Deliver Value Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Deliver Value.

Quotes About Deliver Value

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We have to change the culture from one in which people simply do their own job in their own function to make their own numbers look good (a vertical focus) to one in which people are focused horizontally on the customer and on improving value streams that deliver value across functions. ~ Jeffrey K. Liker
Deliver Value quotes by Jeffrey K. Liker
When you get up in front of a group of people, you make a contract with them; you promise them, "I am going to deliver value X." Every once in a while, you have to say, "See, I remember; I am keeping my promise. ~ Leonard Peikoff
Deliver Value quotes by Leonard Peikoff
Our promise was to deliver value before profit, ... ~ Biz Stone
Deliver Value quotes by Biz Stone
Across our great nation, we've begun to see an acceleration of the power of data to deliver value. ~ Megan Smith
Deliver Value quotes by Megan Smith
If I make a good product and deliver value to users and to the world, the financial gains will come. ~ Trip Adler
Deliver Value quotes by Trip Adler
Traditional waterfall methods deliver value at the end of the project, often months or years after the project begins. Agile projects can deliver value quickly and incrementally during the life of the project. Capturing value early and often can significantly improve a project's return on investment, and utilizing iterative, feature-based delivery is the cornerstone practice in making that happen. ~ Jim Highsmith
Deliver Value quotes by Jim Highsmith
Only free time, imagination, creativity, and an ability to disappear will help you deliver value that nobody ever delivered before in the history of humankind. ~ James Altucher
Deliver Value quotes by James Altucher
At a leadership level, there is need to become aware of the realities required to lead and deliver value to people and groups, some who might have values and beliefs that significantly differ from your own. The ability to objectively strike this balance will indicate your level of leadership maturity. ~ Archibald Marwizi
Deliver Value quotes by Archibald Marwizi
Six Telltale Signs of a Winning Strategy

1) An activity system that looks different from any competitor's system. It means you are tempting to deliver value in a distinctive way.

2) Customers who absolutely adore you, and noncustomers who can't see why anybody would buy from you. This means you have been choiceful.

3) Competitors who make a good profit doing what they are doing. It means your strategy has left where-to-play and how-to-win choices for competitors, who don't need to attack the heart of your market to survive.

4) More resources to spend on an ongoing basis than competitors have. This means you are winning the value equation and have the biggest margin between price and costs and best capacity to add spending to take advantage of an opportunity to defend your turf.

5) Competitors who attack one another, not you. It means that you look like the hardest target in the (broadly defined) industry to attack.

6) Customers who look first to you for innovations, new products, and service enhancement to make their lives better. This means that your customers believe that you are uniquely positioned to create value for them. ~ A.G. Lafley
Deliver Value quotes by A.G. Lafley
Business can constitute an enormous force for goodness in society. Through its commitments to corporate citizenship and to the principles of the UNGC, the global business community can continue to create and deliver value to society. ~ Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Deliver Value quotes by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
An upright character is of greater worth than the gold of Ophir. Without it none can rise to an honorable eminence. But character is not inherited. It cannot be bought. Moral excellence and fine mental qualities are not the result of accident. The most precious gifts are of no value unless they are improved. The formation of a noble character is the work of a lifetime and must be the result of diligent and persevering effort. God gives opportunities; success depends upon the use made of them. - Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 222, 223. ~ Ellen G. White
Deliver Value quotes by Ellen G. White
If the government would like to hire my services to maximize value for their stake, they should approach me. No problem. ~ Dan Gertler
Deliver Value quotes by Dan Gertler
The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get. ~ Jim Rohn
Deliver Value quotes by Jim Rohn
How many thought does the brain automatically deliver in a single day?"
"Seventy thousand"
"That's right. Do you act on seventy thousand thoughts a day?"
I shake my head.
