Trust Funds Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Trust Funds.

Quotes About Trust Funds

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We need, in effect, to make the phantom 'lock-boxes' around the trust fund real. ~ Alan Greenspan
Trust Funds quotes by Alan Greenspan
My parents are very successful, and I went to the nicest private school in the Seattle area. I was lucky. But I never had any trust funds of any kind, though my dad did pay my tuition at Harvard, which was quite expensive. ~ Bill Gates
Trust Funds quotes by Bill Gates
Potluck Supper with Meeting to Follow is a marvel, deftly examining the connections between art and everyday life. Andy Sturdevant's lively, unique inquiries into trust fund kids, co-opted flags, gubernatorial portraits, art in second-tier cities, and Upper Midwestern esoterica, brim with both wit and humor. ~ Joe Meno
Trust Funds quotes by Joe Meno
Unlike most government programs, Social Security and, in part, Medicare are funded by payroll taxes dedicated specifically to them. Some of the tax revenue pays for current benefits; anything that's left over goes into trust funds for the future. The programs were designed this way for political reasons. ~ James Surowiecki
Trust Funds quotes by James Surowiecki
Though Madeleine's face reminded Dr. Graveline in many ways of a camel, he was fond of her. She was the kind of steady patient that offshore trust funds are made of. ~ Carl Hiaasen
Trust Funds quotes by Carl Hiaasen
This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of wealth: To set an example of modest, unostentatious living, shunning display or extravagance; to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent on him; and, after doing so, to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds, which he is called upon to administer, and strictly bound as a matter of duty to administer in the manner which, in his judgement, is best calculated to produce the most beneficial results for the community
the man of wealth thus becoming the mere trustee and agent for his poorer brethren, bringing to their service his superior wisdom, experience, and ability to administer, doing for them better than they would or could do for themselves. ~ Andrew Carnegie
Trust Funds quotes by Andrew Carnegie
The only person on this ship who gets paid for what they do is you, Alix. The rest of us live off our trust funds and we use those funds for our humanitarian missions. I do what I do because I can't stand to see innocent people bullied by a corrupt government. I don't want to see a baby starve and die because some fat politician wants to work its parents into the ground for a mineral most of them can't even pronounce. (Devyn) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Trust Funds quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
The Social Security trust fund is in pretty good shape today and we should not embark upon risky, dangerous schemes which will, in fact, undermine Social Security, such as privatization. ~ Max Baucus
Trust Funds quotes by Max Baucus
Cooking without remuneration" and "slaving over a hot stove" are activities separated mostly by a frame of mind. The distinction is crucial. Career women in many countries still routinely apply passion to their cooking, heading straight from work to the market to search out the freshest ingredients, feeding their loved ones with aplomb. [...] Full-time homemaking may not be an option for those of us delivered without trust funds into the modern era. But approaching mealtimes as a creative opportunity, rather than a chore, is an option. Required participation from spouse and kids is an element of the equation. An obsession with spotless collars, ironing, and kitchen floors you can eat off of---not so much. We've earned the right to forget about stupefying household busywork. But kitchens where food is cooked and eaten, those were really a good idea. We threw that baby out with the bathwater. It may be advisable to grab her by her slippery foot and haul her back in here before it's too late. ~ Barbara Kingsolver
Trust Funds quotes by Barbara Kingsolver
If people who have to work together in an enterprise trust one another it is because they are all operating to a common set of ethical norms ... such a society will be better able to innovate ... since the high degree of trust will permit a wide variety of social relationships to emerge ... ~ Francis Fukuyama
Trust Funds quotes by Francis Fukuyama
Trust me, I'm a really nice guy. ~ Bob Probert
Trust Funds quotes by Bob Probert
We should worry about our own souls first and trust in God's plan for others. ~ James Cook
Trust Funds quotes by James Cook
Maybe, sometimes, it's easier to be mad at the people you trust because you know they'll always love you, no matter what. ~ Ann Brashares
Trust Funds quotes by Ann Brashares
Let us allow God to fill our hearts with his goodness and mercy. ~ Pope Francis
Trust Funds quotes by Pope Francis
I trust God to carry me no matter the outcome. I trust that he has led us here and that he will either fulfill my hopes or repair my broken heart. ~ Kelsey
Trust Funds quotes by Kelsey
You can ask why all day long if you want to. You can ask God why and your friends why and yourself why until you're buried in nothing but that single question, but you'll never get an answer. This side of heaven, time is the only thing that helps a little bit. So don't give in. Don't let the whys have it. Don't let them take advantage of you. They'll crush your heart and steal your peace and mess with your mind and wrap around you so tight you won't be able to breathe. Don't let the whys ruin your life, child. Every time they try to sneak up, push them aside and move forward. Trust me, it's the only way you can get on with living. ~ Amy Matayo
