Weekend Getaway Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Weekend Getaway.

Quotes About Weekend Getaway

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He could also be terrible romantic and thoughtful. My job was a real challenge. The work was difficult and the boss demanding: he thought nothing of calling or emailing at odd hours, even on the weekend; you ignored him at your peril.
There was a point at which everything got to me. And it was exactly at that moment that Chris stepped in and planned a weekend getaway. He found a little cabin out in the woods where there was no cell phone reception-yes!-and without telling anyone, we made our getaway.
Almost. I actually called the boss and told him my cell reception was giving out, and so I wouldn't be able to check messages, something he expected even on the weekends.
As soon as we got to the cabin, I headed to the bedroom. Inside, I opened my suitcase and changed into sexy white Victoria's Secret-style lingerie, complete with corset and thigh-highs. Feeling a little shy and silly, I walked out and leaned against the doorway of the living room where he was sitting.
"Yeah?" he mumbled from the couch, not bothering to look up from the magazine he was reading.
"Turn around," I said.
He turned around-slowly at first. But as soon as he caught sight of me in that lingerie, he hopped clear over the couch and chased me down the hall to the bedroom. I squealed and giggled the whole way. ~ Taya Kyle
Weekend Getaway quotes by Taya Kyle
Portland is the perfect weekend getaway. I studied acting in Portland and lived there for five years. It's a small city with so much to do. There's beautiful scenery, a great bar scene, and so many fabulous restaurants. ~ Kenneth Choi
Weekend Getaway quotes by Kenneth Choi
Maybe that was all there ever will be just that one weekend and forever this unfinished feeling ... ~ Anne Rice
Weekend Getaway quotes by Anne Rice
I always considered myself a loner.
I mean, not like a poor-me, Byron-esque, I-should-have-brought-a-swimming-buddy loner. I mean the sort of person who doesn't feel too upset about the prospect of a weekend spent seeing no one, and reading good books on the couch. It wasn't like I was a people hater or anything. I enjoyed activities and the company of friends. But they were a side dish. I always thought I would be happy without them. ~ Jim Butcher
Weekend Getaway quotes by Jim Butcher
[My parents] worked hard all week long, and the way they celebrated and rejoiced in life was by making music on weekends. And that music was Country Music. ~ Rodney Crowell
Weekend Getaway quotes by Rodney Crowell
Miss Martin," he said. "How on earth did you get a name like Isabella?" Just one of the many things that he'd wondered about as he had sat hunched behind his desk over the weekend.
She shook her head, obviously confused by the change of subject, but then smiled. "Ah, it was my mother. I received my imagination from her. She was constantly telling me stories about Spanish princesses and English princes. She named me Isabella after the Spanish Queen."
See, Anthony thought, nothing so extravagant that it should be pondered to death over an entire weekend. ~ Mia Ryan
Weekend Getaway quotes by Mia Ryan
I would say I spend about an hour a day cleansing and moisturising after all of the make-up I've worn on jobs, and on weekends I tend to go bare-faced to give my skin a bit of a break. ~ Poppy Delevingne
Weekend Getaway quotes by Poppy Delevingne
Having a holiday weekend without a family member felt like putting on a sweater that had an extra arm. ~ Pamela Ribon
Weekend Getaway quotes by Pamela Ribon
Can we drop the pretense of Presidents Day and just call it I needed a long weekend because Valentines Day is garbage ~ Anna Kendrick
Weekend Getaway quotes by Anna Kendrick
When Brittany walks into Mrs. P.'s class on Friday I'm still thinking about how I'm going to get back at her for throwing my keys into the woods last weekend. It took me forty-five minutes to find the suckers, and all the while I was cursing Brittany. Okay, so I give her props for dishing it out. ~ Simone Elkeles
Weekend Getaway quotes by Simone Elkeles
Creativity can release you from the limitations that the world has constructed around you; the everyday, mundane, 9-5 jail cell where everybody is waiting for the weekend to party so they can get outside of their head. ~ Robert LaSardo
Weekend Getaway quotes by Robert LaSardo
The IIFA Weekend has my unprecedented support. The relationship between India and the UK is long standing and one we would like to keep developing forever. ~ Gordon Brown
Weekend Getaway quotes by Gordon Brown
If I do not return to the pulpit this weekend, millions of people will go to hell. ~ Jimmy Swaggart