"Of course you don't. This thought was one in seventy thousand. It's not special ~ Tamara Ireland Stone
Deliver Value quotes by Tamara Ireland Stone
And you cannot build a home for your worth inside of another being. ~ Victoria Erickson
Deliver Value quotes by Victoria Erickson
The belief in Limitation is the basis of all jealousy, and jealousy leads to Possession. Possession is the idea that you must hold tightly to that which you love or it might escape. In truth, it does not escape. It loses its value to the holder and often creates contempt. True power attracts the sweet pleasure of liberation within the harmony of love. ~ Deborah Bravandt
Deliver Value quotes by Deborah Bravandt
Wisdom considers not only the cost of a choice, but also its value. ~ Wes Fesler
Deliver Value quotes by Wes Fesler
but even if true belief about matters of importance is of intrinsic value, it does not follow that the value of truth should always trump every other value with which it might compete. ~ Tim Bayne
Deliver Value quotes by Tim Bayne
Fellow Englishman. Ladies and gentleman. You gather here today to see a live man become a dead one, and for my part you shall have satisfaction. But I would offer you a moral lesson to commemorate my passing; otherwise it might as well be bull baiting you witness here today. However I shall not deliver a warning that crime does not pay, for it pays very well; nor that a life of drink and debauchery leads inevitably to destruction, for I haven't led such a life. Here's what this little life of mine has taught me. There is only one reason to live, and there is only one reason to die, and that is love. If you have not known love, you have not lived. But if, when death comes to take your soul, you have loved someone dearly, then your soul is safe; for it lives in the bosom of your sweetheart, and death can make no claim upon it. That is all I know, and it is enough. Farewell. ~ Ben Tripp
Deliver Value quotes by Ben Tripp
I do not demand equal pay for any women save those who do equal work in value. Scorn to be coddled by your employers; make them understand that you are in their service as workers, not as women. ~ Susan B. Anthony
Deliver Value quotes by Susan B. Anthony
The [Value at Risk model] was like a faulty speedometer, which is arguably worse than no speedometer at all. If you place too much faith in the broken speedometer, you will be oblivious to other signs that your speed is unsafe. In contrast, if there is no speedometer at all, you have no choice but to look around for clues as to how fast you are really going. ~ Charles Wheelan
Deliver Value quotes by Charles Wheelan
It was a good thing, we told ourselves; the eyes grow weary with looking at new things; sleeping late, we said, has its genuine therapeutic value; we would be better for it, would be able to work more effectively. We have little doubt that all this was true, but we wish we could build as good a rationalization every time we are lazy. For in some beastly way this fine laziness has got itself a bad name. It is easy to see how it might have come into disrepute, if the result of laziness were hunger. But it rarely is. Hunger makes laziness impossible. It has even become sinful to be lazy. We wonder why. One could argue, particularly if one had a gift for laziness, that it is relaxation pregnant of activity, a sense of rest from which directed effort may arise, whereas most busy-ness is merely a kind of nervous tic.
How can such a process have become a shame and a sin? Only in laziness can one achieve a state of contemplation which is a balancing of values, a weighing of oneself against the world and the world against itself. A busy man cannot find time for such balancing. We do not think a lazy man can commit murders, nor great thefts, nor lead a mob. He would be more likely to think about it and laugh. And a nation of lazy contemplative men would be incapable of fighting a war unless their very laziness were attacked. Wars are the activities of busy-ness. ~ John Steinbeck
Deliver Value quotes by John Steinbeck
When you live life with him or without him, that is when he will accept and value you for who you are. ~ Sherry Argov
Deliver Value quotes by Sherry Argov
In Biblical times, there were two different kinds of currency. One was shekels, which means weights,. The other coin was a zuz, which comes from the earth's circular movement and had nothing to do with the value of gold or silver. It had its own inherent value to it. The word "amen" was inscribed in the zuz, which is an acronym in Hebrew for the phrase "El Melech Neeman," meaning "the sovereign is trustworthy" and is an organizational copy of the statement "In God We Trust" that is found on our U.S. money. ~ Celso Cukierkorn
Deliver Value quotes by Celso Cukierkorn
The rebel can never find peace. He knows what is good and, despite himself, does evil. The value which supports him is never given to him once and for all - he must fight to uphold it, unceasingly. ~ Albert Camus
Deliver Value quotes by Albert Camus
Wesley taught me the Way of the Owl. In the human world your value as a person is often intrinsically linked to your wealth or most recent accomplishment. But all the accoutrements of the world were stripped away from me when I got sick. Welsey made me realize that if all I had to give was love, that was enough. I didn't need money, status, accomplishment, glamour or many of the empty things we so value. ~ Stacey O'Brien
Deliver Value quotes by Stacey O'Brien
Perhaps I should just leave after all."
