Hate My Boyfriend Family Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Hate My Boyfriend Family.

Quotes About Hate My Boyfriend Family

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This year, I'm most thankful for the people around me who've supported me-my friends, and my family and boyfriend. It's been a really crazy year. There have been a lot of changes with moving to America and a lot of adjustments for my family and friends in Australia to let me go off on this journey and miss me a lot. I miss them a lot, but am so grateful for them. ~ Lucy Fry
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Lucy Fry
My name is Kyran. You look like an honorable woman," he whispered, practicing what he would say to any prospective mate. "I have a home with my parents and my brother. There we will live and you will be part of our family. Would you like to give me many children? ~ Michelle M. Pillow
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Michelle M. Pillow
I don't have a boyfriend."
"Good thing. I'd hate to have to hop a plane at this time of night just to kick his ass for messing around with my girl."
I smile and chew on my bottom lip. His forwardness is kind of cute. "I'm not your girl, Noel."
"Not yet, but soon," he says. ~ Michelle A. Valentine
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Michelle A. Valentine
On my floor, there were fifteen first years and ten sophomores. It was quickly discovered that most of the first years on my floor were still involved in high school relationships. It wasn't difficult to figure out who the ten were, as they (okay, by "they" I really mean "we" but I hate to admit to this type of behavior) often began sentences with the phrase, "My boyfriend/girlfriend . . ." As in "My boyfriend loves Coldplay, too!" Or "My boyfriend has a sweater like that, too!" Or "My boyfriend eats and sleeps and excretes waste, too!" Since no upperclassman would ever, ever, ever put a confining label like "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" on the person she/he was hooking up with on a semiregular basis, it was obvious that anyone making such a bold declaration of commitment was referring to a youthful union forged in the halls of her/his former high school. The ~ Megan McCafferty
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Megan McCafferty
My parents were very, very close; they pretty much grew up together. They were born in 1912. They were each other's only boyfriend and girlfriend. They were - to use a contemporary term I hate - co-dependent, and they had me very late. So they had their way of doing things, and they reinforced each other. ~ Roz Chast
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Roz Chast
Dad taught me everything I know. Unfortunately, he didn't teach me everything he knows. ~ Al Unser
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Al Unser
Over the last couple of years, I've really worked toward balancing my life out more, having a little bit more time with friends, family and my boyfriend. There was a period of time when they were way down the list. It was all about music and touring and if everything fell by the wayside, so be it. ~ Alanis Morissette
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Alanis Morissette
Do you have any idea where she could be? Friends? Family? An ex or a secret boyfriend?" Kenny asked. If I did I wouldn't be here wasting my time with you, would I? "I ~ J.C. Reed
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by J.C. Reed
Rose, nothing in this world could make me hate you."
"Not even trying to bring my ex-boyfriend back from the dead? ~ Richelle Mead
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Richelle Mead
Back then, I would have begged forgiveness from my friends in the BSC. I would have tried like crazy to balance my time between school, the club, Robert and my family.

I would have gone on feeling guilty about my boyfriend at BSC meetings, embarrassed about one set of friends while I was with the other, but I wasn't feeling apologetic now or guilty or ashamed. ~ Ann M. Martin
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Ann M. Martin
Well, you should have a chat with your boyfriend, clarify your desires. Hate to break the news, but, uh, he's cheatin' on you. Tell him I said my dog kisses better than him and he hits like a girl. ~ Courtney Vail
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Courtney Vail
I'm really enjoying my solitude after feeling trapped by my family, friends and boyfriend.
Just then I feel like making a resolution. A new year began six months ago but I feel like the time for change is now. No more whining about my pathetic life. I am going to change my life this very minute. Feeling as empowered as I felt when I read The Secret, I turn to reenter the hall.
I know what I'll do! Instead of listing all the things I'm going to do from this moment on, I'm going to list all the things I'm never going to do! I've always been unconventional (too unconventional if you ask my parents but I'll save that account for later). I mentally begin to make my list of nevers.
-I am never going to marry for money like Natasha just did.
-I am never going to doubt my abilities again.
-I am never going to… as I try to decide exactly what to resolve I spot an older lady wearing a bright red velvet churidar kurta. Yuck! I immediately know what my next resolution will be; I will never wear velvet. Even if it does become the most fashionable fabric ever (a highly unlikely phenomenon)

I am quite enjoying my resolution making and am deciding what to resolve next when I notice Az and Raghav holding hands and smiling at each other. In that moment I know what my biggest resolve should be.