Trust Funds quotes by Amy Matayo
God wanted Abram to be his friend, and friends trust each other, and you can't learn to trust someone without a little risk and uncertainty and vulnerability. ~ John Ortberg
Trust Funds quotes by John Ortberg
Trust it turned out, was a very beautiful and fragile thing with a taste like wild raspberries and experienced only by the very brave. ~ Kira Jane Buxton
Trust Funds quotes by Kira Jane Buxton
People, in general, tend to project onto others their own state of mind. Well-meaning people inevitably assume other people are well meaning. People who cheat assume everyone cheats. People who deceive assume everybody deceives.
Confessions of a Whistle-Blower: Lessons Anna C. Salter. Ethics & Behavior, Volume 8, Issue 2 June 1998 ~ Anna C. Salter
Trust Funds quotes by Anna C. Salter
Returning to Washington,FDR declared that Yalta Conference had put and end to the kind of balance-of-power divisions that had long marred global politics. His assessment echoed Woodrow Wilson's idealistic and equally inaccurate claims at the end of World War I. In London, Churchill told his cabinet that "poor Chamberlain believed he could trust Hitler. He was wrong. But I don't think I'm wrong about Stalin." Soviet-British friendship, Churchill maintained, "would continue as long as Stalin was in charge. ~ Madeleine K. Albright
Trust Funds quotes by Madeleine K. Albright
It's hard finding people you trust or who aren't going to take your money. Everyone wants to get a piece of whatever you're doing. It's a nightmare. ~ Cara Delevingne
Trust Funds quotes by Cara Delevingne
I do not trust technology. I mean, I don't think we're in any danger of kids, you know, doing without video games in the future, but I am saying that their lives are largely out of balance. ~ Richard Louv
Trust Funds quotes by Richard Louv
A tear slipped from under my eyelid at Ivy's loneliness, her need for emotional reassurance, and her frustrations that though I could understand what she wanted, I was afraid to find out if I had the capacity to meet her halfway, to trust her. And my breath caught when she wiped the moisture away with a careful finger, unaware that it was for her. ~ Kim Harrison
Trust Funds quotes by Kim Harrison
His sexy smile said trust me or don't, he didn't care. ~ Kelly Moran
Trust Funds quotes by Kelly Moran
What is a secret? It is much more than knowledge shared with only a few, or perhaps only one another. It is power. It is a bond. It is a sign of deep trust, or the darkest threat possible.
There is power in the keeping of a secret, and power in the revelation of a secret. Sometimes it takes a very wise man to discern which is the path to greater power.
All men desirous of power should become collectors of secrets. There is no secret too small to be valuable. All men value their own secrets far above those of others. A scullery maid may be willing to betray a prince before allowing the name of her secret lover to be told. ~ Robin Hobb
Trust Funds quotes by Robin Hobb
See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD GOD is my strength and my song; he has given me victory." ISAIAH 12:2 NLT ~ Various
Trust Funds quotes by Various
Ironically, your trust in your inner belonging radically alters your outer belonging. Unless you find belonging in your solitude, your external longing will remain needy and driven. ~ John O'Donohue
Trust Funds quotes by John O'Donohue
You can trust me to keep my word. I always keep my word, promises or threats. ~ Kim Harrison
Trust Funds quotes by Kim Harrison
You can never out-give God. ~ Anonymous
Trust Funds quotes by Anonymous
Prior to email, our private correspondence was secured by a government institution called the postal service. Today, we trust AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, or Gmail with our private utterances. ~ John Battelle
Trust Funds quotes by John Battelle
If the Lord Jehovah makes us wait, let us do so with our whole hearts; for blessed are all they that wait for Him. He is worth waiting for. The waiting itself is beneficial to us: it tries faith, exercises patience, trains submission, and endears the blessing when it comes. The Lord's people have always been a waiting people. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Trust Funds quotes by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
surely by now you realize that you can't trust anyone. But why not take a chance?' * ~ Jeff VanderMeer
Trust Funds quotes by Jeff VanderMeer
And did you feel like, 'This is it!?' Did music swell and fireworks explode and did you think to yourself,'This is what a kiss is supposed to feel like?'"
"It was like ice cream."
"I worked at DQ. Trust me, it's not like ice cream."
"No, I mean it's like all my life I've been eating frozen yogurt. And kissing boys is ice cream. ~ Michael Barakiva
Trust Funds quotes by Michael Barakiva
MARCH 11 THE LEVEL OF TRUST WE HAVE FOR GOD IS A MONUMENTAL ISSUE IN THE LIFE OF EVERY BELIEVER. God, even in this difficult place, You have treasures for me here. You will give me the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that I may know that You are the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons me by name (Isa. 45:3). You want me to discover the riches of relationship ~ Beth Moore
Trust Funds quotes by Beth Moore

She couldn't see his face, but she knew his eyes were on her. She could feel them.

