Food Reference Quotes

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Quotes About Food Reference

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He eased back and murmured, "You taste so damn sweet. Like maple syrup."
"And you taste like stolen bacon. ~ Lorelei James
Food Reference quotes by Lorelei James
I just don't crave junk food. ~ Cat Deeley
Food Reference quotes by Cat Deeley
No words need be wasted over the fact that all these narcotics are harmful. The question whether even a small quantity of alcohol is harmful or whether the harm results only from the abuse of alcoholic beverages is not at issue here. It is an established fact that alcoholism, cocainism, and morphinism are deadly enemies of life, of health, and of the capacity for work and enjoyment; and a utilitarian must therefore consider them as vices. But this is far from demonstrating that the authorities must interpose to suppress these vices by commercial prohibitions, nor is it by any means evident that such intervention on the part of the government is really capable of suppressing them or that, even if this end could be attained, it might not therewith open up a Pandora's box of other dangers, no less mischievous than alcoholism and morphinism.
Whoever is convinced that indulgence or excessive indulgence in these poisons is pernicious is not hindered from living abstemiously or temperately. This question cannot be treated exclusively in reference to alcoholism, morphinism, cocainism, etc., which all reasonable men acknowledge to be evils. For if the majority of citizens is, in principle, conceded the right to impose its way of life upon a minority, it is impossible to stop at prohibitions against indulgence in alcohol, morphine, cocaine, and similar poisons. Why should not what is valid for these poisons be valid also for nicotine, caffeine, and the like? Why should not the sta ~ Ludwig Von Mises
Food Reference quotes by Ludwig Von Mises
When I visit someplace new my favorite thing to do is eat...and walk, preferable to a place where I can eat some more. ~ Jessica Fechtor
Food Reference quotes by Jessica Fechtor
In a lot of ways, a lot of smells that aren't necessarily edible smell good, and they remind you of certain aspects of food. So making those associations with what smells good or smells a certain way and pairing that with actual edible ingredients is one avenue that we take creatively. ~ Grant Achatz
Food Reference quotes by Grant Achatz
If we are prepared to take the life of another being merely in order to satisfy our taste for a particular type of food, then that being is no more than a means to our end. ~ Peter Singer
Food Reference quotes by Peter Singer
Our children's health and well-being are dependent on our commitment to promoting food access and good eating habits at home, at school and in the community. ~ Rod Blagojevich
Food Reference quotes by Rod Blagojevich
My smile has been my ticket to the world. Smiling releases the same feel-good hormones you get jogging. Caring for your lips and gums is important. I brush my teeth morning and night, alternating toothpaste brands. In addition to flossing, I use a Water Pik to massage my gums and remove food particles. ~ Christie Brinkley
Food Reference quotes by Christie Brinkley
In Buddhism, there is no place for using effort. Just be ordinary and nothing special. Eat your food, move your bowels, pass water and when you're tired go and lie down. The ignorant will laugh at me, but the wise will understand. ~ Bruce Lee
Food Reference quotes by Bruce Lee
Probably my biggest challenge is not eating all the food that I want to eat sometimes. ~ Jennifer Love Hewitt
Food Reference quotes by Jennifer Love Hewitt
Believe, my child. Faith is the food of survival. ~ Tobsha Learner
Food Reference quotes by Tobsha Learner
Kids out there now have learning issues. Having mental issues. And everybody is looking towards what drug to give them, but is anyone looking at the food that the children are eating? What you're eating has a big impact. ~ Ziggy Marley
Food Reference quotes by Ziggy Marley
What I love about reading cookbooks is that they are "clean pornography" for food addicts such as myself .. and quick and easy reads! ~ Janet Pole
Food Reference quotes by Janet Pole
Passion is different from interest. Those who are just interested in things have the "wish", but passionate people have the "will". ~ Israelmore Ayivor
Food Reference quotes by Israelmore Ayivor
She quotes Robert Louis Stevenson about how young writers must read like predators. And she says that all of us, not just writers, must read like predators. For books are food, she said, for every single one of us. ~ Pete Hamill
Food Reference quotes by Pete Hamill
Remember why we live. Remember warmth, remember good food. Remember friends, and song, and evenings spent around the hearth. ~ Brandon Sanderson
Food Reference quotes by Brandon Sanderson
Each season, my balance gets worse, and sometimes I fall. I no longer cook for myself but microwave widower food, mostly Stouffer's. My fingers are clumsy and slow with buttons. ~ Donald Hall
Food Reference quotes by Donald Hall
You start on Monday with the idea implanted in your bosom that you are going to enjoy yourself. You wave an airy adieu to the boys on shore, light your biggest pipe, and swagger about the deck as if you were Captain Cook, Sir Francis Drake, and Christopher Columbus all rolled into one. On Tuesday, you wish you hadn't come. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, you wish you were dead. On Saturday, you are able to swallow a little beef tea, and to sit up on deck, and answer with a wan, sweet smile when kind-hearted people ask you how you feel now. On Sunday, you begin to walk about again, and take solid food. And on Monday morning, as, with your bag and umbrella in your hand, you stand by the gunwale, waiting to step ashore, you begin to thoroughly like it. ~ Jerome K. Jerome
Food Reference quotes by Jerome K. Jerome
Christmas is more stressful with present buying and making sure everyone gets included, but Thanksgiving is really not that. I don't ever really get stressed out about the food. ~ Sandra Lee
Food Reference quotes by Sandra Lee
Death is as normal and digestion. People move through life the way food moves through our bodies. Their natural usefulness is extracted along the way to help enrich the world, and when they have nothing left to give, they're eliminated. Much like our bodies would clog up with excrement if we didn't defecate, the world would do the same if we didn't die. ~ Shaun David Hutchinson
Food Reference quotes by Shaun David Hutchinson
Sleep!" cried Father Brown. "Sleep. We have come to the end of the ways. Do you know what sleep is? Do you know that every man who sleeps believes in God? It is a sacrament; for it is an act of faith and it is a food. And we need a sacrament, if only a natural one. Something has fallen on us that falls very seldom on men; perhaps the worst thing that can fall on them. ~ G.K. Chesterton
Food Reference quotes by G.K. Chesterton
Quality of life lies in knowledge, in culture. Values are what constitute true quality of life, the supreme quality of life, even above food, shelter and clothing. ~ Fidel Castro
Food Reference quotes by Fidel Castro
I want every peasant to have a chicken in his pot on Sundays. ~ Henry IV Of France
Food Reference quotes by Henry IV Of France
If you're worried about putting food on the table or putting a roof over your head, that stress is definitely will contribute to unhappiness, but once you have your basic needs met then incremental money. ~ Tony Hsieh
Food Reference quotes by Tony Hsieh
Every meal should end with something sweet. Maybe it's jelly on toast at breakfast, or a small piece of chocolate at dinner - but it always helps my brain bring a close to the meal. ~ Robert Irvine
Food Reference quotes by Robert Irvine
To despair over something that has not yet come to pass is to accept that it will. ~ Julius Bailey
Food Reference quotes by Julius  Bailey
I spoke English at school and Spanish at home, and I'm always eating Dominican food, listening to Dominican music. ~ Prince Royce
Food Reference quotes by Prince Royce
Why did any man stay with a woman? Love ... Sex ... Food ... ah, shit ... she didn't know. ~ Lorraine Beaumont
Food Reference quotes by Lorraine Beaumont
I think every culture is passionate about food; some are just passionate about food and the food is shitty. ~ Jonathan Gold
Food Reference quotes by Jonathan Gold
The best lie someone can tell you is that you will have a bumper harvest when you didn't plant any seed. ~ Israelmore Ayivor
Food Reference quotes by Israelmore Ayivor
Water!" Miss Moate called out loudly, clapping her hands, and we all turned our attention toward her. "Water is life. Remember that, girls, and remember it well. You can live without food and sunlight for a remarkably long while, but you cannot live without water. You must know at all times and in all places how to acquire water. ~ Alan Bradley
Food Reference quotes by Alan Bradley
Cooking is at once one of the simplest and most gratifying of the arts, but to cook well one must love and respect food. ~ Craig Claiborne
Food Reference quotes by Craig Claiborne
That which brought me into the capacity I now stand in, was the Petition and Advice given me by you, who, in reference to the ancient Constitution, did draw me here to accept the place of Protector. There is not a man living can say I sought it, no not a man, nor woman, treading upon English ground. ~ Oliver Cromwell
Food Reference quotes by Oliver Cromwell
Now we have food networks and everything. CNN was the beginning of all of that. ~ Will Ferrell
Food Reference quotes by Will Ferrell
As with so many child-related problems, I blame the parents. Many, I'm afraid, are simply too lazy, too stupid or too uncaring to cook properly; it's much easier to shovel sugary, salty 'convenience food' into your kids from an early age. Food habits are built early in life and a poor start is impossible, or at least extremely difficult, to correct, once an addiction has set in. ~ Frank Chalk
Food Reference quotes by Frank Chalk
Talking up a storm about food is so easy for me, it's second nature. ~ Rocco DiSpirito
Food Reference quotes by Rocco DiSpirito
Death and the Turtle"

