Centigram Symbol Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Centigram Symbol.

Quotes About Centigram Symbol

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An editor doesn't just read, he reads well, and reading well is a creative, powerful act. The ancients knew this and it frightened them. Mesopotamian society, for instance, did not want great reading from its scribes, only great writing. Scribes had to submit to a curious ruse: they had to downplay their reading skills lest they antagonize their employer. The Attic poet Menander wrote: "those who can read see twice as well." Ancient autocrats did not want their subjects to see that well. Order relied on obedience, not knowledge and reflection. So even though he was paid to read as much as write messages, the scribe's title cautiously referred to writing alone (scribere = "to write"); and the symbol for Nisaba, the Mesopotamian goddess of scribes, was not a tablet but a stylus. In his excellent book A History of Reading, Alberto Manguel writes, "It was safer for a scribe to be seen not as one who interpreted information, but who merely recorded it for the public good."
In their fear of readers, ancients understood something we have forgotten about the magnitude of readership. Reading breeds the power of an independent mind. When we read well, we are thinking hard for ourselves - this is the essence of freedom. It is also the essence of editing. Editors are scribes liberated to not simply record and disseminate information, but think hard about it, interpret, and ultimately, influence it. ~ Susan Bell
Centigram Symbol quotes by Susan Bell
In all my time as an activist, I've never seen a single instance where the people instigating abuse, even in the worst possible cases, thought they were the 'bad guys'. There is always a righteous undertone.

