Tank Girl Comic Book Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Tank Girl Comic Book.

Quotes About Tank Girl Comic Book

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Normal men retain their childish longing for a woman to mother them. At adolescence a new desire is added. They want a girl to allure them. When you put these two together, you have the typical male yearning that Wonder Woman satisfies. ~ William Moulton Marston
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by William Moulton Marston
For boys, Wonder Woman is a frightening image. For girls she is a morbid ideal. Where Batman is anti-feminine, the attractive Wonder Woman and her counterparts are definitely anti-masculine. ~ Fredric Wertham
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Fredric Wertham
Anna used to be the abstinence poster girl, but you could write a comic book about the many adventures of her vagina. It could wear a cape. ~ Michelle Hodkin
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Michelle Hodkin
Oddly, I think if you look at comic books, you look at the shelves in the store, it's predominantly male characters, historically. But if you look outside the window it's 52-percent female, and something odd is going on there. So I do think it's your responsibility as a writer, really, to create stuff that little girls can get into too. I want my daughters to have role models that are female. ~ Mark Millar
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Mark Millar
Alan shrugged. "I love the CBC, really, but being voted its president - " "Co-president," Sputnik corrected. " - is kind of like being declared King of Nerds." "Co-king," Sputnik asserted. ~ J.M. Richards
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by J.M. Richards
I've always like Medieval literature. As a young girl I read mythologies and Norse legends, that sort of thing. I loved Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. While I was studying at Middle Tennessee State University for doctoral program I came in contact with more ancient literature. I examined older literature more seriously which intrigued and fascinated me very much; I was drawn to it.
For the book I used all my own translations of Beowulf from my doctorate. Culture is contained in language, if you study a language you'll see bits of culture, because the words are different and you see into the lives of the people. The Anglo-Saxon language touched me very deeply. Some of it is the heroic. Some of it is the melancholy. But there is also honor. You uphold, you fight to the death. Even if you watch movies, like Marvel comic book movies, like Thor: you want the great ones to win. Its even better if they have a fault. But you want the heroic character to win. ~ Deborah A. Higgens
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Deborah A. Higgens
I remember her, not a girl but the girl. The brains behind the all time top ten comic book vixens only wish they could conjure a a siren the likes of Susan Glenn, beneath my feet my own private earthquake registered an eight when Susan Glenn was near. In her presence all was beautiful before she arrived turned grotesque and in her shadows others became goblinesque, if she approached Susan Glenn she didn't walk she floated, accompanied by Pyrotechnics spectacals that left me feeling a foot tall. She embodied every desireable quality I have ever wanted. In my mind I was a peasant before a Queen. And so Susan Glenn and I were never a thing, if I could do it again, I'd do it differently. ~ Keifer Sutherland
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Keifer Sutherland
My brother is a comic-book writer, and I was always in love with comics. ~ Adrianne Palicki
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Adrianne Palicki
I love other movies that have been made since, but I think more than any comic book movie, 'Superman' just totally seemed to capture superheroes in ways that others have not. ~ Brian K. Vaughan
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Brian K. Vaughan
I didn't know the comic at all, which is really funny because I grew up here and I had friends who worked at all of the places. Like The Beguiling, which is a store here, and Suspect Video and one of my friends actually worked at Suspect and The Beguiling. So it's kind of crazy that I'd never known the books before. ~ Alison Pill
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Alison Pill
Ultimately, there's always been a link between comic books and video games, and comic books and movies, and then basically all three steadily becoming this sort of transmedia. ~ Troy Duffy
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Troy Duffy
As adults we choose our own reading material. Depending on our moods and needs we might read the newspaper, a blockbuster novel, an academic article, a women's magazine, a comic, a children's book, or the latest book that just about everyone is reading. No one chastises us for our choice. No one says, 'That's too short for you to read.' No one says, 'That's too easy for you, put it back.' No one says 'You couldn't read that if you tried
it's much too difficult.'
Yet if we take a peek into classrooms, libraries, and bookshops we will notice that children's choices are often mocked, censured, and denied as valid by idiotic, interfering teachers, librarians, and parents. Choice is a personal matter that changes with experience, changes with mood, and changes with need. We should let it be. ~ Mem Fox
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Mem Fox
Most films are rooted in a book or a comic strip, but I don't go out there saying I want to do adaptations. ~ Ralph Fiennes
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Ralph Fiennes
I've learned, from working with translators over the years, that the original novel is, in a way, a translation itself. It is not, of course, translated into another language but it is a translation from the images in the author's mind to that which he is able to put down on paper. Here's a secret. Many novelists, if they are pressed and if they are being honest, will admit that the finished book is a rather rough translation of the book they'd intended to write. It's one of the heartbreaks of writing fiction. You have, for months or years, been walking around with the idea of a novel in your mind, and in your mind it's transcendent, it's brilliantly comic and howlingly tragic, it contains everything you know, and everything you can imagine, about human life on the planet earth. It is vast and mysterious and awe-inspiring. It is a cathedral made of fire. But even if the book in question turns out fairly well, it's never the book that you'd hoped to write. It's smaller than the book you'd hoped to write. It is an object, a collection of sentences, and it does not remotely resemble a cathedral made of fire. It feels, in short, like a rather inept translation of a mythical great work. The translator, then, is simply moving the book another step along the translation continuum. The translator is translating a translation. ~ Michael Cunningham
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Michael Cunningham
I liked baseball and sports and Garbage Pail Kids and comic books. I know what it's like to really adore something. ~ Todd Lowe
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Todd Lowe
It's Violent.
You imagine it deafening, red, boiling-hot. It's like a comic book: the bright colors, the crude outlines, the words in capital letters: BANG!SMASH!CRUNCH! You think "smithereens."
You crave the explosion. ~ Joan Wickersham
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Joan Wickersham
What I had noticed is that there weren't a lot of women lining up to see a comic book movie, but they were going to line up to see 'The Devil Wears Prada,' which may have been something I wanted to address. ~ Bryan Singer
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Bryan Singer
My hero in comic books is Jack Kirby: 'Spider-Man,' 'Fantastic Four,' 'Captain America,' Marvel Comics. He was really the basis for Marvel Comics. ~ Walter Mosley
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Walter Mosley
I watched so many comic book movies where the actors weren't as built as the characters in the book. It made me mad because they didn't look right. ~ Joe Manganiello
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Joe Manganiello
You're walking down Fool's Street, Laura used to say when he was drinking, and she had been right. He had known even then that she was right, but knowing had made no difference; he had simply laughed at her fears and gone on walking down it, till finally he had stumbled and fell. Then, for a long time, he stayed away, and if he had stayed away long enough he would have been all right; but one night he began walking down it again - and met the girl. It was inevitable that on Fool's Street there should be women as well as wine.

