Pet Goodbyes Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Pet Goodbyes.

Quotes About Pet Goodbyes

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You know, when I first met Gansey, I couldn't figure out why he was friends with someone like Ronan. Gansey was always in class, always getting stuff done, always a teacher's pet. And here was Ronan, like a heart attack that never stopped. I knew I couldn't complain, 'cause I hadn't come first. Ronan had. But one day, he'd done some stupid shit I don't even remember, and I just couldn't take it. And I asked why Gansey was even friends with him if he was such an asshole all the time. And I remember Gansey told me that Ronan always told the truth, and the truth was the most important thing. ~ Maggie Stiefvater
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Maggie Stiefvater
My biggest pet peeve are just girls who go to sports bars who have no intention on caring what teams are playing, like they're looking for just a night out. That drives me more crazy than anything else. Like, don't pretend to be a sports fan. ~ Jerry Ferrara
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Jerry Ferrara
The platonic love I feel for my cousin, made me write this diary ...
Leione ~ Pet Torres
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Pet Torres
Now and again, one could detect in a childless woman of a certain age the various characteristics of all the children she had never issued. Her body was haunted by the ghost of souls who hadn't lived yet. Premature ghosts. Half-ghosts. X's without Y's. Y's without X's. They applied at her womb and were denied, but, meant for her and no one else, they wouldn't go away. Like tiny ectoplasmic gophers, they hunkered in her tear ducts. They shone through her sighs. Often to her chagrin, they would soften the voice she used in the marketplace. When she spilled wine, it was their playful antics that jostled the glass. They called out her name in the bath or when she passed real children in the street. The spirit babies were everywhere her companions, and everywhere they left her lonesome - yet they no more bore her resentment than a seed resents uneaten fruit. Like pet gnats, like phosphorescence, like sighs on a string, they would follow her into eternity. ~ Tom Robbins
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Tom Robbins
But nothing was said about chicken farming anymore. Once, long after it was too late for farming, he might catch her crying and pet her a bit. 'What's the matter, little baby? You got a fever? You want to take the night off?' She might murmur something about candling eggs, but he wouldn't be able to understand what she meant. And after a while she cried on without knowing what she meant either, as a girl cries over a bad dream long after the dream is forgotten.
In time the tears dried. She could no longer cry over anything. All the tears had been shed, all the laughs had been had; all the long spent. Leaving nothing to do but to sit stupefied, night after night, under lights made soft beside music with a beat, to rise automatically when someone wearing pants pointed a finger and said 'that one there. ~ Nelson Algren
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Nelson Algren
It's like having a pet dog for a long time. You get attached to it, and when it dies you miss it. ~ Jesse Owens
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Jesse Owens
Dogs are my favorite people. ~ Richard Dean Anderson
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Richard Dean Anderson
I'm thinking that I must have been a fool in love to allow myself to be shown so little of the Spring Court. I'm thinking there's a great deal of that territory I was never allowed to see or hear about and maybe I would have lived in ignorance forever like some pet. ~ Sarah J. Maas
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Sarah J. Maas
In justifying cruelty to animals we put ourselves also on the animal level. We choose the jungle and must abide by our choice. ~ C.S. Lewis
Pet Goodbyes quotes by C.S. Lewis
I hate goodbyes, but hating them is never a justification to stay. ~ Cecelia Ahern
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Cecelia Ahern
You're talking like a Stalinist!' I cried. 'People don't get jobs to achieve things and learn values! They do it because they have to, and then they use whatever's left over to buy themselves things that make them feel less bad about having jobs! Can't you see, it's just a terrible vicious circle! ~ Paul Murray
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Paul Murray
Saying good-bye properly afforded me a measure of peace. It was a binding of a different sort, absent of the earth's power, but still hard proof that there is magic yet in the world. ~ Kevin Hearne
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Kevin Hearne
Right," I said. "So the baboon, the crocodile ... any other pets I should know about?"
Amos thought for a moment. "Visible ones? No, I think that's it. ~ Rick Riordan
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Rick Riordan
Then a homeless man with a dog approached us and put his hand out. This happens to be something that I have a real problem with: homeless people with pets who approach you for food when they have a perfectly delicious dog standing right there? ~ Chelsea Handler
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Chelsea Handler
I can't imagine God not allowing my dog into heaven. ~ Rick Warren
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Rick Warren
All great moment had its time and all great time had its moment.
But Elyon and Michaels's great moment was almost at the same time to come up.
An irony of destiny?
Maybe yes, or maybe not.

