Little Dorrit Bbc Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Little Dorrit Bbc.

Quotes About Little Dorrit Bbc

Enjoy collection of 47 Little Dorrit Bbc quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Little Dorrit Bbc. Righ click to see and save pictures of Little Dorrit Bbc quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Therefore Flora said, though still not without a certain boastfulness and triumph in her legacy, that Mr F.'s Aunt was 'very lively to-day, and she thought they had better go.' But Mr F.'s Aunt proved so lively as to take the suggestion in unexpected dudgeon and declare that she would not go; adding, with several injurious expressions, that if 'He'--too evidently meaning Clennam--wanted to get rid of her, 'let him chuck her out of winder;' and urgently expressing her desire to see 'Him' perform that ceremony.

In this dilemma, Mr Pancks, whose resources appeared equal to any emergency in the Patriarchal waters, slipped on his hat, slipped out at the counting-house door, and slipped in again a moment afterwards with an artificial freshness upon him, as if he had been in the country for some weeks. 'Why, bless my heart, ma'am!' said Mr Pancks, rubbing up his hair in great astonishment, 'is that you?

How do you do, ma'am? You are looking charming to-day! I am delighted to see you. Favour me with your arm, ma'am; we'll have a little walk together, you and me, if you'll honour me with your company.' And so escorted Mr F.'s Aunt down the private staircase of the counting-house with great gallantry and success.

