Sonus Audio Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Sonus Audio.

Quotes About Sonus Audio

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Remember: worry, fear, and negative thoughts produce a yield from those thoughts that have to be inevitably reaped after they have been sown! ~ Stephen Richards
Sonus Audio quotes by Stephen Richards
There is a lot of money to be made from miseducation, from the easy to read easy to learn textbooks, workbooks, teacher manuals, educational games and visual aids. The textbook business is more than a billion-dollar-a-year industry and some of its biggest profits come from 'audio-visual aids' - flash cards, tape cassettes, and filmstrips. No wonder the education industry encourages schools to focus on surface education. ~ Marva Collins
Sonus Audio quotes by Marva Collins
Enjoy the full, rich sound of your favorite music without any cords or cables. GGMM M4 uses Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth 4.0 technology to equally project exquisite audio wirelessly. ~ GGMM M4 Wireless Wi-Fi Bluetooth Speaker
Sonus Audio quotes by GGMM M4 Wireless Wi-Fi Bluetooth Speaker
I think that being a film composer, someone that gets it and actually applies the music, it allows you to open up a spectrum of feeling. You're now allowed to approach the music from an audio visual perspective. ~ Adrian Younge
Sonus Audio quotes by Adrian Younge
With practice I will eventually realize my goal; in the meantime, come to Paris and you will find me, headphones plugged tight in my external audio meatus, walking the quays and whispering, 'Has anything else been inserted into your anus? Has anything else been inserted into your anus? ~ David Sedaris
Sonus Audio quotes by David Sedaris
Maybe storytelling belongs in audio - a short story is the length of a commute. That can be a sacred spot where you have the ear of the reader without having to compete with other media like games or TV. ~ Paolo Bacigalupi
Sonus Audio quotes by Paolo Bacigalupi
Books are the most powerful tool in the human arsenal, that reading all kinds of books, in whatever format you choose - electronic (even though that wasn't for her) or printed, or audio - is the grandest entertainment, and also is how you take part in human conversation. ~ Will Schwalbe
Sonus Audio quotes by Will Schwalbe
Camus said there is only really one serious philosophical question, which is whether or not to commit suicide. I think there are four or five serious philosophical questions:
The first one is: Who started it?
The second is: Are we going to make it?
The third is: Where are we going to put it?
The fourth is: Who's going to clean up?
And the fifth: Is it serious?
Out Of Your Mind (2004), Audio lecture 1: The Nature of Consciousness: A Game That's Worth The Candle. ~ Alan W. Watts
Sonus Audio quotes by Alan W. Watts
If we have free will, by definition we cannot be granted it. We can't be given it. My [-audio-recording-distorted-] paradox states that 'Of course we have free will, we have no choice.' To say that it's a gift is to negate the whole concept of free will on its face. So, if that isn't self-evident, I can't think of anything that would meet the definition of being self-evident. ~ Christopher Hitchens
Sonus Audio quotes by Christopher Hitchens
I love doing film soundtracks and working with directors on how they want the scene to be portrayed on audio as opposed to visual. I like the collaborative effort of working with people. ~ Al Jourgensen
Sonus Audio quotes by Al Jourgensen
General Electric backed the Carousel of Progress, which featured an Audio-Animatronic housewife, standing in her futuristic kitchen, singing about a great big beautiful tomorrow. ~ Eric Schlosser
Sonus Audio quotes by Eric Schlosser
The transition from subject to observer was instantaneous, sensations, sights, and sounds changing from instruments of torment to a fascinating display of electronic signals. The spectra included thousands of frequencies, visual, audio and psi bands alike, each customized for a specific effect, a pseudo symphony for an audience of one. ~ Marcha A. Fox
Sonus Audio quotes by Marcha A. Fox
Reading all kinds of books, in whatever format you choose
electronic or printed or audio
is the grandest entertainment, and also is how you take part in the human conversation. ~ Will Schwalbe
Sonus Audio quotes by Will Schwalbe
In between that time, I've done book narrating, you know, books on tape for Dove Audio. ~ Juice Newton
Sonus Audio quotes by Juice Newton
From a technical point of view, there seemed to me to be absolutely no reason why - with the existing technology - we couldn't do very high quality audio, because whereas the boom in digital graphics is ongoing, the boom in digital audio has already happened. ~ Thomas Dolby
Sonus Audio quotes by Thomas Dolby
At the same time, one of the things I noticed was that the moment there was any kind of audio attached to virtual reality, it really improved the experience, even though the audio didn't feel like a sound engineer or composer had been anywhere near it. ~ Thomas Dolby
Sonus Audio quotes by Thomas Dolby
When I'm in my car, I'm listening to books, audio books, always. ~ George Will
Sonus Audio quotes by George Will
I was born inside the movie of my life. The visuals were before me, the audio surrounded me, the plot unfolded inevitably but not necessarily. I don't remember how I got into the movie, but it continues to entertain me. ~ Roger Ebert
Sonus Audio quotes by Roger Ebert
