Chatwin Collection Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Chatwin Collection.

Quotes About Chatwin Collection

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It was important to my brother. And now"-I shook my head, knowing I sounded like I'd lost it-"now it's become this obsession." I seemed to have quite a collection of those.
Clouds darkened overhead, forming a canopy of gray. "But what if you let your grief become your guilt?" His voice was as soft as the night breeze. "It's okay to let go."
I shook my head and moved out of his grip. "I can't," I said. "Not now. Not yet."
Abd sometimes I feared ... not ever. ~ Jenny B. Jones
Chatwin Collection quotes by Jenny B. Jones
Static cackled from the cafeteria speaker. A bored female voice come on. "Victoria Brennan, please report to the headmaster's office. Victoria Brennan to the headmaster's office."
Classmates glanced our way. Whispers sprang up around me.
"Not good." Shelton was reaching for his earlobe.
"Tell them you have amnesia," Hi said. "Or dementia. Pretend you're Joan of Arc."
"Thanks for the support, guys. If I'm not back for class, look for my body in the harbor."
Hiram's hand flew up. "I call her iTunes collection. Shelton can have the mutt."
"Nice. ~ Kathy Reichs
Chatwin Collection quotes by Kathy Reichs
The president, who finds so much to complain about in other areas of the world, apparently saw nothing wrong in recognizing a Communist regime that has killed more people in its short history of control over the teeming millions of that great country than any other collection of dictators or tyrants in the history of the world. ~ Barry Goldwater
Chatwin Collection quotes by Barry Goldwater
A collection of chairs seems to show someone that is used to resting while others get the work done. I have no use for finely crafted furniture. ~ Kat Daughtry
Chatwin Collection quotes by Kat Daughtry
I'm not sure if the Bible is a real book written by God or just a collection of stories for people who need help putting their hearts back together, but it's comforting, and I try not to think about it. ~ Shaun David Hutchinson
Chatwin Collection quotes by Shaun David Hutchinson
In its quest to organize the world's information, Google has scoured vast troves of data to amass the greatest accumulation of information assets on the planet, including the billions of search queries on and YouTube and the billions of interactions on Android, the dominant operating system for most mobile devices. Google also controls an ever-growing index of the world's websites and the browsing history of more than 2 billion users, three types of maps of the Earth's surface and traffic patterns, a real-time list of trending topics, the largest archive of discussions in Usenet groups, the entire contents of 20 million books, a huge collection of photographs, the largest collection of video on the planet, the largest online email repository, even the largest archive of DNA data. ~ Robert Tercek
Chatwin Collection quotes by Robert Tercek
It is a pity that my collection of trophies contains not a single Russian. ~ Manfred Von Richthofen
Chatwin Collection quotes by Manfred Von Richthofen
Not that I am totally obsessed with merchantry!" said Glasswort Groof as she led them in an artful circle round the Market. "Goblins are well-rounded, though you'd never think it from the dastard tales folk tell of us. For example, I enjoy stamp collecting as well as haggling. The stamps that pay our letters' way Above are works of art, practically bigger than the envelope! I've an early Mallow three-kisser with a rampant rhinocentaur on it in pewter paint. Pride of my collection. And it goes without saying I'm quite the gardener. Goblin vegetables pack twice the punch of fruit with half the delicacy of a simpering little apricot. Soon turnips will be all the rage! ~ Catherynne M Valente
Chatwin Collection quotes by Catherynne M Valente
am a collection of the obsolete, a relic of the damned, of the lost and strayed. I am the waylaid pieces of history which sank out of sight in all of our pasts. ~ Frank Herbert
Chatwin Collection quotes by Frank Herbert
There is no reason for me to show my collection in New York, because it's not about craft and technique there. ~ Zac Posen
Chatwin Collection quotes by Zac Posen
If you take something out of the freezer, it's cold, but what happens when it melts? It's a cool party, a cool person, a cool collection. What does that mean? I'm more interested in things that are uncool, things that have a certain individuality, a certain soul, a certain longevity, emotion, fragility. ~ Alber Elbaz
Chatwin Collection quotes by Alber Elbaz
They paused at a table bearing a collection of magic lanterns, small embossed tin lamps with condensing lenses at the front. There was a slot for a hand-painted glass slide just behind the lens. When the lamp was lit, an image would be projected on a wall. Rohan insisted on buying one for Amelia, along with a packet of slides.
"But it's a child's toy," she protested, holding the lantern by its wire handle. "What am I to do with it?"
"Indulge in pointless entertainment. Play. You should try it sometime."
"Playing is for children, not adults."
