Mortadelo Translation Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Mortadelo Translation.

Quotes About Mortadelo Translation

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So the aim for the press was a mixture of things: to publish under-represented writing, which is an intersection of original language, style, content, and often its author's gender. To publish it properly, in a way that makes it clear that this is art, not anthropology. To spotlight the importance of translation in making cultures less dully homogenous. ~ Deborah Smith
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Deborah Smith
Dynamic equivalence is a central concept in the translation theory, developed by Eugene A. Nida, which has been widely adopted by the United Bible Societies...Purporting to be an academically linguistic concept, it is in fact a sociocultural concept of communication. Its definition is essentially behavourist: determined by external forces, such as society--with strong pragmatist overtones--focusing on the reader rather than the writer. [M]ost twentieth-century American philosophical endeavours are predominantly pragmatist, dwelling in the shadows cast by William James and John Dewey. ~ J. Cammenga
Mortadelo Translation quotes by J. Cammenga
We in the West have been at the mercy of those who where supposed to translate and explain an entire ideology but instead sanitized it and camouflaged it. The same applies on the other side. In western culture, democracy is being taught in the classroom, but it is a historically understood concept. The intellectual translation into Arab Muslim culture depends on the "translating party." In those cultures, its real meaning has been complicated and altered in the madrassas (Islamic religious schools) or when taught by antidemocracy teachers. ~ Walid Phares
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Walid Phares
When you grow up in the church, the only translation in that insular world that people understand is preaching. You're supposed to be a minister. So I was going down that path, and then I saw the Tonys. ~ Billy Porter
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Billy Porter
I've started researching online journals for the project. Thanks for decoding Dr. Heller's notes before sending them to me. If you'd have forwarded them to me without a translation, I'd be searching for a tall building/overpass/water tower from which to yell goodbye cruel world. ~ Tammara Webber
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Tammara Webber
Gareth sucked in a breath. Hyacinth's brother wasn't going to make this easy on him. But that didn't matter. He had vowed to do this right, and he would not be cowed.

He looked up, meeting the viscount's dark eyes with steady purpose. "I would like to marry Hyacinth," he said. And then, because the viscount did not say anything, because he didn't even move, Gareth added, "Er, if she'll have me."

And then about eight things happened at once. Or perhaps there were merely two or three, and it just seemed like eight, because it was all so unexpected.

First, the viscount exhaled, although that did seem to understate the case. It was more of a sigh, actually - a huge, tired, heartfelt sigh that made the man positively deflate in front of Gareth. Which was astonishing. Gareth had seen the viscount on many occasions and was quite familiar with his reputation. This was not a man who sagged or groaned.

His lips seemed to move through the whole thing, too, and if Gareth were a more suspicious man, he would have thought that the viscount had said, "Thank you, Lord."

Combined with the heavenward tilt of the viscount's eyes, it did seem the most likely translation.

And then, just as Gareth was taking all of this in, Lord Bridgerton let the palms of his hands fall against the desk with surprising force, and he looked Gareth squarely in the eye as he said, "Oh, she'll have you. She will definitely have you."