More academics should blog, post videos, post audio, post lectures, offer articles and more. You'll enjoy it: I've had threats and blackmail, abuse, smears and formal complaints with forged documentation. ~ Ben Goldacre
Sonus Audio quotes by Ben Goldacre
Analog sounds so much better. I frankly can't listen to digital audio for more than a few hours without really starting to hate what I'm listening to. Even decent 24-bit digital resolution really irritates me after a while. ~ Tom Scholz
Sonus Audio quotes by Tom Scholz
Because operators are based thousands of miles away from the battlefield, and undertake operations entirely through computer screens and remote audio feed, there is a risk of developing a 'PlayStation' mentality to killing. ~ Philip Alston
Sonus Audio quotes by Philip Alston
I foresee online gaming changing when there are good audio-visual links connecting the participants, thus approximating play in a face-to-face group. ~ Gary Gygax
Sonus Audio quotes by Gary Gygax
The visuals and the audio, could stand by themselves in a way. But the whole idea of the thing, is that they would exist together. So I think together, they're way more of a stronger thing. You could listen to just the music, or just watch the video, but I think it would really mean ... obviously it would just be half the experience. ~ Panda Bear
Sonus Audio quotes by Panda Bear
I had the pleasure of listening to Rickie Lee Jones' Flying Cowboys album on audio cassette, which had just come out at that time because I am an elderly man. ~ John Hodgman
Sonus Audio quotes by John Hodgman
Sometimes, the best songs are the ones you write without any pen and paper or audio recording device or guitar in your hands. Because there's nothing between you and the melody; it's just a great lyric. ~ Jon Foreman
Sonus Audio quotes by Jon Foreman
Happy Independence Day! Let Freedom Stream!!! ~ David Chiles
Sonus Audio quotes by David Chiles
Am I screaming? I hope so, but I can't tell, not until I figure out the audio.
I don't have a voice box. ~ Aldous Mercer
Sonus Audio quotes by Aldous Mercer
Mom taught me not to look away from the worst but to believe that we can all do better. She never wavered in her conviction that books are the most powerful tool in the human arsenal, that reading all kinds of books, in whatever format you choose - electronic (even though that wasn't for her) or printed, or audio - is the grandest entertainment, and also is how you take part in human conversation. Mom taught me that you can make a difference in the world and that books really do matter: they're how we know what we need to do in life, and how we tell others. Mom also showed me, over the course of two years and dozens of books and hundreds of hours in hospitals, that books can be how we get closer to each other, and stay close, even in the case of a mother and son who were very close to begin with, and even after one of them has died. ~ Will Schwalbe
Sonus Audio quotes by Will Schwalbe
The macabre melodies were a surreal audible example of just who I'd been before and a stark contrast to who I was now. ~ K.A. Hill
Sonus Audio quotes by K.A. Hill
Even with her audio interface turned off, it was the deepest silence she'd ever experienced. "It's so quiet here."
"Creepy, isn't it? I don't know how people can stand it."
"I think it's kind of nice."
"Yeah, like a morgue is nice. ~ Marissa Meyer
Sonus Audio quotes by Marissa Meyer
My body feels young but my mind is very old coz Im half the world away ~ Oasis Audio
Sonus Audio quotes by Oasis Audio
Our power to think is infinite, consequently that means our creative power is unlimited! ~ Stephen Richards
Sonus Audio quotes by Stephen Richards
Most of the other visitors were chained to their audio guides, looking only at what their little headsets told them was worth seeing. ~ Dara Horn
Sonus Audio quotes by Dara Horn
You have to realize I like doing big movies that appear on a big screen. So the visuals and the audio have to be of a certain quality before I start to get excited about the thing. ~ Hans Zimmer
Sonus Audio quotes by Hans Zimmer
I love reading - inspirational books, leadership books, biographies. I exercise a lot and put on my audio book. Even If you would offer me a million dollars for my iPod I wouldn't give it to you, because I have some great things on it. ~ Robin Sharma
Sonus Audio quotes by Robin Sharma
Unbelievable, I said when it was done. And Brilliant and Audio crack and That one will be everyone's breakup song, and so on, because great is never good enough for the artists; they always want to know exactly what you mean and which nanosecond of the song you mean it about. ~ Kelley Eskridge
Sonus Audio quotes by Kelley Eskridge
Sometimes we need to step back and understand the power of video games. 'Dear Esther' does just that. Through visuals, audio, and narration, this title weaves a story around the player as they explore different areas in the game. ~ Rob Manuel
Sonus Audio quotes by Rob Manuel
I watched season four of 'The Wire.' They have subtle performances that they do through their eyes. You could watch season four with the audio off and still understand what's happening through their eyes. ~ John Boyega
Sonus Audio quotes by John Boyega
The Afghanis converted from Buddhism and some of the greatest Muslims came out of that Buddhist tradition. In fact Balkh was a center for Buddhist logic and those logicians became Muslim and introduced interestingly enough into Islamic theology some Buddhist logical formations that dont exist in Greek logic.

