Euphorie Cosmetics Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Euphorie Cosmetics.

Quotes About Euphorie Cosmetics

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She's not wearing makeup so her face just looks like skin. ~ Chuck Palahniuk
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Chuck Palahniuk
I came to write after several mini careers. I did live theatre, managed a cosmetics store and was a local television personality. ~ Sandra Brown
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Sandra Brown
The chief means of liberating women is replacing of compulsiveness and compulsion by the pleasure principle. Cooking, clothes, beauty, and housekeeping are all compulsive activities in which the anxiety quotient has long since replaced the pleasure or achievement quotient. It is possible to use even cooking, clothes, cosmetics and housekeeping for fun. The essence of pleasure is spontaneity. In these cases spontaneity means rejecting the norm, the standard that one must live up to, and establishing a self-regulating principle. ~ Germaine Greer
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Germaine Greer
As with many teens, my first jobs included babysitting and mopping floors at McDonald's. Since then, I've held jobs a diverse as selling used cars, selling apparel, cosmetics, and real-estate, substitute-teaching six graders, teaching undergraduate creative writing, and working as an editorial assistant for a literary magazine. ~ Therese Fowler
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Therese Fowler
I hate cosmetics companies. They get you addicted to the perfect lipstick or nail polish and then, six months later, they discontinue it. You have to buy your favorite colors like you're storing up for the Apocalypse. ~ Lisa Kudrow
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Lisa Kudrow
God not only loves me as I am, but also knows me as I am. Because of this I don't need to apply spiritual cosmetics to make myself presentable to Him. I can accept ownership of my poverty and powerlessness and neediness. ~ Brennan Manning
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Brennan Manning
The cosmetics industry has much to answer for. It's a multi-million- pound confidence trick based on giving women endless hope, courtesy of overpriced little pots. ~ Joan Collins
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Joan Collins
Students need to be reminded that revision isn't merely making a few cosmetic changes. Revision is seeing and then reseeing our words and practicing strategies that make a difference in our writing. ~ Georgia Heard
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Georgia Heard

Here's the end of that story about the old woman who wanted to lure a man with strange

cosmetics. She made a paste of pages from the Qur'an to fill the deep creases on her face and

neck with. This is not about an old woman, dear reader. It's about you, or anyone who tries

to use books to make themselves attractive. There she is, sticking scripture, thick with

saliva, on her face. Of course, the bits keep falling off. "The devil," she yells, and

he appears! "This is a trick I've never seen. You don't need me. You are yourself a troop

of demons!" So people steal inspired words to get compliments. Don't bother. Death comes

and all talking, stolen or not, stops. Pity anyone unfamiliar with silence when that happens.

Polish your heart with mediation and quietness. Let the inner life grow generous and handsome

like Joseph. Zuleika did that and her "old woman's spring cold snap" turned to mid-July. Dry