-I will never have feelings for my best friend's boyfriend. Or for any friend's boyfriend, for that matter. That's four resolutions down. Six more to ~ Anjali Kirpalani
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Anjali Kirpalani
I love being with my family, my friends, and my boyfriend. ~ Monica Keena
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Monica Keena
In the days leading up to Valentine's Day, in addition to the daily letter I also made sure to send her a Valentine's card and a different bar of chocolate. I was buying really nice bars of chocolate, all different flavors and kinds. She was only allowed to eat them right there at mail call, and sometimes she would get several packages at once, so even though it was hard to do, she'd share bites of her chocolate with other people. I also made sure to give extra thought to the regular, daily letter that would arrive on Valentine's Day:

In the beginning of our relationship I criticized your expectations in a boyfriend. I told you that you watched too many movies and lived in a fantasy world. In a way I was asking you to settle. Even through our arguments about what was realistic and what was a fairy tale, I did everything I could to be your prince in a world where I saw you as the princess that you are. I was wrong to ever question you. Your standards never dropped and it forced me to rise up to the level needed to keep you. Like a storybook romance, I've defended your honor, showered you with love, worshipped the ground you walk on, and will faithfully wait for you while you're away. You have made me a better man. Because of you I live a life I am proud of and have become the father, brother, son, and friend my family deserves. Your love has positively affected every aspect of my life. And for that I could never repay you. But I will happily be forever y ~ Noah Galloway
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Noah Galloway
Aspen had shifted to fill a desperate place in my life. Not my boyfriend, not my friend, but my family. ~ Kiera Cass
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Kiera Cass
You don't have to be involved with my parents. Not if you don't want to be. Yes, you're the father,
but you aren't my boyfriend or husband. My family is my problem."
"I do," he said, before he even realized what he was saying. "I do want to be involved. With all of it.
We're talking about really making this work, about making a ... I don't know if we're talking about a
family, not in the traditional sense, but we're in this together, right?"
"I guess."
"That means I get to help you with parent things, and other unpleasantness. And you have to know
my brother. ~ Maisey Yates
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Maisey Yates
Are you there, God? It's me, Layla. I know I just jerked off some guy who is not even my boyfriend in the bathroom of this crappy, brown house. But if you could find a way to kill me quickly and painlessly within the next ten seconds, I promise to never touch another penis again. Well, I'll be dead, so, I guess I promise not to whore it up in heaven. Which, of course is where you'll be sending me, right? I mean I'd hate to think you'd deny me an eternity behind your pearly gates just because of one impetuous handjob. Thank you. Sincerely, Layla Warren. Amen. ~ T. Torrest
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by T. Torrest
I try and have family time, all the time, so you know, I get to see them a lot. And I'm always with my friends, my boyfriend, it helps me keep grounded and kind of sane. ~ Nicole Polizzi
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Nicole Polizzi
You better thank God that I have to go home and feed Storm. I'd wipe the floor with you otherwise." "Till next time, short-ass."

Keela casually strolled into the sitting room and stated, "I hate your boyfriend."

I grabbed my chest. "That's a shame, because I love yours."

Keela's lip twitched. "I'll be back over tonight, I just have to go and feed - "

"The fat beast, I heard you."

Keela growled. "You'd think being pregnant would make you sentimental and give Storm a chance, but no, you still rag on him."

In Keela's mind, Storm was her baby.

