All Ways Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about All Ways.

Quotes About All Ways

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When you are DIFFERENT(in anyway)
When You are SPECIAL(in all ways)sometimes you have to get used to being on your own ~ Glee
All Ways quotes by Glee
All ways of living can be sanctified, and for each individual, the ideal way is that to which our Lord leads him through the natural development of his tastes and the pressure of circumstances. ~ Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
All Ways quotes by Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
Is the world divided into mind and matter, and, if so, what is mind, what is matter? Is mind subject to matter, or is it possessed of independent powers? Has the universe any unity or purpose? Is it evolving towards some goal? Are there really laws of nature, or do we believe in them only because of our innate love of order? Is man what he seems to the astronomer, a tiny lump of impure carbon and water impotently crawling on a small and unimportant planet? Or is he what he appears to Hamlet? Is there a way of living that is noble and another that is base, or are all ways of living merely futile? ... To such questions no answers can be found in the laboratory.'23 ~ John C. Lennox
All Ways quotes by John C. Lennox
I bless / all knowledge of love, all ways of publishing it. ~ Mona Van Duyn
All Ways quotes by Mona Van Duyn
Haydon had found his charm again. He could do that at the drop of a hat. He drew you and he repelled you. I remember that exactly. He danced all ways for you, playing your emotions against each other because he had none of his own. ~ John Le Carre
All Ways quotes by John Le Carre
I think if you have ability and talent in one way, you have it in all ways. I'm not a jack of all trades; I'm a master of many. I don't feel there is anything I can't do if I want to. ~ Evel Knievel
All Ways quotes by Evel Knievel
The meaning of the Street in all ways and at all times is the need for sharing life with others and the search for community. ~ Virginia Hamilton
All Ways quotes by Virginia Hamilton
What you do when you git mad? she ast.

I think. I can't even remember the last time I felt mad, I say. I used to git mad at my mammy cause she put a lot of work on me. Then I see how sick she is. Couldn't stay mad at her. Couldn't be mad at my daddy cause he my daddy. Bible say, Honor father and mother no matter what. Then after awhile every time I got mad, or start to feel mad, I got sick. Felt like throwing up. Terrible feeling. Then I start to feel nothing at all.

Sofia frown. Nothing at all?

Well, sometime Mr. - - git on me pretty hard. I have to talk to Old Maker. But he my husband. I shrug my shoulders. This life soon be over, I say. Heaven last all ways.

You ought to bash Mr. - - head open, she say. Think about heaven later.

Not much funny to me. That funny. I laugh. She laugh. Then us both laugh . . . ~ Alice Walker
All Ways quotes by Alice Walker
Mark my words, Lila. You'll be mine in all ways you can imagine. ~ Stephanie Witter
All Ways quotes by Stephanie Witter
Well, if you don't want me to show you affection in public-"
"Do," he interrupted. "Please. Touch me. All the time. All ways. ~ Heather Crews
All Ways quotes by Heather Crews
Addiction, self-sabotage, procrastination, laziness, rage, chronic fatigue, and depression are all ways that we withhold our full participation in the program of life we are offered. When the conscious mind cannot find a reason to say no, the unconscious says no in its own way. ~ Charles Eisenstein
All Ways quotes by Charles Eisenstein
I wanted someone to want me in all ways and someone who I wanted the same in return, And I'd found him. ~ Shelly Crane
All Ways quotes by Shelly Crane
The press of this countrty is now and always has been so thoroughly dominated by the wealthy few of the country that it cannot be depended upon to give the great mass of the people the correct information concerning political, economical, and social subjects which it is necessary that the mass of people shall have, in order that they shall vote and in all ways act in the best way to protect themselves from the brutal force and chicanery of the ruling and employing class. ~ E. W. Scripps
All Ways quotes by E. W. Scripps
Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my arms. Fairies, be gone, and be all ways away. ~ William Shakespeare
All Ways quotes by William Shakespeare
In Poems of Love and Light: The Light of The Sun…Our Breath as One, the tenor seems to have changed slightly, as the progression of Love and lovers is, in many cases (if not all) quixotic, dependent upon mutual understanding, the conditions of the moment, the awareness of the future, as well as the mundane life, in which we all must exist, embracing real life, as is the natural state, which sentient individuals traverse – illusion may help those in the 'moment', but does nothing for the long-term, except misdirect it.

Poetry has always been a way to leave something for those who come after, a legacy of inspiration, methodology, spirit, love, emotion, historical sense and utility, depending upon the subject matter, intentions of the bard, and the situations, which frame the creation of that sense of experience, with which the Poet receives his Muse.

