Vanalden Park Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Vanalden Park.

Quotes About Vanalden Park

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When I was younger, I had some close friends who always loved European football, and Real Madrid at that time were the dominant force. I remember family holidays when we used to go to Spain, and we'd bring back replica shirts of Real Madrid and pretend to be the players when we played in the park. ~ Gareth Bale
Vanalden Park quotes by Gareth Bale
Most of the pubs had barred Des, but he came in to the Tiger bar and he points to me and says, 'And you, out! I want you by the back of the car park.' So I obliged him and proceeded to kick the poor cunt all around the car park, he ended up in hospital for a week! Eventually, when he came out of hospital he said that I was the best thing that had happened to him, I'd cured him! ~ Stephen Richards
Vanalden Park quotes by Stephen Richards
I wanted solitude, but a treasure like that didn't exist in the city. I only found silence in Central Park, still littered with people of course, but the only place that held moments of calm. I breathed in that wonderful silence as my pace finally slowed, and nature delighted my senses. ~ Lee Matthew Goldberg
Vanalden Park quotes by Lee Matthew Goldberg
Entrepreneurs and innovators across the country are developing and deploying new data-powered IT tools to help clinicians succeed at delivering better care at lower cost. ~ Todd Park
Vanalden Park quotes by Todd Park
As a memorial, I'd like a statue. Not of me, but a little modern statue, in marble or bronze, maybe of a bird, in a park where children could play and people going by could see it. On it, I'd just like it to say: 'Maeve Binchy, storyteller' and people could look at the name and remember that they'd seen it somewhere else. ~ Maeve Binchy
Vanalden Park quotes by Maeve Binchy
There will be little rubs and disappointments everywhere, and we are all apt to expect too much; but then, if one scheme of happiness fails, human nature turns to another; if the first calculation is wrong, we make a second better: we find comfort somewhere. ~ Jane Austen
Vanalden Park quotes by Jane Austen
Her occupation was the worst that anyone could think of. No guest in the park had to think of it because, unlike the wandering dwarf women, her job had no bearing on paper. ~ Pam Jones
Vanalden Park quotes by Pam Jones
I think every child in every country, not just South Africa, every year should go to a national park, and it should be part of their basic curriculum. ~ Lewis Pugh
Vanalden Park quotes by Lewis Pugh
It has always been, and still is, my intention to build a playground in Central Park. ~ Diana Ross
Vanalden Park quotes by Diana Ross
I was walking in the park and this guy waved at me. Then he said, 'I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.' I said, 'I am.' ~ Demetri Martin
Vanalden Park quotes by Demetri Martin
When we are confronted with extreme situations, we forget about moral issues; we simply act and must then accept the consequences. ~ Park Chan-wook
Vanalden Park quotes by Park Chan-wook
She pushed the button and like a miracle her head filled with the sound of Jerry Trupiano's voice ... and more importantly, with the sounds of Fenway Park. She was sitting out here in the darkening, drippy woods, lost and alone, but she could hear thirty thousand people. It was a miracle. ~ Stephen King
Vanalden Park quotes by Stephen King
Sitting meditation, walking meditation, and mindful eating are good opportunities for resting. When you feel agitated, if you are able to go to a park or a garden, it is an opportunity for rest. If you walk slowly and remember to take it easy, if you are able to sit and do nothing from time to time, you can rest deeply and enter a state of true ease. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Vanalden Park quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh
Every time you said the phrase 'homologous chromosome' when you lectured at East Park, it made me so horny."
His lips brush against my ear. "Homologous chromosome."
"Yes, yes just like that."
His voice gets deeper, huskier. "Homologous chromosome."
"Oh, god."
"Homologous chromosome."
"Homologous chromosome."
"Yes! ~ Iris Blaire
Vanalden Park quotes by Iris Blaire
Father Sams, a mirthful shaman, looked at a nighted photograph of actress Lar Park Lincoln beneath his glass of bourbon con hielo. ~ Jarrett McCall
Vanalden Park quotes by Jarrett McCall
Do you think there'd be a Givenchy in the hood if it wasn't for that South Park photo? ~ Kanye West
Vanalden Park quotes by Kanye West
Suddenly I realized she was asleep. Exhausted by her flight she had fallen asleep against my shoulder as so many times, in taxis, in buses, on a park-seat. I sat still and let her be. There was nothing to disturb her in the dark church. The candles napped around the virgin, and there was nobody else there. The slowly growing pain in my upper arm where her weight lay was the greatest pleasure I had ever known. ~ Graham Greene
Vanalden Park quotes by Graham Greene
I love the beauty of nature. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita
Vanalden Park quotes by Lailah Gifty Akita
Jane and Mr. Nobley entered the great hall, the ceiling dazzling with thousands of real candles that put fire into the white dresses and cravats. Five musicians were seated on a dais--a cello and two violins (or maybe a viola?), a harpsichord, and some kind of wind instrument. From keys and strings, they coaxed a grand prelude to the minuet. Jane looked at everything, smiling at the amusement park novelty of it all. She looked at Mr. Nobley. He was beaming at her. At last.
"You are stunning," he said, and every inch of him seemed to swear that it was true.
"Oh," she said.
He kissed her gloved fingers. He was still smiling. There was something different about him tonight, and she couldn't place what it was. Some new plot twist, she presumed. She was eager to roll around in all the plot she could on her last night, though once or twice her eyes strayed to spot Martin.
Mr. Nobley stood opposite her in a line of ten men. She watched Amelia and Captain East perform the figures. They held each other's gazes, they smiled with the elation of new love. All very convincing.
Poor Amelia, thought Jane.
It was a bit cruel, now that she thought about it, all these actors who made women fall in love with them. Amelia seemed so tenderhearted, and Miss Charming and her heaving breasts so delighted with this world. Jane caught sight of a very striking Colonel Andrews who, now that she watched him dance, might just be gay.
Jane felt a thrumming of foreboding. ~ Shannon Hale
Vanalden Park quotes by Shannon Hale
She'd heard my theory on funnel cake and celery stalker men before. Most men were either like funnel cake: delicious and interesting, but who at the end of the day just aren't good for the heart or complexion. Or they were celery: a sensible, healthy choice that didn't really bring much to the table but an occasional crunch. If you OD on celery, you end up bingeing on cake behind closed doors.