"He'd make a saint curse, Kay. ~ L.A. Casey
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by L.A. Casey
The last time I'd been unwell, suicidally depressed, whatever you want to call it, the reactions of my friends and family had fallen into several different camps:
The Let's Laugh It Off merchants: Claire was the leading light. They hoped that joking about my state of mind would reduce it to a manageable size. Most likely to say, 'Feeling any mad urges to fling yourself into the sea?'
The Depression Deniers: they were the ones who took the position that since there was no such thing as depression, nothing could be wrong with me. Once upon a time I'd have belonged in that category myself. A subset of the Deniers was The Tough Love people. Most likely to say, 'What have you got to be depressed about?'
The It's All About Me bunch: they were the ones who wailed that I couldn't kill myself because they'd miss me so much. More often than not, I'd end up comforting them. My sister Anna and her boyfriend, Angelo, flew three thousand miles from New York just so I could dry their tears. Most likely to say, 'Have you any idea how many people love you?'
The Runaways: lots and lots of people just stopped ringing me. Most of them I didn't care about, but one or two were important to me. Their absence was down to fear; they were terrified that whatever I had, it was catching. Most likely to say, 'I feel so helpless … God, is that the time?' Bronagh – though it hurt me too much at the time to really acknowledge it – was the number one offender.
The Woo-Woo crew: i.e. ~ Marian Keyes
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Marian Keyes
You set fire to my house, killed my family, and ate my dog. But steal my boyfriend? That's a step too far. ~ Libba Bray
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Libba Bray
His fingers gouged into my leg harder. "My sister was in that cafeteria," he said. "She saw her friends die, thanks to you and that puke boyfriend of yours. She still has nightmares about it. He got what he deserved, but you got a free pass. That ain't right. You should've died that day, Sister Death. Everyone wishes you would have. Look around. Where is Jessica, if she wants you here so bad? Even the friends you came here with don't want to be with you."
"Let go of me," I said again, pulling on his fingers. But he only pinched tighter.
"Your boyfriend isn't the only one who can get his hands on a gun," he said. Slowly he eased himself up to standing again. He reached into the waistband of his jeans and pulled out something small and dark. He pointed it at me, and when the moonlight hit it, I gasped and pressed myself against the barn wall. ~ Jennifer Brown
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Jennifer Brown
When I hit 16, I got a scooter to ride to school. It was bright pink, and I saw on the ownership papers that Jonathan Ross once owned it. My friends slated me for it because of the colour, but it was cool. My father used to ride, and my mother's boyfriend has a bike, so we're a bit of a biker family. ~ Thomas Sangster
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Thomas Sangster
During breakfast there is something I cannot resist, apart from my boyfriend - it's actually the phone. I have a phone breakfast. Always. I call friends, boyfriend, family. Checking who is where. 'Is everything fine?' This is breakfast. ~ Christian Louboutin
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Christian Louboutin
Your mother brought a strange man to this house once, Katarina. I had hoped it might be a few years before history repeated itself."
Kat rolled her eyes at the mention of her father. "Uncle Eddie, I brought Hale home ages ago," she reminded him; but her uncle just shook his head.
"I've known my great-niece's friend. A boyfriend, on the other hand ... that is a most different matter."
"Yes, sir," Hale said. He stood up a little straighter, spoke a little louder.
"You have a powerful family, boy."
"Yes, sir," Hale said. "Please don't hold them against me."
Then Eddie gave a wry smile. "Who says I was talking about them? ~ Ally Carter
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Ally Carter
I think I feel most like a princess when I'm sort of bursting with happiness and love, so whether that would be, like, with my boyfriend or my family or at a really fun party - just when you're full of life. ~ Lily James
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Lily James
Oh . . . I know you. Believe it or not, I know exactly who you are."

"Oh yeah? Where am I from?"

"I don't know."

"Tell me about my family."

"I can't."

"Then you really don't know me, do you?"