Greek logic does not have a "neither A nor B" type scenario whereas Nagarjunian logic which is Buddhist logic does. In traditional Islamic theology you have situations where they do have that "neither A nor B". [...] I can't say "definitely" but I really believe that it does come out of the influence that the Buddhist logicians had on Islam. I actually wrote a paper "how the Buddhists saved Islam" which was about that but somebody said [...] [do not submit it] as you will get too much flak.
(audio) ~ Hamza Yusuf
Sonus Audio quotes by Hamza Yusuf

You know what!? Fuck this! Fuck this airlock, fuck that Hab, and fuck this whole planet!
Seriously, this is it! I've had it! I've got a few minutes before I run out of air and I'll be damned if I spend them playing Mars's little game. I'm so god damned sick of it I could puke!
All I have to do is sit here. The air will leak out and I'll die.
I'll be done. No more getting my hopes up, no more self-delusion, and no more problem-solving. I've fucking had it!


Sigh...okay. I've had my tantrum and now I have to figure out how to stay alive. ~ Andy Weir
Sonus Audio quotes by Andy Weir
Presidential power was overruled by the high bench in July 1974, when President Nixon was ordered to turn over some audio tapes of his White House conversations, including the 'smoking gun' tape of June 23, 1972, that revealing the Watergate cover up. ~ Helen Thomas
Sonus Audio quotes by Helen Thomas
Reading an audio book is a very odd experience because there are three people sitting out there while you're reading in this glass booth, and you can see their reactions. ~ Ruth Reichl
Sonus Audio quotes by Ruth Reichl
I created an online program that has audio lessons and PDF worksheets and two hours of video. So it's like a course you can do at home. And people are loving it and getting jobs from it. ~ Josh Pais
Sonus Audio quotes by Josh Pais
One of the things that I think audio is best at is creating empathy. ~ Alex Blumberg
Sonus Audio quotes by Alex Blumberg
There is no news value to the content of those [Newtown 911] tapes. The actual audio is of no news value at all, unless you want the thrill of hearing the sound of the actual individual gunshot that might have killed a 7 year-old. ~ Rachel Maddow
Sonus Audio quotes by Rachel Maddow
My first epiphany that this might work came on my first day, when I went into biofeedback. They hooked me up to computers through electrodes, put me in a comfortable lounge chair, put an eye pillow over my face, slipped speakers onto my head and played an audio guided visualization. ~ Brad Willis
Sonus Audio quotes by Brad Willis
You must study their deliveries, their use of their bodies, their timing, and their use of audio and vocal effects. ~ Franklyn Ajaye
Sonus Audio quotes by Franklyn Ajaye
(I'm a child of the wired generation, unlike some of the suits hereabouts who have their secretaries print everything out and dictate their replies for an audio-typist to send.) ~ Charles Stross
Sonus Audio quotes by Charles Stross
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