Kaelins Restaurant Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Kaelins Restaurant.

Quotes About Kaelins Restaurant

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[On entering the restaurant business:] Food has the dubious advantage of being legitimate, and one's customers somehow manage to live longer without sex than food, if you call that living. ~ Sally Stanford
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Sally Stanford
I was always pretty broad. I've had a couple bad experiences. One time, I showed up late for a gig in Brooklyn at an Italian restaurant. I ran on stage, did my show, and then some guy in the audience threatened to kill me because he didn't like my joke. Instead of talking to him, I just ran off stage. And then, because I was late, the owner of the restaurant threatened to kill me. And I was 19 years old and so scared that I almost started crying. But, I've done every gig you can imagine, in every state. ~ Nick Swardson
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Nick Swardson
You will stumble on secrets. Hidden all over the restaurant: Mexican oregano, looking cauterized, as heady as pot. Large tins of Chef's private anchovies from Catalonia hidden behind the bulk olive oil. Quarts of grassy sencha and tiny bullets of stone-ground matcha. Ziplock bags of masa. In certain lockers, bottles of sriracha. Bottles of well whiskey in the dry goods. Bars of chocolate slipped between books in the manager's office.

And people too, with their secret crafts, their secret fluency in other languages. The sharing of secrets is a ceremony, marking kinship. You have no secrets yet, so you don't know what you don't know. But you can intuit it while holding yourself on the skin of the water, treading above deep pockets, faint voices underneath you. ~ Stephanie Danler
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Stephanie Danler
Je fais mon lit et mon ménage; I seek my dinner in a restaurant; my supper takes care, of itself; I pass days laborious and loveless; nights long and lonely; I am ferocious, and bearded and monkish; and nothing now living in this world loves me, except some old hearts worn like my own, and some few beings, impoverished, suffering, poor in purse and in spirit, whom the kingdoms of this world own not, but to whom a will and testament not to be disputed has bequeathed the kingdom of heaven. ~ Charlotte Bronte
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Charlotte Bronte
When I grew up in Pittsburgh in my parents' restaurant, I was almost like a country bumpkin. ~ Ming-Na Wen
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Ming-Na Wen
Since the road to publication is usually so arduous, meandering and fraught with unexpected twists, writers have ample time to compose (in their heads or on fettuccini-stained restaurant napkins) dissertation-length monologues befitting that of a Shakespearean lead character, during which they describe - in complex, paragraph-long sentences - how exceedingly indebted they are to everyone they've ever met, read a book by or chatted about "Motivation" with online (in their entire lives) for the help given in the writing, acquisition, printing and distribution of their debut novels. ~ Marilyn Brant
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Marilyn Brant
When you go to a restaurant, the less you know about what happens in the kitchen, the more you enjoy your meal. ~ Jeffrey Wright
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Jeffrey Wright
When I go to a restaurant I always ask the manager, "Give me a table near a waiter." ~ Henny Youngman
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Henny Youngman
My way of discovering of what I like was to create a restaurant list and eat my way through it, and I call it my 'inner fat girl bucket list.' ~ Nina Dobrev
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Nina Dobrev
Love, like a chicken salad or restaurant hash, must be taken with blind faith or it loses its flavor. ~ Helen Rowland
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Helen Rowland
And call me a pig, but isn't it brilliantly refreshing how early the Dutch eat dinner? When they're still laying out the cutlery in achingly hip Barcelona, they're hanging the Closed sign on the restaurant doors of old Amsterdam. ~ Julie Burchill
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Julie Burchill
The red carnation that stood in the vase on the table of the restaurant when we dined together with Percival is become a six-sided flower; made of six lives ~ Virginia Woolf
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Virginia Woolf
I like a restaurant called Bruci, and there's some really nice people who work there and good food. They change their menu a lot, so maybe that's what keeps me coming back. I never know what I'm going to get. ~ Paul Dano
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Paul Dano
The Ancient Egyptians postulated seven souls."