"Oh, Miss Hathaway," he murmured, leading her away from the table. "The best kind of playing is for adults. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Chatwin Collection quotes by Lisa Kleypas
'The Beatles' did whatever they wanted. They were a collection of influences adapted to songs they wanted to write. George Harrison was instrumental in bringing in Indian music. Paul McCartney was a huge Little Richard fan. John Lennon was into minimalist aggressive rock. ~ Chris Cornell
Chatwin Collection quotes by Chris Cornell
Willem had tried to approach the subject through various directions - through stories of friends and acquaintances, some named, some not (he had to assume some of these people were creations, as surely no one person could have such a vast collection of sexually abused friends). ~ Hanya Yanagihara
Chatwin Collection quotes by Hanya Yanagihara
I couldn't see where the collection of Burger King figurines fit in, but I supposed there was no reason why psychopaths shouldn't have unrelated hobbies. ~ Jon Ronson
Chatwin Collection quotes by Jon Ronson
I may venture to affirm the rest of mankind, that they are nothing but a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement. ~ David Hume
Chatwin Collection quotes by David Hume
I'm not looking for people to bow down to me or do things in my name or even pass around a collection plate for me. I say that I'd like to be God for a while because He really can get away with anything. I mean, ANYTHING. ~ Paul Feig
Chatwin Collection quotes by Paul Feig
Almost every collection I do has 200 different references. I don't have two of the same coat, two of the same dress. I have it in one color, in one fabric. I've tried to adapt the culture of couture, and the know-how and the heritage, but I try to update it. ~ Alber Elbaz
Chatwin Collection quotes by Alber Elbaz
While Elstir, at my request, went on painting, I wandered about in the half-light, stopping to examine first one picture, then another.
Most of those that covered the walls were not what I should chiefly have liked to see of his work, paintings in what an English art journal which lay about on the reading-room table in the Grand Hotel called his first and second manners, the mythological manner and the manner in which he shewed signs of Japanese influence, both admirably exemplified, the article said, in the collection of Mme. de Guermantes. Naturally enough, what he had in his studio were almost all seascapes done here, at Balbec. But I was able to discern from these that the charm of each of them lay in a sort of metamorphosis of the things represented in it, analogous to what in poetry we call metaphor, and that, if God the Father had created things by naming them, it was by taking away their names or giving them other names that Elstir created them anew. ~ Marcel Proust
Chatwin Collection quotes by Marcel Proust
I always wanted to create a collection inspired by sports. I never played sports, maybe that's why it intrigues me. ~ Alexander Wang
Chatwin Collection quotes by Alexander Wang
I published my first book in 1982 - a collection of Irish folklore called Irish Folk & Fairy Tales. It is still in print today. My first young adult book was published a couple of years later, and I've been writing in both genres ever since. ~ Michael Scott
Chatwin Collection quotes by Michael Scott
You're always in the mode of creating the next season. It's so fast, and in two months, the collection you just did is already old, and it's always next, next, next. ~ Jason Wu
Chatwin Collection quotes by Jason Wu
When I was a kid, I didn't collect stamps, or weird toys, or anything. I don't even have music - I don't even have a CD collection. So that's not really my thing. ~ Victor Garber
Chatwin Collection quotes by Victor Garber
I had always wanted to do a collection of cartoons, but you have to wait until someone is actually interested. ~ Bruce Eric Kaplan
Chatwin Collection quotes by Bruce Eric Kaplan
Father lied.
The knowledge tasted bitter on her tongue. She folded the
orb into a scarf she'd brought. It didn't conceal its light, but it was
better than carrying the orb through the halls exposed. ~ Jennifer M. Zeiger
Chatwin Collection quotes by Jennifer M. Zeiger
The Koran is a not 'a product of Muhammad or even of Arabia,' but a collection of earlier Judeo-Christian liturgical materials stitched together to meet the needs of a later age ... A few scholars go even further, doubting even the existence of Muhammad. ~ Daniel Pipes
Chatwin Collection quotes by Daniel Pipes
Show me a woman who is prouder of her clean kitchen than of her collection of lingerie and I'll show you a woman with enlarged pores. ~ Cynthia Heimel
Chatwin Collection quotes by Cynthia Heimel
Strats are my favorite electric guitars, and I've got quite a collection. ~ Dan Fogelberg
Chatwin Collection quotes by Dan Fogelberg
People hang their hopes on you fitting into their CD collection in way that they have made a space for, but I'm playing a longer game than that. ~ Liz Phair
Chatwin Collection quotes by Liz Phair
Winnipeg has the largest collection of Inuit art in the world, I believe. They can be quite simple in a great way and often have sparse backgrounds and isolated characters. They often have a really great look to them. ~ Marcel Dzama
Chatwin Collection quotes by Marcel Dzama
People give me money and I don't know why, my real collection plate is an empty cup held by a homeless guy. ~ Bo Burnham
Chatwin Collection quotes by Bo Burnham
Life is a beautiful collection of temporary experiences. Treasure your unique collection, and enjoy sharing it with others. ~ Matthew Kahn
Chatwin Collection quotes by Matthew Kahn
A collection of a hundred great brains makes one big fathead. ~ Carl Jung
Chatwin Collection quotes by Carl Jung
The best part about DJing a fashion show after-party or event is being able to correlate the emotions of the collection with music, just as you would for a show. ~ Mia Moretti
Chatwin Collection quotes by Mia Moretti
Creating a book and creating a collection involve a lot of editing. ~ Anna Sui
Chatwin Collection quotes by Anna Sui
I had the luck at 18 to become assistant to Christian Dior, and to succeed him at 21 and to meet with success from my first collection in 1958. That will be 44 years in a few days. Above all it was Christian Dior who was my master and who was the first to reveal the secrets and mysteries of haute couture. ~ Christian Dior
Chatwin Collection quotes by Christian Dior
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