Poems of Love and Light: In The Light of the Sun, Our Breath as One ~ Frank L. DeSilva
All Ways quotes by Frank L. DeSilva
A slut is someone, usually a woman, who's stepped outside of the very narrow lane that good girls are supposed to stay within. Sluts are loud. We're messy. We don't behave. In fact, the original definition of "slut" meant "untidy woman." But since we live in a world that relies on women to be tidy in all ways, to be quiet and obedient and agreeable and available (but never aggressive), those of us who color outside of the lines get called sluts. And that word is meant to keep us in line. ~ Jaclyn Friedman
All Ways quotes by Jaclyn Friedman
When I say I'm going to take care of a woman, I don't just mean physically or sexually or romantically. I'm going to take care of her emotionally and spiritually. I'm going to take care of her in all ways. I take a lot of pride in that today. ~ Dwayne Johnson
All Ways quotes by Dwayne Johnson
It seems to us that one of the deepest divisions between the Russians and the Americans or British, is in their feeling toward their governments. The Russians are taught, and trained, and encouraged to believe that their government is good, that every part of it is good, and that their job is to carry it forward, to back it up in all ways. On the other hand, the deep emotional feeling among Americans and British is that all government is somehow dangerous, that there should be as little government as possible, that any increase in the power of government is bad, and that existing government must be watched constantly, watched and criticized to keep it sharp and on its toes. ~ John Steinbeck
All Ways quotes by John Steinbeck
We all hygger: gathered around a table for a shared meal or beside a fire on a dark night, when we sit in the corner of our local cafe or wrap ourselves in a blanket at the end of a day on the beach.
Lying spoons, baking in a warm kitchen, bathing by candlelight, being alone in bed with a hot water bottle and a good book - these are all ways to hygge.
Hygge draws meaning from the fabric of ordinary living.
It'a a way of acknowledging the sacred in the secular, of giving something ordinary a special context, spirit and warmth and taking time to make it extraordinary. ~ Louisa Thomsen Brits
All Ways quotes by Louisa Thomsen Brits
There is no one kind of thing that we 'perceive' but many different kinds, the number being reducible if at all by scientific investigation and not by philosophy: pens are in many ways though not in all ways unlike rainbows, which are in many ways though not in all ways unlike after-images, which in turn are in many ways but not in all ways unlike pictures on the cinema-screen
and so on. ~ J.L. Austin
All Ways quotes by J.L. Austin
Jesus was a human being who, while on Earth, completely self-actualized and fulfilled in all ways the potential glory that lies within us all. ~ Marianne Williamson
All Ways quotes by Marianne Williamson
Psychiatric diagnoses are getting closer and closer to the boundary of normal," said Allen Frances. "That boundary is very populous. The most crowded boundary is the boundary with normal."
"Why?" I asked.
"There's a societal push for conformity in all ways," he said. "There's less tolerance of difference. And so maybe for some people having a label is better. It can confer a sense of hope and direction. 'Previously I was laughed at, I was picked on, no one liked me, but now I can talk to fellow bipolar sufferers on the Internet and no longer feel alone.'" He paused. "In the old days some of them may have been given a more stigmatizing label like conduct disorder or personality disorder or oppositional defiant disorder. Childhood bipolar takes the edge of guilt away from parents that maybe they created an oppositional child. ~ Jon Ronson
All Ways quotes by Jon Ronson
Meditation, yoga, and walks are all ways to regulate our stress and reconnect. ~ Arianna Huffington
All Ways quotes by Arianna Huffington
A dead man is the worst enemy alive, I thought. You can't alter his power over you. You can't alter what you love or owe. And it's too late to ask him for his absolution. He has beaten you all ways. ~ John Le Carre
All Ways quotes by John Le Carre
Friend, that was not well spoken; you seem like one who is reckless. So it is that the gods do not bestow graces in all ways on men, neither in stature nor yet in brains or eloquence; for there is a certain kind of man, less noted for beauty, but the god puts comeliness on his words, and they who look toward him are filled with joy at the sight, and he speaks to them without faltering in winning modesty, and shines among those who are gathered, and people look on him as on a god when he walks in the city. Another again in his appearance is like the immortals, but upon his words there is no grace distilled, as in your case the appearance is conspicuous, and not a god even would make it otherwise, and yet the mind there is worthless. ~ Homer
All Ways quotes by Homer
