Kartsonis In Melbourne Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Kartsonis In Melbourne.

Quotes About Kartsonis In Melbourne

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I do not like Melbourne in its present state. ~ William John Wills
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by William John Wills
Because he likes you, Melbourne. That's what guys do. They buy dinner and gifts, hoping that in return you'll - um, like them back. ~ Richelle Mead
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Richelle Mead
Not married. Mostly because no one has ever asked me," Leah said lightly.
Izzy pulled a disbelieving face. "Are the men in Melbourne blind?" she said. "You're hot. If all doctors looked like you, my boyfriend would be at the local clinic every second day, begging for a prostate exam or something equally perverted."
"Well, thanks. I think," Leah said. ~ Sarah Mayberry
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Sarah Mayberry
Melbourne is wonderfully altered since I last saw it. There are some very fair buildings in it now, and things are a little cheaper than they used to be. ~ William John Wills
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by William John Wills
Singing at the Opening Ceremonies of the Sydney Olympics in 2000 was amazing and, probably the highlight of this decade is the opening of the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Centre in my hometown of Melbourne, Australia. ~ Olivia Newton-John
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Olivia Newton-John
If they don't board and live by themselves, even in their second year they've got no lounge or kitchen table and it's a pretty lonely existence when you get home to an empty house. Homesickness is a key issue for kids who are drafted interstate, whether they are going to Melbourne or coming to Perth or going to Brisbane. All the kids we've drafted this year will all go through periods of homesickness, which can lead to worse things. ~ Trevor Nisbett
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Trevor Nisbett
I have to fit holidays around tournaments, particularly the grand slams, in Melbourne, Paris, London and New York. ~ Roger Federer
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Roger Federer
It turned out to be just his sort of life in Melbourne [Florida]
a little three-room mini apartment to himself, and down on the strip, five different bars where you had women going around in bathing suits. In the backyard, his mother's new husband had grown a miraculous tree, a lemon trunk grafted with orange, tangerine, satsuma, kumquat, and grapefruit limbs, each bearing its own vivid fruit. Every morning, Jeff would go out and fill his arms, and squeeze himself a pitcher of juice, thick and sun-hot. That house was good for his mother, too. The swimming pool trimmed fifteen pounds off of her. She didn't seem to have moods anymore, and she didn't fly off the handle when Jeff beat her in the cribbage games they played most afternoons. ~ Wells Tower
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Wells Tower
In the end to add to the sum of human knowledge is the only thing a man can be truly proud of. ~ Daisy Goodwin
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Daisy Goodwin
Regional interests and loyalties are even stronger among Australians than among Americans - in that in social life they exist almost without challenge. Canberra is a poor thing compared to Washington and there is no great metropolis like New York that sets many of the nation's trends. There is no generally acknowledged central city where the important things are believed to happen and it seems better to be. ~ Donald Horne
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Donald Horne
That is no use at all. What I want is men who will support me when I am in the wrong. ~ Lord Melbourne
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Lord Melbourne
I was husband for a week. Changed the baby's diapers. There's somebody in a suburb in Melbourne who doesn't even know i wiped his ass ~ Keith Richards
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Keith Richards
I remember a moment when the Prince went back to his old school, Grammar School in Melbourne, and slightly to his horror his old music teacher produced a cello. ~ Anthony Holden
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Anthony Holden
'Animal Kingdom' feels like a suburban Melbourne version of 'The Godfather 'to me. It's epic and Shakespearean in its story, and yet you still feel like you can reach out and touch it. ~ Joel Edgerton
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Joel Edgerton
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A ~ A.S. Bhalla
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by A.S. Bhalla
Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm and continuity, lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, light nor dark ... In any library in the world, I am at home, unselfconscious, still and absorbed.
[Still in Melbourne January 1987] ~ Germaine Greer
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Germaine Greer
I guess I've been fortunate in having an ongoing film career while being based in Melbourne. I'm happy to commute. A day on a plane. Come on. It's easy. ~ Geoffrey Rush
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Geoffrey Rush
I understand felicitations are in order."
Ian started. His betrothal to Christina, which was about to be broken, was not yet common knowledge.
"Christina Taylor is a lovely young woman. I knew her grandfather and her uncles, and, of course, her father, the Earl of Melbourne. She'll make you a fine wife, Ian."
"Inasmuch as bigamy is a crime in this country, I find that unlikely."
Startled by the discovery that his information was apparently incorrect, Edward took another swallow of champagne and asked, "May I ask who the fortunate young woman is, then?"
