Tasuka Gov Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Tasuka Gov.

Quotes About Tasuka Gov

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I was not a project manager who was managing and executing the day-to-day operational work of building HealthCare.gov. I didn't have the kind of comprehensive, detailed, deep knowledge of that project that a manager would have. ~ Todd Park
Tasuka Gov quotes by Todd Park
The big post-election story if Obama wins the presidency will be in the hands of the ethically embattled Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich. He's not very popular, and has a chance to use his power to appoint an Obama replacement as a step in the direction of political rehabilitation. ~ Chuck Todd
Tasuka Gov quotes by Chuck Todd
I listen to Gov. Romney have to apologize because he has been successful. ~ Trey Gowdy
Tasuka Gov quotes by Trey Gowdy
The reason Gov. Romney passed Romneycare as governor of Massachusetts in 2006 was because many Republicans viewed health care reform, mandates and all, as a way to inoculate against Democratic charges that Republicans didn't care about people who lacked health insurance. ~ Ari Fleischer
Tasuka Gov quotes by Ari Fleischer
To the millions of Americans who've attempted to use HealthCare.gov to shop and enroll in health-care coverage, I want to apologize to you that the Web site has not worked as well as it should. We know how desperately you need affordable coverage. ~ Marilyn Tavenner
Tasuka Gov quotes by Marilyn Tavenner
Why does the UN need to raise money for ebola? Can't the gov just print the damn dollars themselves and get this done already. ~ Azealia Banks
Tasuka Gov quotes by Azealia Banks
We can't nominate such a weak candidate. I'd love to be able to get one-on-one with Gov. Romney and expose the record that would be the weakest record we could possibly put up against Barack Obama. ~ Rick Santorum
Tasuka Gov quotes by Rick Santorum
Visit USA.gov and you'll find thousands of directorates, agencies, boards, offices, and services replete with overlapping responsibilities, ancient priorities, and divided accountability. ~ Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
Tasuka Gov quotes by Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
FEDERAL LANDOWNERSHIP (TOP 12 STATES) STATE TOTAL SQUARE MILES % OWNED BY FEDERAL GOV. 1. Nevada 61,548 87.6 2. Utah 35,723 68 3. Alaska 244,627 67 4. Idaho 34,520 65.2 5. Oregon 34,084 55.5 6. California 49,842 49.9 7. Wyoming 30,902 49.7 8. Arizona 32,228 44.3 9. Colorado 25,851 38.9 10. New Mexico 28,143 36.2 11. Washington 13,984 32.8 12. Montana 29,718 31.9 Source: National Wilderness Institute ~ C.J. Box
Tasuka Gov quotes by C.J. Box
I relate to what Gov. Romney brings. I know what it means to balance a budget. I know what it means to write a paycheck and not only cash one. I know what it means to create a job, and I know what it means to struggle with my business every day in terms of keeping our doors open any day but definitely in a difficult economy. ~ Sher Valenzuela
Tasuka Gov quotes by Sher Valenzuela
Today New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced that he's endorsing Mitt Romney for president. It's good news for Romney. I mean, you always want Chris Christie on your side. Unless you're in a canoe. ~ Jimmy Fallon
Tasuka Gov quotes by Jimmy Fallon
After 16 months of teaching, consulting, fellowship, and special project activities on matters ranging from conservation to healthcare to international trade, Gov. Ventura appointed me to the Minnesota Court of Appeals. ~ David Minge
Tasuka Gov quotes by David Minge
– But here is a question that is troubling me: if there is no God, then, one may ask, who governs human life and, in general, the whole order of things on earth?
– Man governs it himself, – Homeless angrily hastened to reply to this admittedly none-too-clear question.
