Dominic Guzman Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Dominic Guzman.

Quotes About Dominic Guzman

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My mistakes were because I was selfless. I wanted to complete someone else, I didn't think about completing myself. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
Any Latin dance, whether it be salsa, cha cha, samba, etc., is very sexy for me to see a woman do. Using your hips is the key. ~ Ryan Guzman
Dominic Guzman quotes by Ryan Guzman
My brother's a teacher in Costa Rica and actually does a more important and significant job than I will ever do. ~ Dominic Monaghan
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Monaghan
I think you grow up wanting to be a racing driver. Then it dawns on you that it's not going to happen. ~ Dominic Cooper
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Cooper
I also think when it comes to delivering on Brexit, we need someone with a passion but also the mastery of the detail. ~ Dominic Raab
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Raab
She misses him more now than when he was away ~ Melina Marchetta
Dominic Guzman quotes by Melina Marchetta
To see the light we must first acknowledge that we are in the dark. ~ Dominic Rouse
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Rouse
Her youthful habit of consuming a picture just inches from its aromatic surface died a long time ago. Sebastian, when they were first dating, had once called it an affectation and she could never bring herself to do it again. His offhanded comment should have been a sign of future cruelties and standards of perfection, but instead she'd quickly agreed with his assessment and was grateful for his candor. She ~ Dominic Smith
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Smith
Servers moved among the guests with trays of hors d'oeuvres and the signature cocktail, champagne with a honey infused liqueur and a delicate spiral twist of lemon.
The banquet was bursting with color and flavor- flower-sprinkled salads, savory chili roasted salmon, honey glazed ribs, just-harvested sweet corn, lush tomatoes and berries, artisan cheeses. Everything had been harvested within a fifty-mile radius of Bella Vista.
The cake was exactly what Tess had requested, a gorgeous tower of sweetness. Tess offered a gracious speech as she and Dominic cut the first slices. "I've come a long way from the city girl who subsisted on Red Bull and microwave burritos," she said. "There's quite a list of people to thank for that- my wonderful mother, my grandfather and my beautiful sister who created this place of celebration. Most of all, I'm grateful to Dominic." She turned to him, offering the first piece on a yellow china plate. "You're my heart, and there is no sweeter feeling than the love we share. Not even this cake. Wait, that might be overstating it. Everyone, be sure you taste this cake. It's one of Isabel's best recipes. ~ Susan Wiggs
Dominic Guzman quotes by Susan Wiggs
A lot of people will break your heart, but if you look at the bright side, only one will be the worst. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
One day I won't be in love with you, I'll just love you and the occasional thought of you might cross my mind, but it'll be bittersweet. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
I went into the new year loving myself in different ways, in a different possibility. It was then that I understood things I hadn't. It was then that I understood people I hadn't. We work in ways where sometimes we don't align because our intersections lead us elsewhere. We find ourselves in rapids which lead to lightning, in beds that leave us homesick. We lust after the impetuous, in hopelessness, and sometimes in the reactive.

We like things and people who are bad for us and that's fine. It's fine because it's life. It happens. They exist. We exist. We all exist together in this world where nothing seems to make sense. Where everything is nothing but imaginary because it's what we imagine it to be. Reality exists and it's there, but life is what you make it. Your actions ask for it. How you exist is how you exist.

We take every new year and give it a theme because we're scared of how it could be. You change in the moment, not by years. You be to become and becoming is something which frightens people. Lead by example instead of letting the example lead you. Take this new year and find yourself in people who question it because questioning is how you gain from it. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
The people in Iraq lived essentially good lives. They had brilliant health and education systems. Saddam actually created an incredible infrastructure in a very difficult country, but they were a Mafia family. If you said anything against that regime or that family you would be killed instantly. ~ Dominic Cooper
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Cooper
Cecil fingered the Agnus Dei round her neck. "Why shouldn't they have lucky things?" she said.

"Well, it's all very complicated," Dominic said. "And perhaps I'm not the one to explain it."

"Why not?" Cecil asked, surprised.

"Because I don't know if I believe," he said seriously, "and if I did, I would be of the religion King James was banished for."

"A Catholic? Why?" Cecil was even more surprised.