I do feel that literature should be demystified. What I object to is what is happening in our era: literature is only something you get at school as an assignment. No one reads for fun, or to be subversive or to get turned on to something. It's just like doing math at school. I mean, how often do we sit down and do trigonometry for fun, to relax. I've thought about this, the domination of the literary arts by theory over the past 25 years -- which I detest -- and it's as if you have to be a critic to mediate between the author and the reader and that's utter crap. Literature can be great in all ways, but it's just entertainment like rock'n'roll or a film. It is entertainment. If it doesn't capture you on that level, as entertainment, movement of plot, then it doesn't work. Nothing else will come out of it. The beauty of the language, the characterisation, the structure, all that's irrelevant if you're not getting the reader on that level -- moving a story. If that's friendly to readers, I cop to it. ~ T. Coraghessan Boyle
All Ways quotes by T. Coraghessan Boyle
Porn is everywhere, it always can be found if you blocked or not there is always a way. The question is how to block all ways? ~ Deyth Banger
All Ways quotes by Deyth Banger
Put the case that he lived in an atmosphere of evil, and that all he saw of children was their being generated in great numbers for certain destruction. Put the case that he often saw children solemnly tried at a criminal bar, where they were held up to be seen; put the case that he habitually knew of their being imprisoned, whipped, transported, neglected, cast out, qualified in all ways for the hangman, and growing up to be hanged. Put the case that pretty nigh all the children he saw in his daily business life he had reason to look upon as so much spawn, to develop into the fish that were to come to his net,––to be prosecuted, defended, forsworn, made orphans, bedevilled somehow. ~ Charles Dickens
All Ways quotes by Charles Dickens
Buddha is the crown jewel of the Indian nation which accepts all ways of worship of all religions. This quality of Hinduism in India was a product of many great spiritual masters chief among them was Buddha. And this is what sustains the secular character of India. ~ Narendra Modi
All Ways quotes by Narendra Modi
He shook his head. No games, Serena. That isn't what this is about. If you want games of cat and mouse, disobedient slave to punishing master, you're better off with someone else. As much as this is a fantasy and not your reality, in the time you're with me, it will be real. In all ways. ~ Maya Banks
All Ways quotes by Maya Banks
Instead, the Buddha replied, "I am going to send you back to the same forest, but I will provide you with the only protection you will need." This was the first teaching of metta meditation. The Buddha encouraged the monks not only to recite the metta phrases but to actually practice them. As these stories all seem to end so happily, so did this one - it is said that the monks went back and practiced metta, so that the tree spirits became quite moved by the beauty of the loving energy filling the forest, and resolved to care for and serve the monks in all ways. The inner meaning of the story is that a mind filled with fear can still be penetrated by the quality of lovingkindness. Moreover, a mind that is saturated by lovingkindness cannot be overcome by fear; even if fear should arise, it will not overpower such a mind. ~ Sharon Salzberg
All Ways quotes by Sharon Salzberg
I am the reflection of my source which is magnificent in all ways. ~ Wayne Dyer
All Ways quotes by Wayne Dyer
True friends see who we really are, hear our words and the feelings behind them, hold us in the safe harbor of their embrace, and accept us as we are. Good friends mirror our best back to us, forgive us our worst, and believe we will evolve into wise, wacky, and wonderful old people. Dear friends give us their undivided attention, encourage us to laugh, and entice us into silliness. And we do the same for them. A true friend gives us the courage to be ourselves because he or she is with us always and in all ways. In the safety of such friendships, our hearts can fully open. ~ Sue Thoele
All Ways quotes by Sue Thoele
I don't ever feel like I've had a moment where I am like, "There it is; perfect and holy in all ways." ~ Chiwetel Ejiofor
All Ways quotes by Chiwetel Ejiofor
Mists may blur vision,
Doubts to lies are heavy mists,
Truth clears for all ways."
~ Angelica Hopes, Haiku
an excerpt from If I Could Tell You ~ Angelica Hopes
All Ways quotes by Angelica Hopes
Every person under your supervision is different. They're all different. They're identical in most ways, but not in all ways. You have to study and analyze every individual under your supervision and try to work with them in a way that will be most productive. ~ John Wooden
All Ways quotes by John Wooden
We'll limit in all ways the work of religious faiths which are foreign to us. ~ Vladimir Zhirinovsky
All Ways quotes by Vladimir Zhirinovsky
This life soon be over, I say. Heaven last all ways. You ought to bash Mr. _____ head open, she say. Think bout heaven later. ~ Alice Walker
All Ways quotes by Alice Walker
...Every one of the social and psychological causes of depression and anxiety they have discovered has something in common. They are all forms of disconnection. They are all ways in which we have been cut off from something we innately need but seem to have lost along the way. ~ Johann Hari
All Ways quotes by Johann Hari
Demetrious was studying Law on the Open University and was, in all ways, a ray of sunshine into her life: warm and glorious, achingly temporary. He lived just off the high street with his boyfriend Rob, who worked in the City, doing something neither Demi nor Sukie pretended to understand.