Ian opened his mouth to tell him to go to hell, but there was something alarming about the way his grandfather was slowly putting his glass down. ~ Judith McNaught
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Judith McNaught
I was so happy … before.'
'I find that happiness can always be recollected in tranquillity, Ma'am,' said Melbourne.
Victoria put her hands down and looked up at him, her pale blue eyes searching his face. 'You were happy too?'
When Melbourne spoke, it was in the voice not of the urbane Prime Minister, but of a man of advancing years who is facing the loss of the only thing that is still capable of bringing him joy. 'You know I was, Ma'am. ~ Daisy Goodwin
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Daisy Goodwin
The most special Slam is Wimbledon, of course. But where I feel the best is Melbourne. And you're happy that you're playing. When you get to the middle of the season, everything is week after week, and it's all routine. But when it's Melbourne in January, you are fresh and you want to play. It's nice. ~ Marin Cilic
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Marin Cilic
Oscar, we're alive and in Melbourne and that's all that matters."
The door clicked shut behind him. He placed the bowl on the dresser and dropped the spoon into the soup. "We're alive, in Melbourne, and living in a whorehouse. ~ Angie Frazier
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Angie Frazier
In the mid-1980s, on a spring Sunday morning, a Volvo stationwagon parked in Brunswick Street. A young couple got out. She was trim, blonded, tanned. He was already broadening in the midsection, sockless, short and hairy legs ending in boatshoes. From a restraining chair in the back seat, he unloaded a child, complaining, flailing. They took it into a cafe.

They were going to have brunch.

The old Brunswick Street was dead, Brunchwick Street born. There was no turning back. ~ Peter Temple
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Peter Temple
...the work of his favourite painter at the time, brett whitely, seemed to offer some focus for his rebellious attitude towards moribund suburban melbourne. cave was intrigued by the intensity and diversity of the themes that the sydney-based painter included in his landscapes ~ Ian Johnston
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Ian Johnston
On Melbourne summer mornings the green trams go rolling in stately progress down tunnels thick with leaves: the bright air carries along the avenue their patient chime, the chattering of their wheels ~ Helen Garner
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Helen Garner
Melbourne is very sophisticated and edgy - we wear a lot of black. Things are lightening up a little bit, but truly, everything looks good in black. ~ Jessica Hart
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Jessica Hart
I lived in a suitcase for a year, and then a relationship brought me to New York for about four months, then I lived in Melbourne. Then I moved back to Gothenburg because the immigrant laws are strict for both Australia and the U.S., and I would have to marry someone to get into those countries. But I wouldn't really be able to get involved in a sham marriage without being able to tell anyone about it. ~ Jens Lekman
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Jens Lekman
Even when you feel as though everything is 100% it can still go wrong on the night (like in Melbourne!) so you never know for sure that you're going to do the performance you expect. ~ Chris Hoy
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Chris Hoy
The year 1839 brought further increase to the population; and before the beginning of 1840 there were 3,000 persons, with 500 houses and 70 shops, in Melbourne. In 1841, within five years of ~ Alexander Sutherland
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Alexander Sutherland
People who do surf the Internet for fun at work - within a reasonable limit of less than 20 percent of their total time in the office - are more productive by about 9 percent than those who don't," according to Dr. Brent Coker, from the department of management and marketing at the University of Melbourne, Australia. ~ Erik Qualman
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Erik Qualman
I was born in Amersham, England on 6/4/58. My family moved to Australia when I was eight, and I went to Box Hill High School and then Melbourne High School. I liked to draw and write at school, and I liked books by J.R.R. Tolkien, A.A. Milne and Kenneth Grahame. ~ Graeme Base
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Graeme Base
And then after the success at Melbourne Comedy Festival, then we regrouped back in LA and we went back into workshopping and decided to develop a proper show and that's when we started working on "Stuffed and Unstrung," which is a much bigger and sharper version of "Puppet Up." ~ Brian Henson
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Brian Henson
I love coming home to Melbourne. The first thing I do is have a coffee. It's just so much better here than anywhere else. It's better than in Italy and I travel a lot. I crave it. ~ Curtis Stone
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Curtis Stone
My father is doing a radio program - classical music. He has a beautiful speaking voice and that's his passion in life, his music. My mother lives in Melbourne and is an avid photographer. She's also started writing for a magazine out there and she submits poems, very funny ones, and articles. In some way or other, my family is always doing something with the media. ~ Olivia Newton-John
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Olivia Newton-John
[F]riends praise your abilities to the skies, submit to you in argument, and seem to have the greatest deference for you; but, though they may ask it, you never find them following your advice upon their own affairs; nor allowing you to manage your own. ~ William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne
You have a character who is wearing a scarf on her head on a billboard in LA, New York, Sydney and Melbourne. That's how I would face barriers being thrown at me. ~ Lilly Singh
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Lilly Singh
Thanks. And I'll give Brayden a talking-to so he doesn't try anything on Thursday."
