Sexually Transmitted Virus Quotes

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Quotes About Sexually Transmitted Virus

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Indeed, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calculated that 65 million people in the United States now have a sexually transmitted virus, and they will suffer from it for the rest of their lives. ~ James C. Dobson
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by James C. Dobson
You don't want him," she said to the pink-haired girl. "He has syphilis."
The girls stared. "Syphilis?"
"Five percent of people in America have it," said Ty helpfully.
"I do not have syphilis," Mark said angrily. "There are no sexually transmitted diseases in Faerieland!"
"Sorry," Jules said. "You know how syphilis is. Attacks the brain. ~ Cassandra Clare
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Cassandra Clare
Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent. ~ R.D. Laing
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by R.D. Laing
One 1993 study suggested that up to 40 percent of black women with endometriosis were misdiagnosed as having sexually transmitted PID. "It was so blatantly racist it just blows my mind," Ballweg says. ~ Maya Dusenbery
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Maya Dusenbery
Norway, Iceland, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands, Denmark, and the United Kingdom are among the least religious societies on [E]arth. According to the United Nations' Human Development Report (2005) they are also the healthiest, as indicated by life expectancy, adult literacy, per capita income, educational attainment, gender equality, homicide rate, and infant mortality. Insofar as there is a crime problem in Western Europe, it is largely the product of immigration. Seventy percent of the inmates of France's jails, for instance, are Muslim. The Muslims of Western Europe are generally not atheists. Conversely, the fifty nations now ranked lowest in terms of the United Nations' [H]uman [D]evelopment [I]ndex are unwaveringly religious.
Other analyses paint the same picture: the United States is unique among wealthy democracies in its level of religious adherence; it is also uniquely beleaguered by high rates of homicide, abortion, teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, and infant mortality. The same comparison holds true within the United States itself: Southern and Midwestern states, characterized by the highest levels of religious literalism, are especially plagued by the above indicators of societal dysfunction, while the comparatively secular states of the Northeast conform to European norms. ~ Sam Harris
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Sam Harris
Do you recall telling Dr. Phillips during your appointment on February second of last year that you needed to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases because - let me make sure I get this correct here . . ."
Taylor read out loud from her file,

"Because, quote, 'your weasel-dick husband slept with a skanky whore stripper and the cheating bastard didn't use a rubber'?"

Ms. Campbell shot up in her chair. "She actually wrote that down?"

The jury tittered with amused laughter and sat up interestedly. Finally - things were starting to look a little more like Law & Order around here.