"All the cute guys are gay," Sukie had laughed, that first day, holding her coffee mug high to her face to hide her genuine disappointment. Demi had just tilted his head and looked at her playfully, an expression she would get to know well.
"I'm not gay," he had clarified, matter-of-factly.
"Living with a boyfriend called Rob doesn't sound very straight!" Sukie had pointed out.
"Labels!" Demi had scorned, with one of his characteristic and very Greek hand gestures. "I fall in love with the person, not the gender. ~ Erin Lawless
All Ways quotes by Erin Lawless
It was this motley band of modest peeps and plovers on the beach who reminded me of the human beings I loved best - the ones who didn't fit in. These birds may or may not have been capable of emotion, but the way they looked, beleaguered there, few in number, my outcast friends, was how I felt. I'd been told that it was bad to anthropomorphize, but I could no longer remember why. It was, in any case, anthropomorphic only to see yourself in other species, not to see them in yourself. To be hungry all the time, to be mad for sex, to not believe in global warming, to be shortsighted, to live without thought of your grandchildren, to spend half your life on personal grooming, to be perpetually on guard, to be compulsive, to be habit-bound, to be avid, to be unimpressed with humanity, to prefer your own kind: these were all ways of being like a bird. Later in the evening, in posh, necropolitan Naples, on a sidewalk outside a hotel whose elevator doors were decorated with huge blowups of cute children and the monosyllabic injunction SMILE, I spotted two disaffected teenagers, two little chicks, in full Goth plumage, and I wished that I could introduce them to the brownish-gray misfits on the beach. ~ Jonathan Franzen
All Ways quotes by Jonathan Franzen
All ways remember, incoming fire has the right of way. ~ James Wilson
All Ways quotes by James Wilson
In my hands is power. The power to hear or to destroy. To grant life or to cause death. I revere this gift, have honed it over time an art as magnificent and awesome as any painting in the Louvre.
I an art, I am science. In all ways that matter, I am God.
God must be ruthless and far-sighted. God studies his creations and selects. The best of these creations must be cherished, protected, sustained. Greatness rewards perfection.
Yet even the flawed have purpose.
A wise God experiment, considers, uses what comes into his hands and forges wonders. Yes, often without mercy, often with a violence the ordinary condemn.
We who hold power cannot be detracted by the condemnations of the ordinary, by the petty and pitiful laws of simple man. They are blind, their minds are closed with fear-fear of pain, fear of death. They are too limited to comprehend that death can be conquered.
I have nearly done so.
If my work was discovered, they, with their foolish laws and attitudes, would damn me.
When my work is complete, they will worship me. ~ J.D. Robb
All Ways quotes by J.D. Robb
When her body first hit the net, all I registered was a gray blur. I pulled her across it and her hand was small, but warm, and then she stood before me, short and thin and plain and in all ways unremarkable- except that she had jumped first. The stiff had jumped first.
Even I didn't jump first.
Her eyes were so stern, so insistent.
Beautiful. ~ Veronica Roth
All Ways quotes by Veronica Roth
if money go before, all ways do lie open. ~ William Shakespeare
All Ways quotes by William Shakespeare
It is bad when one thing becomes two. One should not look for anything else in the Way of the Samurai. If one understands things in this manner, he should be able to hear about all Ways and be more and more in accord with his own. ~ Yamamoto Tsunetomo
All Ways quotes by Yamamoto Tsunetomo
I'm spoiled - in all ways. I've been in a rock 'n' roll band since I was 13, and we had incredible success. When it ended, it had been so good that I just looked at it as time to try something different. ~ Peter Noone
All Ways quotes by Peter Noone
Be you, love you. All ways, always. ~ Alexandra Elle
All Ways quotes by Alexandra Elle
When you consider yourself valuable you will take care of yourself in all ways that are necessary. ~ M. Scott Peck
All Ways quotes by M. Scott Peck
I don't feel that we were savages. We were in a savage land that made us hard, but we were not savages. Savages today are different, different in all ways. Their savagery is done in technical ways, so they are not called savages anymore. I don't know what savage means, really. There are good and bad in every race. There are traditional values that are good and bad. That goes for everybody. ~ Alma Hogan Snell
All Ways quotes by Alma Hogan Snell
Everything is conspiring to make your life better, in all ways.