After a moment, Stephanie rolled over to face her. "Yes," she said, "I do." She couldn't hide the challenge in her tone. "Okay, how about this? You're a good girl and always have been, but deep down, you think there's more to life than always following the rules, and there's a part of you that craves the unknown. If you're honest with yourself, Travis is part of that. You're selective when it comes to sex, but once you commit to someone, the standards you would normally hold yourself to go out the window. You think you'll marry your boyfriend, but can't help but wonder why you don't have a ring on your finger yet. You love your family, but you wanted to make your own decisions about who you become, which is why you live here. Even so, you worry your choices will earn your family's disapproval. How am I doing so far? ~ Nicholas Sparks
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Nicholas Sparks
I truly don't mind staying in the guest room. I'd hate to make things awkward."
Daddy starts to answer him, but Margot gets there first. "No, it's totally fine," she assures Ravi. "Let's go get the rest of our stuff out of the car."
The second they leave, Kitty and I turn to each other. At the same time we say, "Oh my God."
Kitty ponders, "Why do they need to stay in the same room together? Do they have to have sex that bad?"
"Enough, Kitty," Daddy says, his tone sharper than I've heard him use with her. He turns and leaves, and I hear the sound of his office door closing. His office is where he goes when he is really mad. Ms. Rothschild gives her a stern look and follows after him.
Kitty and I look at each other again. "Yikes," I say.
"He didn't have to snap," Kitty says sullenly. "I'm not the one whose boyfriend is staying in my bed."
"He didn't mean it." I tuck her against me, wrapping my arms around her bony shoulders. "Gogo has a lot of nerve, huh?" She's very impressive, my sister. I just feel sorry for Daddy. This isn't a fight he's used to having--or any kind of fight at all, really.
Of course I text Peter right away and tell all. He sends back a lot of wide-eyed emojis. And: Do you think your dad would let us stay in the same room?? Which I ignore. ~ Jenny Han
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Jenny Han
Thank you for getting me," I try to say. My lips are so tired they don't want to move.
"Anytime,Zara.Really.I mean it." He seems to be smelling my hair.
"I know you hate me and everything but we should be friends," I tell him, closing my eyes.
"I don't hate you," he says. "That's not it at all."
"What is it then? Are you a victim of parthenophobia?"
"Fear of girls."
"You are so strange." He moves back even closer to me, this wicked glint in his eyes like he's trying hard not to snort-laugh at me. His hand presses against the side of my head. Nobody has ever touched me like this before, all gentle and romantic, but strong at the same time. "I'm not afraid of girls."
"Then why haven't you kissed any?"
For a second his eyes flash. "Maybe the right one hasn't come around yet. ~ Carrie Jones
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Carrie Jones
An Irish Airman foresees his Death
I Know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate
Those that I guard I do not love,
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan's poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public man, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death. ~ W.B.Yeats
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by W.B.Yeats
I am utterly in love with my son and my boyfriend and live in the most magical place on Earth. I've been in Norway for ten months now and I have loved every minute of it. ~ Rebecca Loos
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Rebecca Loos
Her gaze shifted away. "I don't remember my dreams anymore." It was like she was confessing a dirty secret. And maybe it was, because even though he hated the dreams, each time he had them, he was with his parents again. Hearing their laughter. Watching them live. But when he woke up they were really gone. ~ Caroline Hanson
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Caroline Hanson
I don't have parts of my body that I hate or would like to trade for somebody else's or wish I could surgically adjust into some fantasy version of what they are. ~ Kate Winslet
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Kate Winslet
Love and hate are so confused in your savage minds and the vibrations of the one are so very like those of the other that I can't always distinguish. You see, we neither love nor hate in my world. We simply have hobbies. ~ Gore Vidal
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Gore Vidal
You want what you can't have. I see it in your eyes. The pain that fills your nights is because of my pack of lies. I've opened up the door for you
to walk away. There's a better path for you even though I want you to stay. I've broken the rules, I've veered from the path but when I met you I
knew to save you was worth the wrath. Let me leave now before it's too late. Let me leave now before you know what I am and your love becomes
Walk away from me before I break down and take you with me. You can't go where I'm going you can't walk through my Hell. Walk away from me
before I break down and take you with me. My path is meant for only me. There is no way to take you too. I've given you life when it was in my
hands to give you death. Walk away from me.