Accidentally Angels 2 - Pet TorreS ~ Pet Torres
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Pet Torres
The Most Painful Goodbyes Are The Ones That Are Never Said And Never Explained ... ~ Bilal Nasir Khan
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Bilal Nasir Khan
So let's say our bloody goodbyes, and then you can promise to remember me from my good old days.
"I can't do that," Minho said. ~ James Dashner
Pet Goodbyes quotes by James Dashner
Contrary to what you may think, when O'Sah told me about kytaen, that I'd be meeting one, I didn't picture a pet or a lackey to follow me. I didn't think of a prisoner. I… I pictured an ally, a friend, OK? ~ Giselle Simlett
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Giselle Simlett
We stop at nothing, in offering a quality selection of your pet's everyday needs. Our Fast and Free India wide shipping service extends to +6500 pincodes covering small towns and metros across the country. We bundle up Easy Payment options on most popular pet brands in India with an selection of 3000+ products from all popular brands in dog, cat and fish supplies available in the Indian Pet Care Industry and then some. Our customer service team is a zealous lot to ensure an acme online shopping experience for the pet parents who shop with us. ~ Karan Gupta
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Karan Gupta
I've never been around pets. I didn't have pets as a child. ~ Ioan Gruffudd
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Ioan Gruffudd
I would say I don't like people who are really into themselves or are very materialistic. Just always talking themselves up. Not being real is the pet peeve. Be true to yourself. ~ Austin Stowell
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Austin Stowell
Louis Creed came to believe that the last really happy day of his life was March 24, 1984. ~ Stephen King
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Stephen King
Clarissa," he said, "here with the vampire, I see. When things have settled a bit, we really must discuss you choice in pets.. ~ Cassandra Clare
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Cassandra Clare
Sometimes it's convenient to have a pet that no one believes in. I'd never be allowed to bring a cat to work every day, but since Crow "isn't real," no one's ever reported him to the zoo management. Other times, I think it would be nice to stop hiding him from the world. Miniature griffins could be the next big trend in exotic pets. ~ Seanan McGuire
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Seanan McGuire
I'm a dog person, but I don't have a pet. ~ Timothy Simons
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Timothy Simons
Gods are boring creatures, Bet. Most are nosthing more than spoiled children with powers they never hesitate to use against those weaker. And while your father can be juvenile at times, there is a danger to him. He understands his power ans he's fierce with it. More than that, he doesn't prey on those weaker, he only attacks those who are stronger/ That was what dreq me to him and why i agreed tp be the mother of his daugher. His strength, and the fact that he never once did he use it against me. Your father is like having a lion for a pet. You know that it's a creature of utter and supreme violence whose mere nature and talent is murder, and yet it lies down at your side and purrs for your touch alone. There is nothing more titillating.
But more than that was hpw you father made me feel. He awoke something inside me that had never lived before. He breathed life into my soul and I was a better person for having known him ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
The clever cat eats cheese and breathes down rat holes with baited breath. ~ W.C. Fields
Pet Goodbyes quotes by W.C. Fields
You need every advantage you can get. If some poor undead fellow is busy looking at these" - he flipped the material of my dress outward to get a peek before I slapped his hand away - "then he won't be looking for this."
Something hard was pressed against my belly. I wrapped my hands around it and squared my shoulders.
"Is that a stake, Bones, or are you just happy with my new dress?"
He gave me a grin that was filled with more innuendo than an hour's worth of conversation.
"In this case, it's a stake. You could always feel around for something more, though. See what comes up."
"This better be part of that dirty-talk training, or we're going to give this new stake a go."
"Now, pet, that's hardly a romantic rejoinder. ~ Jeaniene Frost
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Jeaniene Frost
There will always be a pain in 'goodbyes'. No matter how much we seem to understand everything, it breaks our hearts to ever see anything beautiful die. ~ Jocelyn Soriano
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Jocelyn Soriano
It looks like you're mocking me as if I am a girl who still believes in Santa Claus. Emily says. ~ Pet Torres
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Pet Torres
The tension between religion and science is an old problem. In the fourth century, Christians and scientists were deadlocked over the matter of the earth's shape. Saint Augustine, a wise man who knew the difference between the outer life and the inner life, wrote: 'What concern is it of mine whether heaven is like a sphere and the earth is enclosed by it and suspended in the middle of the universe, or whether heaven like a disk above the earth covers it over on one side? These facts would be of no avail for my salvation.' Augustine attached little importance to science and left it alone. If a reading of the Bible conflicted with a scientific view that was certain truth, he humbly admitted that he had interpreted the Bible erroneously. He could afford to be humble, for in his inmost convictions he looked upon science the way a master looks upon his pet, as a creature with intelligence but lacking in higher understanding, and something irrelevant to the search for meaning in life. ~ Ronald W. Dworkin
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Ronald W. Dworkin
That which interests most people leaves me without any interest at all. This includes a list of things such as: social dancing, riding roller coasters, going to zoos, picnics, movies, planetariums, watching tv, baseball games; going to funerals, weddings, parties, basketball games, auto races, poetry readings, museums, rallies, demonstrations, protests, children's plays, adult plays ... I am not interested in beaches, swimming, skiing, Christmas, New Year's, the 4th of July, rock music, world history, space exploration, pet dogs, soccer, cathedrals and great works of Art. How can a man who is interested in almost nothing write about anything? Well, I do. I write and I write about what's left over: a stray dog walking down the street, a wife murdering her husband, the thoughts and feelings of a rapist as he bites into a hamburger sandwich; life in the factory, life in the streets and rooms of the poor and mutilated and the insane, crap like that, I write a lot of crap like that ~ Charles Bukowski
Pet Goodbyes quotes by Charles Bukowski
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