Dehumanization works its mental magic, and turning the target into a 'villain' provides the attacker with the chance to be a 'hero'. You can rationalize doing all kinds of things to a symbol that you would never do to a human. The campaign becomes a false battle between good and evil, and tormenting someone is seen as a struggle over something much larger than either of you. That's the key ingredient in the magic trick that, in the abusers' minds, turns screaming at a game developer's father through a telephone into defending an entire artistic medium from censorship. ~ Zoe Quinn
Centigram Symbol quotes by Zoe  Quinn
Think of it as a symbol. Here's the chain, joining us together. I know it's a symbol of captivity. Slavery, even. But I also like to think it represents an anchoring. You know, like the rope thrown over the side of a ship. ~ Primula Bond
Centigram Symbol quotes by Primula Bond
I don't mind being a symbol but I don't want to become a monument. There are monuments all over the Parliament Buildings and I've seen what the pigeons do to them. ~ Tommy Douglas
Centigram Symbol quotes by Tommy Douglas
The banyan tree does not mean awakening, nor does the hill, nor the saint, nor the European couple. The lotus is a symbol of regeneration. ~ Swami Vivekananda
Centigram Symbol quotes by Swami Vivekananda
He's a little grumpy," Asclepius said. "People are always confusing my staff with the staff of Hermes, which has two snakes, obviously. Over the centuries, people have called Hermes's staff the symbol of medicine, when of course it should be my staff. Spike feels slighted. George and Martha get all the attention. Anyway ... ~ Rick Riordan
Centigram Symbol quotes by Rick Riordan
Symbols are specific acts or figures, while myths develop and elaborate these symbols into a story which contains characters and several episodes. The myth is thus more inclusive. But both symbol and myth have the same function psychologically; they are man's way of expressing the quintessence of his experience - his way of seeing his life, his self-image and his relations to the world of his fellow men and of nature - in a total figure which at the same moment carries the vital meaning of this experience. ~ Rollo May
Centigram Symbol quotes by Rollo May
Corporations are getting better and better at seducing us into thinking the way they think - of profits as the telos and responsibility as something to be enshrined in symbol and evaded in reality. Cleverness as opposed to wisdom. Wanting and having instead of thinking and making. We cannot stop it. I suspect what'll happen is that there will be some sort of disaster - depression, hyperinflation - and then it'll be showtime: We'll either wake up and retake our freedom or we'll fall apart utterly. Like Rome - conqueror of its own people. ~ David Foster Wallace
Centigram Symbol quotes by David Foster Wallace
A wedding ring is a symbol of commitment; a promise, a pledge, and a vow. The promise is to forsake all others, to stay devoted and true; the pledge is to honor that promise selflessly, to see the whole thing through; and the vow is to keep that pledge unwaveringly, until the days are few. It is a mutual agreement to become one instead of two. ~ J.W. Lord
Centigram Symbol quotes by J.W. Lord
Money demands that you sell, not your weakness to men's stupidity, but your talent to their reason; it demands that you buy, not the shoddiest they offer, but the best that your money can find. And when men live by trade - with reason, not force, as their final arbiter - it is the best product that wins, the best performance, the man of best judgment and highest ability - and the degree of a man's productiveness is the degree of his reward. This is the code of existence whose tool and symbol is money. Is this what you consider evil? ~ Ayn Rand
Centigram Symbol quotes by Ayn Rand
Once we decided to do a tower in New York, it had to say something about our group, reflecting the mix of modernity and creativity in our organization. It's a symbol. ~ Bernard Arnault
Centigram Symbol quotes by Bernard Arnault
The problem of the theologian is to keep his symbol translucent, so that it may not block out the very light it is supposed to convey. ~ Joseph Campbell
Centigram Symbol quotes by Joseph Campbell
It means we're on your side. That's what Bonnie said. I have people on my side? What side? Am I unwittingly the face of the hoped-for rebellion? Has the mockingjay on my pin become a symbol of resistance? If so, my side's not doing too well. ~ Suzanne Collins
Centigram Symbol quotes by Suzanne Collins
According to Jung, the symbol is 'a third thing' that lies outside of the opposites; creativity must come from outside the individual, so that the whole self is a matter of discovery. ~ Anonymous
Centigram Symbol quotes by Anonymous
It is indeed curious that engagement in paid work should represent such a powerful symbol of maturity and independence, given the realities of employment as a situation of profound dependency. I speak not only of the dependency inherent in the wage relation, but also of the dependency on commercial products and services, which become the only way to meet certain needs after work has drained our time and energy. [ch.six] ~ David Frayne
Centigram Symbol quotes by David Frayne
The glance is natural magic. The mysterious communication established across a house between two entire strangers, moves all the springs of wonder. The communication by the glance is in the greatest part not subject to the control of the will. It is the bodily symbol of identity with nature. We look into the eyes to know if this other form is another self, and the eyes will not lie, but make a faithful confession what inhabitant is there. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Centigram Symbol quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ecstasy? Like the drug?" Michelle asked. "Wow. Trippy. They were into that back then?" "No. Not like the drug. Like fun. She's a symbol of never-ending fun. ~ Joe Hill
Centigram Symbol quotes by Joe Hill
The moving van is a symbol of more than our restlessness, it is the most conclusive evidence possible of our progress. ~ Louis Kronenberger
Centigram Symbol quotes by Louis Kronenberger
The rose," he announced. "Loveliest and most formidable of flowers. Arms of York and Lancaster. In medieval times, a symbol of Jesus. Always, it has meant, beauty, love, peace ..."
He presented the bud to Martha Macnamara. It lay resting on his long fingers until she scooped it up. She sniffed it and held it up to the light.
"Symbol? What's a symbol? This is a rose." She smiled and walked on,. ~ R.A. MacAvoy
Centigram Symbol quotes by R.A. MacAvoy
When you give a gift at Christmas and see the smile of the people you love reflected in their faces, that's magical. It is not about spending a lot of money or buy a gift that is functional, it's just a way to say I love you. Christmas is a symbol of union and joy, Christmas is forgetting self and finding time for others. ~ Betty Poluk
