Male Sexual Abuse Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Male Sexual Abuse.

Quotes About Male Sexual Abuse

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One area where this misperception has hit hard has been research on child sexual abuse. Despite an explosion of research on the issue over recent decades, most research reported in the literature is focused on girls. There is significantly less attention given to boys, and, in fact, prior to 1980 it is difficult to find any research involving males who have been sexually abused. ~ Jan L. Frayne
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Jan L. Frayne
Male aggressiveness consists in asking a woman to have intercourse and waiting for her to say yes, or a definite no. Skilful tacticians enhance their chances of making out by distributing their attentions among several women at a time (one version of 'playing the field') thus increasing their statistical chances for a favorable answer, depending on circumstances. This is the height of male aggressiveness that is tolerated. Genuine aggressiveness - rape - [men] have forbidden themselves by law. ~ Esther Vilar
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Esther Vilar
I think it is important to recognize one's power, one's capacities, and one's dreams. We were actually talking about this in the last men's group we had. We were talking about these dreams they had as kids and how they just disappeared. They just seemed like they couldn't even be followed anymore. So for me that's a loss of power. That's a loss of their power; their own belief that they control their world. But they need to understand that their actions matter. - Chris ~ Robert Uttaro
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Robert Uttaro
When abstinence curricula contain information about sexual abuse or assault (though they often don't), the message is similar: The onus of preventing sexual assault is on girls, not on men. ~ Jessica Valenti
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Jessica Valenti
And the next time you choose to project into my dreams, do keep your clothes on." He smiled. It was a very male, self-aware smile, not just sexual but carnal. The predatory look in his eyes turned ravaging. I felt the need to grab a napkin and hold it in front of me like a shield. "I can project, but I would have to be next to you to do it." Oh crap. ~ Ilona Andrews
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Ilona Andrews
I would like to say that what Mel Phillips was doing was not sexual harassment but more sexual abuse of children, because he was doing it in a sexual manner now that I look back on it. ~ Tom Cole
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Tom Cole
I came to understand intellectually that my mind used dissociation as a way to protect me from knowing things. Dr. Summer repeatedly explained, "If you had woken up every morning and knew that later that day or evening you would be abused, you would have killed yourself". I would always nod, as if in agreement. It all made sense in a theoretical way, but I could not and did not want to truly understand or accept what had happened to me. ~ Olga Trujillo
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Olga Trujillo
Chapter 4,'Organised abuse and the pleasures of disbelief', uses Zizek's (1991) insights into cite political role of enjoyment to analyse the hyperbole and scorn that has characterised the sceptical account of organised and ritualistic abuse. The central argument of this chapter is that organised abuse has come to public attention primarily as a subject of ridicule within the highly partisan writings of journalists, academics and activists aligned with advocacy groups for people accused of sexual abuse. Whilst highlighting the pervasive misrepresentations that characterise these accounts, the chapter also implicates media consumers in the production of ignorance and disdain in relation to organised abuse and women's and children's accounts of sexual abuse more generally. ~ Michael Salter
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Michael Salter
The prediction of false rape-related beliefs (rape myth acceptance [RMA]) was examined using the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (Payne, Lonsway, & Fitzgerald, 1999) among a nonclinical sample of 258 male and female college students. Predictor variables included measures of attitudes toward women, gender role identity (GRI), sexual trauma history, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity. Using linear regression and testing interaction effects, negative attitudes toward women significantly predicted greater RMA for individuals without a sexual trauma history.
However, neither attitudes toward women nor GRI were significant predictors of RMA for individuals with a sexual trauma history."
