Cop Romance Quotes

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Quotes About Cop Romance

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She rose on her tiptoes and brushed a slow kiss to his lips. "This doesn't have to be a relationship, okay? Just let me be your muse."
He bent to taste her again and smiled. "And I'll be your Guardian. ~ Lisa Kessler
Cop Romance quotes by Lisa Kessler
Logan owns my heart, and he always will. Whether he is aware or not. Whether he wants it or not. That much I know with absolute conviction. ~ Siobhan Davis
Cop Romance quotes by Siobhan Davis
I shuddered at the thought of what I would do for her if she asked - kill, steal, desecrate the holy god Ambi, destroy cities and masses of people just at her command. ~ Kenya Wright
Cop Romance quotes by Kenya Wright
Shakespeare's bitter play [Troilus and Cressida] is therefore a dramatization of a part of a translation into English of the French translation of a Latin imitation of an old French expansion of a Latin epitome of a Greek romance. (p. 55) ~ Gilbert Highet
Cop Romance quotes by Gilbert Highet
Not only were my nerves shot, but my body was a traitor. I didn't want to melt against him. I didn't want to enjoy the feeling of his lips sliding across my skin. I didn't want to like the possessive way his fingers dug into my waist or the way his erection pressed against me. ~ E.M. Denning
Cop Romance quotes by E.M. Denning
She was a strong woman whose deepest responses apparently came when she was most vulnerable. ~ Cherise Sinclair
Cop Romance quotes by Cherise Sinclair
And just so you know, we might be having dinner together,
but this isn't a date," Neil says, completely straight-faced. "I just
don't want you to get too excited. I mean, your parents are going
to be there, so it would be really awkward if you were fawning over
me the whole time. ~ Rachel Lynn Solomon
Cop Romance quotes by Rachel Lynn Solomon
You're a good man, Hunter. ~ Lisa Kessler
Cop Romance quotes by Lisa Kessler
How come when mortals want things, their only option is to make a deal with Hell and sell their soul? Why can't they make deals with God in exchange for good behavior?"
It was another of those rare moments when I'd surprised Carter. I waited for the glib answer I'd mentioned to Seth, something along the lines of goodness being its own reward. The angel considered for several seconds. "Humans make those deals all the time," he said finally. "They just don't make them with God."
"Then who are they making them with?" I exclaimed.
"Themselves. ~ Richelle Mead
Cop Romance quotes by Richelle Mead
They say love is blind ... but it isn't. Love is perfect sight. Love is the ability to see a person, I mean really see him-his strengths, his weaknesses, his flaws, all his past triumphs and mistakes-and view that person not as the world says you're supposed to see him, but as you see him-as that special someone you know you will always embrace, body and soul, no matter what anyone else says or thinks
I know I can't tell anyone what I've been through. I know they wouldn't understand. They don't see him the way that I see him. All they know is the legend, the darkness. They don't know the inner beauty, the warmth and the joy more intense than anything I ever thought was possible to experience.
They don't know the truth behind the name.
My angel.
My only.
Lucifer. ~ Marlon Pierre-Antoine
Cop Romance quotes by Marlon Pierre-Antoine
She didn't need a man. She wanted one. ~ Robin Bielman
Cop Romance quotes by Robin Bielman
Friends who kiss might be good. ~ Cindi Madsen
Cop Romance quotes by Cindi Madsen
Alone. It was such an insignificant word. Or it had been for centuries. He'd sought out the solitude, had slept away centuries in his cave without hesitation. And now? Now he hated the quiet.
He detested being alone. ~ Donna Grant
Cop Romance quotes by Donna Grant
It's the way he looks at you like you're the only thing that matters to him. ~ Steph Nuss
Cop Romance quotes by Steph Nuss
For me, there isn't some miracle cure, this is my life, or my disease will progress and my life will change focus again, and I'll have another new life.
I need C to stay right where he is now because for now, I don't know enough to move from where I am.
My hypothesis is that the light will come back, both outside and inside me.
I'm afraid and angry, but the light is a theory I want to prove.
Until then, I just have to keep the experiment going with as many controls as possible.
One bus, back and forth.
One store.
One man, his words under glass. ~ Mary Ann Rivers
Cop Romance quotes by Mary Ann Rivers
Oh, how glorious it must be, to care nothing for society's censure, but how terrible it must be, to care for nothing at all. ~ Anna Bradley
Cop Romance quotes by Anna Bradley
My feet took an involuntary step backward as I suddenly envisioned a world where I wasn't a hot tempered smartass. It was a pretty world. ~ Jennifer R. McDonald
Cop Romance quotes by Jennifer R. McDonald
In the light, he looked like a fallen angel asked to return to Hell. ~ Caroline Cairn
Cop Romance quotes by Caroline Cairn
I can see how your mother would have a point. Having a debate with a politically minded woman can be intriguing and even entertaining but to share a house with her and have her always campaigning and protesting at the dinner table," he slanted his gaze down toward me. "That could be very tiring indeed. ~ Gwenn Wright
Cop Romance quotes by Gwenn Wright
I'm sorry to just leave, but I need some time.
Time to get my head back on straight.
Time to remember who I really am.
Time with my Creator, the one who knew before the foundations of the earth what would happen over the last few days.