She whirled on him. "No! I'm just trying to find the right words,and I-oh,it's complicated!"
"Lies usually are."
She wetted her lips. "Lies?"
He raised his brow.
She sighed, her shoulders slumping, an expression almost of relief crossing her face. "You know."
Dougal nodded.
He nodded again.
"How we tried to conceal the house's value? And disguised the beautiful paneling in the library? And-"
"Blocked up the chimneys and hid the good furnishings and served me food a dead man would refuse."
She bit her lip. "I'm sorry about that."
"No,you're not. You wanted me unhappy and uncomfortable."
"Well,yes-but not very uncomfortable. ~ Karen Hawkins
Deliver Value quotes by Karen Hawkins
What can I say? Big pharma isn't lying to you (fine, they probably are): performance-enhancing drugs deliver, babes. In the short term, at least. I felt so ambitious! I was bright-eyed and chatty at roundtable discussions ~ Cat Marnell
Deliver Value quotes by Cat Marnell
So really what I am trying to do is create and understand form. But then too, color enters into it because a lot of things are color changes without a value change, which wouldn't show up if you were just using a non-color medium. ~ Nelson Shanks
Deliver Value quotes by Nelson Shanks
I just want to do something that matters. Or be something that matters. I just want to matter. ~ John Green
Deliver Value quotes by John Green
For those who know the value of and exquisite taste of solitary freedom (for one is only free when alone), the act of leaving is the bravest and most beautiful of all. ~ Isabelle Eberhardt
Deliver Value quotes by Isabelle Eberhardt
I nodded, still unable to speak, digesting the weight of what she had just said. We exist because of the sacrifice of those who came before us, but how often can we make them feel the full value of their impact? ... It was only by focusing on creating joy in her life that I discovered the greatest feelings of happiness in my own. ~ Adam Braun
Deliver Value quotes by Adam Braun
If you truly believe in the value of life, you care about all of the weakest and most vulnerable members of society. ~ Joni Eareckson Tada
Deliver Value quotes by Joni Eareckson Tada
The hardest thing to get right is to figure out how to bring all those characters together, and to fulfill the promise of The Avengers. They really set a very high bar for themselves because you've been setting this coalition up, for these five movies, and they better deliver. And in my opinion, they thoroughly deliver. ~ Clark Gregg
Deliver Value quotes by Clark Gregg
A core value is something you're willing to get punished for. ~ Patrick Lencioni
Deliver Value quotes by Patrick Lencioni
The importance to the writer of first writing must be out of all proportion of the actual value of what is written. ~ Elizabeth Bowen
Deliver Value quotes by Elizabeth Bowen
Consistently and uninterruptedly continued inflation must eventually lead to collapse. The purchasing power of money will fall lower and lower, until it eventually disappears altogether. It is true that an endless process of depredation can be imagined. We can imagine the purchasing power of money getting continually lower without ever disappearing altogether, and prices getting continually higher without it ever becoming impossible to obtain commodities in exchange for notes. Eventually this would lead to a situation in which even retail transactions were in