My mind was still full of Latin and Shakespeare. "Try what?"
Trey shook his head. "Honestly, Melbourne, I don't know Trey shook his head. "Honestly, Melbourne, I don't know how you've survived this long in the world without me."
"Oh," I said, blushing. "That." Great. Now I had something else to worry about.
Trey scoffed. "Between you and me, Brayden's probably the last guy in the world you have to worry about. I think he's as clueless as you are. If I didn't care about your virtue so much, I'd actualy probably give him a lecture on how to try something. ~ Richelle Mead
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Richelle Mead
In December 2013, a tourist in Melbourne fell off a pier and plunged into the sea while checking Facebook on her phone. She still had it in her hand when she was rescued. ~ Arianna Huffington
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Arianna Huffington
The AAC at Royal Melbourne was a wonderful memory for me. I had a slightly disappointing finish, but I gained a lot of experience by playing in the last group. ~ Guan Tianlang
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Guan Tianlang
Then they had a day together in Melbourne and Jenny stayed in her first hotel, with Luc sparing no expense and treating her to the Windsor for the night. Here, Jenny experienced a luxury that had her wide-eyed, where men in their fine uniform of burgundy jackets, trimmed with gold, fussed around them and suggested an afternoon tea like never before. Luc couldn't help but grin to see his daughter engulfed in a leather chair, near the huge arched picture windows that fronted Spring Street, choosing cucumber sandwiches and beautiful little cakes and pastries from a silver tiered cake stand. ~ Fiona McIntosh
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Fiona McIntosh
A couple from Sydney or Melbourne might leave on the same day for their holiday: the wife might go sun-bathing at Surfers Paradise, in Queensland, the husband ski-ing in the Snowy Mountains. A lucky country. ~ George Mikes
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by George Mikes
He's very, very well-known. I'd say he's world-famous in Melbourne. ~ Barry Humphries
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Barry Humphries
Your grandfather were a quiet and secret man he had been ripped from his home in Tipperary and transported to the prisons of Van Diemen's Land I do not know what was done to him he never spoke of it. When they had finished with their tortures they set him free and he crossed the sea to the colony of Victoria. He were by this time 30 yr. of age red headed and freckled with his eyes always slitted against the sun. My da had sworn an oath to evermore avoid the attentions of the law so when he saw the streets of Melbourne was crawling with policemen worse than flies he walked 28 mi. to the township of Donnybrook and then or soon thereafter he seen my mother. Ellen Quinn were 18 yr. old she were dark haired and slender the prettiest figure on a horse he ever saw but your grandma was like a snare laid out by God for Red Kelly. She were a Quinn and the police would never leave the Quinns alone. ~ Peter Carey
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Peter Carey
I find it easier to write in the winter in Melbourne. When the weather is good you want to go out for a walk, ride a bike, go to a cafe or something. When it's raining, when it's a miserable day, I just sit down at my desk and get some work done. ~ Adrian McKinty
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Adrian McKinty
I would love to do well one last time in Melbourne and my dream would be to win Wimbledon and play in the London Olympics. ~ Kim Clijsters
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Kim Clijsters
Young men, not bein' old men," she replied, cautiously, "and sinners not bein' saints, it's not nattral as latch-keys should be made for ornament instead of use, and Mr. Fitzgerald bein' one of the 'andsomest men in Melbourne, it ain't to be expected as 'e should let 'is latch-key git rusty, tho' 'avin' a good moral character, 'e uses it with moderation. ~ Fergus Hume
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Fergus Hume
One of the stock Sydney jokes is of the census-taker who enquires: 'How many children have you, ma'am?' 'Two living and three in Melbourne.' ~ Elspeth Huxley
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Elspeth Huxley
I performed in Sydney some years ago for the Sydney Festival and I am just so pleased to be returning to the wonderful Sydney Opera House and also performing in Melbourne for the first time. ~ Lesley Garrett
Kartsonis In Melbourne quotes by Lesley Garrett
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