- Little Dorrit, Charles Dickens ~ Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Charles Dickens
Dear Little Dorrit, it is not my imprisonment only that will soon be over. This sacrifice of you must be ended. We must learn to part again, and to take our different ways so wide asunder. You have not forgotten what we said together, when you came back? ~ Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Charles Dickens
Several of the inventions and discoveries which have made the modern world possible (the electric telegraph, the breech-loading gun, india-rubber, coal gas, wood-pulp paper) first appeared in Dickens's lifetime, but he scarcely notes them in his books. Nothing is queerer than the vagueness with which he speaks of Doyce's "invention" in Little Dorrit. It is represented as something extremely ingenious and revolutionary, "of great importance to his country and his fellow-creatures," and it is also an important minor link in the book; yet we are never told what the "invention" is! ~ George Orwell
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by George Orwell
His genius, during his earlier manhood, was of that exclusively agricultural character which applies itself to the cultivation of wild oats. ~ Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Charles Dickens
All of which Flora said with so much headlong vehemence as if she really believed it. There is not much doubt that when she worked herself into full mermaid condition, she did actually believe whatever she said in it. ~ Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Charles Dickens
At last, in the dead of the night, when the street was very still indeed, Little Dorrit laid the heavy head upon her bosom, and soothed her to sleep. And thus she sat at the gate, as it were alone; looking up at the stars, and seeing the clouds pass over them in their wild flight-which was the dance at Little Dorrit's party. ~ Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit that she had not seen Mr F.'s Aunt so full of life and character for weeks; that she would find it necessary to ~ Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Charles Dickens
When at the typewriter I am no longer where I site but am away across the mountains, in ancient cities or on the Great Plains among the buffalo. Often I think of what pitiful fools are those who use mind-altering drugs to seek feelings they do not have, each drug taking a little more from what they have of mind, leaving them a little less. Give the brain encouragement from study, from thinking, from visualizing, and no drugs are needed. ~ Louis L'Amour
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Louis L'Amour
Jason shrugged and turned away, the kids trailing after him. "I sincerely hope," he told them quietly, "that you learned a little something about the dangers of wandering around in the park on Halloween ... ~ Kaye Thornbrugh
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Kaye Thornbrugh
Just like with buttons on a shirt, the hooks are always going to be on the same side (your left). If you're trying to remove a bra but can't, simply say, "I need a little help." The girl will laugh at you, but she'll take off her bra. It happened to me many times in my early days, so it's not a big deal, but it's in your best interests to be able to do it on your own (unstrapping a bra with one hand or foot at lightning speed is a move girls appreciate). ~ Roosh V
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Roosh V
I think I understand why baseball players today are a little standoffish, because the world has changed. You don't know who's trying to take advantage of you, what people really want. ~ Billy Williams
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Billy Williams
[I]t contains a great deal that Sun Tzu did not write, and very little indeed of what he did. ~ Sun Tzu
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Sun Tzu
'Buried Alive' is a little scary, but also a comedy at the same time. ~ Tobin Bell
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Tobin Bell
I have had some experiences with love, or think I have, anyway, although the ones I have liked best could easily be described as "common decency." I treated somebody well for a little while, or maybe even for a tremendously long time, and that person treated me well in turn. Love need not have had anything to do with it. ~ Kurt Vonnegut
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Kurt Vonnegut
I was in Las Vegas when the Nogueira brothers first touched down in America. There was a bus, this is a true story. There was a bus that pulled up to a red light, and Little Nog tried to feed it a carrot, while Big Nog was petting it. He thought it was a horse. This really happened. He tried to feed a bus a carrot, and now you're telling me this country has computers? I didn't know that. ~ Chael Sonnen
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Chael Sonnen
If the playwright knew every little thing about his play, why bother? There must be discovery all the time, otherwise why bother to do it? ~ Phylicia Rashad
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Phylicia Rashad
My little brother Paul. He owns his own floor sanding business called Silly P Hardwood Floors and hes really good. ~ Amy Sedaris
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Amy Sedaris
Facts mean little compared to attitudes. To contradict rumor or sentiment is as futile as arguing against a believer's faith in the Immaculate Conception. You have simply become a victim of faith, Comrade Assistant. ~ Milan Kundera
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Milan Kundera
Men generally pay for all expenses on a date ... either sex, however, may bring a little gift, its value to be determined by the bizarrness of the sexual request to be made later that evening. ~ P. J. O'Rourke
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by P. J. O'Rourke
No public man can be just a little crooked. ~ Herbert Hoover
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Herbert Hoover
That faith seems too simple to me-the idea that we have only to
believe that Christ died for our sins once and for all. But I know too much of the truth ... of the way life works, with life after life in which we ourselves, and only we, can work out the causes we have set in motion and make amends for the harm we have done. It stands not in the realm of reason that one man, however holy and blessed, could atone for all the sins of all men, done in all lifetimes. What else could explain why some men have all things, and others so little? No, that is a cruel trick of the priests, I think, to coax men into thinking that they have the ear of God and can forgive sins in his name-ah, I wish it were true indeed. ~ Marion Zimmer Bradley
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Well, I guess that answers my question." The deep velvet voice startles me.
I jump, grab my pillow like I'm going to use it as a weapon.
Will stands in the doorway, sipping from a metallic travel mug. His gray T-shirt stretches across his shoulders and chest in a way that makes my throat close up.
"What question?" I ask, breathless.
"Whether you're as beautiful in the morning as you are during the rest of the day."
"Oh," I say dumbly, pushing the tangle of hair back off my shoulders, certain I don't look good right now, just rolling out of bed. Not that I take pains with my appearance on the average day, but still...who looks their best fresh out of bed? "You're here again," I murmur.
"Can't stay away?"
"Apparently not."
I'm okay with that. Great, in fact.
"I made you breakfast," he adds.
"You can cook?" I'm impressed.
He grins. "I live in a bachelor household, remember? My mom died when I was a kid. I hardly remember her. I kind of had to learn to cook."
"Oh," I murmur, then sit up straighter. "Wait a minute. How'd you get in here?"
"Opened the front door." He takes another sip from his mug and looks at me like I'm in trouble. "Your mom really should lock the door when she leaves."
I arch a brow. "Would that have kept you out?"
He smiles a little. "You know me well. ~ Sophie Jordan
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Sophie Jordan