- Sarah Rajkotwala ~ Sarah Rajkotwala
All Ways quotes by Sarah Rajkotwala
Feeling intimidated by the Scientific Revolution, fundamentalism takes a "scientific" approach to the Bible - which is perhaps the worst of all ways to approach Scripture. The Bible is not interested in giving (or even competing with) scientific explanations. The Bible is working on a different project than scientific inquiry. ~ Brian Zahnd
All Ways quotes by Brian Zahnd
We've told men for so long that we're equal, we can open our own doors, carry our own bags, pay our own way, that now they're afraid to offer in case we accuse them of sex discrimination. If you were a man would you buy a woman underwear? I wouldn't dare. What if she throws it back in your face and calls you a sexist pig? So they've tried to turn into new men, but that's no good either, because now we're telling them to be masculine. We don't just want them in a pair of Marigolds cleaning the oven, that's not good enough. We want them to take control, to whisk us off hotels, buy us dinner, and make mad passionate love to us all night. We want it all ways. We want them heroes and handy with the vacuum. No wonder the poor guys are confused ~ Alexandra Potter
All Ways quotes by Alexandra Potter
All people are lonely in some ways. Some people are lonely in all ways.

"Now, Voyager" - Movie, 1942. ~ Casey Robinson
All Ways quotes by Casey Robinson
In today's society, people use those qualities - I call them qualities - for all things. It is for self-gratification. It is for sex. It is for excitment. This kind of fervor servers it's own purpose. It doesn't obey rules. It runs amok. You see it on the news everyday, but society cannot hang it's moral and ethical values on me to survive. i do what I must in all ways, and I'm proud of it. The necessity to be myself passes all moral barriers. ~ Richard Ramirez
All Ways quotes by Richard Ramirez
If we are truly fortunate, we will be blessed with one to love us, truly love us. To accept us in all ways, to see us in all our weaknesses and in our glory and to take our hearts, as we take theirs. ~ J.C. Owens
All Ways quotes by J.C. Owens
He brought his lips and hot breath close to her ear. "And once I have you bound and helpless, how should I take you? Missionary? From behind? Against the wall?" He pulled back to face her. "Or all ways?"

She inched her legs further apart, and nodded. ~ Elizabeth SaFleur
All Ways quotes by Elizabeth SaFleur
I used to listen to it all the time when I was little and thinking about grown-up things. I would go to my bedroom window and stare at my reflection in the glass and the trees behind it and just listen to the song for hours. I decided then that when I met someone I thought was as beautiful as the song, I should give it to that person. And I didn't mean beautiful on the outside. I meant beautiful in all ways. ~ Stephen Chbosky
All Ways quotes by Stephen Chbosky
Falling in love is not an act of will. It is not a conscious choice. No matter how open to or eager for it we may be, the experience may still elude us. Contrarily, the experience may capture us at times when we are definitely not seeking it, when it is inconvenient and undesirable. We are as likely to fall in love with someone with whom we are obviously ill matched as with someone more suitable. Indeed, we may not even like or admire the object of our passion, yet, try as we might, we may not be able to fall in love with a person whom we deeply respect and with whom a deep relationship would be in all ways desirable. This is not to say that the experience of falling in love is immune to discipline. Psychiatrists, for instance, frequently fall in love with their patients, just as their patients fall in love with them, yet out of duty to the patient and their role they are usually able to abort the collapse of their ego boundaries and give up the patient as a romantic object. The struggle and suffering of the discipline involved may be enormous. But discipline and will can only control the experience; they cannot create it. We can choose how to respond to the experience of falling in love, but we cannot choose the experience itself. ~ M. Scott Peck
All Ways quotes by M. Scott Peck
Ravishment of this slender body in all ways possible before draining it of the life substance? Aren't you a pleasure hoarder, my dear? ~ Ciaran O. Dwynvil
All Ways quotes by Ciaran O. Dwynvil
I said, "That souns like the end of the song. What about the beginning?"
He said, "Thats jus it you see thats why he wer too late he never come in to it at the beginning."
I said, "You never sung no beginning if youd sung it he cudve come in to it."
He said, "I never sung no beginning becaws you wont never fynd no beginning its long gone and far pas. What ever youre after youwl never fynd the beginning of it thats why youwl all ways be too late. Onlyes thing youwl ever fynd is the end of things. What ever happens itwl be what you dint want to happen. What ever dont happen thatwl be the thing you wantit. Take your choosing how you like youwl get what you dont want. ~ Russell Hoban
All Ways quotes by Russell Hoban
Not in all ways (of course), but the animals you know have power: they have abilities humans lack, could be dangerous, could bring life, mean things that mean things. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer
All Ways quotes by Jonathan Safran Foer
If your looking for that one special person still don't stop trying you will find that person it may not be today or tomorrow but the day will come ur a beautiful girl don't let any one but you down just keep ur head up and keep on walking any guy whould be lucky to have you. people may call you names but all ways keep in mine ur in this world for a reason ~ -Matthew Zepeda
All Ways quotes by -Matthew Zepeda
The principle that every people, insofar as it is possible, must be allowed to live as they want is not based on any notions of cultural relativism, in which all ways of doing things are viewed as being of equal value for all peoples, everywhere.