lips wet from within. Ink is not rouge. Let language lie bygone. Now is where love breathes. ~ Rumi
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Rumi
Your product choices and styling techniques will determine whether you love or hate your hair. ~ Nicole Harmon
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Nicole Harmon
Nor do piecemeal steps however well intended, even partially resolve problems that have reached a universal, global and catastrophic character. If anything, partial 'solutions' serve merely as cosmetics to conceal the deep seated nature of the ecological crisis. They thereby deflect public attention and theoretical insight from an adequate understanding of the depth and scope of the necessary changes. ~ Murray Bookchin
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Murray Bookchin
You don't need to buy expensive cosmetics; almost anything will do if you know how to apply it. ~ Dolly Parton
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Dolly Parton
In another life I would love to be a cosmetic surgeon because it's architectural. You know, you are trying to figure out where the seams go. Can I do it in one piece like Halston? Can you formaldehyde DNA? ~ Tom Ford
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Tom Ford
I had to wonder how Ginny could hold her head up under the weight of cosmetics smeared all over her face. Underneath it all, she may have been quite pretty. Or she may have been Dirk Bogarde. I will never know. ~ Hugh Laurie
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Hugh Laurie
cheeks quite vigorously before one enters a room." Thaddeus looked grim and irritated. "This is all rubbish, and well you know it. The makers of cosmetics and beauty aids do very nicely in England. Do not try to tell me that they are making their fortunes selling their products solely to actresses, prostitutes and the occasional French tourist." Leona sipped her tea, silently deferring to Victoria. "Very well, Thaddeus," Victoria said, tight-lipped. "I will allow that, in truth, ~ Amanda Quick
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Amanda Quick
The thing that bugs me is the average woman's complete ignorance of the functional purpose of cosmetics, which is to supplement, not conceal. ~ Montgomery Clift
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Montgomery Clift
The problem with cosmetics exists only when women feel invisible or inadequate without them. The problem with working out exists only if women hate ourselves when we don't. When a woman is forced to adorn herself to buy a hearing, when she needs her grooming in order to protect her identity, when she goes hungry in order to keep her job, when she must attract a lover so that she can take care of her children, that is exactly what makes "beauty" hurt. Because what hurts women about the beauty myth is not adornment, or expressed sexuality, or time spent grooming, or the desire to attract a lover. Many mammals groom, and every culture uses adornment. "Natural" and "unnatural" are not the terms in question. The actual struggle is between pain and pleasure, freedom and compulsion. ~ Naomi Wolf
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Naomi Wolf
The great anxious focus on the minutiae of appetite - on calories and portion size and what's going into the body versus what's being expended, on shoes and hair and abs of steel - keeps the larger, more fearsome questions of desire blurred and out of focus. American women spend approximately $1 million every hour on cosmetics. This may or may not say something about female vanity, but it certainly says something about female energy, where it is and is not focused. Easier to worry about the body than the soul, easier to fit the self into the narrow slots of identity our culture offers to women than to create one ... that allows for the expression of all passions, the satisfaction of all appetites. The great preoccupation with things like food and shopping and appearance, in turn, is less of a genuine focus on hunger - indulging it, understanding it, making decisions about it - than it is a monumental distraction from hunger. ~ Caroline Knapp
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Caroline Knapp
Mr. Gweta and his daughter were the cosmetics camouflaging an infected blackhead. The rest of the ugliness ran deep into a world where plants ate people and botanists lay at the bottom of the food chain. ~ Taona Dumisani Chiveneko
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Taona Dumisani Chiveneko
One of the things that I have seen change that warms the cockles of my heart is what is happening in the cosmetics industry. For years, they were doing horrible things to animals in the manufacture of cosmetics, and testing of the most barbaric types; today, if you go into a drugstore and go down the [cosmetics] aisle, look at how many of them say no animal testing. I've talked with people who work in the cosmetics departments, and they tell me, Without that, you can't sell them. And that's wonderful! ~ Bob Barker
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Bob Barker
Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick. ~ Gwyneth Paltrow
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Gwyneth Paltrow
You know you're in the wrong century when you farble the poor young woman at the cosmetics counter thus: "Why do they put the mascara in little amphorae?!? We're not trying to transport it in Barbie doll merchant vessels - we just want it to stand up on the counter." If her face had been any blanker, her features would have disappeared. ~ Tinney S. Heath
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Tinney S. Heath
If you want to create a different character, you can do so just by altering your style of dress and cosmetics. ~ Frederick Lenz
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Frederick Lenz
Annual U.S. spending on cosmetics: $8 billion Basic education for all global children: $6 billion Annual U.S. and European spending on perfume: $12 billion Clean water for all global citizens $9 billion ~ Jen Hatmaker
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Jen Hatmaker
If you eat chicken, maybe you're on one level. If you wear a mink coat, maybe you're on another level. But if you wear cosmetics, cosmetics that are tested on animals, then you're just unconscious. Really, my message is simple. It's a message of compassion. In this world that is spinning madly out of control, we have to realize that we're all related. We have to try to live harmoniously. ~ Woody Harrelson
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Woody Harrelson
I stuff another handful of Raisinets in my mouth. What gets me is the 'pretty face' bit. 'Cause I won't mind being reminded I'm fat as long as you water it down first. Why not say, Hey I'm going to insult you, but first I will congratulate your fortunate genetics and appropriate appliclation of Bobbi Brown cosmetics to prevent you from hitting me. Sh*t; I kind of prefer being called a 'fat bitch.' At least it doesn't pull any punches. ~ Jen Lancaster