Centigram Symbol quotes by Betty Poluk
Those who cannot win trophies and medals, they create status symbols for themselves. ~ Amit Kalantri
Centigram Symbol quotes by Amit Kalantri
That was how his pen finally designed his sculpture; in the center the weak,
confused, arrogant, soon to be destroyed young man holding cup a loft, behind him the idyllic child, clear-eyed, munching his grapes, symbol of joy
; between them the tiger skin. The Bacchus, hollow within himself, flabby, reeling, already old; the Satyr,
eternally young and gay, symbol of man's childhood and naughty innocence ~ Irving Stone
Centigram Symbol quotes by Irving Stone
There is no line between the 'real world' and 'world of myth and symbol.' Objects, sensations, hit with the impact of hallucination. ~ William S. Burroughs
Centigram Symbol quotes by William S. Burroughs
And, unlike the earlier bombing on the World Trade Center, a major landmark and symbol of the strength of the financial world was, not just damaged but, totally destroyed. ~ Allen Klein
Centigram Symbol quotes by Allen Klein
You're not the only one who calls them that; the other Downworlders do the same," said Will. "I discovered that fact while investigating the symbol. I must have carried that knife through a hundred Downworld haunts, searching for someone who might recognize it. I offered a reward for information. Eventually the name of the Dark Sisters came to my ears."
"Downworld?" Tessa echoed, puzzled. "Is that a place in London?"
"Never mind that," said Will. "I'm boasting of my investigative skills, and I would prefer to do it without interruption. Where was I? ~ Cassandra Clare
Centigram Symbol quotes by Cassandra Clare
The job of a storyteller is to speak the truth. But what we feel most deeply can't be spoken in words alone. At this level, only images connect. And here, story becomes symbol; symbol is myth. And myth is truth. ~ Alan Garner
Centigram Symbol quotes by Alan Garner
I didn't want a fancy engagement ring or a gaudy wedding band; for me, a plain wedding ring was a perfect symbol. I like simple, especially in a wedding ring: it reminds you that love is about love, nothing else--not money, not appearances, not showing off. But it seemed almost impossible to convince anyone of that. Including Chris.
He kept asking me what I wanted, and wouldn't take "simple" for an answer. Then my mother got into the act. My grandmother had left her a diamond from a ring that she had had. Mom suggested that I use it as the centerpiece of an engagement ring.
I told her thanks, but no thanks.
"I don't care whether you wear it as an engagement ring or a belly button ring," she insisted after we went around a bit. "But I'm sending it."
She did. It was lovely. Chris and I ended up taking it to a local jewelry store. We found a wonderful setting we both loved and had the jeweler set the diamond in it. We got our wedding rings the same day, adding an engraving on the inside.
"All of me," Chris wrote on mine.
"My love, my life," I said on his. ~ Taya Kyle
Centigram Symbol quotes by Taya Kyle
I'm not really the sex symbol type. ~ Kaitlin Olson
Centigram Symbol quotes by Kaitlin Olson
Although we don't tend to think of libraries as media technologies, they are. The public library is, in fact, one of the most important and influential informational media ever created - and one that proliferated only after the arrival of silent reading and movable-type printing. A community's attitudes and preferences toward information take concrete shape in its library's design and services. [ ... ] The library provides, as well, a powerful symbol of our new media landscape: at the center stands the screen of the Internet-connected computers; the printed word has been pushed to the margins. ~ Nicholas Carr
Centigram Symbol quotes by Nicholas Carr
A sign to me is a one-liner, a symbol is very complex and my house is a series of symbols. ~ Charles Jencks
Centigram Symbol quotes by Charles Jencks
Everything becomes symbol and irony when you've been betrayed ~ Jay McInerney
Centigram Symbol quotes by Jay McInerney
Be humble and kind. Kindness has power in it. Look at Mother Teresa, the truest example of kindness. She was humble, kind, and fragile yet she was also a symbol of power. I have never heard of a woman more powerful than her. When we hear name, we must bow our heads with deep respect. ~ Debasish Mridha
Centigram Symbol quotes by Debasish Mridha
I'm passionate about being an actor, but I'm definitely not passionate about being a sex symbol. ~ Dustin Clare
Centigram Symbol quotes by Dustin Clare
I designed this and had it made especially for you. The trefoil is the symbol of immortality: a beginning without an end, like our life together. The hearts represent my love for you. Forever love. Unending like the knot they form. I chose opals instead of diamonds, because opals are warm living stones, each color a birth stone, yours being the center of this ring just like you are the center of our family. "I know the inscription isn't original, but the meaning behind the words is. I wrote those words for the wife I dreamed of. And here you are. With My Last Breath. ~ Julieanne Reeves
Centigram Symbol quotes by Julieanne Reeves
Susan B. Anthony said that the bicycle did more to emancipate women than any other single thing. The bicycle was linked in the psyches of women at that time as a symbol of practical emancipation. Women could go places, wear their skirts shorter to manage the bicycle, and be independent. ~ Susan Vreeland
Centigram Symbol quotes by Susan Vreeland
A baby is a symbol of peace, a plot of dreams, a light of hope, and a bundle of joy. ~ Debasish Mridha
Centigram Symbol quotes by Debasish Mridha
You could use a moth like that as a symbol in a novel, but it was trite, wasn't it? The old moth-to-the-flame image had been used and used again. It was the stuff of amateur poetry. And she, having so little experience crafting a story, would be the most in danger of falling into trite approaches. If she wrote a novel, it probably would be about her father. And the male Luna moth would haunt its pages. Everyone would recognize the work as that of a first novelist. "She wrote about herself through the lens of her father."
The really good novelists, Laura thought, put their fathers, and maybe their mothers too, deeper into the stories. Which, she suddenly thought, might redeem Melville just the littlest bit. ~ L.L. Barkat
Centigram Symbol quotes by L.L. Barkat
We are all born and someday we'll all die. Most likely to some degree alone.What if our aloneness isn't a tragedy? What if our aloneness is what allows us to speak the truth without being afraid? What if our aloneness is what allows us to adventure – to experience the world as a dynamic presence – as a changeable, interactive thing?