I watch the life I know you will lead without me here. It's what you deserve it is where you belong it is everything I want but everything I fear. Once I
met you I knew I had to save you but you saved me. Now I'm turning away and letting you run free. Not one moment will I forget there is a fire
inside me that you lit with your touch. Hurting you wasn't the plan but it must happen by my hand.
Walk away from me before I break down and take you with me. You can't go where I'm going you can't walk through my Hell. Walk away from me
before I break down and take you with me. My path is meant for only me. There is no way to take you too. I've given yo ~ Abbi Glines
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Abbi Glines
I looked at my boyfriend and wondered if he was actually an alien. ~ Jojo Moyes
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Jojo Moyes
Throughout my entire life, I constantly tried to fight normality. I hate it. I hate the idea of it. I hate routine. I hate anything that feels remotely regular or right. ~ Tom Odell
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Tom Odell
Try this for deviancy: fabricants are mirrors held up to purebloods' conscience; what purebloods see reflected there sickens them. So they blame you for holding the mirror."
I hid my shock by asking when purebloods might blame themselves.
Mephi replied, "History suggests, not until they are made to. ~ David Mitchell
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by David Mitchell
A lot of individuals are so worried about being politically correct. I'd rather go ahead and say what's on my mind than to sit there and come up with some PC 'Oh, the guy is a great fighter and I have a lot of respect for him.' If I don't mean it, why is it even coming out of my mouth? ... I want to fight Lesnar. I hate who he is as a person. I want to break his neck in the ring. I want him to be the first person that dies due to Octagon-related injuries. That's what's going through my mind. ~ Frank Mir
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Frank Mir
I'm not "depressed," she said. Besides, I hate that word. OK, what should we call it? She fluffed the pillow behind her back, indignant. I'm very faithful to my problems. ~ Amity Gaige
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Amity Gaige
No. We were jealous that Lirah had Gargarin. Cold, cold Lirah, who was bitter towards all men, loved my brother with all her heart. It made me hate her even more, because I knew this union was not one of the flesh. She hated the touch of men. He barely tolerated the touch of anyone. I couldn't bear the idea of him loving someone as much as he loved me. -Arjuro of Abroi ~ Melina Marchetta
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Melina Marchetta
Well, Mr Thomas, while I'm in favour of education, I couldn't in good conscience recommend a university career in anything but the hard sciences. As a working environment, the rest of academia is a sewer of irrationality, hate mongering, envy, and self-interest. I'm getting out the moment I earn my twenty-five-year pension package, and then I'm going to write novels ... ~ Dean Koontz
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Dean Koontz
Writers shouldn't fear criticism. Instead, they should fear silence. Criticism is healthy. It gets people thinking about your work and, even better, it gets them talking and arguing. But as for silence
it is the greatest killer of writers. So if you hate a book and want to hurt it
don't talk about it. And if you hate my books
please, for God's sake, shout it from the hills! ~ Robert Fanney
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Robert Fanney
I hate this place. I shall hate it to my grave. ~ Wallis Simpson
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Wallis Simpson
My Meema, her favorite show was 'Dallas.' She made the family watch. She loved to hate J.R. She passed away when I was 12, and I know she's looking down on me going, 'Oh, my goodness. How are you on the show? I am so proud of you and why in the hell are you playing J.R.'s son?' ~ Josh Henderson
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Josh Henderson
Don't you hate waking up after the day's already started? Jake usually asks, like it's a race. As though by the time I roll out of bed I'm already lagging behind everyone else, as if I'll never be able to catch my stride. ~ T. Greenwood
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by T. Greenwood
How many solutions are found to family problems if we take time to reflect? If we think of a husband or wife and we dream about their good qualities that they have? Don't ever lose the illusion of when you were boyfriend and girlfriend! ~ Pope Francis
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Pope Francis
I come from a minimum wage working world, as we all did for at least some part of our lives, and that is never out of my rearview. I've never forgotten how much your feet hurt after you've stood on them for like 12 hours. And how the drudgery of a job you hate craps on your entire life; how you treat other people, how you treat yourself, and it really was getting to me. ~ Henry Rollins
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Henry Rollins
I always hate telling my jokes in print 'cause I always feel like it reads so not funny and people read it and they think, 'Oh, so that's what that guy does in his stand-up? That's terrible.' ~ Aziz Ansari
Hate My Boyfriend Family quotes by Aziz Ansari
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