Another part of Bit's unifying urban theory is sprinklers, that you can gauge a neighborhood's wealth by the way people water. If every house has an automatic system, you're looking at a six-figure mean. If the majority lug hoses around, it's more lower-middle class. And if they don't bother with the lawns ... well, that's the sort of shitburg where Bit and Julie always lived, except for that little place they rented in Wenatchee the summer Bit worked at the orchard. ~ Jess Walter
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Jess Walter
How about you don't kill anybody for a little bit?"
"I can't make that promise."
Small talk with the dragon. How are you? Eaten any adventurers lately? Sure, just had one this morning. Look, I still got his femur stuck in my teeth. Is that upsetting to you? ~ Ilona Andrews
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Ilona Andrews
Qualities of a Good Nurse: Go," I said.
"1. Doesn't pun on your disability," Isaac said.
"2. Gets blood on the first try," I said.
"Seriously, that is huge. I mean is this my freaking arm or a dartboard? 3. No condescending voice."
"How are you doing, sweetie?" I asked, cloying. "I'm going to stick you with a needle now. There might be a little ouchie."
"Is my wittle fuffywump sickywicky?" he answered. "Most of them are good, actually. I just want to get the hell out of this place. ~ John Green
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by John Green
Brooke, I'm already gone. The only reason I tried to get away from you boneheads earlier was because I wanted a couple of hours to see the sights before I headed home. Crooked Street maybe. Or Treasure Island. That sweet little bridge you're all so fond of. I can't say I like the Alcatraz tour, though. It's a little too realistic. ~ Kim Harrison
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Kim Harrison
A professionally trained actress should be a better liar, wouldn't you think? But no. I am pathetically underachieved in that area. I can think of a great lie. I'm plenty imaginative. But before the words are even out of my mouth, there's a weird tickle of unease in my armpits, a horsefly of guilt lands on the back of my neck, and before I can stop myself, that gassy little bubble of truth belches out. ~ Kristin Chenoweth
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Kristin Chenoweth
Alright. Let's get realistic now. You know and I know that the function of that number was just to provide some sort of warm-up trash before we do something HEAVY. Something a little bit harder to listen to, but which is probably better for you in the LONG RUN. The item in this instance, which will be better for you in the LONG RUN, and if we only had a little more space up here we could make it visual for you, is "Some Ballet Music," which we've played at most of our concert series in Europe. Generally in halls where we had a little bit more space and Motorhead and Kansas could actually fling themselves across the stage, and give you their teenage interpretation of the art of The Ballet. I don't think it's too safe to do it here, maybe they can just hug each other a little bit and do some calisthenics in the middle of the stage. ~ Frank Zappa
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Frank Zappa
I know exactly what I want to buy and I spend very little time, maybe 15 hours a year, buying stuff. I'll go in and out of Dunhill in 45 minutes and pick out a few suits. Boom. And I'm gone. I get my shirts at Charvet. I go in there - woosh - and buy 12 shirts and some ties; once a year and that's it. ~ Edward N. Ney
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Edward N. Ney
Where's Mason?"
"Planting explosives."
Zinio did a double take. "You actually handed that man explosives?"
"Damn it, Zinio. Let other people have some fun."
The explosion in the distance was followed by Mason yelling, "Yahoo!"
Zinio and Delaney stared speechless as Mason flew by in the adjoining tunnel, riding the concussion wave of the blast.
Finally, Zinio stomped after him.
He peeled him off the floor in the adjoining tunnel. "You having fun yet?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Wanna go again?"
"Hell yeah I wanta go again!"
A short while later, Zinio watched Mason fly by on a concussion wave from the latest explosion, as Mason shouted, "Hot Diggity!"
Zinio made his way over to the somewhat more charcoaled Mason. "You had enough yet?"
Mason nodded shakily.
"Good - because it'd be nice if we actually put a hole in the fricking wall! That is the object of this little exercise. ~ Dean C. Moore
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Dean C. Moore
Look out for squalls when you find it, and you will readily believe how little taste I found ~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Robert Louis Stevenson
I like the fact that Jack is always wearing a tie except when he's on a mission. I do like it when I get out there and dress up, or dress down, a little bit. ~ Victor Garber
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Victor Garber
If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. ~ Charles R. Swindoll
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Charles R. Swindoll
Each character I play I approach differently and separately. I think Marigold is a simpler character for a sweet little movie, and I'm excited to be part of it. In terms of Heroes it's been such an amazing journey on that show. I love working on it and at this point I know I'm coming to Asia and some of the other cast are going to Europe for the world tour to release the DVD. ~ Ali Larter
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Ali Larter
I think every movie is its own little world, and a director certainly sets the tone. ~ Famke Janssen
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Famke Janssen
The food, though seasoned a little heavily with judgement, went down just fine. ~ Cynthia Bond
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Cynthia Bond
The law of love could be best understood and learned through little children. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Mahatma Gandhi
My stomach rumbled. Like certain other portions of my anatomy, it had a tendency to become easily sidetracked, and to hell with little details like survival. ~ Jim Butcher
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Jim Butcher
When Mr. Jackson had to leave the kids behind at the house for a business meeting, they would always come to the door as a group to see him off. They'd follow him right to the car and they'd each say, "I love you, Daddy." And he'd say, "I love you more." That was their little ritual every time he left the house. And when he got home, didn't matter if he was gone for two hours or twenty minutes, they'd run to meet him, screaming, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! ~ Bill Whitfield
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Bill Whitfield
Life is funny. Life isn't categorized into comedy, drama, action, is it?So I don't know why they try to categorize everything. It drives me crazy-why it would have to be just a romantic comedy or ... I want to have a little integrity, a little story, you know ~ Jennifer Aniston
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Jennifer Aniston
In the immediate aftermath of Chris's death, Bubba dealt with his grief by playing. He played all the time, with anyone and everyone who came to the house. It was his way of staying busy and not focusing on sadness.
Angel, younger, was a little more direct, though quieter. She often looked toward her brother as her spokesman and maybe test case: his emotions guided hers. She expressed her connection with her dad directly, mentioning that she often felt him still close to her. I came to take that as a comfort and reassurance: Chris walked with us still. ~ Taya Kyle
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Taya Kyle
Witch-sign, they said. Little eddies, like miniature storms breaking the surface of the ocean. Witch-signs rise up in great numbers, last a few minutes, and then disappear. When the whirlpools are gone, all that's left is floating petals. Black sea roses.


