Armans Death Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Armans Death.

Quotes About Armans Death

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The angel of death has been abroad throughout the land; you may almost hear the beating of his wings. ~ John Bright
Armans Death quotes by John Bright
All year there have been these cover stories that the women's movement is dead and about the death of feminism and the post-feminist generation of young women who don't identify with feminism - and then we have the biggest march ever of women in Washington. More people than had ever marched for anything - not only more women, but more people. ~ Betty Friedan
Armans Death quotes by Betty Friedan
They say martyrdom is the highest rank a believer can achieve! Do not believe in this! The highest rank is the life itself, it is the existence itself! There is no rank in death, but only nothingness! Rank exists only in life! Stick to the life, stay away from death! Neither kill nor die! ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan
Armans Death quotes by Mehmet Murat Ildan
Russkie, promise me a simple thing?" Out of the blue when they had finished, after a mouthful from the mug. Dan seemed relaxed, leaning on his side. Resting back, savoring the taste, Vadim turned his head to look at Dan. Oh, that body. The effect it had on him, all the time, even when Dan wasn't there. Twelve months. "Promise what?"
Sometimes, that kind of thing was about letters. Tell my girl I love her. Tell my mother I didn't suffer. Almost painful. Letters. Words that would hurt worse than the killing bullet.
"Simple." Dan nodded, "if I'm unlucky, and if you find my body, will you bury it? Some rocks would do, I can't stand the thought of carrion's. As if that mattered, eh? I'd be fucking dead." Dan shrugged, tossed a grin towards the other, made light of an entirely far too heavy situation. He took the bottle once more, washing down the taste of death and decay, chasing away unbidden images.
Vadim felt a shudder race over his skin. The thought of death chilled him to the bone, like a premonition. For a moment he saw himself stagger through enemy territory, looking for something that had been Dan. Minefields, snipers, fucking Hind hellfire. He might be able to track him. He might be able to guess where he had gone, where he had fallen. He had found the occasional pilot. But he had had help. Finding a dead man in a country full of dead people was more of a challenge.
"I'll send you home," he murmured. Stay alive, he thought. Stay alive like you are now. ~ Marquesate
Armans Death quotes by Marquesate
Huge, dizzying, clumps and clusters of snow falling through the air, patches of white against an iron-gray sky, snow that touches your tongue with cold and winter, that kisses your face with its hesitant touch before freezing you to death. Twelve cotton-candy inches of snow, creating a fairytale world, making everything unrecognizably beautiful ... ~ Neil Gaiman
Armans Death quotes by Neil Gaiman
There are also kinds of water that cause death, as they run through harmful juices in the soil and become poisonous. ~ Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
Armans Death quotes by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
After many years of knowing her, she died. Instead of leaving me with a heartbreak, she left behind wonderful memories. Memories of teasing me and pretending to fall asleep when I walk into her room. There are no tears to be shed. Instead, I celebrated our friendship. Twenty-two years of smiles and laughter. Unhurried narration of her life stories and hugs. Rewarding me with birthday cards and Christmas greetings. Scolding me with a smile before each departure, and winks by the door before she left my office. Each time, I stood and watched her struggle to get into her car. Even with all her physical struggles, she never missed the chance to visit me every three months until she was taken away from me permanently. Her death. Her departure from earth. As much as I struggle with the event, I would not call it untimely. I said my farewell, but I still cherish what we had. A sempiternal friendship ~ Fidelis O. Mkparu
Armans Death quotes by Fidelis O. Mkparu
Perhaps death is all that waits for me across the great waters, but better to know death than to choose fear of the unknown. ~ Cora Carmack
Armans Death quotes by Cora Carmack
Abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, for example, risk reducing the human person to a mere object: life and death to order, as it were! ~ Pope John Paul II
Armans Death quotes by Pope John Paul II
Death upon the lips. Sound upon the air. Char upon the skin. ~ Brandon Sanderson
Armans Death quotes by Brandon Sanderson
It was considered at the time a striking proof of virtue in the young king that he was sorry for his father's death;but, as common subjects have that virtue too, sometimes, we will say no more about it. ~ Charles Dickens
Armans Death quotes by Charles Dickens
We cut the throat of a calf and hang it up by the heels to bleed to death so that our veal cutlet may be white; we nail geese to a board and cram them with food because we like the taste of liver disease; we tear birds to pieces to decorate our women's hats; we mutilate domestic animals for no reason at all except to follow an instinctively cruel fashion; and we connive at the most abominable tortures in the hope of discovering some magical cure for our own diseases by them. ~ George Bernard Shaw
Armans Death quotes by George Bernard Shaw
