Utv Ren Postoju Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Utv Ren Postoju.

Quotes About Utv Ren Postoju

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I knew then that my future had always been Ren. ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
Who loves you, Ren? ~ Maya Banks
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Maya Banks
The demon in me that knows there's a demon in you who can mop the floor with my raunchy butt tells me to say yes. I care. Deeply. (Ren) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Do you know what the first poet said about our kind, young Ren? 'Cats are the great mystery, born in that space where shadow meets light ... that borderland of dreams and death, and death and life. No door is closed against us. No secret can defy us. We exist in every world, every universe, every possibility. We cannot be denied, not even by the dead.' We are magnificent, Ren Mormorian. We are fucking glorious. ~ Marjorie M. Liu
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Marjorie M. Liu
You must have carried that in your mouth the entire way. Thank you."
He grinned. "You are entirely welcome, my lovely."
I laughed. "Better to carry a backpack in your teeth over several miles than to have Ren sink his into your hide for letting me starve, eh?"
Kishan frowned. "I did it for you, Kelsey. Not him."
I put my hand on his arm. "Well, thank you."
He pressed his hand on top of mine. "Aap ke liye. For your sake, anything."
"Did you tell Mr. Kadam that we would be a bit longer?
"Yes, I explained the situation to him. Don't worry about him. He's comfortably camped near the road and will wait as long as necessary. Now, I want you to pack up some water bottles and food. I'm taking you with me. I would leave you here, but Ren insists that you get into trouble if left alone."
He touched my nose. "Is that true, bilauta? I can't imagine an endearing young woman such as you getting into trouble."
"I don't get into trouble. Trouble finds me."
He laughed. "That much is obvious."
"Despite what you tigers think, I can take care of myself, you know," I said in a slightly sulky tone.
Kishan squeezed my arm. "Perhaps we tigers enjoy taking care of you. ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
Maybe, long ago, we used to be good. Maybe all little girls are good in the beginning. ~ Nova Ren Suma
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Nova Ren Suma
Was it an hour, or a week before the light of the moon rose in the interior of my body? A bird with luminous wings flew in front of that full moon, and its head was as radiant as a point of light. That bird must be the Khu--this sweet bird of the night--a creature of divine intelligence loaned to us just so much as the Ren or the Sekhem. Yes, the Khu was a light in your mind while you lived, but in death, it must return to heaven. For the Khu was also eternal. ~ Norman Mailer
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Norman Mailer
Photography has always been a passion of mine, but I began to study light field photography when I was in the Ph.D. program at Stanford University. ~ Ren Ng
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Ren Ng
Kelsey went swimming. I rehearsed what I wanted to say, headed outside, & saw her hug Kishan. Insanely jealous, I broke the railing.#Ren ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
- watching as a galaxy was born, cosmic events swirling in endless lines and patterns around it. Endless possibilities and explorations. I reached out with my other hand and grabbed Constantine's.
He didn't inhale at all. I looked over and saw that he was staring at me instead, gaze indecipherable. Then he looked upward, and I saw his lips part. ~ Anne Zoelle
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Anne Zoelle
I felt my resolve crumbling. I wanted him, wanted him badly. I needed him too. I almost gave in. I almost told him that there was nothing in the world I wanted more than to be with him. That I didn't think I was capable of leaving him. That he was more precious to me than anything. That I'd give up anything to be with him.
But then he pressed me close and spoke softly in my ear, "Pease don't leave me, priya. I don't think I could survive without you."
My eyes filled up with tears, and shiny wet drops spilled down my cheeks. I touched his face.
"Don't you see, Ren? That's exactly why I have to go. You need to know that you can survive without me. That there's more to life than just me. You need to see this world that's opened up to you and know that you have choices. I refuse to be your cage.
"I could capture you and keep you selfishly to indulge my own desires. Regardless of whether you're willing or not, it would be wrong. I helped you so that you could be free. Free to see and do all of the things that you missed out on all these years." My hand slipped from his cheek to his neck. "Should I put a collar on you? Chain you up so you spend your life connected to me out of a sense of obligation?" I shook my head.
I wept openly now. "I'm sorry, Ren, but I won't do that to you. I can't. Because…I love you too."
I kissed him quickly one last time. ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
But when I asked where the extra doors led,Ruby smiled and said sometimes you need more than oneway to reach the outside ... ~ Nova Ren Suma
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Nova Ren Suma
I knew that just because people on the outside were free and clean, it didn't mean they were the good ones. ~ Nova Ren Suma
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Nova Ren Suma
There are not two fatties! There's only one, and he isn't fat! ~ René Goscinny
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by René Goscinny
I didn't want to answer any weird questions about Ren. I knew he'd probably tell his side of the story when he became a man again, but I didn't care. I kept my version of the trip factual, unemotional, and, more importantly, Renless.
Mr. Kadam said we'd be stopping at a hotel soon, but he wanted to find a good place to leave Ren first. I demurred, "Of course," and smiled a sickly sweet smile back at the attentive tiger.