I'm not afraid. A queer chill settles into my bones, and I huddle, pulling my knees closer to my chest. What if Ilven's death really did raise something up out of the waters? But those stories Nala is talking about - they're just … fancies. There's no real truth to them, they're Hob tales. That's what our House crake taught me. Of course, Ilven always did find the old stories fascinating and told me how she secretly wished that they were still real, that there was more to magic than just the scriv-forced power of the Houses.

Oh Ilven. Bound now below the sea, caught in the kelp forests, nibbled at, her hair full of crabs and little ghost shrimp, a ghost herself. I choke on a sadness so sharp that it has sliced me in two. ~ Cat Hellisen
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Cat Hellisen
Its at night, when perhaps we should be dreaming, that the mind is most clear, that we are most able to hold all our life in the palm of our skull. I dont know if anyone has ever pointed out that great attraction of insomnia before, but it is so; the night seems to release a little more of our vast backward inheritance of instincts and feelings; as with the dawn, a little honey is allowed to ooze between the lips of the sandwich, a little of the stuff of dreams to drip into the waking mind. ~ Brian Aldiss
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Brian Aldiss
Each one of us can be an oasis of peace. ~ Desmond Tutu
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Desmond Tutu
Tomber amoureux. To fall in love. Does it occur suddenly or gradually? If gradually, when is the moment "already"? I would fall in love with a monkey made of rags. With a plywood squirrel. With a botanical atlas. With an oriole. With a ferret. With a marten in a picture. With the forest one sees to the right when riding in a cart to Jaszuny. With a poem by a little-known poet. With human beings whose names still move me. And always the object of love was enveloped in erotic fantasy or was submitted, as in Stendhal, to a "cristallisation," so it is frightful to think of that object as it was, naked among the naked things, and of the fairy tales about it one invents. Yes, I was often in love with something or someone. Yet falling in love is not the same as being able to love. That is something different. ~ Czeslaw Milosz
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Czeslaw Milosz
You do realize the message of this play, right?" Tyler asked.
"Sure." My arm was still over my eyes. "It's about life on a farm and falling in love and watching the people you love die. So, you know, that's awesome."
He ignored the sarcasm. "It's about being alive. About noticing all the little things, because no one ever knows if it's the last time they'll see them. ~ Tamara Ireland Stone
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Tamara Ireland Stone
My talent is working very hard and having a decent nose. A good nose for a story and the ability to get a little bit dirty sometimes, to get a little bit physical sometimes chasing a story. And to feel it, I mean I feel it. ~ Steve Bunce
Little Dorrit Bbc quotes by Steve Bunce
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