terms of millions and billions and even higher figures; bu t the monetary system itself would remain. But such an imaginary state of affairs is hardly within the bounds of possibility. In the long run, a money which continually fell in value would have no commercial utility. It could not be used as a standard of deferred payments. For all transactions in which commodities or services were not exchanged for cash, another medium would have to be sought. In fact, a money that is continually depreciating becomes useless even for cash transactions. Everybody attempts to minimize his cash reserves, which are a source of continual loss. ~ Ludwig Von Mises
Deliver Value quotes by Ludwig Von Mises
When our attitude towards ourselves is big, and our attitude toward others is generous and merciful, we attract big and generous portions of success. ~ W. Clement Stone
Deliver Value quotes by W. Clement Stone
Between one heartbeat and the next, a man can dream his entire life; tomorrow will open up in front of him and yesterday will retreat into time's abyss. There is no better place for personal memories than obscurity. Once lived, the past has very little value. And yet we carry its lifeless body into all future moments, allowing it to crush us with its weight, to identify us, and to speak for us. Even the most capable adults seem reluctant to make a decision without first consulting the past - the corpse - and listening to its endless rebukes. A wise man will ignore such counsel and observe the world from an infinite perspective. ~ Miguel Ruiz
Deliver Value quotes by Miguel Ruiz
I you don't value your time, no one else will. ~ Donna Brazile
Deliver Value quotes by Donna Brazile
The careful student of history will discover that Christianity has been of very little value in advancing civilization, but has done a great deal toward retarding it. ~ Matilda Joslyn Gage
Deliver Value quotes by Matilda Joslyn Gage
Some know the value of education by having it. I know it's value by not having it. ~ Frederick Douglass
Deliver Value quotes by Frederick Douglass
Sama means 'equal' in Sanskrit; I chose 'Samasource' because I thought it really reflected a value that I had and that I wanted the company to have, which is that everyone has equal capabilities and deserves an equal chance. ~ Leila Janah
Deliver Value quotes by Leila Janah
But inherited wealth reaches its utmost value when it falls to the individual endowed with mental powers of a high order, who is resolved to pursue a line of life not compatible with the making of money; for he is then doubly endowed by fate and can live for his genius; and he will pay his debt to mankind a hundred times, by achieving what no other could achieve, by producing some work which contributes to the general good, and redounds to the honor of humanity at large. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer
Deliver Value quotes by Arthur Schopenhauer
Trust gives you the permission to give people direction, get everyone aligned, and give them the energy to go get the job done. Trust enables you to execute with excellence and produce extraordinary results. As you execute with excellence and deliver on your commitments, trust becomes easier to inspire, creating a flywheel of performance. ~ Douglas Conant
Deliver Value quotes by Douglas Conant
I say, Théoden King: shall we have peace and friendship, you and I? It is ours to command."