I wish more than anything, that I could process all of this with you, go through all of this together, because I'm coming to understand that, out of all the men in the world, God picked me for you. It's so much more than lineage. It's you. How you've come into your own. How you've blossomed and grown. I'm so privileged to see that secret side of you-the side no one else gets to see. The side where you secretly paint your second toenail a different color because everyone else does the fourth one, but you're not sure my mother would approve so you never wear open-toed shoes to show them off. You only eat M&Ms in odd numbers. You use your right hand to put hair behind your ear, but never your left.
You didn't know I knew those things, did you?
I've watched you over the last few months and learned more about you than I realized until I tried to put my thoughts on paper. You're sleeping just feet away from me as I write this. Your even breathing brings some peace to my troubled soul. The small smile on your face makes me wonder what your dreaming about and if, in your sleep, you've managed to find happiness instead of the turmoil life always seems to bring. I have to stop myself ~ Carol Moncado
Cop Romance quotes by Carol Moncado
From now on, every Christmas, let's have a tradition where we eat soup out of a can by the fire. ~ Cindi Madsen
Cop Romance quotes by Cindi Madsen
Listen, I'm bossy. I can't help it. It's who I am and what I do. I'm pushy and I like to take over. But I'm going to work really hard not to do so much and your going to try and accept me the way I am. Flaws and all. Because I'm good in bed and I can carry heavy things and reach all the high shelves. ~ Lauren Dane
Cop Romance quotes by Lauren Dane
I believe love - and its feminine, though not necessarily female, counterpart, romance, is a private thing. It's something I'm not willing to share with the public. ~ George Harrison
Cop Romance quotes by George Harrison
Speak to the breeze cautiously during those lonely summer nights. ~ Marlen Komar
Cop Romance quotes by Marlen Komar
I have to admit. Saying goodbye - leaving Bonnie. Was one of the hardest things I've ever done in my entire life. It actually hurt ... ~ A.R. Von
Cop Romance quotes by A.R. Von
I would have kept you safe,' he said.
I closed my eyes, forcing the tears down my cheek to break against the dam of his fingers.
'I know. ~ Meagan Spooner
Cop Romance quotes by Meagan Spooner
All that matters is me and this sweet boy who thinks I'm beautiful. ~ Stacey Trombley
Cop Romance quotes by Stacey Trombley
I do not crave anyone that will fix me. Just someone who will hold my hand while I fix myself. ~ Unknown
Cop Romance quotes by Unknown
Tristan grabs my chin and pulls it toward him and then we're ripping off our masks and kissing, his lips so soft and yet moving fiercely against mine. I wrap a hand around the back of his head, lace my fingers through his hair, breathe him in, kiss him back. My heart blossoms. ~ David Estes
Cop Romance quotes by David Estes
A sure romance killer is to NOT shut the bathroom door. ~ Toni Sorenson
Cop Romance quotes by Toni Sorenson
I pulled back and stared up into his eyes. "You're gettin' very deep on me."
Alec's hands gripped my behind. "I'll be getting very deep in you if you keep looking at me like that ~ L.A. Casey
Cop Romance quotes by L.A. Casey
...I found that much of the romance had left the trenches. The old days, from the beginning to July, 1915, were all so delightfully precarious and primitive. Amateurish trenches and rough and ready life, which to my mind gave this war what it sadly needs - a touch of romance. ~ Bruce Bairnsfather
Cop Romance quotes by Bruce Bairnsfather
He would fight any Ren to the death, even a brother, if she was to be his prize. ~ Hanleigh Bradley
Cop Romance quotes by Hanleigh Bradley
Your feet
the steps you take
are all poetry for me... ~ Avijeet Das
Cop Romance quotes by Avijeet Das
Time passes at the same speed until romance enters. From that very second the priceless commodity becomes erratic and unstable by accelerating whenever they are together and slowing to an excruciating crawl whenever they are apart. ~ Carl Henegan
Cop Romance quotes by Carl Henegan
Mal watched Mary hurry to meet her aunt, her skirts rippling like water. She was beauty itself, and Mal wanted her.
Not simply in bed- though he definitely would have that- he wanted her nearness, her warmth, that silken voice that tried to be haughty, the sudden flash of her smile. Mal's body tightened, goading him to pursue her and do all the good things he longed to.
He would. He'd see her again; he'd make certain of it.
Mal reflected as he moved down the passage on his errand that he'd already learned much about Lady Mary Lennox. She was passionate and romantic, beguilingly so, but tried to hide that nature under proper behavior. She'd wanted Malcolm to kiss her- he'd seen it in her heartrendingly blue eyes. Mary had stopped herself only at the last moment, and reluctantly.
She also had compassion, helping her sister communicate with a forbidden lover. If Mary *truly* believed in propriety, she'd never condone her sister writing such a heartfelt letter.
She also risked censure for being the go-between. This showed that Mary was fond enough for her sister to risks for her. Brave then, as well.
Courage, passion, beauty, compassion, and something inside her that longed to be wicked- *what a woman.* One night in bed with her would be worth every step he took to get her there. Whatever errands Mal had to run for her, whatever billet doux he needed to carry, or drippy-nosed suitors to run through with his sword, he would do it all for his reward a ~ Jennifer Ashley
Cop Romance quotes by Jennifer Ashley
Only this time, now that she knew what it felt like to kiss him, she didn't want to slap that look off his face, she wanted to kiss it off. ~ Mairead Falcon
Cop Romance quotes by Mairead Falcon
For the briefest of moments his eyes sparkled before dimming again. However much I would love to get into a discussion about chastity belts, now is not the time. The people we were fighting were not human in the strictest sense of the word. ~ Michelle Smart
Cop Romance quotes by Michelle Smart
How did you know the dog was a boy before you read the tag?"

