Laptop Computers Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Laptop Computers.

Quotes About Laptop Computers

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I have been under considerable pressure to buy at least a laptop computer. I have always turned the suggestions down for the reason that I have never done creative work on a typewriter. There is to me a lack of empathy. ~ Winston Graham
Laptop Computers quotes by Winston Graham
The name has always occupied a space between the concrete and the abstract, the individual and the social, but when it begins to be shaped and charged with meaning in places removed from the physical world, in that way entertaining the world of fiction, albeit unseen by the majority, at the same time as this fictional world is expanding and taking up an ever greater part of our lives - the TV screens are now not only in our own rooms, but also on the walls of our trains and under the luggage bins of our planes, in the waiting rooms of our doctors' offices and the halls of our banks, even in the supermarkets, quite apart from our carrying them around in the form of laptop computers and cell phones, in such a way that we inhabit two realities, one abstract and image-based, in which all kinds of people and places present themselves before us with nothing in common but being somewhere other than where we are, and one concrete, physical, which is the one we move around in and are more palpably a part of - when we arrive at a point where everything is either fiction or seen as fiction, the job of the novelist can no longer be to write more fiction. ~ Karl Ove Knausgaard
Laptop Computers quotes by Karl Ove Knausgaard
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. ~ Pablo Picasso
Laptop Computers quotes by Pablo Picasso
Living with computers gives funny ideas. ~ Wim Crouwel
Laptop Computers quotes by Wim Crouwel
It's hard to propose a $100 laptop for a world community of kids and then not say in the same breath that you're going to depend on the community to make software for it. ~ Nicholas Negroponte
Laptop Computers quotes by Nicholas Negroponte
It's a profoundly different thing to be able to refer to the images you are taking at the time and check them out on a laptop that is plugged into your Hasselblad and go "oh no, do it again, do it again" - all of those a requickly made decisions. The fact that you can see the images right away in a funny way makes the whole relationship more casual. I don't want a casual relationship with my subject. ~ Bill Henson
Laptop Computers quotes by Bill Henson
So technologies, whether it is a telephone or an iPhone, computers in general or automobiles, television even, all individualize us. We all sit in front of our iPhones and communicating but are we really communicating? ~ Henry Mintzberg
Laptop Computers quotes by Henry Mintzberg
The fact that the infrastructure is falling apart is not necessarily because it's built poorly. The New York City subways were built in 1903. The fact that they're still running at all is an enormous success. The fact that New York City's bridges have held up as long as they have is extraordinary, and the engineers didn't have computers to tell them about tolerance. They overbuilt these things - traffic on them is like an ant on an elephant. ~ Alan Weisman
Laptop Computers quotes by Alan Weisman
I really hate that I need my glasses while using my laptop. What I hate even more is that I need those glasses to be full of vodka at all times.
-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz ~ Karen Quan
Laptop Computers quotes by Karen Quan
The correct form factor for a laptop is obviously 12 and 2 lbs, and I don't understand why everybody gets that wrong. ~ Linus Torvalds
Laptop Computers quotes by Linus Torvalds
I think there is an awful lot of technology for technology's sake. I have yet to be convinced by my husband that persuading our mobiles to talk to our computers is going to be quicker and more straightforward than scribbling a note in our kitchen diary. ~ Jojo Moyes
Laptop Computers quotes by Jojo Moyes
Our experience using computers reflects a trade-off that was made fifty years ago or more. ~ Paul Dourish
Laptop Computers quotes by Paul Dourish
When I was in Japan on tour in 2010, I felt like I was 30 years into the future. I love technology and they are so advanced with their phones, computers, everything. I think they had the iPhone way before we did in the U.S. I love gadgets, games, social media and I try to stay ahead on all that stuff, but they get it all first. ~ Soulja Boy
Laptop Computers quotes by Soulja Boy
Arimaa's a better game than I thought. It follows a fairly sound approach to making the game difficult for computers. ~ Bram Cohen
Laptop Computers quotes by Bram Cohen
If you write a blog post, you've got something to say; you're not just creating words and synonyms. We'd like the computers to actually pick up on that semantic meaning. ~ Ray Kurzweil
Laptop Computers quotes by Ray Kurzweil
A smell of burned hair and cotton wafted into the air as I spun toward my desk. There was a low whine from the desk and then smoke billowed out of my closed laptop.
I gaped.
My precious, perfectly brand new laptop I cherished like one would a small child.
Son of a mother ...
Friend or not, it was so on ~ Jennifer L. Armentrout
Laptop Computers quotes by Jennifer L. Armentrout
No camera, no recording device, no laptop, none of this palm pilot nonsense or a cell phone. Paper and pencil, a book, maybe a bilingual dictionary. Anything beyond that (a) can be stolen, and (b) intimidates people you encounter. The more double-A batteries you carry, the more you distance yourself from the people you're writing about. ~ Tom Miller
Laptop Computers quotes by Tom Miller
Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all. ~ John F. Kennedy
Laptop Computers quotes by John F. Kennedy
I'm sure computers are useful, but next to all these warm, beautiful books they seem so cold and clinical. ~ J.R. Johansson
Laptop Computers quotes by J.R. Johansson
When I went into the computer shop to change my last laptop, the 19-year-old kid behind the counter looked at my six-year-old model and described it as 'vintage.' 'Vintage?' I wanted to scream. 'Son, I've got shirts older than you! I own underpants that have seen more of the world!' ~ John Niven
Laptop Computers quotes by John Niven
Books understand me, but humans don't understand me. They are bad friends books are forever as well as computer's and Tv and everything else which doesn't have soul. Although that dogs and cats and many other animals are quite interesting friends. ~ Deyth Banger
Laptop Computers quotes by Deyth Banger
My two must-haves are my cell phone and my MacBook Pro laptop, which allows me to update my Web site from wherever I am, whether I'm in Africa or in Sun Valley skiing. ~ Daryn Kagan
Laptop Computers quotes by Daryn Kagan
I can write absolutely anywhere. All I need is a laptop. ~ Joanne Harris
Laptop Computers quotes by Joanne Harris
We should do this on computer," she said, chalking it carefully for the eighty-ninth time. "With a drawing pad."
"Nonsense. You're lucky I don't make you inscribe it with a stylus on a wax tablet, like the old days," Myrnin snorted. "Children. Spoiled children, always playing with the shinest toy."
"Computers are more efficient!"
"I can perform calculations on that abacus faster than you can solve them on your computer," Myrnin sneered.
Okay, now he was pissing her off. "Prove it!"
"Prove it." She backed off on her tone, but Myrnin wasn't looking angry; he was looking strangely interested. He stared at her for a second in silence, and then he got the biggest, oddest smile she'd ever seen on the face of a vampire.
"All right," he said. "A contest. Computer versus abacus."
She wasn't at all sure now that was a good idea, even if it had been her idea, essentially. "Um -- what do I win?" More importantly, what do I lose? Making bargains was a way of life in Morganville, and it was a lot like making deals with man-eating fairies. Better be careful what you ask for.
"Your freedom," he said solemnly. His eyes were wide and guileless, his too-young face shining with honesty. "I will tell Amelie you were not suited to the work. She'll let you go about your life, such as it is."
Good prize. Too good. Claire swallowed hard. "And if I lose?"
"Then I eat you," Myrnin said. ~ Rachel Caine
Laptop Computers quotes by Rachel Caine
I've gotta keep life and computers separate, or else I'm gonna go mad. ~ Tracy Kidder
Laptop Computers quotes by Tracy Kidder
The circuitry of a modern CPU is housed in a single integrated circuit or chip, millions of miniature circuits manufactured in a sliver of silicon. A processor's current instruction and data values are stored temporarily inside the CPU in special high-speed memory locations called registers.