If I lived in Bosnia or Rwanda or who knows where else, needless death wouldn't be a distant symbol to me, it wouldn't be a metaphor, it would be a reality.

And I have no right to this metaphor. But I use it to console myself. To give a fraction of meaning to something enormous and needless.

This realization. This realization that I will live my life in this world where I have privileges.

I can't cool boiling waters in Russia. I can't be Picasso. I can't be Jesus. I can't save the planet single-handedly.

I can wash dishes. ~ Rachel Corrie
Centigram Symbol quotes by Rachel Corrie
Listen and learn: you need fourteen characters, minimum. Use random letters, not words. Here's a tip: think of a sentence, and use the first letter in each of those words. Mix it up between upper and lower case. Then pick two numbers that mean something to you – not dates – and stick them somewhere between the letters. Put a punctuation mark at the beginning of the password and then a symbol, like a dollar sign, at the end. ~ Julie James
Centigram Symbol quotes by Julie James
The act of giving is simply a behavior, and the gift merely a symbol. It is the energy behind both that will determine their impact on our lives. ~ Bill Crawford
Centigram Symbol quotes by Bill Crawford
Not only is Cinderella Castle the symbol of the Magic Kingdom, it is also the most photographed item by amateur photographers in the entire world. ~ Brent Dodge
Centigram Symbol quotes by Brent Dodge
The image of the Serpent, because of its association with life, rejuvenation, fertility, and regeneration, was a symbol of immortality. The coiled Serpent with its tail in its mouth was a circle of infinitude indicating omnipotence and omniscience. The Serpent, depicted in several successive rings, represented cyclical evolution and reincarnation. In ancient philosophy or mythological systems, creation and wisdom were closely bound together, and the Serpent was a potent symbol of both. It is in this capacity that the Serpent appears in the Babylonian and Sumerian mythologies, which contain elements akin to the Genesis story. The Serpent has the power to bestow immortality but also has the power to cheat humankind. In many of the ancient Near Eastern stories - for instance, the Gilgamesh Epic and myth of Adapa - the Serpent holds out the promise of immortality but then cheats man at the last minute. ~ Mary Condren
Centigram Symbol quotes by Mary Condren
The symbol is not an artificially constructed sign: it flowers in the soul spontaneously to announce something that cannot be expressed otherwise. It is the unique expression of the thing symbolized as of a reality that thus becomes transparent to the soul, but which itself transcends all expression. ~ Tom Cheetham
Centigram Symbol quotes by Tom Cheetham
the cross. I remember that Cicero referred to it as 'an abominable punishment' that inflicted terrible suffering on the crucified person before he or she died. And yet, nowadays people wear it around their neck, hang it on their bedroom wall, and have come to identify it as a religious symbol, forgetting that they are looking at an instrument of torture. ~ Paulo Coelho
Centigram Symbol quotes by Paulo Coelho
Nana's French knickers were surely a symbol of liberty and abandonment, worn only by women who didn't care for conventional frills or superficial nametags. Those french knickers were flags blowing in the wind, like a statement of victory. ~ Diana Janney
Centigram Symbol quotes by Diana Janney
The full moon symbol on my calendar no longer seemed to be a period marking the end of something, but just another way of counting time. ~ Charlaine Harris
Centigram Symbol quotes by Charlaine Harris
A symbol from the first, of mastery, experiments such as Hippocrates made and substituted for vague speculation stayed the ravages of plague. ~ Marianne Moore
Centigram Symbol quotes by Marianne Moore
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