Funnel cake, while warm and delicious, is difficult to make. But you go there because you long for it like the double-twist stomach-dropping roller coaster as soon as you arrive at the amusement park. Wet ribbons of batter crackle and pop until golden and crisp, yielding in the center. The steamy swirls of tender yellow dough absorb confectioners' sugar like pores. When the luxurious fat melts on your tongue, you exhale. You've got sticky batter, dribbling down spouts, leaving rings on your clean countertops, splattering oil growing darker and beginning to smoke. Layers of paper towels and oil-draining weapons clutter your space. With funnel cake, you've got steps to follow. Procedures. Rules.

No one makes rules about celery. It's always around for the snacking. You choose it when you're dieting or trying not to consume too many wings over football. Come to think of it, you don't even bother eating it when you diet. Instead it's a conduit for blue cheese. You use it to make stocks and stuffing. It becomes filler, pantry almost. ~ Stephanie Klein
Vanalden Park quotes by Stephanie Klein
When I say that I am going to do an American film, I didn't want to suddenly go off into a completely different world that which bears no relation to the style of filmmaking that I'm used to. ~ Park Chan-wook
Vanalden Park quotes by Park Chan-wook
Believe me, once you lose a kid in a New York City park, atheist or not, you start talking to God right away. ~ Jim Gaffigan
Vanalden Park quotes by Jim Gaffigan
I find it's best to go to the market or shopping if I have to pee. It saves me from buyer's remorse." "It'll also give you a urinary tract infection," Elizabeth mumbled. "Yes, but those can be treated with antibiotics and cranberry juice. An empty bank account can only be treated with whoring myself out down by the industrial park. ~ Penny Reid
Vanalden Park quotes by Penny Reid
Life is beautiful when you learn to take out those moments from busy life to appreciate small things. Sunrise, sunset, fresh air, walk in the park, innocent smiles of children, happiness on the face of people, kindness in hearts of people around us, real friendships and many more beautiful moments which we often overlook. ~ Purvi Raniga
Vanalden Park quotes by Purvi Raniga
If I were stepping down from the bus at the rich end of town instead of the trailer park, I wouldn't have to watch every word I said to make sure it wasn't slang for an orgasm. ~ Jennifer Echols
Vanalden Park quotes by Jennifer Echols
A stroll down memory lane is not always a walk in the park. ~ Alicia Stidam
Vanalden Park quotes by Alicia Stidam
And that question is, is San Francisco just a boutique city? A theme park? Or do creative forces still coalesce there? ~ Kevin Starr
Vanalden Park quotes by Kevin Starr
Nothing was dirty. With Park.
Nothing could be shameful.
Because Park was the sun, and that was the only way Eleanor could think to explain it. ~ Rainbow Rowell
Vanalden Park quotes by Rainbow Rowell
It's absolutely fun to walk around and have people respect you. When Michael Jackson did Thriller, I was in the park one day, and a girl came up to me and said, "Man, the only people they talk about around here are Michael Jackson and you." It was pretty flattering to be considered in the same light as the king of pop in my area. ~ Rick Ross
Vanalden Park quotes by Rick Ross
Fifty stranded whales are a tangible crisis with a visible solution. There's camaraderie in the process, a Free Willy fantasy, an image of Flipper in everyone's mind. There's nothing romantic about waking up a man on a park bench and making him walk to a shelter. ~ Marina Keegan
Vanalden Park quotes by Marina Keegan
The day wasn't exactly my own
since I checked
and found it on a public calendar.
Tripping over many pairs of legs
as I walked down the park
I also learned my lust
was not so rare a masterpiece. ~ Leonard Cohen
Vanalden Park quotes by Leonard Cohen
I come from West London. I support a football team there called Queens Park Rangers, whom I'd like to give a shout-out to. I'm a die-hard Rangers fan. I think that I would always hopefully have a strong connection to and live in London, because it's a brilliant city. ~ Ben Lloyd-Hughes
Vanalden Park quotes by Ben Lloyd-Hughes
If you want to say, Lucia, there is no inside of the park benches, I won't argue with you. But, then you have to say where the pigeons come from. ~ Jesse Ball
Vanalden Park quotes by Jesse Ball
I happen to think that a book is of extraordinary value if it gives the reader nothing more than a smile or two. It's perfectly okay to take a book, read it, have a good time, giggle and laugh - and turn off the TV. I love that. ~ Barbara Park
Vanalden Park quotes by Barbara Park
You're just ... You're everything
His words are perfect, but the tone in his voice is not right. Wistful. Apologetic. ~ Jessica Park
Vanalden Park quotes by Jessica Park
Parking in Seattle is an eight-step process. Step one, find a place to park (gooood luuuuck!). Step two, back into the angled parking space (who ever innovated that should be sentenced to the chokey). ~ Maria Semple
Vanalden Park quotes by Maria Semple
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