It wasn ~ Julia Quinn
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Julia Quinn
I think of translations as passing some scholarly smell test: you can read the words of the translation and be reasonably sure of what the words are in the original. ~ Christian Wiman
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Christian Wiman
I've always been interested in the Greek tragedies. A few years back, I re-read a translation of the 'The Oresteia,' and that stayed with me, and slowly this idea of using some of those old legends and plays to tell a new story about modern urban life began to form. ~ Peter Milligan
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Peter Milligan
Not to admire, is all the art I know To make men happy, or to keep them so. Thus Horace wrote we all know long ago; And thus Pope quotes the precept to re-teach From his translation; but had none admired, Would Pope have sung, or Horace been inspired? ~ Lord Byron
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Lord Byron
These and other inanimate things she saw and experienced. They were real to her. She knew them. They were the codes and touchstones of the world, capable of translation and possession. She owned the crack that made her stumble; she owned the clumps of dandelions whose white heads, last fall, she had blown away; whose yellow heads, this fall, she peered into. And owning them made her part of the world, and the world a part of her. ~ Toni Morrison
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Toni Morrison
Pak Karman hugged his wife's gravestone tightly. "You left without saying farewell!" The whole of the graveyard was ablaze with light. ~ Mohamed Latiff Mohamed
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Mohamed Latiff Mohamed
"Esa chica esta bien caliente." Hector laughed as Rider shook his head. Ainsley stiffened across from me. She was pretty fluent in Spanish and even though Hector was Puerto Rican, I had a feeling she was getting the general gist of whatever he was saying and she was not happy about it. "Me gustaria a llevarla a mi casa y comermela."
Ainsley cocked her head to the side as she brushed her long, blond hair over her shoulder. "Gracias! Pero no hay ni una parte de mi que tu te vas a comer."
Hector's eyes widened.
Rider threw his head back and burst into laughter. "Oh, shit. Priceless."
"What?" Ainsley blinked big eyes at the stunned Hector. "You think some white chick can't possibly understand another language so you're going to sit in front of me and talk about me like I'm not here?" Her smile was brittle and fake. "Bitch, please."
"Man..." Hector sat back, slowly shaking his head as he stared at her. "You're...brutal."
"Damn straight," she replied, her eyes like chips of blue ice. Whatever yumminess she'd seen in Hector was completely out the window now. "And you're a mal criado."
Hector's eyes narrowed.
"I really like your friend, Mouse." Still chuckling, Rider winked at me. "She basically called him a classless ass, and I agree. ~ Jennifer L. Armentrout
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I will venture to assert, that a just translation of any ancient poet in rhyme is impossible. No human ingenuity can be equal to the task of closing every couplet with sounds homotonous, expressing at the same time the full sense, and only the full sense of his original. ~ William Cowper
Mortadelo Translation quotes by William Cowper
Lost, is it, buried? One more missing piece?

But nothing's lost. Or else: all is translation
And every bit of us is lost in it
(Or found - I wander through the ruin of S
Now and then, wondering at the peacefulness)
And in that loss a self-effacing tree,
Color of context, imperceptibly
Rustling with its angel, turns the waste
To shade and fiber, milk and memory. ~ James Merrill
Mortadelo Translation quotes by James Merrill
Mathematics to me is like a language I don't speak though I admire its literature in translation. ~ David Quammen
Mortadelo Translation quotes by David Quammen
There exists a chance of every poem getting changed while reaching every reader. This 'getting changed' is a form of 'getting translated', in a way. So, every assimilation of any poem is a translation. ~ Suman Pokhrel
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Suman Pokhrel
Film has lost something in the translation to high tech. It's become so super-real. It's with digital this and stereo that, and everything's like a CD. ~ Nicolas Cage
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Nicolas Cage
Yes, translation is by definition an inadequate substitute for being able to read a masterpiece in the original. ~ Terry Teachout
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Terry Teachout
Whoever will take the trouble of reading the book ascribed to Isaiah, will find it one of the most wild and disorderly compositions ever put together; it has neither beginning, middle, nor end; and, except a short historical part, and a few sketches of history in the first two or three chapters, is one continued incoherent, bombastical rant, full of extravagant metaphor, without application, and destitute of meaning; a school-boy would scarcely have been excusable for writing such stuff; it is (at least in translation) that kind of composition and false taste that is properly called prose run mad. ~ Thomas Paine
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Thomas Paine
Johann Nikolaus Forkel, author of the monograph of which the following pages afford a translation, was born at Meeder, a small village in Saxe-Coburg, on February 22, 1749, seventeen months before the death of Johann Sebastian Bach, whose first biographer he became. ~ Johann Nikolaus Forkel
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Johann Nikolaus Forkel
The evening sky is gold and vast.
I'm soothed by April's cool caress.
You're late. Too many years have passed, -
I'm glad to see you, nonetheless.

Come closer, sit here by my side,
Be gentle with me, treat me kind:
This old blue notebook – look inside –
I wrote these poems as a child.

Forgive me that I felt forsaken,
That grief and angst was all I knew.
Forgive me that I kept mistaking
Too many other men for you. ~ Anna Akhmatova
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Anna Akhmatova
Animosity does not eradicate animosity. Only by loving kindness is animosity dissolved. This law is ancient and eternal. (attributed to Buddha) ~ Ananda Maitreya
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Ananda Maitreya
In my life are many windows
and many graves.
Sometimes they exchange
then a window is closed forever,
then by way of a gravestone
I can see
very far.
(Hebrew-to-English translation by Rabbi Steven Sager) ~ Yehuda Amichai
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Yehuda Amichai
They died, he wrote, as if overcome by sleep - or, according to a second translation: as if drowned in a dream. ~ Karen Thompson Walker
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Karen Thompson Walker
In 2003, Meryl Streep won a career achievement César Award, the French equivalent of an Oscar. Streep's words (my translation) acknowledged the enduring interest of French audiences in women's lives and women's stories:
"I have always wanted to present stories of women who are rather difficult. Difficult to love, difficult to understand, difficult to look at sometimes. I am very cognizant that the French public is receptive to these complex and contradictory women. As an actress I have understood for a long time that lies are simple, seductive and often easy to pass off. But the truth - the truth is always very very very complicated, often unpleasant, nuanced or difficult to accept."

