Ezzedine Murder Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Ezzedine Murder.

Quotes About Ezzedine Murder

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Get off me, Bran!" she howled, her sweet breath brushing his lips when she turned her head to look at him. "If you get yourself killed bein' all heroic and brave, I swear on my granddaddy's grave, I'll murder you! ~ Julie Ann Walker
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Julie Ann Walker
Willow trees are kind, Dear God. They will not bear a body on their limbs. ~ Alice Dunbar Nelson
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Alice Dunbar Nelson
Probably the toughest time in anyone's life is when you have to murder a loved one because they're the devil. ~ Emo Philips
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Emo Philips
It is truly wonderful," he said, "how easily Society can console itself for the worst of its shortcomings with a little bit of clap-trap. The machinery it has set up for the detection of crime is miserably ineffective - and yet only invent a moral epigram, saying that it works well, and you blind everybody to its blunders from that moment. Crimes cause their own detection, do they? And murder will out (another moral epigram), will it? Ask Coroners who sit at inquests in large towns if that is true, Lady Glyde. Ask secretaries of life-assurance companies if that is true, Miss Halcombe. Read your own public journals. In the few cases that get into the newspapers, are there not instances of slain bodies found, and no murderers ever discovered? Multiply the cases that are reported by the cases that are not reported, and the bodies that are found by the bodies that are not found, and what conclusion do you come to? This. That there are foolish criminals who are discovered, and wise criminals who escape. The hiding of a crime, or the detection of a crime, what is it? A trial of skill between the police on one side, and the individual on the other. When the criminal is a brutal, ignorant fool, the police in nine cases out of ten win. When the criminal is a resolute, educated, highly-intelligent man, the police in nine cases out of ten lose. If the police win, you generally hear all about it. If the police lose, you generally hear nothing. And on this tottering foundation you build u ~ Wilkie Collins
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Wilkie Collins
We are shocked by thieves taking pride in their clever touch, prostitutes in their depravity and murderers in their callousness. But it is shocking only because the atmosphere of the circles they move in is restricted, and - what matters most - we are on the outside. But isn't the same thing happening when rich men take pride in their wealth (which is theft), military commanders in their victories (which are murder) and rulers in their power (which is violence)? We do not see them as people who corrupt the concept of life, or good and evil, in order to justify their own situation, but only because the circles of people who share these corrupt concepts are wider, and we belong to them. ~ Leo Tolstoy
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Leo Tolstoy
The whole compass of the language is tried to find sinonimies [synonyms] and circumlocutions for massacres and murder. Things never called by their common names. Massacre is sometimes called agitation, sometimes effervescence, sometimes excess sometimes too continued an exercise of revolutionary power. ~ Edmund Burke
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Edmund Burke
Tattooed men who are not behind bars are either latent criminals or degenerate aristocrats. If someone who is tattooed dies in freedom, then he does so a few years before he would have committed murder. ~ Adolf Loos
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Adolf Loos
You can't kill me. Even if you could, you can't bring yourself to do it. You'll hesitate. Again. ~ Richelle Mead
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Richelle Mead
Humans were more than capable of murder all on their own. ~ Dan Wells
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Dan Wells
He loves to tease and nettle me to the brink of murder, but I wouldn't have it any other way. He is everything in this world to me. Samia ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
First she would try to kill him, but failing this give him food and her body, breast-feed him back to a state of childishness and even, perhaps, feel affection for him. Then, the moment he was asleep, cut his throat. The synopsis of the ideal marriage. ~ J.G. Ballard
Ezzedine Murder quotes by J.G. Ballard
Too young to party, just odd enough to participate in federal investigations of serial murder. Story of my life. ~ Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
This is a tough business. The cops, the army…," he said, and he appeared to be struggling for words. "Put a uniform on somebody, tell 'em you got to kill this other guy because he's the bad guy, you got to kill him - and then anybody can pull the trigger. But in this business, sometimes you got to kill people who maybe they're your friends." He stopped and shrugged, as if he were taking a moment to think about this himself. "That's the way it is in this business. Sometimes maybe it's even people you love and you got to do it. That's just the way it is," he repeated, "in this business. ~ Edward Falco
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Edward Falco
Perhaps you think I'm losing the thread of my thought? Not a bit of it! I'm still telling you the story of how I murdered my wife, They asked me in court how I killed her, what I used to do it with. Imbeciles! They thought I killed her that day, the fifth of October, with a knife. It wasn't that day I killed her, it was much earlier. Exactly in the same way as they're killing their wives now, all of them ... ~ Leo Tolstoy
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Leo Tolstoy
The formula for a public assassination is: the character assassination before the physical assassination; so one has to be made killable before the eyes of the public in order for their eventual murder to then be deemed justifiable. And when the time arrives for these hits to be carried out, you're not going to see a C.I.A. agent with a suit & tie, and a badge that says "C.I.A." walk up to someone, and pull the trigger. What they will do is out-source to local police departments in the region of their target, and to employ those that look like the target of interest to infiltrate the workings in order to set up the environment for the eventual assassination (character, physical/incarceration, exile) to take place. ~ Malcolm Shabazz
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Malcolm Shabazz
I could have forced myself to adapt," said Taads. "In this world the individual self is of such importance that it is allowed to become absorbed in itself and to grub around in its trivial personal history for years on end with the help of a psychiatrist, so as to be able to cope. But I don't think that is important enough. And then suicide is no longer a disgrace. If I had done it earlier, I would have done it in hatred, but that is no longer the case."
"I used to hate the world. People, smells, dogs, feet, telephones, newspapers, voices - everything filled me with the greatest disgust. I have always been afraid I might murder somebody. Suicide is when you have been all around the world with your fear and your aggression and you end up by yourself again."