It is, instead, strictly pragmatic: war and revolutions are without exception worse than the alternative, which is simply to leave the development of each society to the people who are actually living there.
For this reason we should not wage wars or foment revolutions and otherwise subvert the established orders in others' lands.
In return for this direct opposition to intervention and violence against cultures and peoples, we demand the same for ourselves. Mass immigration to Europe must cease. ~ Daniel Friberg
All Ways quotes by Daniel Friberg
Complexity begets ambiguity, which yields in all ways to prejudice and avarice. Complication does not so much defeat Men as arm them with fancy. ~ R. Scott Bakker
All Ways quotes by R. Scott Bakker
Inside the card, I told Sam that the present I gave her was given to me by my Aunt Helen. It was an old 45 record that had the Beatles' song "Something." I used to listen to it all the time when I was little and thinking about grown-up things. I would go to my bedroom window and stare at my reflection in the glass and the trees behind it and just listen to the song for hours. I decided them that when I met someone I thought was a beautiful as the song. I should give it to that person. And I didn't mean beautiful on the outside. I meant beautiful in all ways. So, I was giving it to Sam. ~ Stephen Chbosky
All Ways quotes by Stephen Chbosky
God is good to all in some ways and to some in all ways. ~ J.I. Packer
All Ways quotes by J.I. Packer
The first time I walked alone, thirteen, I was terrified. A twig snapped under my shoe; my heart revved wildly. I'd walked these sidewalks a thousand times with my mom, yet I was scared by all her fears. Don't talk to strangers, walk quickly past parked cars, look both ways, all ways, always. Be alert. There was so damn much to remember to stay safe. ~ Aspen Matis
All Ways quotes by Aspen Matis
Syntheses between East and West based simply on a similarity of "spiritualities" or "mystical experiences" could not be achieved even then - how much less so today! So we must judge any program as inadequate that tries simply to let India and Europe encounter each other at the halfway-station of Byzantine hesychasm, in the practice of the Jesus prayer and of certain bodily positions and breathing exercises - all ways in which Eastern Christianity reorientalized itself after the period of the great synthesis. ~ Hans Urs Von Balthasar
All Ways quotes by Hans Urs Von Balthasar
I stil aint qwite said how it wer. Not like a diffrent country. It wer mor like I wer behynt the back clof in a show. Thats how it wer. Thru the clof I cud see the other figgers moving I cud see the peopl watching only no 1 cud see me. If I wer a figger in a show what hand wer moving me then? I cudnt be bothert to think on that right then. Theres all ways some thingwl be moving you if it aint 1 thing its a nother you cant help that. ~ Russell Hoban
All Ways quotes by Russell Hoban
I sow all sorts of seeds, and get no great harvest from any one of them. I am cursed with susceptibility in every direction, and effective faculty in none. I care for painting and music; I care for classic literature, and mediaeval literature, and modern literature; I flutter all ways, and fly in none. ~ George Eliot
All Ways quotes by George Eliot
My key to living an inspired life involves Embracing my history, Understanding the function of expectations and gently learning to have none; Recognizing the power of attentive and conscious choices. In all circumstances I acknowledge this, IN ALL THINGS AND ALL WAYS, I HAVE CHOICE. My choice resides in my perspective. While I certainly do not control climate and markets and roadways and others, I do control myself and my response to all those circumstances. I do indeed. ~ Mary Anne Radmacher
All Ways quotes by Mary Anne Radmacher
Novels, says Sartre, are not life, but they owe our power upon us, as upon himself as an infant, to the fact that they are somehow like life. In life, he once remarked, 'all ways are barred and nevertheless we must act. So we try to change the world; that is, to live as if the relations between things and their potentialities were governed not by deterministic processes but by magic.' The as if of the novel consists in a similar negation of determinism, the establishment of an accepted freedom by magic. We make up aventures, invent and ascribe the significance of temporal concords to those 'privileged moments' to which we alone award their prestige, make our own human clocks tick in a clockless world. And we take a man who is by definition de trop, and create a context in which he isn't.

