Timimi Chen Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Timimi Chen.

Quotes About Timimi Chen

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Come on, don't you ever stop and smell the coffee? ~ Justina Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen
Even geniuses can be A class assholes. ~ Justina Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen
And I wasn't convinced that it was a good idea, sort of like asking for advice on how to catch a baseball in your teeth or pick all the cheese off your cheeseburger. ~ Raymond Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Raymond Chen
The look he gave me ... My stomach quivered in that exact same way when I watched Before Sunset, yearning for a guy to know me so deeply and truly, we were only really complete when we were together. That I could talk, go on wild tangents, make obtuse references, and he would divine my meaning before I knew what I was trying to say myself. Erik had fallen asleep next to me on the couch, complaining later that the movie was "just people talking." He had no idea that this movie could have been a love letter written for me. ~ Justina Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen
Brother Zacharide-him-like-a-bad-pony. ~ Cassandra Clare
Timimi Chen quotes by Cassandra Clare
The election is over, and even though there are people who have different ideologies and beliefs, from now on we must all embrace each other, creating a harmonious and unified new Taiwan through our love and tolerance. ~ Chen Shui-bian
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Shui-bian
Beauty is the result of having been through an experience all the way through to the end - therefore it has a poignancy. Beauty that is singular always comes from following an experience to the point where you can go no further. ~ Joan Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Joan Chen
Think of silence as a violence, when silence means being made a frozen sea. Think of speaking as a violence, when speaking is a house that dresses your life in the tidiest wallpaper. It makes your grief sit down, this house. It makes you chairs when you need justice. It keeps your rage room temperature. ~ Chen Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen  Chen
All teenagers have this desire to somehow run away. ~ Joan Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Joan Chen
My dearest Friend, As I am urging our students to write a note to their mothers away from Shanghai, I think of you as a mother to so many of our Chinese girls. The greatness and depth of your love only God knows how to measure and reward you. Thinking of you has always been an inspiration to me. I love you. Lovingly yours, Tszo-Sing Chen ~ Katherine Paterson
Timimi Chen quotes by Katherine Paterson
I never went on an audition - when they were really looking at everybody. ~ Joan Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Joan Chen
Oh no, Brother Hop-in-the-sack-ariah ~ Cassandra Clare
Timimi Chen quotes by Cassandra Clare
People were like parasites burrowed into the smog. ~ Chen Quifan
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Quifan
My dad, coming from a very traditional family, always wanted me to be a doctor. So he would always ask me, 'What are you going to be when you grow up?' And I'd have to say 'Dr. Chen.' ~ Jane Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Jane Chen
Progress is hard on history. ~ Justina Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen
All maps lie. Even the best maps distort the truth. Entire wars have been won and lost because of maps, these keepers of secrets. ~ Justina Chen Headley
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen Headley
Fashion is a double-edged sword; the more fashionable it is, the less timeliness it has. However, the life expectancy of hotel design is usually between seven to ten years. Too fashionable design may be out of date after two years; that is the reason why hotel design prefers to classic elements. (Chen Tao, Chen Tao's Interior Design Co., Ltd – Hangzhou, China) ~ Editorial Board Of Approaching Hotel Designers
Timimi Chen quotes by Editorial Board Of Approaching Hotel Designers
When I was eight years old, I was always starving. My brother and sister died from starvation. ~ Chen Guangbiao
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Guangbiao
The Chinese foreign ministry has said more than once that I am a free person. Did I do anything wrong by leaving my home? ~ Chen Guangcheng
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Guangcheng
Without looking at Jacob, I said slowly, 'Well, it seeps into you. It doesn't make you forget yourself, but totally the opposite.' I chance a glance at him. He was watching me intently. No glaze in his eyes. So I continued more bravely: 'It connect you with everything and fills you with awe that you share the same space with something that glorious. Like a sunrise on a clear blue day of the most extraordinary piece of glass. And then suddenly'
my hands escaped their tight grip in my lap, and now my fingers splayed wide like fireworks in the air
'you have this epiphany that there's more to the world than just you and what you want or even who you are. ~ Justina Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen
I'm a big foodie, I do a lot of yoga - I love yoga - I love running ... I just enjoy being really active, and traveling. ~ Jane Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Jane Chen
But even quashed rebellions leave us different. Because freedom may be a forbidden fruit in tyrannies, but once tasted, it is unforgettable. ~ Justina Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen
Getting lost is just another way of saying 'going exploring. ~ Justina Chen Headley
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen Headley
Even if one tree falls down it wouldn't affect the entire forest. ~ Chen Shui-bian
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Shui-bian
A defensive referendum is for avoiding war and to help keep the Taiwanese people free of fear. ~ Chen Shui-bian
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Shui-bian
Maybe that was the problem," Jacob said softly. "Don't we all need to feel needed? That we'd be missed if we were gone? ~ Justina Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen
The results of the two referenda demonstrate the majority view of the Taiwanese people. ~ Chen Shui-bian
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Shui-bian
All Asian parents are into your children having a respectable, decent stable job. Acting was unimaginable to my parents. ~ Joan Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Joan Chen
The law of right-left symmetry was used in classical physics but was not of any great practical importance there. One reason for this derives from the fact that right-left symmetry is a discrete symmetry, unlike rotational symmetry, which is continuous. ~ Chen-Ning Yang
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen-Ning Yang
There is a time to study a map passionately, obsessively. To see where you've gone, where others have gone before you. To commit to memory every obstacle, every danger. Shakespeare had a term for this obsession: mappery. ~ Justina Chen Headley
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen Headley
I have to be grateful to our society here in China, grateful to the economic reforms for letting me get rich, and grateful for the efforts of my staff. If there had been no reforms, I would have been a farmer. ~ Chen Guangbiao
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Guangbiao
I want to record the name of Chen Guangbiao in Chinese history. ~ Chen Guangbiao
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Guangbiao
There are only two kinds of math books: Those you cannot read beyond the first sentence, and those you cannot read beyond the first page. ~ Chen-Ning Yang
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen-Ning Yang
To him, she was one of the few girls who was nice to him, the stodgy son of a poor alcoholic shoemaker with such little status that he seemed unlikely to even get one wife, let alone the three or more that designated a man of standing. ~ Colleen Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Colleen Chen
I didn't know that the world could be so mind-blowingly beautiful. ~ Justina Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen
I am not a hero. ~ Chen Guangcheng
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Guangcheng
There are many ways you can make money. Certain ways will make you happy, certain other ways will make other people happy. But if you go in because there's money in there, you're bound to fail, bound to fail! ~ Joan Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Joan Chen
China is on a march toward rule of law and democracy. ~ Chen Guangcheng
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Guangcheng
See, relations are people with the same blood. But family, that's different. Family is about who gives you hope, who gets involved. And earns the right for forgiveness. Or at least starts down the path. ~ Mike Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Mike Chen
Anything that can happen, will happen. ~ Julie Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Julie Chen
Science" is itself one of the greatest utopian illusions ever created by humankind. I am by no means suggesting that we should take the path of antiscience - the utopia offered by science is complicated by the fact that science disguises itself as a value-neutral, objective endeavor. However, we now know that behind the practice of science lie ideological struggles, fights over power and authority, and the profit motive. The history of science is written and rewritten by the allocation and flow of capital, favors given to some projects but not others, and the needs of war. ~ Chen Qiufan
Timimi Chen quotes by Chen Qiufan
You raze the old to raise the new. ~ Justina Chen
Timimi Chen quotes by Justina Chen
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