Mr. Kadam worried, "I hope our hotel won't be too far away for him."
I patted Mr. Kadam's arm and reassured him, "Oh, don't worry about him. He's very good at getting what he wants. I mean…taking care of his needs. I'm sure he'll find his long night alone in the jungle extremely enlightening." Mr. Kadam shot me a puzzled glance, but he eventually nodded and pulled over near a forested area.
Ren got out of the Jeep, came around to my side of the car, and stared at me with icy blue eyes. I just turned my body away so I wouldn't have to look at him. When Mr. Kadam got back in the Jeep, I peeked out my window again, but Ren was gone. I reminded myself that he deserved it an sat back against the seat with my arms folded over my chest and an intense expression on my face.
Mr. Kadam spoke softly, "Kelsey, are you alright? You seem very…tense, since I last saw you."
I muttered under my breath, "You have no idea. ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
I was reluctant to start the company that would become Lytro, primarily due to my academic background. ~ Ren Ng
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Ren Ng
The other two weren't even dancers. They were football players. Which was ridiculous. ~ Nova Ren Suma
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Nova Ren Suma
I stared gravely into the darkness between the trees where Ren had disappeared, but he soon returned unharmed and began rubbing his side on the teak tree. Satisfied with that tree, he moved on to another one, and another one, until he'd rubbed up against every tree that surrounded us.
"Gee, Ren. That must be some itch. ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
The door opened, and Ren emerged, and my heart did a thing. ~ Steven Brust
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Steven Brust
Hooded eyes shifted to me. "Marry me."
"I thought we were already engaged?" I asked, yawning.
"Don't say such lovely things, darling. I'll hold you to them. ~ Anne Zoelle
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Anne Zoelle
She believed she was ordinary? Impossible! Any man with common sense would see what I do. The more she went on the angrier I became.#Ren ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
Can I kiss you now?" he asked.
"I think you'd better, tiger," I replied. ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
Her gaze latched onto mine. "You came for me."
"Of course," I said, pulling her into a hug.
"You came for me. You came for me." It was a litany.
"Of course," I murmured into her shoulder. "I will always come for you. ~ Anne Zoelle
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Anne Zoelle
I was looking back into memories I didn't own, wanting in. ~ Nova Ren Suma
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Nova Ren Suma
I will break you, Ren," he said, voice heavy. You need to understand that. ~ Anne Zoelle
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Anne Zoelle
Geez, woman, you're gonna dislocate my jaw."
"Well, don't do that in public, you brute!"
"Wow." Renfield adjusted his glasses. He was sitting across the table from them with a book. "I feel so privileged, being an audience to this-"
"Shut up, Ren," the other two said simultaneously. ~ Lia Habel
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Lia Habel
And here I thought I was being stealthy." – Ren
"With that girly caw you let out? Did a frog crawl down your throat and die, or what?" – Sundown ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Mr. Kadam, something's been bothering me."
He teased, "Only one thing?"
I laughed. "For now. I've been wondering, did you ever really ask Mr. Davis to come with you to take care of Ren? I mean, what would you have done if he'd said yes and I'd said no?"
"I did ask him, just to keep up appearances, but I also suggested subtly to Mr. Maurizio that it might be in his best interest to persuade Mr. Davis not to go. In fact, I offered him more money if he would insist Mr. Davis stay with the circus. As far as what to do if you had turned us down, I suppose we would have had to make you a better offer and keep trying until we found one you couldn't refuse."
"What if I still said no? Would you have kidnapped me?"
Mr. Kadam laughed. "No. If our offer had still been turned down, my next step would have been to tell you the truth and hope you believed me."
"Whew, that's a relief."
"Then I would have kidnapped you." He chuckled at his joke and turned his attention back to our dinner.
"That's not very funny, Mr. Kadam."
"I couldn't resist. Sorry, Miss Kelsey. ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
Ren hugged me close and kissed my cheek.
I heard a dramatic sigh behind us. "Ugh, I think I preferred him whiny and despondent. This is just sickening."
Ren growled softly, "Who invited you here anyway?"
"You did."
"Yes, but I didn't invite you 'here.' How did you find us?"
"We flew into Salem, and I found the invitation for the dance at the house. I thought if there was a party, I should be here. Figures that all the pretty girls are taken. Perhaps... I can borrow yours."
Kishan held out a hand but Ren stepped in front of me and threatened, "Over my dead body."
Kishan pushed up the sleeves of his sweater. "Anytime, bro. Let's see what you've got, Mr. Romance. ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
Our private tastes in books showed a hint of our secret selves. ~ Nova Ren Suma
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Nova Ren Suma
The dangerous one was Ren. Innocent though the white tiger he appeared to be, he was a compelling predator. Utterly irresistible
like a Venus flytrap. So alluring, so tempting, so deadly. Everything he did was seductive and possibly hazardous to my health. ~ Colleen Houck
Utv Ren Postoju quotes by Colleen Houck
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