The novel is a lie only as our quotidian inventions are lies. The power which goes to its making--the imagination --is a function of man's inescapable freedom. This freedom, in Mary Warnock's words, 'expresses itself in his ability to see things which are not.' It is by his fiction that we know he is free. It is not surprising that Sartre as ontologist, having to describe many kinds of fictive behaviour, invents stories to do so, thus moving into a middle ground between life and novel. .... ~ Frank Kermode
All Ways quotes by Frank Kermode
Love is an expression of tenderness. Practice it in all ways. Of course you will be tender and loving to your child. Express that same love to the rest of the family, your spouse, and, most importantly,
yourself. There is so much love around you. Let it in. Let it ease the burden. Let it envelope you and hold you ever so tenderly as you journey through these days. ~ Laura Lane
All Ways quotes by Laura Lane
We cannot go back to the lost oral world, any more than we can turn the clock back to a time before the clock existed.40 "Writing and print and the computer," writes Walter Ong, "are all ways of technologizing the word" and once technologized, the word cannot be de-technologized.41 But the world of the screen, as we're already coming to understand, is a very different place from the world of the page. A new intellectual ethic is taking hold. The pathways in our brains are once again being rerouted. ~ Nicholas Carr
All Ways quotes by Nicholas Carr
Now, a third and final trait, one which, in my eyes, best describes socialists of all schools and shades, is a profound opposition to personal liberty and scorn for individual reason, a complete contempt for the individual. They unceasingly attempt to mutilate, to curtail, to obstruct personal freedom in any and all ways. They hold that the State must not only act as the director of society, but must further be master of each man, and not only master, but keeper and trainer. ["Excellent."] For fear of allowing him to err, the State must place itself forever by his side, above him, around him, better to guide him, to maintain him, in a word, to confine him. They call, in fact, for the forfeiture, to a greater or less degree, of human liberty, [Further signs of assent.] to the point where, were I to attempt to sum up what socialism is, I would say that it was simply a new system of serfdom. ~ Tocqueville
All Ways quotes by Tocqueville
For as the Good is only a single thing, so all ways lead to the Good, even the false ones: when the repentant one follows the same way back. ~ Soren Kierkegaard
All Ways quotes by Soren Kierkegaard
Every prophet and every saint has a way, But all lead to God. All ways are really one. ~ Rumi
All Ways quotes by Rumi
Each soul path is a divine unique fingerprint and its existence adds to the beautiful tapestry of the cosmos. "Life is a series of defining moments, cross roads and gateways as each door closes and new ones open. Always and in all ways follow the heartbeat of your own soul which is the pathfilled with light and love. ~ Jan Porter
All Ways quotes by Jan Porter
Cycling is good for people in all ways: their health, their well-being, and it does no damage to the environment. It can, however, be dangerous, and this has to be addressed. ~ Jeremy Corbyn
All Ways quotes by Jeremy Corbyn
Iris is my opposite in all ways small. She loves reality TV, finds movies too long, and only reads when it's for an assignment. Her idea of fun involves a credit card and an open mall, and she has harbored a massive crush on Justin Bieber, despite all his WTFuckery, since her junior year of high school. Her continuing love of The Bieb is evident by the fact that her favorite nightshirt is a My World concert tee. And while the image of his face plastered over her boobs is more than creepy, I hate that she hides the shirt whenever Henry comes around. Or rather, I hate that Henry makes her feel like she should to hide it for fear he'll make fun of her. ~ Kristen Callihan
All Ways quotes by Kristen Callihan
I don't think I have rebelled against Latina culture. I have rebelled against those who try to make me warm tortillas for my brothers when they can warm them for themselves, I have rebelled against a patriarchal religion. I rebel against small mindedness in all ways and in every situation but those things are not an intrinsic part of Latina culture and I will fight tooth and nail against anyone who tries to make me feel like I'm less Xicana for not embracing the small-mindedness. ~ Alice Bag
All Ways quotes by Alice Bag
The young May moon is beaming, love.
The glow-worm's lamp is gleaming, love.
How sweet to rove,
Through Morna's grove,
When the drowsy world is dreaming, love!
Then awake! - the heavens look bright, my dear,
'Tis never too late for delight, my dear,
And the best of all ways
To lengthen our days
Is to steal a few hours from the night, my dear! ~ Thomas Moore
All Ways quotes by Thomas Moore
I am a broken person. And I know exactly where my cracks are and how deep they run. I don't pretend to not be a broken person and therein lies the big difference. Because the truth is, we are all broken in places, but it is those who know exactly where and how they are broken, who also know exactly where and how they are whole! And we may not be whole in all places and in all ways, but we take whatever wholeness that we do have, and we make good of it. And we try hard to work on the broken parts, and we ask for help when we need it. ~ C. JoyBell C.
All Ways quotes by C. JoyBell C.
Sometimes I think as adults we think of them as - because they're small in size that they're small in all ways - and they're not. They have big feelings, and they have big eyes, they see things, they hear things, they're living life just the way an adult does and I think sometimes as adults we forget that. ~ Kevin Henkes
All Ways quotes by Kevin Henkes
When God makes a covenant with us, God says: 'I will love you with an everlasting love. I will be faithful to you, even when you run away from me, reject me, or betray me.' In our society we don't speak much about covenants; we speak about contracts. When we make a contract with a person, we say: 'I will fulfill my part as long as you fulfill yours. When you don't live up to your promises, I no longer have to live up to mine.' Contracts are often broken because the partners are unwilling or unable to be faithful to their terms.