"I take it that's a yes?" Taylor asked. ~ Julie James
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Julie James
When the Catholic Church insists that it is more sinful to use condoms in the midst of a sexually transmitted epidemic that it is for the same Church to withhold approbation of the use of condoms, it is less suprising that the sexual abuse of minors was handled unethically. ~ Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea
A not uncommon practice was to associate nationality with a particular disease, often sexually transmitted. For example, the English called syphilis "The French Disease"; the French called it "The Italian Disease"; the Italians called it "The Turkish Disease"; the Russians called it "The Polish Disease"; and both the Japanese and the Indians termed it "The Portuguese Disease." Only the Spanish accepted any blame, referring to it as "The Spanish Disease. ~ Daniel N. Leeson
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Daniel N. Leeson
I think this spring as the mosquito populations start to increase, we should be especially cautious about locations where we've had locally-transmitted Dengue virus. The same mosquito species that transmits Zika also transmits Dengue. It's confined primarily to Florida, South Florida, along the Gulf states and Southern Texas with a few small populations in Arizona and California. ~ Laura Harrington
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Laura Harrington
Lube helps to prevent micro-tears on the delicate skin in and on the genitals, which leave us vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections. Lube also makes the friction between your vagina (or anus) and whatever is being inserted silky and comfortable, as well as aids in smooth and nongrating hand sex. ~ Elle Chase
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Elle Chase
There is a striking parallel between the spreading of germs and the spreading of ideas or propaganda. On the one hand we are dealing with a virus which can be transported and transmitted under certain conditions which favor or limit its transportation or transmission: on the other hand with ideas, religions, and doctrines, which can be described as germs, benevolent or malevolent, according to the point of view one takes up. These germs can either remain at their source and be sterile, or emerge in the spreading of infection. ~ Andre Siegfried
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Andre Siegfried
My parents have always been vocal about "the birds and the bees." People who watched the Duck Dynasty episode in which my dad gave Willie's son John Luke and his girlfriend the sex talk while motoring down the river in a boat might not be surprised that I heard this exact speech countless times in my childhood. I remember coming home one day after hearing my buddies talking about sexually transmitted diseases and asking my dad about it. I don't remember the specifics of his speech, but I would never forget the last thing he said. "Son, you keep that thing in your pocket until you get married and you'll never have to worry about it," he told me. ~ Jase Robertson
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Jase Robertson
Life - a sexually transmitted terminal condition. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Rainer Maria Rilke
America is not big enough to shake her fist in the face of a holy God and get away with it, and as I read this I want to explain something. I'm going to read this and then I want to explain something. As America has permitted homosexuality to establish itself as an alternate lifestyle, it is also reeling from the frightening spread of sexually transmitted disease. Sin begets its own consequence, both on individuals and nations. ~ Reggie White
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Reggie White
The same comparison holds true within the United States itself: Southern and Midwestern states, characterized by the highest levels of religious literalism, are especially plagued by [high rates of homicide, abortion, teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, and infant mortality], while the comparatively secular states of the Northeast conform to European standards. ~ Sam Harris
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Sam Harris
The human papillomavirus (HPV) has long been known as a sexually transmitted infection that, at its worst, can cause cervical cancer in women. A vaccine is now available - these days, vaccines are increasingly swiftly developed - not to cure this malady but to immunize women against it. But there are forces in the administration who oppose the adoption of this measure on the grounds that it fails to discourage premarital sex. To accept the spread of cervical cancer in the name of god is no different, morally or intellectually, from sacrificing these women on a stone altar and thanking the deity for giving us the sexual impulse and then condemning it. We ~ Christopher Hitchens
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Christopher Hitchens
That man penetrated me with his shame. Shame, I realize now, is an infectious disease. Shame can be sexually transmitted. (107) ~ Jessica Stern
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Jessica Stern
Life is a terminal disease, and it is sexually transmitted. ~ John Cleese
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by John Cleese
Sexually-transmitted diseases is caused by sexual activity and promiscuity it spreads diseases. That's been known, you know, about 400 or 500 years, that somehow these diseases are spread. If fault comes with people because of their personal behavior but it isn't to be placed on a burden on other people, innocent people, why should they have to pay for the consequences? ~ Ron Paul
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Ron Paul
The male elites that run most countries are exceedingly uncomfortable with the subject of AIDS because it's a sexually transmitted disease. ~ Richard Holbrooke
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Richard Holbrooke
Rumours are like sexually transmitted diseases, both are spread by whores. ~ Habeeb Akande
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Habeeb Akande
This is the Renault Espace, probably the best of the people carriers. Not that that's much to shout about. That's like saying "Ooh good I've got syphilis, the BEST of the sexually transmitted diseases." ~ Jeremy Clarkson
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Jeremy Clarkson
I want to do another reality show. It's based on The Mole. It's about sexually transmitted diseases. It's called "God, I Hope That's a Mole." ~ Zach Galifianakis
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Zach Galifianakis
Carlyle spread her hands. 'I speculated that it was the remains of the starship that took the Eurydiceans to the planet. This seems to have been borne out.' She smiled. 'It transmitted a defensive virus that contained Microsoft patches. ~ Ken MacLeod
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Ken MacLeod
If you believe the many biographies of great men and women, none of them ever had syphilis. Which would be a remarkable stroke of luck on their part. Since its discovery in Barcelona in 1493 - supposedly brought back from the New World - the sexually transmitted disease just mowed down Europeans. Its effects were so devastating that some regard it as an equal trade for the measles and the smallpox Europeans exported to the Americas. ~ Jennifer Wright
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Jennifer   Wright
If men were equally at risk from this condition - if they knew their bellies might swell as if they were suffering from end-stage cirrhosis, that they would have to go nearly a year without a stiff drink, a cigarette, or even an aspirin, that they would be subject to fainting spells and unable to fight their way onto commuter trains - then I am sure that pregnancy would be classified as a sexually transmitted disease and abortions would be no more controversial than emergency appendectomies. ~ Barbara Ehrenreich
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Barbara Ehrenreich
Talent is not sexually transmitted. ~ AJ Lee
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by AJ Lee
Dating a successful man/woman will never make you successful.Success is not sexually transmitted. ~ Bonakala Bsac
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Bonakala Bsac
In my unfortunately infrequent encounters with real passion, I'm rarely as careful as I ought to be. The rationalization goes something like: With all the bullets and mortar rounds I've survived, I must be immune to sexually transmitted diseases. Stupid, I know. More likely, fate will indulge its taste for irony by killing me with AIDS os some other unpleasant alternative. ~ Barry Eisler
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Barry Eisler
He said every delusion has an objective, and the objective of a delusion is not merely to colonize one brain but to transmit itself to as many brains as possible. That is the purpose of every delusion, that is how a delusion survives, that is how it succeeds. By spreading, maximizing its colony, like a virus. According to Unni, any philosophy that can be transmitted to another person is a delusion. If two people believe in the same idea of truth, it is a delusion. Truth is a successful delusion. ~ Manu Joseph
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Manu Joseph
Life is a disease: sexually transmitted, and invariably fatal. ~ Neil Gaiman
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Neil Gaiman
Abstinence-only education - the best STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) and pregnancy delivery system that politicians have ever devised. ~ Rachel Maddow
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by Rachel Maddow
Yet no litany of sexually transmitted diseases was likely to scare Edward Bonshaw away; sexual attraction isn't strictly scientific. ~ John Irving
Sexually Transmitted Virus quotes by John Irving
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