Matured Men Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Matured Men.

Quotes About Matured Men

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Miracles are not for matured men, they are for children or for unbelievers. ~ Sunday Adelaja
Matured Men quotes by Sunday Adelaja
Don't give your son money. As far as you can afford it, give him horses. No one ever came to grief, except honourable grief, through riding horses. No hour of life is lost that is spent in the saddle. Young men have often been ruined through owning horses, or through backing horses, but never through riding them; unless of course they break their necks, which, taken at a gallop, is a very good death to die. ~ Winston Churchill
Matured Men quotes by Winston Churchill
Rules?" said Roark. "Here are my rules: what can be done with one substance must never be done with another. No two materials are alike. No two sites on earth are alike. No two buildings have the same purpose. The purpose, the site, the material determine the shape. Nothing can be reasonable or beautiful unless it's made by one central idea, and the idea sets every detail. A building is alive, like a man. Its integrity is to follow its own truth, its one single theme, and to serve its own single purpose. A man doesn't borrow pieces of his body. A building doesn't borrow hunks of its soul. Its maker gives it the soul and every wall, window and stairway to express it. ~ Ayn Rand
Matured Men quotes by Ayn Rand
Whenever you face a man who's playing your instrument, there's a competition. ~ Wynton Marsalis
Matured Men quotes by Wynton Marsalis
Probably all laws are useless; for good men do not want laws at all, and bad men are made no better by them. ~ Demonax
Matured Men quotes by Demonax
There are truths which some men despise because they have not examined, and which they will not examine because they despise. There is one signal instance on record where this kind of prejudice was overcome by a miracle; but the age of miracles is past, while that of prejudice remains. ~ Charles Caleb Colton
Matured Men quotes by Charles Caleb Colton
9 We praise our D Lord and Father with it, and we curse men who are made in God's likeness with it. ~ Anonymous
Matured Men quotes by Anonymous
Men are the ones who keep trying to drag the gods down to earth. The gods don't give a damn what we do to ourselves. ~ Edward W. Robertson
Matured Men quotes by Edward W. Robertson
When my avocation became my vocation I was set free.

Writing, at first, was a hobby that I loved dearly. It turned into a serious endeavor several years ago when I started writing screenplays. Unfortunately selling one out of every ten was not very lucrative. Success comes in many forms and my poor returns from screenplays matured my writing style, ultimately affording me the ability to author hundreds of magazine articles that generated a decent paycheck.

Fast forward to today and I have published my first novel "The Alchemist's Notebook."

It is a whirlwind story in the style of H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos that takes the reader from Vietnam to Innsmouth then Arkham and eventually to Europe wherein chaos and screaming terror awaits all living creatures on our planet.

I pledge to keep the reader on pins and needles hoping that sanity and normalcy will return.