Rape Myth Acceptance, Sexual Trauma History, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Shannon N. Baugher, PhD,
Jon D. Elhai, PhD,
James R. Monroe, PhD, Ruth Dakota, Matt J. Gray, PhD ~ Shannon N. Baugher
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Shannon N. Baugher
In my wildest, most indulgent dreams, we only hear about sexual assault & abuse in history books. ~ Lisa Factora-Borchers
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Lisa Factora-Borchers
Male sexual response is far brisker and more automatic. It is triggered easily by things - like putting a quarter in a vending machine. ~ Alex Comfort
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Alex Comfort
Do not have anger control you nor consume you. Express it and take responsibility for it. ~ Patricia Dsouza
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Patricia Dsouza
You are unique, special and exceptional as you have made it. ~ Patricia Dsouza
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Patricia Dsouza
Passion. It's not a male body's, & it's not a female body's It's not the penetration or reception of sex organs, & it's not how powerful a body is or the amount of its sexual secretions. It's not how a person expresses their strengths or weaknesses to other people. Passion is a quality, a quality that is an energy resource that someone can tap into within themselves. The type of passion I've been searching for in people is similar to my own. It's not necessarily in the body of a woman. ~ Qiu Miaojin
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Qiu Miaojin
Biblical teaching called for cohesive families whose happiness was based on the bonding of one female and one male in a durable relationship of covenant fidelity in love, committed to protect the life and well-being of their offspring. Fatherless children were the strongest argument against hedonic sexual experimentation. ~ Thomas C. Oden
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Thomas C. Oden
In the tunnel where I was raped, a tunnel that was once an underground entry to an amphitheater, a place where actors burst forth from underneath the seats of a crowd, a girl had been murdered and dismembered. I was told this story by the police. In comparison, they said, I was lucky. ~ Alice Sebold
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Alice Sebold
The problem with a beautiful woman is that she makes everyone around her feel hopelessly masculine, which if you're already male to begin with poses no particular problem. But if you're anyone else, your whole sexual identity gets dragged into the principal's office: "So what's this I hear about you prancing around, masquerading as a woman?" You are answerless. You are sitting on your hands. You are praying for your breasts to grow, your hair to perk up. ~ Lorrie Moore
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Lorrie Moore
When I talk to Future Therapists of America, I tell them that what often drives people into treatment is the constant tension between what the organism naturally wants for pleasure and what they've been taught to think about those desires... They just feel guilty about what they think. And this is why I'm so careful about not misusing sexuality. Because I know how to manipulate a body and have infinite patience until it has a good time... If I were an evil person, I would find vulnerable people who are desperate for that kind of experience and give it to them. That would form an intense attachment. I would come across like a savior. And then I could mess with them...So I don't doubt for a moment that her abuser was able to get her body to respond even though she didn't want to be there. ~ Nina Hartley
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Nina Hartley
He didn't touch her. He didn't have to. Tingles exploded down her neck, shooting toward her navel. ~ Cristin Harber
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Cristin Harber
Incubus?" I asked Ben.
He nodded grimly. "A lost soul-usually male-turned evil spirit that attaches itself to someone in order to lead her astray. The spirit is kind of...sexual in nature." He reddened and gestured to the picture. "Like it shows there. The incubus comes to a woman and know...relations with her in her sleep."
My jaw dropped, and I was glad Ben's eyes were averted as an exhilarating stream of images from my dreams flashed at super-speed through my head. I didn't realize I'd been holding my breath until it came out in a whoosh that I tried to pass off as a laugh.
"It's not funny, Clea."
"It's insane. Even if there were such a thing as an evil spirit, wouldn't it be obvious if I'd spent my whole life stalked by one? Wouldn't terrible things have happened to me?"
"Maybe they will. Maybe he's just been waiting for the right time. Maybe that time is now, and that's why all of a sudden you see him everywhere."
"So he's a patient evil spirit," I said sarcastically.
"Know what else comes from the same Latin root as 'incubus'?" Ben retorted. "Incubate. I don't think it's coincidence. I think this...thing has been incubating, and now it's ready to come out and do whatever it's going to do. And I think your dad would agree with me. ~ Hilary Duff
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Hilary Duff
Abuse is a parasite that feeds off hate and shame, growing in size and strength with silence. ~ Nikki Sex
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Nikki Sex
The abuser wants the victim to be confounded. They do not require the victim to see undoubtedly nor see things for what they are. ~ Patricia Dsouza
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Patricia Dsouza
It feels as if childhood sexual abuse or domestic abuse of women in the home has increased but actually if you ask women of 60 or 70 years old, the incidence is about the same. We just didn't know it. ~ Gloria Steinem
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Gloria Steinem
Milk is for babies. Human beings are the only species that drinks milk into adulthood and besides that we prefer to drink the milk of another species (enslaved cows and goats), and we have come to consider it normal when, it is actually a pretty perverse form of sexual abuse! ~ Sharon Gannon
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Sharon Gannon
As if all that weren't enough, factor in the whole tedious millenial saga of female virtue, modesty, shame, repression, male ineptitude ... in short, a cruel combo of anatomical inheritance and sexual inhibition for the gal set; a nature-culture one-two punch, right to the female pleasure principle. ~ Laura Kipnis
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Laura Kipnis
Evidently, if support and care are devoted to an abused child at an early level of the occurrences, the long-lasting outcomes may be less cruel. ~ Patricia Dsouza
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Patricia Dsouza
What tenacity! What spirit! I feel so alive in her presence. I can conquer the world with her by my side. If she'd let him, he'd violate his rule about becoming involved with a client . . . ~ Mark M. Bello
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Mark M. Bello
Eating disorders are prevalent among women who were sexually abused as children. They seem to have components of other symptoms such as obsessions, compulsions, avoidance of food, and anxiety, and they primarily include a distorted body image and feelings of body shame.