A beat passed. Then another. He flicked the flashlight on, his eyes zooming in on her mouth. "Don't suppose you're scared enough of the dark to leave."

She shook her head. "I don't suppose you're planning on leaving me on my own."

A smile, then, "You might cheat." He tugged their linked hands and leaned the slightest bit closer.

"True," she breathed, mirroring his movement. "I wouldn't trust you if our roles were reversed." Inches from his face, she admired the curve of his top lip. "What are you doing, Black?"

"I think," he whispered back, his warm breath fanning over her lips, "I'm going to have to kiss you, McIntire. ~ Jessica Lemmon
Trust Funds quotes by Jessica Lemmon
You can't trust God to be unmerciful.
There you have the beginning of all wisdom. ~ Robert Frost
Trust Funds quotes by Robert Frost
We named her Dorothy Ann. Dolly, for short. I kissed her warily, fearful of the pain of loving her, love her, though love her I did; fearful lest she hurt me by dying. ~ Nancy E. Turner
Trust Funds quotes by Nancy E. Turner
Why do we act as though our sin disqualifies us from the grace of God? That is the only thing that qualifies us! Anything else is a self-righteous attempt to earn God's grace. You cannot trust God's grace 99 percent. It's all or nothing. The problem, as I pointed out earlier, is that we want partial credit for our salvation. We want to be 1 percent of the equation. But if we try to save ourselves, we forfeit the salvation that comes from Jesus Christ alone, by grace through faith. ~ Mark Batterson
Trust Funds quotes by Mark Batterson
Trust in the Lord, He will uplift you. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita
Trust Funds quotes by Lailah Gifty Akita
The choice is yours: trust the government or trust Mother Nature. ~ John Cannell
Trust Funds quotes by John Cannell
Speak openly. There is no one I trust more than Lutian. (Adara)
He's a half-wit, my queen. (Xerus)
Half-wit, whole-wit, I have enough of them to know to keep silent. So speak, good counselor, and let the queen judge which of the two of us is the greater fool present. (Lutian) ~ Kinley MacGregor
Trust Funds quotes by Kinley MacGregor
It's not that I don't trust you, Dunstable, it's simply that I don't trust you. ~ P.G. Wodehouse
Trust Funds quotes by P.G. Wodehouse
You are hoping to master the experience. The pain is what we know. It's our barometer of reality. We never trust pleasure. ~ Stephanie Danler
Trust Funds quotes by Stephanie Danler
People do not trust the slick and polished. Instead, the objectives of media training should be to learn how to directly address difficult questions, how to avoid falling into media traps, and most importantly, how to accomplish the two previous tasks with honesty and integrity. ~ Jeff Ansell
Trust Funds quotes by Jeff Ansell
Don't trust your eyes, they can deceive you ~ Obi-wan Kenobi
Trust Funds quotes by Obi-wan Kenobi
Okay, I don't know if any of you have ever lost consciousness before, so let me just say here real quickly: Don't do it.
Really. If you can avoid situations in which you might lose consciousness, please do so. Whatever you do, do not pass out. Trust me. It is not fun. It is not fun at all.
Unless, of course, you're guaranteed to wake up having mouth-to-mouth performed on you by a totally hot California lifeguard. Then I say go for it. ~ Meg Cabot
Trust Funds quotes by Meg Cabot
Woman's faith and woman's trust, Write the characters in dust. ~ Walter Scott
Trust Funds quotes by Walter Scott
He was ... blindingly beautiful, and wealthy, and my boss; all really good reasons why we were not suitable.
But, I really, really liked him. He was damn sexy and interesting and crazy smart and annoyingly insightful. I had to trust that there was something about me that he saw and liked enough to abandon his slamps and his Wendell lifestyle. I didn't like trusting, I didn't like setting greater than mild expectations, but I wanted to have faith in him. Call it wine, call it Quinn-sniff induced obscurity but I was too warm and fuzzy feeling to dwell on the scary side of strip poker. ~ Penny Reid
Trust Funds quotes by Penny Reid
Followers have a very clear picture of what they want and need from the most influential leaders in their lives: trust, compassion, stability, and hope ~ Tom Rath
Trust Funds quotes by Tom Rath
I am not sure what tomorrow has for me, but I am sure about one thing. Even If I lose it all. God will provide, because I trust in him.

Genesis 22:7-8
Proverb 3:5 ~ De Philosopher DJ Kyos
Trust Funds quotes by De Philosopher DJ Kyos
If the biblical account of creation in Genesis isn't true, how can we trust the rest of the Bible? ~ Beverly LaHaye
Trust Funds quotes by Beverly LaHaye
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