Some multiprocessor computers have multiple CPU chips or a multi-core processor (a single chip containing multiple CPUs). These computers are capable of faster speeds because they can process different sets of instructions at the same time. ~ Elliot B. Koffman
Laptop Computers quotes by Elliot B. Koffman
Computers aren't smart, just fast. Garbage in, garbage out. ~ Peter F. Hamilton
Laptop Computers quotes by Peter F. Hamilton
Whether we are based on carbon or on silicon makes no fundamental difference; we should each be treated with appropriate respect. ~ Arthur C. Clarke
Laptop Computers quotes by Arthur C. Clarke
Everyone always wants new things. Everybody likes new inventions, new technology. People will never be replaced by machines. In the end, life and business are about human connections. And computers are about trying to murder you in a lake. And to me the choice is easy. ~ Michael Scott
Laptop Computers quotes by Michael Scott
I've never been much of a computer guy at least in terms of playing with computers. Actually until I was about 11 I didn't use a computer for preparing for games at all. I was playing a bit online, was using the chess club mainly. Now, obviously, the computer is an important tool for me preparing for my games. ~ Magnus Carlsen
Laptop Computers quotes by Magnus Carlsen
I started accessible GPS research in 1994 and the first version became available on a laptop in 2000. ~ Mike May
Laptop Computers quotes by Mike May
Photography is an individual passion of mine. I don't get paid to do it, although people offer me money. I do it because I love it, and if there's no money attached, I don't have to do anything. It's my weekend away, my vacation, whether it's an hour or five hours or editing photos on my laptop in the middle of the night. It gives me relief from all the other stuff. ~ Nikki Sixx
Laptop Computers quotes by Nikki Sixx
All these computers, all these handhelds, all these cell phones, all these laptops, all these servers - what we're getting out of all these connections is we're getting one machine ... We're constructing a single, global machine. ~ Kevin Kelly
Laptop Computers quotes by Kevin Kelly
There has never been an unexpectedly short debugging period in the history of computers. ~ Steven Levy
Laptop Computers quotes by Steven Levy
I think a lot of people will be liberated from a lot of oppressive manufacturing jobs, or a lot of service jobs, because they'll be done by computers. There'll be the world's best education available online and free. ~ Tyler Cowen
Laptop Computers quotes by Tyler Cowen
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents. ~ Nathaniel S. Borenstein
Laptop Computers quotes by Nathaniel S. Borenstein
And then there are difficulties. Computers are famous for difficulties. A difficulty is just a blockage from progress. You have to try a lot of things. When you finally find what works, it doesn't tell you a thing. It won't be the same tomorrow. Getting the computer to work is so often dealing with difficulties. ~ Ward Cunningham
Laptop Computers quotes by Ward Cunningham
Everything that I've learned about computers at MIT I have boiled down into three principles: Unix: You think it won't work, but if you find the right wizard, they can make it work. Macintosh: You think it will work, but it won't. PC/Windows: You think it won't work, and it won't. ~ Philip Greenspun
Laptop Computers quotes by Philip Greenspun
When no one was going to pay for the public schools anymore and they were all like filled with guns and drugs and English teachers who were really pimps and stuff, some of the big media congloms got together and gave all this money and bought the schools so that all of them could have computers and pizza for lunch and stuff, which they gave for free, and now we do stuff in classes about how to work technology and how to find bargains and what's the best way to get a job and how to decorate our bedroom. ~ M T Anderson
Laptop Computers quotes by M T Anderson
CECIL: Computer! I am...I am doing well. How are you?
CECIL: I admit, I had not given it much though. I like computers generally. They calculate and power off and on. I suppose, given time and perhaps some gifts, I could learn to... [shifting noises] hey! ~ Joseph Fink
Laptop Computers quotes by Joseph Fink
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