"We will have peace," said Théoden at last thickly and with an effort. Several of the Riders cried out gladly. Théoden held up his hand. "Yes, we will have peace," he said now in a clear voice, "we will have peace, when you and all your works have perished--and the works of your dark master to whom you would deliver us. You are a liar, Saruman, and a corrupter a men's hearts. You hold out your hand it to me, and I perceive only a finger of the claw of Mordor. Cruel and cold! Even if your war on me was just--as it was not, for were you ten times as wise you would have no right to rule me and mine for your own profit as you desired--even so, what will you say of your torches in Westfold and the children that lie dead there? And they hewed Háma's body before the gates of the Hornburg, after he was dead. When you hang from a gibbet at your window for the sport of your own crows, I will have peace with you and Orthanic. So much for the house of Eorl. A lesser son of great sires am I, but I do not need to lick your fingers. Turn elsewhither. But I fear your voice has lost its charm. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien
Deliver Value quotes by J.R.R. Tolkien
An agricultural landscape produces food but it also provides water, requires biodiversity to underpin soil function, pollination and other useful services, and also has value to society in terms of aesthetics and recreation ~ Tim Benton
Deliver Value quotes by Tim Benton
Making films can be absolutely fantastic, but it can also be incredibly dull. You spend the whole day sitting by yourself in your trailer and then you get called to deliver one sentence - then you're told to come back and do it again at 5:30 the following morning. ~ Kristin Scott Thomas
Deliver Value quotes by Kristin Scott Thomas
The value of autonomy ... lies in the scheme of responsibility it creates: autonomy makes each of us responsible for shaping his own life according to some coherent and distinctive sense of character, conviction, and interest. It allows us to lead our own lives rather than be led along them, so that each of us can be, to the extent such a scheme of rights can make this possible, what he has made himself. ~ Atul Gawande
Deliver Value quotes by Atul Gawande
Buy a $100 U.S. bond and frame it to teach your children about inflation by watching the U.S. bond value diminish to almost nothing over the next 20 years. ~ Marc Faber
Deliver Value quotes by Marc Faber
It would have been absurd of him to trace into ramifications the effect of the ribbon from which Miss Gostrey's trinket depended, had he not for the hour, at the best, been so given over to uncontrolled perception. What was it but an uncontrolled perception that his friend's velvet band somehow added, in her appearance, to the value of every other item – to that of her smile and of the way she carried her head, to that of her complexion, of her lips, her teeth, her eyes, her hair? What, certainly, had a man conscious of a man's work in the world to do with red velvet bands? He would n't for anything have so exposed himself as to tell Miss Gostrey how much he liked hers, yet he had none the less not only caught himself in the act – frivolous, no doubt, idiotic, and above all unexpected – of liking it: he had in addition taken it as a starting point for fresh backward, fresh forward, fresh lateral flights. ~ Henry James
Deliver Value quotes by Henry James
someone simply puts his money without analysing anything, then he can be said to a squanderer who does not value his own money. ~ Chellamuthu Kuppusamy
Deliver Value quotes by Chellamuthu Kuppusamy
I am a socialist and at the same time clear about a certain number of values ... family values, environmental values, the value of succeeding at school, the value of merit and respect for work. To me these are not incompatible with being of the left. ~ Segolene Royal
Deliver Value quotes by Segolene Royal
Money was the blood of civilized society, its currents running through everything and everyone. Where money was insufficient, things withered. People starved, sickened and died, constructions eroded, even ideas perished. Where funds were plentiful, the same things blossomed with new life.
And money was, in the end, little more than the product of collective imagination. A slip of paper or a coin had no value beyond that of the material it was fashioned of. It only took on a life of its own when people as a whole collectively agreed that certain papers and coins were worth something.
Only then did people bleed and die for it. For a fantasy, a faith given form in hard, concrete numbers.
Then again, much of society was built on a series of shared delusions. Clothing was little more than scraps of particular materials with particular geometries, but people clung to the idea of fashion. Style. Good and bad fashion was another belief system, one which all members of a culture were indoctrinated into. Breaking certain conventions didn't only challenge the aesthetic sensibilities of others, but it challenged their sense of self. It reminded them, subconsciously, of the very pretendings they clung to.
Only those with power could stand against society's tides, flaunt the collective's 'safe' aesthetic. When one had enough power, others couldn't rise against them and safely say something calculated to reduce their own dissonance and remind the offending party of the u ~ Wildbow
Deliver Value quotes by Wildbow
A great idea that excites your organization but not your customer creates no value. A great idea that you cannot implement is a theoretical dream. And a great idea that you implement, but which the competition implements better, is at best a disadvantaged effort and at worst a waste of both time and resources. ~ Ron Adner
Deliver Value quotes by Ron Adner
If you feel you have a strong constituency among the young, you can really die happy, because the great unanswered question, the only valid value judgment is whether you're going to last, and that tells you that you are, for a bit at least. ~ Martin Amis
Deliver Value quotes by Martin Amis
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