melody" with my grandma, and after, she made us both promise to take a Korean language class at UVA. She and Peter took a ton of se ~ Jenny Han
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Jenny Han
Strigoi have red eyes, " I explained. "Do his eyes look red?"
The boy leaned forward. "No. They're brown. "
"What else do you know about Strigoi?" I asked.
"They have fangs like us, " the boy replied.
"Do you have fangs?" I asked Dimitri in a singsong voice. I had a feeling this was already-covered territory, but it took on a new feel when asked from a child's perspective. Dimitri smiled--a full, wonderful smile that caught me off guard.
"Okay, Jonathan, " said his mother anxiously. "You asked. Let's go now. "
"Strigoi are super strong, " continued Jonathan, who possibly aspired to be a future lawyer. "Nothing can hurt them. " Jonathan fixed Dimitri with a piercing gaze. "Are you super strong? Can you be hurt?"
"Of course I can, " replied Dimitri. "I'm strong, but all sorts of things can still hurt me. "
And then, being Rose Hathaway, I said something I really shouldn't have to the boy. "You should go punch him and find out. " Jonathan's mother screamed again, but he was a fast little bastard, eluding her grasp. He ran up to Dimitri before anyone could stop him--well, I could have--and pounded his tiny fist against Dimitri's knee. Then, with the same reflexes that allowed him to dodge enemy attacks, Dimitri immediately feinted falling backward, as though Jonathan had knocked him over. Clutching his knee, Dimitri groaned as though he were in terrible pain. Several people laughed, and by then, one of the other guardians had caught ~ Richelle Mead
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Richelle Mead
I've developed a karaoke habit. I've become a crooner. ~ Serena Williams
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Serena Williams
I was arrested for lip-syncing karaoke. ~ Steven Wright
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Steven Wright
And you claim to be feeling this way. Floatish. Singsong-ish. About me."
She sighed. "Yes."
"That's absurd."
"I know, but I can't seem to stop it. ~ Tessa Dare
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Tessa Dare
She, too, is one of Regin's friends. They're poker buddies, sisters of the Wii, and Mari is a vaunted member of the karaoke contingent. Regin has long acted as the witches' designated driver." "BFF?" Lachlain asked, brows drawn. "Sisters of the what?"
Emma supplied, "Best friend forever and a video game."
Lachlain muttered to Emma, "Your relatives are just no' right. ~ Kresley Cole
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Kresley Cole
She remembers the last perfect evening before everything happened, perfect even though she didn't know everything was about to change. Karaoke night. A bunch of kids from choir cheering each other on. When it was her turn, Hallelujah belted out "Total Eclipse of the Heart." She went for every melodramatic note, closing her eyes and beating her chest. She got the whole group to sing along.
She remembers Jonah taking the stage next. When he sang the opening lines to Garth Brooks's "Friends in Low Places," the room went nuts. He put on a cowboy drawl and sent the low notes reverberating through the wooden floorboards. She remembers him tipping an imaginary Stetson at her when he was done.
In a week, Hallelujah would get caught making out with Luke Willis. He would humiliate her and start spreading lies about her. She would become someone quiet and sad and resentful. But right then, performance-flushed and surrounded by friends, she couldn't stop smiling. ~ Kathryn Holmes
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Kathryn Holmes
Music is being treated as one big karaoke machine. ~ Robin Gibb
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Robin Gibb
I dread karaoke. I hate karaoke. I can't sing - that is why. ~ Clive Owen
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Clive Owen
Wait," said Ragnor, and he started to snigger. "Is this about your Nephilim boyfriend?"
"Our relationship is as yet undefined," said Magnus with dignity. Then he clutched the phone and hissed, "And how do you know private details about my personal life with Alexander?"
"Ooooh, Alexander," Ragnor said in a singsong voice. "I know all about it. Raphael called and told me."
"Raphael Santiago," said Magnus, thinking darkly of the current leader of the New York vampire clan, "has a black ungrateful heart, and one day he will be punished for this treachery. ~ Cassandra Clare
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Cassandra Clare
A karaoke bar?" Mitch glared at him. "You dragged us to a karaoke bar?"
"She didn't tell me it was karaoke."
"You know it's bad enough having to listen to you guys howl all the time. But this ... this may be asking too much. Dogs. Singing." Mitch turned to the bar and lashed Smitty with another glare. "And no goddamn liquor. You know, as per shifter law, I could legally kill you. ~ Shelly Laurenston
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Shelly Laurenston
Twenty-five years ago the school children used to chant their lessons. The manner of their delivery was a singsong recitative between the utterance of an Episcopal minister and the drone of a tired sawmill. I mean no disrespect. We must have lumber and sawdust. ~ O. Henry
Singsong Karaoke quotes by O. Henry
My hell is going to be the stairmaster wing of Dante's inferno, where they're gonna tape my feet to the pedals and the only music I get is Michael Bolton karaoke style. ~ Janeane Garofalo
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Janeane Garofalo
I'm not going to deny that I enjoy a good four or five hour karaoke session. But who doesn't? ~ Ken Marino
Singsong Karaoke quotes by Ken Marino
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