Top soul (Vicarious), and the first to leave at the moment of death, is Ren the Secret name. This corresponds to my Director. He directs the film of your life from conception to death. The Secret Name is the title of your film. When you die, that's where Ren came in.

Second soul (Jambi), and second one off the sinking ship, is Sekem: Energy, Power. LIGHT. The Director gives the orders, Sekem presses the right buttons.

Number three (Wings/Days) is Khu, the Guardian Angel. He, she or it is third man out...depicted as flying away across a full moon, a bird with luminous wings and head of light. The sort of thing you might see on a screen in an Indian restaurant in Panama. The Khu is responsible for the subject and can be injured in his defense - but not permanently, since the first three souls are eternal. They go back to Heaven for another vessel. The four remaining souls must take their chances with the subject in the land of the dead.

Number four (The Pot) is Ba, the Heart, often treacherous. This is a hawk's body with your face on it, shrunk down to the size of a fist. Many a hero has been brought down, like Samson, by a perfidious Ba.

Number five (L.C., Lost Keys, Rosetta Stoned) is Ka, the double, most closely associated with the subject. The Ka, which usually reaches adolescence at the time of bodily death, is the only reliable guide through the Land of the Dead to the We ~ William S. Burroughs
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by William S. Burroughs
I went into a restaurant one night and ordered lobster, and the waiter brought me one with a claw missing. I called him over and told him about it. He told me that in the back there's a tank they keep the lobsters in and while they're in there, they fight and sometimes one loses a claw. I told him 'then bring me a winner.' ~ Al McGuire
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Al McGuire
I think it is over-rated. Whenever I go to an Italian restaurant, I never get the tiramisu. ~ Rob Reiner
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Rob Reiner
Cooking food in a restaurant is not that different from cooking at home, except for the speed with which you must do it while minding a slew of other time sensitive tasks, all in a very small, very hot kitchen. But that difference was my salvation. ~ Boris Fishman
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Boris Fishman
The funny thing is people won't let me pay for things. I'll be in a restaurant and the manager will say, 'Oh no, it's on the house.' ~ Richard Branson
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Richard Branson
I'm so thankful when I have a job. I would say the worst job I ever had was the one I quit after the first night. I was an overnight restaurant janitor. And it wasn't because of the job. We had to do four restaurants in the night, overnight. But I was working with a den of thieves. I just quit the next day. ~ Wendell Pierce
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Wendell Pierce
I'd love to open a restaurant that changes every month. One month it would be a mom and bar spaghetti-and-meatball, Red Sox place, and the next it would be a British pub, and everyone gets in a fight. ~ Graham Elliot
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Graham Elliot
It depends as there's many different types of chefs, some who cook for awards and others who cook to make their restaurant a great business. There are those who cook for a lifestyle, they'll have come through pubs and they like to have the connection to the farmers and the chickens and the natural produce. So for each chef it'll be slightly different. ~ Paul Rankin
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Paul Rankin
I learned that you shouldn't take your most esoteric concept and fit it into the largest space with the highest fixed costs. It puts too much pressure on the restaurant to hit grand slams every day when there just aren't enough people who want to watch that sport. ~ Danny Meyer
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Danny Meyer
I lived in Cuba - I was there for one year in the 1950s. We built the famous nightclub, which is still there, Tropicana, and a restaurant, Montecatini, that I opened is still there. I was there when the U.S. ambassador said everyone must leave because Castro was arriving the next morning. ~ Sirio Maccioni
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Sirio Maccioni
A couple of months ago, I was down in Florida for the Food and Wine Festival. And this journalist grabbed me and said, 'How does it feel to be a TV guy? You're no longer in the restaurant business.' And I laughed. I asked him, 'How long do you think it takes me to do a season?' He said, 'Well, 200 days.' And I was like, '200 days? Try 20!' ~ Tom Colicchio
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Tom Colicchio
I may bring other women here, to this place, and I may tell them I love them, and make love to them. But they will be impostors. And I will be a ghost. Because it means I will have lost you. My body, my brain, my lungs, my stomach, my guts, legs, arms will be here but I won't be. I will be out there, looking for you. And if we meet somewhere, at a restaurant, or a party and I'm with someone, I want you to know that they are by my side only because you are not. And she will be beautiful. And I will be laughing and smiling and she will be laughing and smiling, but she will be laughing at a lie. Because all I will have done to that person is lie to them. All I will do to anyone else, forever, from this moment forward, anyone who isn't you, is lie. I have no choice. ~ Jez Butterworth
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Jez Butterworth
"It's a restaurant called Bella Stella in Little Italy."
He frowned. "On Mulberry Street."
"You know it?" That didn't surprise me. It was a pretty famous place.
"Of course I know it, Esther. There've been two mob hits there in the
past five years, and Stella Butera launders money for the Gambello crime
Okay, so it was notorious as well as famous. ~ Laura Resnick
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Laura Resnick
Le Cirque at first was one of those general French restaurants in town, which were cooking more or less the same food. At Le Cirque, I wanted to do something different while respecting the foundation of the restaurant. I did that through the menu. ~ Daniel Boulud
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Daniel Boulud
COBB: Our dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake we realize things were strange.