He had walked down it many times in many different towns, and now he was walking down it once again in yet another town. Fool's Street never changed, no matter where you went, and this one was no different from the others. The same skeletonic signs bled beer names in vacant windows; the same winos sat in doorways nursing muscatel; the same drunk tank awaited you when at last your reeling footsteps failed. And if the sky was darker than usual, it was only because of the rain which had begun falling early that morning and been falling steadily ever since. ~ Robert F. Young
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Robert F. Young
I'm not a comic book character. I'm not Indiana Jones or Bond, I'm a flesh and blood guy who is ageing and changing. I don't have to do what I did in '93. I couldn't do it and thank God. ~ David Duchovny
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by David Duchovny
Especially those first few years of my comic book career, I had no idea what was going to happen the next day. ~ Jason Aaron
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Jason Aaron
I have read many, many of these first-time published efforts and often, even though some are absolutely at pro levels of production, and have very costly printing and presentation, they lack a purpose, they merely emulate successful comics that already exist ... I can't stress this enough. Have something to say. ~ Gail Simone
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Gail Simone
Look at comic books. It used to be something that only geeks were into. And now it's everywhere. ~ Eli Roth
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Eli Roth
As far as comic books are concerned, I was always a Marvel guy for the most part, although I did follow DC a little. I don't know, honestly I'd just like to play whatever role [that] not just the studio, but the fans think I fit the best into. Because I think, especially in worlds like that, you've really got to do right by the fan base and stay in tune with what they are looking for and what they desire. I would just want to do right by them. ~ Zachary Levi
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Zachary Levi
The comic book, and I've said it before, is a treasure trove. It's a grab bag. We certainly have characters and story lines that we really want to do - but to get there in a TV series, you have to take your time. Sometimes you can't get right to it. They're two different mediums. So we make it our own and really own the material. I like to think of it as an alternate universe. ~ Glen Mazzara
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Glen Mazzara
I don't subscribe to the school of thought that as a feature film producer I shouldn't dabble in television, web content, or even comic books ... ~ Adi Shankar
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Adi Shankar
A guide book is addressed to those who plan to follow the traveler, doing what he has done, but more selectively. A travel book, in its purest, is addressed to those who do not plan to follow the traveler at all, but who require the exotic or comic anomalies, wonders and scandals of the literary form romance which their own place or time cannot entirely supply. ~ Paul Fussell
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Paul Fussell
The best comics editors have the smallest egos. The worst ones feel like they have to justify their salaries by making changes just so they can leave their fingerprints. Every creative medium has those guys, and they're all loathsome. ~ Mark Waid
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Mark Waid
We often hear of a male director directing a great indie and immediately being offered the next huge comic book movie. Rarely, if ever, does this happen to a woman. ~ Lesli Linka Glatter
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Lesli Linka Glatter
Have you ever seen a little girl run so fast she falls down? There's an instant, a fraction of a second before the world catches hold of her again... A moment when she's outrun every doubt and fear she's ever had about herself and she flies. In that one moment, every little girl flies. I need to find that again. Like taking a car out into the desert to see how fast it can go, I need to find the edge of me... And maybe, if I fly far enough, I'll be able to turn around and look at the world... And see where I belong. ~ Kelly Sue DeConnick
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Kelly Sue DeConnick
And I had worked at the comic-book store almost by accident, because I was deciding to make a living as an artist, be it as an art tutor or illustrator, and that's how I wanted to make my living. ~ Brian Michael Bendis
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Brian Michael Bendis
I get mad when people call me an action movie star. Indiana Jones is an adventure film, a comic book, a fantasy. ~ Harrison Ford
Tank Girl Comic Book quotes by Harrison Ford
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