What stops them is that as soon as they give the word "end" its double meaning of goal and fulfillment they clearly perceive this ambiguity of their condition, which is the most fundamental of all: that every living movement is a sliding toward death. But if they are willing to look it in the face they also discover that every movement toward death is life. ~ Simone De Beauvoir
Armans Death quotes by Simone De Beauvoir
Death is a kind of guilt in itself. We're all alive in this world together, and we're also all mortal, but when one person pulls his thread through to the other side, it can start a chain reaction you never in your wildest dreams saw coming. Maybe you'll be left with nothing more than an unholy knot to unpick. Maybe a new design. Sometimes a whole new perspective on yourself. ~ Tiffany Baker
Armans Death quotes by Tiffany Baker
In the stars is written the death of every man. ~ Geoffrey Chaucer
Armans Death quotes by Geoffrey Chaucer
I never mind the accusations of domesticity, as long as people recognise that all of us, even the luckiest, will live lives in which we have our hearts broken, suffer the loss of loved ones, worry ourselves half to death about our kids. ~ Nick Hornby
Armans Death quotes by Nick Hornby
Someday they will die, their children will die, all children will die. Someday stars will wind down or blow up. Someday death will cover us all like the water of a lake and perhaps nothing will ever come to the surface to show that we were ever there. But we were there, and during the time we lived, we were alive. That's the truth- what is, what was, what will be- not what could be, what should have been, what never can be. If we die, then our death has meaning to the rest of the universe. Even if our lives are unknown, the fact that someone lived here, and died, that will have repercussions, that will shape the universe. ~ Orson Scott Card
Armans Death quotes by Orson Scott Card
In a middle of a war a single doubt about what you are fighting for could mean death. ~ Kenneth De Guzman
Armans Death quotes by Kenneth De Guzman
Death is the destination we all share, no one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be because death is very likely the single best invention of life. ~ Steve Jobs
Armans Death quotes by Steve Jobs
(Man) fancied that by masquerading in leaves and flowers he helped the bare earth to clothe herself with verdure, and that by playing the death and burial of winter he drove that gloomy season away, and made smooth the path for the footsteps of returning spring. We may smile at his vain endeavours if we please, but it was only by making a long series of experiments, of which some were almost inevitably doomed to failure, that mane learned from experience the futility of some of his attempted methods and the fruitfulness of others. After all, magical ceremonies are nothing but experiments which have failed and which continue to be repeated merely because the operator is unaware of their failure. ~ James George Frazer
Armans Death quotes by James George Frazer
I must conclude that Conscience, if that be the name of it, was not given us for no purpose, or for a hindrance. However flattering order and expediency may look, it is but the repose of a lethargy, and we will choose rather to be awake, though it be stormy, and maintain ourselves on this earth, and in this life, as we may, without signing our death-warrant. Let us see if we cannot stay here, where He has put us, on his own conditions. Does not his law reach as far as his light? The expedients of the nations clash with one another: only the absolutely right is expedient for all. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Armans Death quotes by Henry David Thoreau
Vices...all in us. Some hidden, some obvious, some convicted to death. Sometimes helping, sometimes destroying. Comes and goes. But they always stays. In our veins. In our brain. Our sweet adrenaline and struggle. Continuously. To make us feel the fake vivid life. Vices... ~ Viorica Dragotel
Armans Death quotes by Viorica Dragotel
Ah, how much more soothing
(that is to say, if one should get the choice)
to be wiped off the earth by hell-bound fiends
than by neurotics. ~ Joseph Brodsky
Armans Death quotes by Joseph Brodsky
I felt all the easier; a stone was rolled away from my heart. Besides, all the days I should now live would be as good as the days that Lazarus lived after his resurrection; a supplementary clean gain of so many months or weeks as the case might be. I survived myself; my death and burial were locked up in my chest. ~ Herman Melville
Armans Death quotes by Herman Melville
My first published novel was written for teenagers, and there were rules laid down by the publisher: no sex, no smoking, no swearing. I blew up entire solar systems, I consigned billions of people to horrible death; they didn't seem to mind that at all. But no hanky-panky. ~ Ben Bova
Armans Death quotes by Ben Bova
In the wars it had been different. Men dropped from the columns all the time on the long marches, in the cold months. First they fell to the back, then they fell behind, then they fell over. The cold, the sick, the wounded. Logen shivered and hunched his shoulders. At first he'd tried to help them. Then he became grateful he wasn't one of them. Then he stepped over the corpses and hardly noticed them. You learn to tell when someone isn't getting up again. He looked at Malacus Quai. One more death in the wild was nothing to remark upon. You have to be realistic, after all.