Weekend Getaway quotes by Jimmy Swaggart
Honey, I appreciate that so much, I really do, but it's not just transferring that I'm worrying about. I'm worried about his mind-set. When he gets to UVA, he needs to be focused. He's going there to be a student athlete. He can't be driving down to North Carolina every weekend. It just isn't practical. You're both so young. Peter's already making big life decisions based on you, and who even knows what's going to happen with you two in the future. You're teenagers. Life doesn't always work out the way you think it's going to work out. . . . I don't know if Peter ever told you this, but Peter's dad and I got married very young. And I'd - I'd just hate to see you two make the same mistakes we did." She hesitates. "Lara Jean, I know my son, and he's not going to let you go unless you let him go first." I ~ Jenny Han
Weekend Getaway quotes by Jenny Han
As you get past the first few weeks of your travel experience however, you'll discover that partying on the road is different from partying at home. At home, partying is a way of celebrating the weekend or taking a pause from the workaday world. On the road, every moment is a weekend, every day a break from the workaday world. Thus, falling into a nightly ritual of partying - as can easily happen in traveler hangouts anywhere on the planet - is a sure way to overlook the subtlety of places, stunt your creativity, and trap yourself in the patterns of home. Granted, you can have plenty of fun in the process; but if you travel the world merely to indulge in the same kinds of diversions you enjoy at home, you'll end up selling your experience short. ~ Rolf Potts
Weekend Getaway quotes by Rolf Potts
President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner played golf this weekend. Obama's handicap is Joe Biden. ~ Jay Leno
Weekend Getaway quotes by Jay Leno
I think I might be one of the only people in America, or at least the only person I know, who saw both 'The Dark Knight' and 'Mamma Mia!' on their shared opening weekend. ~ Diablo Cody
Weekend Getaway quotes by Diablo Cody
You fight dandelions all weekend, and late Monday afternoon there they are, pert as all get out, in full and gorgeous bloom, pretty as can be, thriving as only dandelions can in the face of adversity. ~ Hal Borland
Weekend Getaway quotes by Hal Borland
I don't know about you, but I like to fall in love on Mondays. This way if things go south right away you still have the weekend. ~ Dov Davidoff
Weekend Getaway quotes by Dov Davidoff
Both President Obama and former President George W. Bush were interviewed on 'Face the Nation' over the weekend. President Bush said there's a 50 percent chance his brother Jeb will run for president in 2016. Then he said, 'But there's an 80 percent chance he won't.' ~ Jimmy Fallon
Weekend Getaway quotes by Jimmy Fallon
When I was 13, my family moved from a suburb of New York City to Miami, Florida, and we moved there the Friday before Labor Day weekend. ~ Chris Bohjalian
Weekend Getaway quotes by Chris Bohjalian
When I initially met with Robert I was just so excited to meet the guy. I was able to go to Troublemaker Studios in Austin, Texas and just hanging out was fantastic. Working on this took up all of my weekends while I was shooting Community. It was crazy, but again, no regrets. ~ Joel McHale
Weekend Getaway quotes by Joel McHale
He's not even singing," Tobin whispers to Daphne. They sit on the other side of the half circle of chairs in the music room. It's amusing that he thinks I don't know what he's saying. I can't actually hear their words over the singing, but I have spent the weekend mastering the art of lipreading. What isn't amusing, however, is that Tobin has caught on to the fact that I'm merely moving my own lips along with the rest of the choir. Daphne looks up at me. I stare down at the songbook in my hands. Maybe I should try singing along, but I don't know how to make my voice do what hers does, even if I want to. I feel her gaze leave me and I glance back at her.
"Maybe he's just intimidated," Daphne says. "It's his first day in the program."
My hands grow hot at the idea that she thinks I am afraid. I take a deep breath, tempering myself before I set the songbook on fire. ~ Bree Despain
Weekend Getaway quotes by Bree Despain
Let's just try to have a marvelous time this weekend. I mean not try to analyze everything to death for once, if possible. Especially me. I love you. ~ J.D. Salinger
Weekend Getaway quotes by J.D. Salinger
I will probably die a misunderstood virgin like Ophelia in HAMLET, only I won't do it by floating down a stream, singing my own mad song. They'll just find me here, on my bed, on a weekend night, my dead body slumped over a homework assignment.