In France, an actress can work steadily from her teens through old age - she can start out in stories of youthful rebellion and end up, fifty years later, a screen matriarch. And in the process, her career will end up telling the story of a life - her own life, in a sense, with the films serving, as Valeria Bruni Tedeschi puts it, as a "journal intime," or diary, of one woman's emotions and growth. No wonder so many French actresses are beautiful. They're radiant with living in a cinematic culture that values them, and values them as women. And they are radiant with living in a culture - albeit one with flaws of its own - in which women are half of who decides what gets valued in the first place. Their films transcend national and language barriers and are the best vehicles for c ~ Mick LaSalle
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Mick LaSalle
Remember that writing is translation, and the opus to be translated is yourself. ~ E.B. White
Mortadelo Translation quotes by E.B. White
Faction is the greatest evil and the most common danger. "Faction" is the conventional English translation of the Greek stasis, one of the most remarkable words to be found in any language. ~ Moses Finley
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Moses Finley
The night is a strawberry. ~ Louise Penny
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Louise Penny
And after I started working for the Bureau, most of my translation duties included translations of documents and investigations that actually started way before 9/11. ~ Sibel Edmonds
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Sibel Edmonds
This piece of shit just propositioned the French detective. What's wrong with my translation program?'
'Let me have a shot.' Peabody came around the desk, began to fiddle as she studied the monitor. 'She's very attractive. Let's not blame the computer for trying. ~ J.D. Robb
Mortadelo Translation quotes by J.D. Robb
Thinking is translating 'prosaic-ideas' without accessories" since ideas (in brain) do not follow any metrical composition. ~ Md. Ziaul Haque
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Md. Ziaul Haque
Shakespeare's bitter play [Troilus and Cressida] is therefore a dramatization of a part of a translation into English of the French translation of a Latin imitation of an old French expansion of a Latin epitome of a Greek romance. (p. 55) ~ Gilbert Highet
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Gilbert Highet
The dark realization came to him that a difficult and miserable age had begun for him, and he couldn't imagine when it would end. [Puberty] ~ Alberto Moravia
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Alberto Moravia
European languages and a Google app can now turn your words into a foreign language, either in text form or as an electronic voice. Skype, an internet-telephony service, said recently that it would offer much the same (in English and Spanish only). But claims that such technological marvels will spell the end of old-fashioned translation businesses are premature. Software can give the gist of a foreign tongue, but for business use (if executives are sensible), rough is not enough. And polyglot programs are a pinprick in a vast industry. The business of translation, interpreting and software localisation (revising websites, apps and the like for use in a foreign language) generates revenues of $37 billion a year, reckons Common Sense Advisory (CSA), a consulting firm. ~ Anonymous
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Anonymous
No phrase can convey the idea of surprise so vividly as opening the eyes and raising the eyebrows. A shrug of the shoulders would lose much by translation into words. ~ Herbert Spencer
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Herbert Spencer
Patience is a process of perfection. The Savior Himself said that in your patience you possess your souls. Or, to use another translation of the Greek text, in your patience you win mastery of your souls. Patience means to abide in faith, knowing that sometimes it is in the waiting rather than in the receiving that we grow the most. This was true in the time of the Savior. It is true in our time as well, for we are commanded in these latter days to "continue in patience until ye are perfected. ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Living as he now lived was like reading a good book in a poor translation ... ~ Henry James
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Henry James
I've personally reached the point where the sound of MP3s are so uncompelling, because so much is lost in translation. ~ Beck
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Beck
There is really no good English translation for adab. It means behaving well or good etiquette. It is acting with heedfulness, beauty, refinement, graciousness, and respect for others. The Koran teaches us the importance of acting beautifully. "Do what is beautiful. God loves those who do what is beautiful." (2:195) ~ Robert Frager
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Robert Frager
Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes. ~ Gunter Grass
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Gunter Grass
Translation: I'm an idiot. ~ Alyssa Day
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Alyssa Day
Translation is the art of failure. ~ Umberto Eco
Mortadelo Translation quotes by Umberto Eco
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