The apprentice started from his fitful sleep and tried to push himself up. His hands were shaking bad. He looked up at Logen, eyes glittering bright. "I can't get up," he croaked.

"I know. I'm surprised you made it this far." It didn't matter so much now. Logen knew the way. If he could find that track he might make twenty miles a day.

"If you leave me some of the food… perhaps… after you get to the library… someone…"

"No," said Logen, setting his jaw. "I need the food."

Quai made a strange sound, somewhere between a cough and a sob.

Logen leaned down and set his right shoulder in Quai's stomach, pushed his arm under his back. "I can't carry you forty miles without it. ~ Joe Abercrombie
Armans Death quotes by Joe Abercrombie
Classy.' Mara shines the flashlight on my chest as she climbs into the beached boat and sits across from me.
'It was either this ["Bass Man" sweatshirt] or "Master Baiter". Or freezing to death. ~ Jeri Smith-Ready
Armans Death quotes by Jeri Smith-Ready
Jesus paid a price for us through His death on the cross. This price was the ultimate price to pay. There were no mark-downs on redemption day. When we buy something, we ~ The Writers Of
Armans Death quotes by The Writers Of
Most people now are looking for a better place, which means that a lot of them will end up in a worse one. I think this is what Nathan learned from his time in the army and the war. He saw a lot of places, and he came home. I think he gave up the idea that there is a better place somewhere else.

There is no "better place" than this, not in this world. And it is by the place we've got, and our love for it and our keeping of it, that this world is joined to Heaven. . . .

"Something better! Everybody's talking about something better. The important thing is to feel good and be proud of what you got, don't matter if it ain't nothing but a log pen."