Hopefully they'll discover me before Teeny eats my remains. ~ Stephanie Wardrop
Weekend Getaway quotes by Stephanie Wardrop
The top seed this weekend is Richard Krajicek,12 a 6'5" Dutchman who wears a tiny white billed hat in the sun and rushes the net like it owes him money and in general plays like a rabid crane. ~ David Foster Wallace
Weekend Getaway quotes by David Foster Wallace
I got a fan letter on the back of a prison menu. And I remember thinking, 'Well, they get pie. It's not so bad. They get pie on the weekends.' I want to say blueberry and also a Boston cream pie. Not so bad. ~ Tina Fey
Weekend Getaway quotes by Tina Fey
I'm learning the power of going away for the weekend and keeping myself company. ~ Zoe Saldana
Weekend Getaway quotes by Zoe Saldana
True imagination and creativity don't come from thinking outside the box or letting ourselves go wild, just as true spontaneity does not come from dancing on a table on the weekend while you remain in your tedious job. They don't come out of great disruptive moments that break forth from an otherwise ordinary, drab life. They are part and parcel of how we live our every day; all moments can be creative and spontaneous when we experience the entire world as an open and expansive place. We get there by constantly cultivating our ability to imagine transcending our own experience. ~ Michael Puett
Weekend Getaway quotes by Michael Puett
We could play them through the week, and then the weekend we could play the black joints. I learned to be very versatile and learned to love it. So it stays with me even up to now. ~ Little Milton
Weekend Getaway quotes by Little Milton
We followed him to the cut bank of the river and watched as the underside of his truck suddenly became visible. The jump didn't get very far and, as anticipated, the wheels and most of the front of the Toyota sank into the soft mud of the Powder River effectively ending the vehicular portion of George's getaway. ~ Craig Johnson
Weekend Getaway quotes by Craig Johnson
So, not only am I panicking over the weekend if I need to know my lines, but also if can I get the kids to the zoo. Can I even go to church? I was asking for certain things that would allow me to plan my life a little better. ~ Hunter Tylo
Weekend Getaway quotes by Hunter Tylo
You should come and watch me."
She frowned. "Watch you?"
A small smiled nudged his lips. She didn't need to be a mind reader to know where his mind had just gone. "Ride bulls. On the weekend."
There were probably about a hundred things she'd put her hand up to watch this guy do, a lot of them just as dirty as the things he'd been thinking. Watching him get tossed around for entertainment on the back of a large angry animal wasn't one of them. ~ Amy Andrews
Weekend Getaway quotes by Amy Andrews
Why are you here?" I wanted to give him a snarky answer to compete with his responses. Something like, I wanted to eat stolen apples and read books all weekend. But I held my tongue. Maybe if he learned more about me, he'd realize I just wanted to leave. ~ Kasie West
Weekend Getaway quotes by Kasie West
I grew up in a family where everybody had a good time and we were at the lake every weekend and going to the beach and living a good life. It's been the way we always lived, and my wife's the same way - enjoy every day and have fun. ~ Luke Bryan
Weekend Getaway quotes by Luke Bryan
The government's view is that the best time to announce bad news, news that it doesn't want the public to dwell on is late on a Friday, when it will wind up in the Saturday papers, which if you were readers, then the week day editions. A holiday weekend is even better. ~ Bob Schieffer
Weekend Getaway quotes by Bob Schieffer
I enjoy staying home with friends more than going out. The other night, for example, my girlfriends and I stayed in listening to some '90s rap - my favorite kind. We were in the Hamptons and made it an all-Biggie weekend, all of his albums on repeat. I loved it. ~ Phoebe Tonkin
Weekend Getaway quotes by Phoebe Tonkin
A stone can be used for building a house, blocking a road, or killing someone. The same is true for any idea. ~ Darrell Calkins
Weekend Getaway quotes by Darrell Calkins
I once spent a weekend on Earth,
With two men (of science; and god)
One man convinced me I did not exist,
And the other that I was a fraud.
In both men I saw the same reason,
In bothmen i saw the same light,
So I left for another dimension,
Assuming that both men were right."

- The Alien

From the novel 'Ineffable ~ C. Sean McGee
Weekend Getaway quotes by C. Sean McGee
There's always a 'but' when it comes to jobs. Like, I love my job but my colleagues are first-rate, but ... a couple of them like to dress like superheroes on the weekend and I can't help but wonder if they're nuts. - Logan ~ Nicholas Sparks
Weekend Getaway quotes by Nicholas Sparks
Tell it to the cleaning lady on Monday. Because you'll be dust on Monday. Because I'll be pulverizing you sometime over the weekend. And the cleaning lady ... cleans up ... dust. She dusts. And she has weekends off, so ... Monday. Right? ~ Bryan Lee O'Malley
Weekend Getaway quotes by Bryan Lee O'Malley
Here's to you beautiful people, hoping you have a safe, fun & fantastic weekend! ~ LaNina King
Weekend Getaway quotes by LaNina King
A weekend in Vegas without gambling and drinking is just like being a born-again Christian. ~ Artie Lange
Weekend Getaway quotes by Artie Lange
My mother had been baking more often in general, but she took plates of desserts to the carpentry studio, where her boss, thank God, had a sweet tooth. He just loved the cheesecake, she'd tell me, shining. He ate all of my oatmeal cookies. Some charmed combination of the woodwork, and the studio people, and the splinter excising time with her son kept her going back to Silver Lake even when she hit her usual limits, and every night, tucked into bed, I would send out a thank-you prayer to the carpentry boss for taking in what I could not. But this morning I was the only one, and it was the weekend, and carpentry rested, and the whole kitchen smelled of hometown America, of Atlanta's orchards and Oregon's berry bushes, of England's pie legacy, packed with the Puritans over the Mayflower. ~ Aimee Bender
Weekend Getaway quotes by Aimee Bender
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