– Pardon me, – the stranger responded gently, – but in order to govern, one needs, after all, to have a precise plan for a certain, at least somewhat decent, length of time. Allow me to ask you, then, how can man govern, if he is not only deprived of the opportunity of making a plan for at least some ridiculously short period, well, say, a thousand years , but cannot even vouch for his own tomorrow? And in fact, – here the stranger turned to Berlioz, – imagine that you, for instance, start governing, giving orders to others and yourself, generally, so to speak, acquire a taste for it, and suddenly you get ...hem ... hem ... lung cancer ... – here the foreigner smiled sweetly, and if the thought of lung cancer gave him pleasure - yes, cancer - narrowing his eyes like a cat, he repeated the sonorous word - and so your governing is over! You are no longer interested in anyone's fate but your own. Your family starts lying to you. Feeling that something is wrong, you rush to learned doctors, then to quacks, and sometimes to fortune-tellers as well. Like the first, so the second and third are completely senseless, as you understand. And it all ends tragically: a man who still recently thought he was gov ~ Mikhail Bulgakov
Tasuka Gov quotes by Mikhail Bulgakov
Finally, the loss of moral authority in the law means we have forfeited the rule oflaw and reverted to arbitrary human rule. The rule of law cannot survive unless there is an unchanging and transcendent standard against which we can measure human laws. Otherwise, the law is whatever the lawmakers or judges say it is-which can only result, eventually, in the collapse of free gov- ernment.43 The postmodernist assault on objective moral truth has put us on the road to tyranny. ~ Charles W. Colson
Tasuka Gov quotes by Charles W. Colson
Gov. Christie says 'New Jersey First.' State-based Isolationism! ~ Jonah Goldberg
Tasuka Gov quotes by Jonah Goldberg
I think the ethos for Gov. Romney is to use a whole variety of policies, of which tax policy is one, to try to raise the rate of growth. We've had a recovery from the financial crisis that would be well below what one might normally expect for a recovery from such a deep recession. And to counteract that we need better tax policy. ~ Glenn Hubbard
Tasuka Gov quotes by Glenn Hubbard
Most website developers say an aggregator website, such as what healthcare.gov is, could be built easily for a half a million dollars. They have spent a half a billion dollars. ~ Marsha Blackburn
Tasuka Gov quotes by Marsha Blackburn
It wasn't the type of CIA job you'd find an application for on Jobs/CIA.Gov. It was a deep black-ops organization that hadn't been to a Senate Committee meeting since the Reagan Administration, and even then it was falsely presented as a training program. ~ Jennifer Arnett
Tasuka Gov quotes by Jennifer Arnett
I think Gingrich has embarrassed the party over time. Whether he'll do it again in the future, I don't know. But Gov. Romney never has. ~ Chris Christie
Tasuka Gov quotes by Chris Christie
There was a short pause before Elizabeth gasped, finally understanding his meaning, "You did that? You put up those pictures of that senator? The naked selfies on the house dot gov main page?"
"I did no such thing." Greg sounded and looked insulted, then added, "Alex did it. I was merely the Pinky to his Brain. ~ Penny Reid
Tasuka Gov quotes by Penny Reid
Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse. ~ John Lewis
Tasuka Gov quotes by John Lewis
Texas Gov. Rick Perry referred to the Mexican city of Juarez as the most dangerous city in America. In his defense, he probably just thought it was an American city because there were so many Mexicans there. ~ Jay Leno
Tasuka Gov quotes by Jay Leno
The irony is that we've seen this model work really well in Massachusetts because Gov. Romney did a good thing, working with Democrats in the state to set up what is essentially the identical model and, as a consequence, people are covered there. It hasn't destroyed jobs. And as a consequence, we now have a system in which we have the opportunity to start bringing down costs as opposed to just leaving millions of people out in the cold." "Gov. Romney said this has to be done on a bipartisan basis ~ Barack Obama
Tasuka Gov quotes by Barack Obama
Saturday 18th July 19:02
TO: [email protected]
Great. Will see you tomorrow. I am just going home for a bit of anal.

Saturday 18th July 19:04
TO: [email protected]
That was the auto correct! Not me! My email was meant to read 'I am just going home for a bit of a nap!'