Those thoughts come to me in the night, those thoughts and thoughts of becoming sick or helpless, of the nursing home, of lingering death. I gnaw again the old bones of the fear of what is to come, and grieve . . . over . . . (those) who have gone before. Finally, as a gift, as a mercy, I remember to pray, "thy will be done," and then again I am free and can go to sleep. ~ Wendell Berry
Armans Death quotes by Wendell Berry
O yes, everyone gets lonely some time or other. After all, if we look closer into ourselves, shall we not admit that the warmth from other people comes so sweet to us when it comes, because, we always carry with us the knowledge of the cold loneliness of death? ~ Ama Ata Aidoo
Armans Death quotes by Ama Ata Aidoo
Time, my brothers and sisters, seems to be running out; we are not yet tearing one another apart, but we are tearing apart our common home. Today, the scientific community realizes what the poor have long told us: harm, perhaps irreversible harm, is being done to the ecosystem. The earth, entire peoples and individual persons are being brutally punished. And behind all this pain, death and destruction there is the stench of what Basil of Caesarea called "the dung of the devil". An unfettered pursuit of money rules. The service of the common good is left behind. Once capital becomes an idol and guides people's decisions, once greed for money presides over the entire socioeconomic system, it ruins society, it condemns and enslaves men and women, it destroys human fraternity, it sets people against one another and, as we clearly see, it even puts at risk our common home. ~ Pope Francis
Armans Death quotes by Pope Francis
The Goddess is the Encircler, the Ground of Being; the God is That-Which-Is-Brought-Forth, her mirror image, her other pole. She is the earth; He is the grain. She is the all encompassing sky; He is the sun, her fireball. She is the Wheel; He is the traveler. He is the sacrifice of life to death that life may go on. She is the Mother and Destroyer; He is all that is born and is destroyed. ~ Starhawk
Armans Death quotes by Starhawk
Death is not a journey into an unknown land; it is a voyage home. We are going, not to a strange country, but to our fathers house. ~ John Ruskin
Armans Death quotes by John Ruskin
Go away and bleed to death,' said his onetime saviour sharply. 'On behalf of the female sex I feel I may cheer every lesion. ~ Dorothy Dunnett
Armans Death quotes by Dorothy Dunnett
I will not go back. No bad thing for me to die. I will make it happen so that it happens only once. ~ Shahrukh Husain
Armans Death quotes by Shahrukh Husain
Viscosity occurs on a cellular level. And so does velocity.In contrast to viscosity's cellular coma, velocity endows every platelet and muscle fiber with a mind of its own, a means of knowing and commenting on its own behavior. There is too much perception, and beyond the plethora of perceptions, a plethora of thoughts about the perceptions and about the fact of having perceptions. Digestion could kill you! What I mean is the unceasing awareness of the processes of digestion could exhaust you to death. And digestion is just an involuntary sideline to thinking, which is where the real trouble begins ~ Susanna Kaysen
Armans Death quotes by Susanna Kaysen
Like many people, I feel like celebrating. Remember this feeling. It is human, and can help us understand when others express bloodlust. ~ John Green
Armans Death quotes by John Green
Here's the other thing I think about. It makes little sense to try to control what happens to your remains when you are no longer around to reap the joys or benefits of that control. People who make elaborate requests concerning disposition of their bodies are probably people who have trouble with the concept of not existing. [...] I imagine it is a symptom of the fear, the dread, of being gone, of the refusal to accept that you no longer control, or even participate in, anything that happens on earth. I spoke about this with funeral director Kevin McCabe, who believes that decisions concerning the disposition of a body should be mad by the survivors, not the dead. "It's non of their business what happens to them whey the die," he said to me. While I wouldn't go that far, I do understand what he was getting at: that the survivors shouldn't have to do something they're uncomfortable with or ethically opposed to. Mourning and moving on are hard enough. Why add to the burden? If someone wants to arrange a balloon launch of the deceased's ashes into inner space, that's fine. But if it is burdensome or troubling for any reason, then perhaps they shouldn't have to. ~ Mary Roach
Armans Death quotes by Mary Roach
At the expense of Gregor's sacrifice, the sister, at the end of the story, stretches her arrogant body and gets the liberation Gregor longed for. Under Gregor's care first, and then her parents', the sister enjoys a healthy childhood, one leading to physical and mental development, and one in which she isn't trapped. Yet our loyalty to Gregor extends even beyond death, and his sister's cheery success story offers but a bitter pill ~ Franz Kafka
Armans Death quotes by Franz Kafka
Yes! all is past - swift time has fled away,
Yet its swell pauses on my sickening mind;
How long will horror nerve this frame of clay?
I'm dead, and lingers yet my soul behind.
Oh! powerful Fate, revoke thy deadly spell,
And yet that may not ever, ever be,
Heaven will not smile upon the work of Hell;
Ah! no, for Heaven cannot smile on me;
Fate, envious Fate, has sealed my wayward destiny. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley
Armans Death quotes by Percy Bysshe Shelley
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