"The Alchemist's Notebook" and all future novels along with my blogs will deal exclusively with that genre. ~ Byron Craft
Matured Men quotes by Byron Craft
Men come and go. The only thing a woman has that no one can take away is her opinion of herself. ~ Laura Drake
Matured Men quotes by Laura Drake
In nominating young women and men to our service academies, it must only be about who you are, not who you know. ~ Ron Barber
Matured Men quotes by Ron Barber
I, for one, resent it when a representative of the people refers to you and me, the free men and women of this country, as 'the masses.' ~ Ronald Reagan
Matured Men quotes by Ronald Reagan
The embroidery came later, in the retelling, as the story was told again and again by the men, taking on its own character as it passed over camp.
The Prince had ridden out, with only one soldier. Deep in the mountains, he had chased down the rats responsible for these killings. Had ripped them out of their hiding holes and fought them, thirty to one, at least. Had brought them back thrashed, lashed and subdued. That was their Prince for you, a twisty, vicious fiend who you should never, ever cross, unless you wanted your gullet handed to you on a platter. Why, he once rode a horse to death just to beat Torveld of Patras to the mark.
In the men's eyes the feat was reflected as the wild, impossible thing it was
their Prince vanishing for two days, then appearing out of the night with a sackful of prisoners thrown over his shoulder, tossing them at the feet of his troop and saying: You wanted them? Here they are. ~ C.S. Pacat
Matured Men quotes by C.S. Pacat
How many times have such meetings been held throughout American history? How many times have men. be they private prison executives or convict lessees, gotten together to perform this ritual? They sit in company headquarters or legislative offices, far from their prisons or labor camps, and craft stories that soothe their consciences. They convince themselves, with remarkable ease, that they are in the business of punishment because it makes the world better, not because it makes them rich. ~ Shane Bauer
Matured Men quotes by Shane Bauer
I am no preacher of the old legal Sabbath. I am a preacher of the gospel. The Sabbath of the Jew is to him a task; the Lord's Day of the Christian, the first day of the week, is to him a joy, a day of rest, of peace, and of thanksgiving. And if you Christian men can earnestly drive away all distractions, so that you can really rest today, it will be good for your bodies, good for your souls, good mentally, good spiritually, good temporally, and good eternally. ~ Charles Spurgeon
Matured Men quotes by Charles Spurgeon
All that Our Lord heeds in a man's life is the relationship of worth to His Father. ~ Oswald Chambers
Matured Men quotes by Oswald Chambers
Then again, modern day men were stupid ~ Rose Wynters
Matured Men quotes by Rose Wynters
What she missed most about dating men was that small, disconcerting time frame when you thought that maybe you could change them. ~ Gary Shteyngart
Matured Men quotes by Gary Shteyngart
Ryder, we got a problem," Ristan called from beyond the other side of the etched-glass shower door.
"Someone had better be dying, Ristan," Ryder growled when he'd pulled
away from kissing me.
"They might be. You need to come see this."
"We will be right there," Ryder called out as I slid down his hard body.
He watched me with a smirk and then placed his hand on my arm to move me from beneath the water, so he could rinse off. I watched him, unable to pull my eyes off of his hands as they roved over his body.He was quicksand,
and I was sinking.
"Did you say we?" Ristan asked.
I blushed from my head to my Paint Your Toron-Toes Rose colored toenails. I opened the shower door and stepped out meeting Ristan's eyes. "Don't ask."
"How the ... did you sift into his shower?" he asked, bubbling with laughter.
"I said don't ask! It wasn't my fault. I was sleeping!" I shouted as both men laughed even harder.
"Real mature, just real fucking mature! ~ Amelia Hutchins
Matured Men quotes by Amelia Hutchins
I think all men when they get older, they look at the mirror and they probably see their father a little bit. ~ Christopher Walken
Matured Men quotes by Christopher Walken
Women won't have total equality until men can get pregnant. ~ Diana Palmer
Matured Men quotes by Diana Palmer
(on A History of Western Philosophy) I was sometimes accused by reviewers of writing not a true history but a biased account of the events that I arbitrarily chose to write of. But to my mind, a man without a bias cannot write interesting history - if, indeed, such man exists. ~ Bertrand Russell
Matured Men quotes by Bertrand Russell
I thought: Suppose, suppose just once, once, all these centuries, the slippery gods keep their word and Achilles is granted eternal glory in return for his early death under the walls of Troy...? What will they make of us, the people of those unimaginably distant times? One thing I do know: they won't want the brutal reality of conquest and slavery. They won't want to be told about the massacres of men and boys, the enslavement of women and girls. They won't want to know we were living in a rape camp. No, they'll go for something altogether softer. A love story, perhaps? I just hope they manage to work out who the lovers were. ~ Pat Barker
Matured Men quotes by Pat Barker
Since man does not create physical matter, those who handle material objects in the production process are not producers in that sense. Economic benefits result from the transformation of matter in form, location, or availability (intellectually or temporally). It is these transformations that create economic benefits valued by consumers, and whoever arranges such transformations contributes to the value of things, whether his hands actually come into contact with physical objects or not. ~ Thomas Sowell
Matured Men quotes by Thomas Sowell
Roque ... lined his men up and had them produce all the clothing, jewels, money, and other objects that they had stolen since the last time they had divided the spoils. Having made a hasty appraisal and reduced to terms of money those items that could not be divided, he split the whole into shares with such equity and exactitude that in not a single instance did he go beyond or fall short of a strict distributive justice. They were all well satisfied with the payment received, indeed they were quite well pleased; and Roque then turned to Don Quixote. ~ Miguel De Cervantes
Matured Men quotes by Miguel De Cervantes
Most men cry better than they speak. You get more nurture out of them by pinching than addressing them. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Matured Men quotes by Henry David Thoreau
While like most men, Sam prided himself on being equipped with a supernatural internal compass that kept him from ever being lost, he'd also learned to concede those rare times when that compass seemed to be temporary disrepair. ~ Clive Cussler
Matured Men quotes by Clive Cussler
Just as water will conform to the shape of the vessel that contains it, so will a man follow the good and evil of his companions. ~ Imagawa Sadayo
Matured Men quotes by Imagawa Sadayo
When I was growing up, my idea of a writer was someone like Sven Hassel, that mysterious Danish author who wrote thrillers about men clambering over walls and getting tangled in barbed wire. ~ Andrew O'Hagan
Matured Men quotes by Andrew O'Hagan
If Beethoven is a prodigy of man, Bach is a miracle of God. ~ Gioachino Rossini
Matured Men quotes by Gioachino Rossini
To die for an idea; it is unquestionably noble. But how much nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true! ~ H.L. Mencken
Matured Men quotes by H.L. Mencken
Temples have their images; and we see what influence they have always had over a great part of mankind. But, in truth, the ideas and images in men's minds are the invisible powers that constantly govern them; and to these they all pay universally a ready submission. ~ Jonathan Edwards
Matured Men quotes by Jonathan Edwards
Whereas, according to the declaration of that true man of the world Talleyrand, the use of language is to conceal the thoughts; this is to declare in the present instance, when I say I am not able to bear much talking, it means really, and without any mistake, or equivocation, or oblique meaning, or implication, or subterfuge, or omission, that I am not able; being at present rather weak in the head, and able to work no more. ~ Michael Faraday
Matured Men quotes by Michael Faraday
This mundus tenebrosus, this shaddowy world of Mankind, is sunk into Night; there is not a Field without its Spirits, nor a City without its Daemons, and the Lunaticks speak Prophesies while the Wise men fall into the Pitte. We are all in the Dark, one with another. And, as the Inke stains the Paper on which it is spilt and slowly spreads to Blot out the Characters, so the Contagion of darkness and malefaction grows apace until all becomes unrecognizable. Thus it was with the Witches who were tryed by Swimming not long before, since once the Prosecution had commenced no Stop could be put to the raving Women who came forward: the number of Afflicted and Accused began to encrease and, upon Examination, more confess'd themselves guilty of Crimes than were suspected of. And so it went, till the Evil revealed was so great that it threatened to bring all into Confusion.