I am tired, I am not, and I never have…
Anyway. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Coco. ~ Robert Bryndza
Tasuka Gov quotes by Robert Bryndza
In a new videotape message, Texas Gov. Rick Perry urges his supporters to follow him on 'Tweeter.' After hearing about it, John McCain laughed and said, What an idiot! It's 'The Tweeter.' ~ Conan O'Brien
Tasuka Gov quotes by Conan O'Brien
Gov. Scott Walker, a Tea Party-tinged Republican, is the advance guard of a new GOP push to dismantle public-sector unions as an electoral force. ~ Howard Fineman
Tasuka Gov quotes by Howard Fineman
I appreciate the decision made by Gov. Brewer to veto this legislation. I hope that we can now move on from this controversy and assure the American people that everyone is welcome to live, work and enjoy our beautiful State of Arizona. ~ John McCain
Tasuka Gov quotes by John McCain
Gov. Romney says he's against same-sex marriage because every child deserves a mother and a father. I think every child deserves a family as loving and committed as mine. Mr. Romney my family is just as real as yours. ~ Zach Wahls
Tasuka Gov quotes by Zach Wahls
If you log onto this (Cars.gov) at your home, everything in your home is now theirs. ~ Glenn Beck
Tasuka Gov quotes by Glenn Beck
On January 17, 1991 and for the 43 days that followed, I watched CNN's live coverage of SCUD missiles and bombs fall over Baghdad like rain; then the 12 ½ years of unjust sanctions that killed approximately a million Iraqis, half of which were children under the age of five; then an unjust attack in 2003 that opened the borders to terrorists from all over the world and reduced the cradle of civilization to piles of rubble. The gov. asked us to support their plan or else be considered anti-American and undemocratic and they ask of us the same today, 25 years later, even though history proved they were pro-profit not pro-life. ~ Weam Namou
Tasuka Gov quotes by Weam Namou
Thrilled that Gov. Romney enjoys my old character. I enjoyed the character he used 2 b 2. If he'd embrace that again, he'd b a great candidate. ~ Jason Alexander
Tasuka Gov quotes by Jason Alexander
In the 1970s, New York City avoided bankruptcy because wise political leaders like Gov. Hugh L. Carey believed both in strong labor unions and robust banks and companies. ~ Felix Rohatyn
Tasuka Gov quotes by Felix Rohatyn
Be very careful. We suggest getting a book on HTML to avoid becoming a real legend in the hacker world. Putting up a web page before you know how to put up a web page is generally a very bad idea. The .gov sites are an exception. ~ Emmanuel Goldstein
Tasuka Gov quotes by Emmanuel Goldstein
Gov. Romney is a proven and effective leader with vast experience in the business world, in the non-profit world and in government. And in every capacity in which he has ever served, he has been effective as a leader. ~ Jim Talent
Tasuka Gov quotes by Jim Talent
The White House has now put together a website for kids. It's a website to teach kids how to manage a budget responsibly. The website is called ' Irony.gov. ' ~ David Letterman
Tasuka Gov quotes by David Letterman
I'm glad that Gov. Scott down in Florida accepted ObamaCare, because it will work. ~ Magic Johnson
Tasuka Gov quotes by Magic Johnson
CMS has a track record of successfully overseeing the many contractors our programs depend on to function. Unfortunately, a subset of those contracts for HealthCare.gov have not met expectations. ~ Marilyn Tavenner
Tasuka Gov quotes by Marilyn Tavenner
Gov. Jeb Bush and the Florida Legislature's strong commitment to increase access to Advanced Placement courses continues to pay off. ~ Gaston Caperton
Tasuka Gov quotes by Gaston Caperton
Unfortunately, the experience on HealthCare.gov has been highly frustrating for many Americans. These problems are unacceptable. ~ Todd Park
Tasuka Gov quotes by Todd Park
I've had opportunities before to run for office - the Republicans recruited me when I was surgeon general, to run for Congress, to run against Gov. Napolitano. But I didn't feel it was my calling ... I felt, 'Well, I'm flattered, but I really would rather stay and be the doctor of the nation and stay as surgeon general.' ~ Richard Carmona
Tasuka Gov quotes by Richard Carmona
Georgia became the latest state to join that list when Gov. Nathan Deal signed an executive order Monday. It described the new policy as a matter of fairness and a way to strengthen the state's economy by expanding the pool of workers. ~ Anonymous
Tasuka Gov quotes by Anonymous
You can tell Gov. Bush to rest assured that I'm not going to leave the country because we have to get him out of office and we have to get his brother out of office in 2004. We're not resting until we get that done. ~ Alec Baldwin
Tasuka Gov quotes by Alec Baldwin
None of the people who wrote Obamacare want anything to do with it. None of the people responsible for Obamacare can afford it. They all want subsidies. None of the people that gave us Obamacare have any desire to actually go to HealthCare.gov and sign up. That's for you and me to have to do. ~ Rush Limbaugh
Tasuka Gov quotes by Rush Limbaugh
Tasuka Gov quotes by Steven S. Long
We passed a bill in 1997, signed by Democratic Gov. Lawton Chiles, which created a pilot program for a novel experiment called Florida Virtual School. The notion of children using a computer for a classroom and reporting to virtual teachers wasn't exactly mainstream thinking in those days. ~ Dan Webster
Tasuka Gov quotes by Dan Webster
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