Ariadne gestures around them-

ARIADNE: But all the textures of real life-the stone, the fabric... cars... people... your mind can't create all this.

COBB: It does. Every time you dream. Let me ask you a question: You never remember the beginning of your dreams, do you? You just turn up in the middle of what's going on.

ARIADNE: I guess.

COBB: So... how did we end up at this restaurant? ~ Christopher J. Nolan
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Christopher J. Nolan
I always worked in institutions, I never had a restaurant of my own before, but I have opened over 30 hotels, restaurants and casinos. I understand what it takes to keep them running. ~ Robert Irvine
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Robert Irvine
Art with a big "A" is for museums, galleries, critics, and collectors. art with a small "a" is for the rest of us. Art is a business, an industry, a racket. art is about passion, love, life, humanity - everything that is truly valuable. Art is sold, resold, put under the gavel, and insured up the wazoo. art with a small "a" is not a product. It's a point of view. It's a way of life. Art is made by trained professionals and experts. art is made by accountants, farmers, and stay-at-home moms at restaurant tables, in parking lots, and laundry rooms. Art takes Art School and Talent and years of Suffering and Sacrifice. art just takes desire and 15 minutes a day. You may not be an Artist. Big whoop. But I know you can make art - with a wonderful, expressive, teeny, tiny a. ~ Danny Gregory
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Danny Gregory
I can't go to a restaurant and order food because I keep looking at the fonts on the menu. ~ Donald Knuth
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Donald Knuth
Read over your existing business plan like you read the menu at your favorite restaurant. ~ Darren L Johnson
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Darren L Johnson
The first time I traveled to Russia a Russian friend gave me a short little book that she referred to as "The Russian Handbook."2 Paging through the book during my flight, I was amused to read: If you are walking through the street without a jacket, little old Russian ladies may stop and chastise you for poor judgment. . . . In Russia there is no reticence about expressing your negative criticism openly. For instance, if you are displeased with the service in a shop or restaurant you can tell the shop assistant or waiter exactly what you think of him, his relatives, his in-laws, his habits, and his sexual bias. ~ Erin Meyer
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Erin Meyer
But it's really hard to eat good when you're traveling because you see fast food and you want to go to this restaurant and that restaurant. ~ Nicole Polizzi
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Nicole Polizzi
So many of my memories are generated by and organized around food: what I ate, what people cooked, what I cooked, what I ordered in a restaurant. My mental palate is also inextricably intertwined with the verbal part of my brain. Food, words, memories all twist together, so it was the obvious way to structure my life. Each memory of food opened up an entire scene for me, it was the key that unlocked everything. ~ Kate Christensen
Kaelins Restaurant quotes by Kate Christensen
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