But God didn't make a contract with us; God made a covenant with us, and God wants our relationships with one another to reflect that covenant. That's why marriage, friendship, life in community are all ways to give visibility to God's faithfulness in our lives together. ~ Henri J.M. Nouwen
All Ways quotes by Henri J.M. Nouwen
I assume as a child Jesus had to learn how to do carpentry, learn Torah, learn all the things a human child had to learn. If He was human in all ways except that He did not sin, this must have been the case. ~ Anne Rice
All Ways quotes by Anne Rice
Does it even give thee pause, that men used to have a soul
not by hearsay alone, or as a figure of speech; but as a truth
that they knew, and acted upon! Verily it was another world
then ... but yet it is a pity we have lost the tidings of our
souls ... we shall have to go in search of them again, or worse
in all ways shall befall us.
Thomas Carlyle ~ Mary Ann Shaffer
All Ways quotes by Mary Ann Shaffer
There were only the two of us left standing in a star-filled sky oblivious to anything but the way our bodies fit together like constellations. He was my match in all ways. ~ Kerri Maniscalco
All Ways quotes by Kerri Maniscalco
The goal of a true family is not that their children follow in their footsteps, but that their children surpass them in all ways. ~ Andrew Vachss
All Ways quotes by Andrew Vachss
A girl stood before the dressing table, pulling a brush through her long dark hair. The sight filled McKenna with a rush of pleasure.
Lady Aline Marsden... the older daughter of the Earl of Westcliff. She was warm, high-spirited, and beautiful in all ways. ~ Lisa Kleypas
All Ways quotes by Lisa Kleypas
Reading great works of literature, discovering poetry, and listening to the best composers are all ways that we learn to love the Creator more. ~ Jennifer A. Marshall
All Ways quotes by Jennifer A. Marshall
I regard the inflation acts as wrong in all ways. Personally I am one of the noble army of debtors, and can stand it if others can. But it is a wretched business. ~ Rutherford B. Hayes
All Ways quotes by Rutherford B. Hayes
The policy of adapting one's self to circumstances makes all ways smooth. ~ Johann Kaspar Lavater
All Ways quotes by Johann Kaspar Lavater
We spring from the Land, we go back to the Land. The Land sustains our life and in all ways we are connected, body and soul to Her. It is the Creator's Creation. It knows us. It loves us. ~ Rene' Donovan
All Ways quotes by Rene' Donovan
Bound, whether by my will or my rope, open to me in all ways. ~ Cherise Sinclair
All Ways quotes by Cherise Sinclair
There was one field in which man was unsurpassed; he showed unlimited ingenuity in devising bigger and more efficient ways to kill off, enslave, harass, and in all ways make an unbearable nuisance of himself to himself. Man was his own grimmest joke on himself. The very bedrock of humor was - Man is the animal who laughs, ~ Robert A. Heinlein
All Ways quotes by Robert A. Heinlein
I said, 'Then whered the other story come from? ... '
He said, 'It come in to my mynd.'
I said, 'You mean you made it up.'
He said, 'Wel no I dint make it up you cant make up nothing in your head no moren you can make up what you see. You know what I mean may be what you see aint all ways there so you cud reach out and touch it but its there some kynd of way and it come from some where. That place Hagmans Il I use to wunner about it every time we come by it til finely that story come in to my head. That story cudnt come out of no where cud it so it musve come out of some where. Parbly it ben in that place from time back way back or may be in a nother place only the idear of it come to me there. That don't make no odds. That storys jus what ever it is and thats what storys are. ~ Russell Hoban
All Ways quotes by Russell Hoban
Riches and rank have no necessary connection with genuine gentlemanly qualities. The poor man with rich spirit is in all ways superior to the rich man with a poor spirit. To borrow St. Paul's words, the former is as "having nothing, yet possessing all things," while the other, though possessing all things has nothing. Only the poor in spirit are really poor. He who has lost all, but retains his courage, cheerfulness, hope, virtue, and self respect, is still rich. ~ Samuel Smiles
All Ways quotes by Samuel Smiles
Are you very much in love with him?' he asked. She did not answer for some time, but stood gazing at the landscape.
'I wish I knew' she said at last.
He shook his head.
-'Knowledge would be fatal. It is the uncertainty that charms one. A mist makes things wonderful.All ways end at the same point, my dear Gladys.'
'What is that?'
-'Disillusion. ~ Oscar Wilde
All Ways quotes by Oscar Wilde
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