For some women, eating disorders are related to the loss of control over their bodies during the sexual abuse and serve as a means of feeling in control of their bodies now. Eating disorders can also be indicative of the developmental stage and age at which the sexual abuse began. Women with anorexia and bulimia report that they were sexually abused either at the age of puberty or during puberty, when their bodies were beginning to develop and they felt a great deal of body shame from the abuse. By contrast, women with compulsive eating report that the sexual abuse occurred before the age of puberty; they used food for comfort. ~ Karen A. Duncan
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Karen A. Duncan
What drives people to kill and maim each other so savagely?" Einstein asked. "I think it is the sexual character of the male that leads to such wild explosions. ~ Walter Isaacson
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Walter Isaacson
The bridge out of shame is outrage. Suddenly the obvious becomes stunningly clear - we have been carrying shame for the crime of the offender…In a clear flash we may see ourselves standing in a fierce stance, grounded by our knowledge, ready to throw off any wrongdoer. Our outrage can be a fueling energy, capable of making us as steely as we need to be. ~ Maureen Brady
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Maureen  Brady
For within the very structure of family life, in families that do or did embrace the male religions, are the almost invisibly accepted social customs and life patterns that reflect the one-time strict adherence to the biblical scriptures. Attitudes towards double-standard premarital virginity, double-standard marital fidelity, the sexual autonomy of women, illegitimacy, abortion, contraception, rape, childbirth, the importance of marriage and children to women, the responsibilities and role of women in marriage, women as sex objects, the sexual identification of passivity and aggressiveness, the roles of women and men in work or social situations, women who express their ideas, female leadership, the intellectual activities of women, the economic activities and needs of women and the automatic assumption of the male as breadwinner and protector have all become so deeply ingrained that feelings and values concerning these subjects are often regarded, by both women and men, as natural tendencies or even human instinct. ~ Merlin Stone
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Merlin Stone
I've heard some people claim that their abuser/rapist made them stronger. We must realize that abusers and predators don't get credit for our strength, nor our healing. They did not make us stronger. Rather, the abusers and predators broke us. They shattered us. They turned our lives into a living hell. They violated us! Do you know who made you stronger? Do you know who made you brave? YOU did! You are a courageous survivor. You did the hard work. You overcame great obstacles. You are the one healing you. You did it! ~ Dana Arcuri
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Dana Arcuri
Fuck hope and all the tiny little towns, one-horse towns, the one-stoplight towns, three-bars country-music jukebox-magic parquet-towns, pressure-cooker pot-roast frozen-peas bad-coffee married-heterosexual towns, crying-kids-in-the-Oldsmobile-beat-your-kid-in the-Thriftway-aisles towns, one-bank one-service-station Greyhound-Bus-stop-at-the-Pepsi-Cafe towns, two-television towns, Miracle Mile towns, Viv's Double Wide Beauty Salon towns, schizophrenic-mother towns, buy-yourself-a-handgun towns, sister-suicide towns, only-Injun's-a-dead-Injun towns, Catholic-Protestant-Mormon-Baptist religious-right five-churches Republican-trickle-down-to-poverty family-values sexual-abuse pro-life creation-theory NRA towns, nervous-mother rodeo-clown-father those little-town-blues towns. ~ Tom Spanbauer
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Tom Spanbauer
You possess the right to celebrate your victory, your healing, your recovery. ~ Patricia Dsouza
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Patricia Dsouza
Neither black/red/yellow nor woman but poet or writer. For many of us, the question of priorities remains a crucial issue. Being merely "a writer" without a doubt ensures one a status of far greater weight than being "a woman of color who writes" ever does. Imputing race or sex to the creative act has long been a means by which the literary establishment cheapens and discredits the achievements of non-mainstream women writers. She who "happens to be" a (non-white) Third World member, a woman, and a writer is bound to go through the ordeal of exposing her work to the abuse and praises and criticisms that either ignore, dispense with, or overemphasize her racial and sexual attributes. Yet the time has passed when she can confidently identify herself with a profession or artistic vocation without questioning and relating it to her color-woman condition. ~ Trinh T. Minh-ha