And yet in the way of that Philosophie much cryed up in London and elsewhere, there are those like Sir Chris. who speak only of what is Rational and what is Demonstrated, of Propriety and Plainness. Religion Not Mysterious is their Motto, but if they would wish the Godhead to be Reasonable why was it that when Adam heard that Voice in the Garden he was afraid unto Death? The Mysteries must become easy and familiar, it is said, and it has now reached such a Pitch that there are those who wish to bring their mathematicall Calculations into Morality, viz. the Quantity of Publick Good produced by any Agent is ~ Peter Ackroyd
Matured Men quotes by Peter Ackroyd
Not all things that cast man shadows were men. ~ J.V. Jones
Matured Men quotes by J.V. Jones
If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them. ~ Sojourner Truth
Matured Men quotes by Sojourner Truth
When a man wants to make up with his Maker, he does not consult a third party. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Matured Men quotes by Mahatma Gandhi
Failure to examine the victimization of men keeps us from understanding maleness, from uncovering the space of connection that might lead more men to seek feminist transformation. ~ Bell Hooks
Matured Men quotes by Bell Hooks
I don't talk about my hair anymore because I've matured. I matured and realized it doesn't matter what you look like. It's what kind of hair you have inside that counts. ~ Garry Shandling
Matured Men quotes by Garry Shandling
Dad never wore the gun home. David didn't even know he had a boot knife. And he always wore an immaculately clean uniform, and shiny boots. Dad said it was just part of his job as a United States Air Force officer. But now he could line up with the homeless men on the sidewalk at the downtown Mission for a free meal, no questions asked. Dad ~ Colt Triarii
Matured Men quotes by Colt Triarii
You know that men can love forever. Please belive that my love could never end. ~ Jane Austen
Matured Men quotes by Jane Austen
Dennis Rader quoted Harvey Glatman as saying, 'It was all about the rope.' What exactly does that mean? The rope symbolized total control. The ultimate fantasy would be to keep these victims alive and dominated indefinitely, although both men knew that wasn't possible. ~ John E. Douglas
Matured Men quotes by John E. Douglas
Man is one; and he hath one great heart. It is thus we feel, with a gigantic throb athwart the sea, each other's rights and wrongs; thus are we men. ~ Philip James Bailey
Matured Men quotes by Philip James Bailey
A man may smile and bid you hail Yet wish you to the devil; But when a good dog wags his tail, You know he's on the level. ~ Jerry Smith
Matured Men quotes by Jerry Smith
...she will remember them all when men are fairy tales in books written by ~ Peter S. Beagle
Matured Men quotes by Peter S. Beagle
Over the span of man's history, although a phenomenal amount of education, persuasion, indoctrination and incantation have been devoted to the effort, ordinary people have never been quite persuaded that toil is as agreeable as its alternatives. Thus to take increased well-being partly in the form of more goods and partly in the form of more leisure is unquestionably rational. ~ John Kenneth Galbraith
Matured Men quotes by John Kenneth Galbraith
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