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Jen Lancaster
We amass material things for the same reason that we eat - to satisfy a craving. Buying on impulse and eating and drinking to excess are attempts to alleviate stress. From observing my clients, I have noticed that when they discard excess clothing, their tummies tend to slim down, when they discard books and documents, their minds become clearer, when they reduce the number of cosmetics and tidy up the area around the sink and bath, their complexion tends to become clear and their skin smooth. -p226 ~ Marie Kondo
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Marie Kondo
Love - the best cosmetics. ~ Gina Lollobrigida
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Gina Lollobrigida
Every year tens of thousands of animals suffer and die in laboratory tests of cosmetics and household products ... despite the fact that the test results do not help prevent or treat accidental or purposeful misuse of the products. Please join me in using your voice for those whose cries are forever sealed behind the laboratory doors. ~ Woody Harrelson
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Woody Harrelson
middle of the room, stands my stylist, Micah, beside a foldaway beauty chair, arranging cosmetics and other paraphernalia atop his portable vanity table, as he sings along with the music playing from his Tab. He's a good looking man, tall and broad shouldered, with dark chocolate skin, gaping flesh-holes in both ears, black dreadlocks pulled back into a thick ponytail and heavy eye make-up which makes his eyes appear to pop out of his face. Too bad he's gay. ~ M.L. Sparrow
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by M.L. Sparrow
It seems like everyone these days is putting on a mask to feel beautiful, trying to fit into some pre-established norms of how we should look. This isn't only painful, it's ignorant. Saying like we know, better than nature does, what is beautiful and what is not is like a two-year-old lecturing an old man about patience. Nature's been creating beauty for millennia and you are part of that creation process. Stop the madness. Stop fighting who you are. Let the mask fall. It'll be strange at first, yes. But, over time, you'll see beyond the temporary discomfort of stepping outside social norms and learn to see the beauty you were born with, the beauty you've been taught to ignore and cover up. You'll see beauty that will take your breath away, like a sunset. That's how beautiful you are - like a sunset, like a forest, like a million fireflies on a calm warm night lighting up the sky. You are made by nature. Nature is wiser in the ways of beauty than cosmetics companies or magazines. Break the spell. Gain back your sanity. Go find that brilliant beauty within every single part of you. Go find the universe in your eyes. Remove that cloak that's been pulled over your eyes and see yourself for who you really are. ~ Vironika Tugaleva
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Vironika Tugaleva
She was plump, with dyed red hair and a face so caked with cosmetics that the floor of the Amazon jungle probably saw more natural light ... ~ John Connolly
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by John Connolly
Skin care must be good enough to eat! ~ Joanna Runciman
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Joanna Runciman
The U.S. is a cosmetic democracy. ~ John Pilger
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by John Pilger
My friend has never been to a picture show, nor does she intend to: "I'd rather hear you tell the story, Buddy. That way I can imagine it more. Besides, a person my age shouldn't squander their eyes. When the Lord comes, let me see him clear." In addition to never having seen a movie, she has never: eaten in a restaurant, traveled more than five miles from home, received or sent a telegram, read anything except funny papers and the Bible, worn cosmetics, cursed, wished someone harm, told a lie on purpose, let a hungry dog go hungry. Here are a few things she has done, does do: killed with a hoe the biggest rattlesnake ever seen in this county (sixteen rattles), dip snuff (secretly), tame hummingbirds (just try it) till they balance on her finger, tell ghost stories (we both believe in ghosts) so tingling they chill you in July, talk to herself, take walks in the rain, grow the prettiest japonicas in town, know the recipe for every sort of oldtime Indian cure, including a magical wart remover. ~ Truman Capote
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Truman Capote
You do realize this makes your wings even more unique."
"Are you saying you shot me as a cosmetic procedure? ~ Nalini Singh
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Nalini Singh
I can't stand when girls come to me and say they want to be a model, but they can't tell me who the top three photographers are in the world. They can't tell me who the top five biggest models are or name three cosmetics companies. They can't even name the top fashion magazines! You have to get it together and know your stuff. ~ Kimora Lee Simmons
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Kimora Lee Simmons
It may be thought justifiable to require tests on animals of potentially life-saving drugs, but the same kinds of tests are used for products like cosmetics, food coloring, and floor polishes. Should thousands of animals suffer so that a new kind of lipstick or floor wax can be put on the market? Don't we already have an excess of most of these products? Who benefits from their introduction, except the companies that hope to profit from them? ~ Peter Singer
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Peter Singer
The unbearable silliness of English newspapers from about 1900 onward has had two main causes. One is that nearly the whole of the Press is in the hands of a few very big capitalists who are interested in the continuance of capitalism and therefore in preventing the public from learning to think; the other is that peacetime newspapers live off advertisements for consumption goods, building societies, cosmetics and the like, and are therfore interested in maintaining a "sunshine mentality" which will induce people to spend money. Optimism is good for trade, and more trade means more advertisements. Therefore, don't let people know the facts about the political and economic situation; divert their attention to giant pandas, channel swimmers, royal weddings and other soothing topics. ~ George Orwell
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by George Orwell
And in addition to its practical uses, it would seem to work for cosmetic purposes. This powder would make my very skin glimmer for eternity."
Henry frowned. "Not eternity," he said, but then he brightened. "But I could make you up another batch whenever you please!"
"I could shine at will!" Magnus grinned at Henry. ~ Cassandra Clare
Euphorie Cosmetics quotes by Cassandra Clare
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