Looking up at him with her cinnamon-colored eyes, she stated very matter-of-factly, "Boys have penises."

At that moment, Michael was very aware that he, himself, was a boy. ~ Marissa Clarke
Cop Romance quotes by Marissa Clarke
Did I mention how cute you look in my clothes?"
Blushing I just look at what I'm wearing and laugh.
"Chicks Dig me? And Sponge Bob boxers?"
"Chicks do dig me! And Sponge Bob is a great cartoon in your world. ~ Sara Daniell
Cop Romance quotes by Sara Daniell
One night of sin with Jack. No commitment. No promises. Just hot, sweaty, headboard-banging sex.
Jeana E. Mann. Intoxicated (Kindle Locations 828-829). ~ Jeana E. Mann
Cop Romance quotes by Jeana E. Mann
Life will throw hurtles in your path from time to time. And when it does, just remember one thing; God already taught you how to jump. Leap with confidence and if you have to look back, use your experiences as a source of strength. ~ William Davrick
Cop Romance quotes by William Davrick
He brought his lips and hot breath close to her ear. "And once I have you bound and helpless, how should I take you? Missionary? From behind? Against the wall?" He pulled back to face her. "Or all ways?"

She inched her legs further apart, and nodded. ~ Elizabeth SaFleur
Cop Romance quotes by Elizabeth SaFleur
There's nobody on the job, nobody with a badge I respect more than you." - Eve
"You never were a rookie," he told her in a voice roughened with emotion. "So I saw good, solid cop the minute I laid eyes on you. I gave you a hell of a foundation, kid, a lot of seasoning and pushed you hard because I knew you could take it. You put yourself here. And I'm proud." - Feeney ~ J.D. Robb
Cop Romance quotes by J.D. Robb
I come here with no expectations, only to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is and always will be yours. ~ Jane Austen
Cop Romance quotes by Jane Austen
I do think you should change in private. You don't see me ripping off my clothes in front of you, now do you?"
He gave a deep fake sigh. "Sadly, no. ~ Jennifer Shirk
Cop Romance quotes by Jennifer Shirk
I'm so sorry. I think I'm just tired."
The socially accepted excuse for being mental. ~ Lucy Ivison
Cop Romance quotes by Lucy Ivison
If I'm a criminal, and I'm confronted with a 7-foot tall cop and an albino cop, I'm gonna be so lost, I'm spilling my guts. ~ Joelle Carter
Cop Romance quotes by Joelle Carter
The guy's light eyes sparkled as he gazed at her, the weight of his body pinning Kade to the floor. "Are you trying to get us both killed?" His voice came out low, deadly. "Or is this how you usually meet people?" Glancing toward Kade's chest, flush against his, he smirked. "Because I'm not going to's effective. ~ Laney McMann
Cop Romance quotes by Laney McMann
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