I watched the turtle dwindle day by day,
Get more remote, lie limp upon my hand;
When offered food he turned his head away;
The emerald shell grew soft. Quite near the end
Those withdrawn paws stretched out to grasp
His long head in a poignant dying gesture.
It was so strangely like a human clasp,
My heart cracked for the brother creature.

I buried him, wrapped in a lettuce leaf,
The vivid eye sunk inward, a dull stone.
So this was it, the universal grief:
Each bears his own end knit up in the bone.
Where are the dead? we ask, as we hurtle
Toward the dark, part of this strange creation,
One with each limpet, leaf, and smallest turtle---
Cry out for life, cry out in desperation!

Who will remember you when I have gone,
My darling ones, or who remember me?
Only in our wild hearts the dead live on.
Yet these frail engines bound to mystery
Break the harsh turn of all creation's wheel,
for we remember China, Greece, and Rome,
Our mothers and our fathers, and we steal
From death itself its rich store, and bring it home. ~ May Sarton
Food Reference quotes by May Sarton
Isn't it funny how trusting husbands are? How easily they eat the food put in front of them by their wives, without ever wondering if there might be something wrong with it.

You could mix anything in it, and they would never know. ~ Sudha Kuruganti
Food Reference quotes by Sudha Kuruganti
While the egg yolks cooled, he directed the beaters at the egg whites, setting the mixer on high speed that sent small bubbles giggling to the side of the bowl, where a few became many until they were a white froth rising up and then lying down again in patters and ridges, leaving an intricate design like the ribs of a leaf in the wake of the beaters ~ Erica Bauermeister
Food Reference quotes by Erica Bauermeister
In Ethiopia, where I was born, all the cooks are women. When I grew up in Sweden, my mom and my grandmother did predominantly all the cooking. Then I changed to restaurant kitchens, where all of a sudden there were just more men than women, and I always thought that was weird. ~ Marcus Samuelsson
Food Reference quotes by Marcus Samuelsson
Children with harsh fathers accept much of what is thrown their way as normal because they don't have a frame of reference for anything else, and this twisted template unfortunately becomes the basis for their picture of the heavenly Father. ~ Robert Whitlow
Food Reference quotes by Robert Whitlow
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