"Because what they teach all hangs together in one piece," said Dominic. "It's either that or nothing for me. ~ Meriol Trevor
Dominic Guzman quotes by Meriol Trevor
I'm always worried about how fans of the books will react, but we have kept true to a lot of the books. Obviously there are changes, but with the books as a basis, hopefully the fans will like what we have done. ~ Dominic Sherwood
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Sherwood
I loved you with texture. You loved with a softness. Texture brought detail, softness brought folds. Folds brought creases and creases had secrets. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
When you're constantly abused, you don't understand how emotionally and mentally draining it is. You're truly immune and it feels like you need it. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
Funny story: I was hanging out with Adam Shankman for Samantha Ronson's birthday, and Lance Bass was there. I don't really know Lance, but he comes over to me and goes, 'Hey, I just wanted to let you know I'm a fan of 'Pretty Little Liars' and I'm rooting for your character.' It was surreal! That's how 'PLL' has changed my life. ~ Ryan Guzman
Dominic Guzman quotes by Ryan Guzman
Colour is everything, black and white is more. ~ Dominic Rouse
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Rouse
You must believe in your own instincts and your own instincts at any particular time and believe that they were the right ones for any given situation. So, there's no point ever of kind of regretting something because you can't properly remember the exact circumstances in which you were playing out this particular scene. You have to believe in your intuition and your instinct at that moment. ~ Dominic Cooper
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Cooper
I love him. So much. To the point where you won't understand. You don't get it because I don't get it. It's there. It exists. It flows. It moves like rapids through my veins. Comes with bursts and occasionally fades with the day, but it's always there. And when you find love like that, you don't want to give it up. But sometimes you have to and sometimes you have to give it to someone else. That's the hard part. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
Prince Charles is the best-dressed man in the world. ~ Dominic West
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic West
Ran out of things to say, metaphors for you. Why the ocean's clear instead of blue, why mountains in the distance had reminded me of you. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
we were just
looking for what could
instead of what was
what should be
instead of how it was ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
I never expected you to understand, but I did expect you to be there. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
In all of Holy Writ we find not a single instance of adoration of the patriarchs, the prophets, and apostles - much less of St. George and St. Barbara, who probably never existed, and of the other saints who created by the pope, like St. Francis and St. Dominic, about whom no one knows anything with certainty. But even if we were to concede that they were full of grace, they would still be unable to impart any of it to me. ~ Martin Luther
Dominic Guzman quotes by Martin Luther
Any son of a dictator, I'm sure, has major issues with their relationship with their father. ~ Dominic Cooper
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Cooper
A man who governs his passions is master of his world. We must either command them or be enslaved by them. It is better to be a hammer than an anvil. ~ Saint Dominic
Dominic Guzman quotes by Saint Dominic
I think the Lower East Side inspires me. That whole neighborhood, a lot of the people that I worked with, seeing what we've gone through in life, being given an opportunity to understand who I am; my identity, my culture, and my roots. ~ Luis Guzman
Dominic Guzman quotes by Luis Guzman
To hold sovereign and exclusive ownership of one's own conscious mind, to explore freely and without boundary, is surely the most fundamental of human rights. Third party intrusion into this wholly personal territory is a grievous breach of this inalienable freedom. ~ Dominic Milton Trott
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Milton Trott
She's wild, unpredictable and dangerous as hell. Not just to my sanity, but to my health. She's the kind of girl you know you'll want forever with and forever will still not be enough. But she's not the type of girl to give forever to you willingly. I'm pretty sure you'd have to drag it out of her kicking and screaming. - Dominic Delaney -Damaged ~ Nina D'Angelo
Dominic Guzman quotes by Nina D'Angelo
What if I were to wish upon a blood moon that I could have you standing here and I standing there? And when it happens to arrive in eighteen years, that you'll be there, waiting for me like I'll be waiting for you. As we did on the night where the moon shined down and I saw you standing in white with eyes that could ignite and a fire which couldn't quite die. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
When you complete yourself is when you can complete someone else. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
Give second chances, third chances, but not a fourth, a fifth, a sixth and so on. Appreciate yourself and understand your worth – know it takes time for people to change, to become better. But know what you can take and what you deserve. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
I walked the streets looking for something instead of letting what I wanted, to look for me. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
Arrogance will kill anything and everything you ever possibly have. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
Dominic was really starting to piss me off when it came to sex. ~ Chenell Parker
Dominic Guzman quotes by Chenell Parker
My parents are pretty cool people. ~ Dominic Monaghan
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Monaghan
I'm floating. I'm flowing. I'm loving, but I'm going. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
What St. Francis and St. Dominic have done, that, by God's grace, I will do. ~ Saint Ignatius
Dominic Guzman quotes by Saint Ignatius
For aspiring actors out there, I would say stay focused and don't let anyone pull you away from your goals. Shoot for the stars so that if you ever fall short you can land on the clouds. ~ Ryan Guzman
Dominic Guzman quotes by Ryan Guzman
drafts on your skin
words of your neck
i'm spinning in heaven
caressing in hell
we're dancing as if
we're the only ones
here ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
I've dished out so many beauty and makeover advice that I've missed the simplest, most important one: being comfortable in your own skin. That may just be the grandest makeover of all. ~ Claire Betita De Guzman
Dominic Guzman quotes by Claire Betita De Guzman
Losing someone doesn't scare me. Death doesn't scare me. What scares me is the inability to no longer feel the touch of the one you love. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
Old age is having the name of a chiropractor in your wallet. It's cutting out coupons for the zeal of discounted small items and the practice of fine motor skills. ~ Dominic Smith
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Smith
Fake happiness is the worst kind of sadness. ~ Dominic Riccitello
Dominic Guzman quotes by Dominic Riccitello
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