"It remains aggression."
"Not necessarily."
"What are you waiting for then?"
"For the right moment. The time has not yet come." He said it amiably, as if he were talking to a child. ~ Cees Nooteboom
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Cees Nooteboom
I left behind my humanity. I tore Nila from my heart. I embraced the motherfucking ice my father had taught me. This would kill me. But it had to be done. I stepped into the darkness and prepared to murder. ~ Pepper Winters
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Pepper Winters
Shining stars linked together through time. A constellation of murder. ~ Lauren Beukes
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Lauren Beukes
28People did not think it was important to have a true knowledge of God. So God left them and allowed them to have their own worthless thinking and to do things they should not do. 29They are filled with every kind of sin, evil, selfishness, and hatred. They are full of jealousy, murder, fighting, lying, and thinking the worst about each other. They gossip 30and say evil things about each other. They hate God. They are rude and conceited and brag about themselves. They invent ways of doing evil. They do not obey their parents. 31They are foolish, they do not keep their promises, and they show no kindness or mercy to others. 32They know God's law says that those who live like this should die. But they themselves not only continue to do these evil things, they applaud others who do them. ~ Max Lucado
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Max Lucado
If you had a front row seat at the Renaissance, you would have seen Machiavelli come by plotting, and you would have seen murders in the streets, you would have seen violence, you have seen people burning books and it would have looked like the world was a horrible place, but that's where all these incredible stuff we're still living with comes out of. ~ Juan Enriquez
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Juan Enriquez
There is a big difference between manslaughter and first-degree murder. ~ Laura Hall
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Laura Hall
Character is always known. Thefts never enrich; alms never impoverish; murder will speak out of stone walls. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Albert Jay Nock wrote vividly that the State claims and exercises the monopoly of crime ... It forbids private murder, but itself organizes murder on a colossal scale. It punishes private theft, but itself lays unscrupulous hands on anything it wants, whether the property of citizen or of alien. Nock, ~ Murray N. Rothbard
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Murray N. Rothbard
When I saw a murder taking place, I almost didn't have time to make coffee before stopping it. But thank God I did, because otherwise somebody would have died - and even worse, I'd be tired. ~ Jarod Kintz
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Jarod Kintz
One cannot let the events of one's past murder one's future. ~ Neal Shusterman
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Neal Shusterman
Real life is all beginnings. Days, weeks, children, journeys, marriages, inventions. Even a murder is the beginning of a criminal. Perhaps even a spree. Everything is prologue. Every story has a stutter. It just keeps starting and starting until you decide to shut the camera off. Half the time you don't even realise that what you're choosing for breakfast is the beginning of a story that won't pan out till you're sixty and staring at the pastry that made you a widower. No, love, in real life you can get all the way to death and never have finished one single story. Or never even get one so much as half-begun. ~ Catherynne M Valente
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Catherynne M Valente
My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical,
Shakes so my single state of man
That function is smothered in surmise,
And nothing is but what is not. ~ William Shakespeare
Ezzedine Murder quotes by William Shakespeare
By more than two to one Americans do not consider what Kevorkian did, injecting a terminally ill patient with legal drugs at the patient's request, to be the same as murder. You may want to note that laws are not supposed to be enforced on the basis of public opinion polls. ~ Dan Rather
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Dan Rather
I forgive those who murder and steal because they did it out of necessity, but a traitor never. ~ Emiliano Zapata
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Emiliano Zapata
Fifteen years ago I killed my sister. ~ Adam Rapp
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Adam Rapp
Vomit began to spill out of me like pea soup, splattering the road with champagne and caviar, long island iced teas, of bacon appetizers and croissants, and a perfectly grilled filet mignonette. It had gone down easy, among the kiss ups of the lawyer world, but spewed out nastily and hard, in the company of a cheater. ~ Keira D. Skye
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Keira D. Skye
Two hours later he was ready to kill her. Even his outraged mind, however, recognized that murder was not a viable option, and so he contented himself with devising various plans to make her suffer.
Torture was probably too trite, he decided, and he didn't have the stomach to use it on a female. Although ... He looked over at the person in the baggy breeches. She appeared to be smiling as she lugged the stones. She was no ordinary female.
He shook his head. There were other ways to make her miserable. A snake in her bed perhaps? No, the blasted woman probably liked snakes. A spider? Didn't everyone hate spiders? ~ Julia Quinn
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Julia Quinn
Do I need to ask if you had anything to do with what I'm not wearing?" She wouldn't freak out. She would remain calm, cool, collected. Oh shit, she didn't remember a damn thing about falling into bed.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Pepper, but I left you standing at the door. What you did after you closed it - in my face, I might add - is all on you." He reached for the cover, but she grabbed it and pulled it tight around her body. "But I'm flattered that you include me in your fantasies."

"Why has no one murdered you by now? Or at least taken a soap-filled sock to you?" That was a fun thought. Jaime on the floor, all tied-up and being flogged. "No, on second thought, murder is better. It's more permanent."

"My, but aren't you bloodthirsty in the morning." He leaned against the post at the foot of the bed, his eyes traveling her body, belying his stated disinterest. "Do you always sleep naked? Or just when you're drunk?"

"You got me drunk, you prick, while you were drinking water. You poured enough gin into me to fill a damn bathtub."

"You could have said no at any time."

"That's what your mother should have said the night you were conceived. ~ Mercy Celeste
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Mercy Celeste
The worst stories usually make you think: 'but nobody had to die'.
These are called true stories. ~ Moonshine Noire
Ezzedine Murder quotes by Moonshine Noire
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