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Trinh T. Minh-ha
Chief Johnson has full faith on us. Which means if I can complete this task and hunt down the murderer, not only does the chief won't feel any uncertainty on Anthony and I, but the spirits of the victims can move on. It sounds silly to believe that the undead is still around, but it is the truth. And since I have a good heart, I must use it. ~ Simi Sunny
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Simi Sunny
While some male "admirers" of trans women tend to fetishize us for our femininity or our imagined sexual submissiveness, I find trans women hot because we are anything but docile or demure. In order to survive as a trans woman, you must be, by definition, impervious, unflinching, and tenacious. In a culture in which femaleness and femininity are on the receiving end of a seemingly endless smear campaign, there is no act more brave - especially for someone assigned a male sex at birth - than embracing one's femme self.

And unlike those male tranny-chasers who say that they like "T-girls" because we are supposedly "the best of both worlds", I am attracted to trans women because we are all woman! My femaleness is so intense that it has overpowered the trillions of lameass Y chromosomes that sheepishly hide inside the cells of my body. And my femininity is so relentless that it has survived over thirty years of male socialisation and twenty years of testosterone poisoning. Some kinky-identified thrill-seekers may envision trans women as androgyne fuck fantasies, but that's only because they are too self-absorbed to appreciate how completely fucking female we are. ~ Julia Serano
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Julia Serano
Mostly, we have put on a brave face with a wide grin and went on with life, as best we could. ~ Patricia Dsouza
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Patricia Dsouza
The church may update its techniques and methods, but it is always in service of the institutional organism. This is one of the reasons why the pedophile priest issue is and will remain an endemic disease in the Catholic Church. ~ Darrel Ray
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Darrel Ray
...sexually exploited Black girls are not choosing to participate in the sex trade; they are in the traumatic throes of a "domino effect" of choices made for them. "Did they choose to grow up in poverty? ... Did they choose sexual abuse? Did they choose to get raped, some of them before they could walk? Did they choose to grow up in a world where women and girls are not safe?...As women and girls become more sexualized in the world, the more they are seen as property. ~ Monique W. Morris
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Monique W. Morris
I now believe successful criminal and civil outcomes in these cases, prison for Gerry, and a large damages award for the boys, would clarify these issues and assuage their guilt feelings. A guilty verdict in the criminal case and a large civil verdict or settlement would be double vindication for the boys. ~ Mark M. Bello
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Mark M. Bello
The greatest scandal of the century in American psychiatry ... is the growing mania among thousands of inept therapists, family counselors, and social workers for arousing false memories of childhoood sexual abuse. ~ Martin Gardner
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Martin Gardner
And even though they fail us every bit as readily as we fail ourselves, even though they prove just as incapable of fulfilling us as all the other people do in our lives, we still keep pushing that gimme button like blasted morons, fully expecting that the next time we snag whatever comes out of it will be the time when the satisfaction finally takes hold, when the good feelings finally stick around and stay. And so like clockwork, we go down in flames again and again to our alcohol abuse or our sexual lust or our sweet tooth or our credit line - whatever particular desire is so powerful and predictable at deceiving us. We grab for things that have never failed to disappoint us in the past, thinking that what we must need more than anything is more of it ... more of the same thing that's never been able to satisfy us before. That's the call of the world for you. And it's madness. ~ Matt Chandler
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Matt Chandler
As you recover, you will find yourself letting go of many of your negative beliefs. You will discover that many of the so-called truths you were raised with and forced to believe are not truths at all. With this perspective, you will come to see, for example, that the names you were called as a child are simply not true. You are not 'stupid,' 'lazy,' 'ugly,' or a 'liar'. You can discover just who you really are. You can let go of your pretenses and masks and discover who the real person is underneath. ~ Beverly Engel
Male Sexual Abuse quotes by Beverly Engel
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