Quanah Parker Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Quanah Parker.

Quotes About Quanah Parker

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The White Man goes into his church and talks about Jesus. The Indian goes into his tipi and talks with Jesus. ~ Quanah Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Quanah Parker
The Tonkawa killed him it make my heart hot. I want my people follow after white way. Some white people do that, too. ~ Quanah Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Quanah Parker
White man goes into his churches to talk about Jesus, the Indian into his Tepee to talk to Jesus (with Peyote etc). ~ Quanah Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Quanah Parker
In the person of Quanah Parker, an extraordinary man in whom the blood of two strong peoples flowed, the Lone Star and the Comanche Moon at last found common ground. ~ Thomas W. Knowles
Quanah Parker quotes by Thomas W. Knowles
Quanah Parker. As the years went by he became a shrewd businessman, built a large house, and successfully managed his farm and ranch. He traveled all over the country, and went to Washington to ride in President Theodore Roosevelt's inaugural parade. ~ Dee Brown
Quanah Parker quotes by Dee Brown
Upton Sinclair is his own King Charles' head. He cannot keep himself out of his writings, try though he may; or, by this time, try though he doesn't. ~ Dorothy Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Dorothy Parker
I was always a very happy, optimistic person. ~ Trey Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Trey Parker
She nodded and smiled, but I could feel that she was slightly disappointed in me. Like Ms Parker when I answer every question in English with 'It's a metaphor for desire. ~ Chloe Seager
Quanah Parker quotes by Chloe Seager
Mental Note #683
Tits don't make the lady; the same rule applies to trannys. ~ Scott Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Scott Parker
Those who have mastered etiquette, who are entirely, impeccably right, would seem to arrive at a point of exquisite dullness. ~ Dorothy Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Dorothy Parker
I still think of myself really as a New Yorker. ~ Parker Stevenson
Quanah Parker quotes by Parker Stevenson
Back in 1990, there were fewer than 20 wineries in and around Paso Robles, a farming community midway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Most of the wines produced there were rustic, highly tannic and alcoholic, with little charm or finesse. ~ Robert M. Parker, Jr.
Quanah Parker quotes by Robert M. Parker, Jr.
I'd like to have money. And I'd like to be a good writer. These two can come together, and I hope they will, but if that's too adorable, I'd rather have money. ~ Dorothy Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Dorothy Parker
The Swiss are a neat and an industrious people, none of whom is under seventy-five years of age. ~ Dorothy Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Dorothy Parker
As for helping me in the outside world, the Convent taught me only that if you spit on a pencil eraser, it will erase ink. ~ Dorothy Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Dorothy Parker
I've never been a millionaire but I know I'd be just darling at it. ~ Dorothy Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Dorothy Parker
You know,ever since I saw you in the bar that afternoon, I've been fantasizing about doing something."
"Doing what?" His voice was soft.
"This."I moved so that we were face to face. Our eyes met for a brief moment, and then I was leaning forward so that our mouths touched for the first time.
His eyes had darkened to the color of a summer night's sky, that almost-purple shade right before the stars came out. His lips curved up into a wicked smile that made things in my stomach tighten.
"What a coincidence. I've been thinking the exact same thing. ~ M.S. Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by M.S. Parker
Flying was just what she did, what she loved to do. In the air her problems dropped away and she felt weightless and free. A little bit like how she felt with Parker, actually. ~ Jill Shalvis
Quanah Parker quotes by Jill Shalvis
Believe in yourself and great things will happen. ~ Sheila Renee Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Sheila Renee Parker
It's an Afghanistan goat, so it can't stay here, or else it'll choke on the sweet air of freedom. ~ Trey Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Trey Parker
Sexy." "I'm not interested in funny and sexy with Malcolm Kavanaugh." "Parker, if you weren't interested, on some level, you'd have flicked him off like lint on a lapel. He ... " Laurel searched for the right word. "He intrigues you." "No, he ... Maybe." "As your friend, let me say it's nice to see you intrigued by a man, especially since I like the ~ Nora Roberts
Quanah Parker quotes by Nora Roberts
I did loads of student films and fringe theatre. I worked for free a lot. ~ Christopher Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Christopher Parker
I ask no risen dust to teach me immortality; I am conscious of eternal life. ~ Theodore Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Theodore Parker
I believe that movements start when individuals who feel very isolated and very alone in the midst of an alien culture, come in touch with something life-giving in the midst of a death-dealing situation. They make one of the most basic decisions a human being can make, which I have come to call the decision to live "divided no more," the decision to no longer act differently on the outside than one knows one's truth to be on the inside ~ Parker J. Palmer
Quanah Parker quotes by Parker J. Palmer
The Roman Christian mythology (and theology) discourages the vice of licentiousness, and so this is better than the heathen, but it encourages bigotry, hypocrisy, cant, and many another vice which the older Mother of Abominations kept clear from. ~ Theodore Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Theodore Parker
[America is] a rebellious nation. Our whole history is treason; our blood was attained before we were born; our creeds were infidelity to the mother church; our constitution treason to our fatherland. ~ Theodore Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Theodore Parker
As his boots walked towards the old station, he felt as though he were hallucinating. Scary apprehension increased the beat of his heart and the sweat upon his forehead was cold. The reality of where he stood created a sinking feeling inside of him.
An old man everyone called Uncle Tucker once owned this place. His sole existence behind the counter all of the time, day and night. He could have been a creature out of a fairy tale, with his long white beard and equally long white hair. Merlin. The overalls and the ball cap perched upon his head, along with the half-smoked cigar with an endless burning orb positioned in his mouth. It made him a fixture in time. He wondered if Tucker would still be alive. Tucker with his endless stories of the 1960s, the Vietnam War, and flower children. A man that never left a country thousands of miles away where bicycles filled the capital. A man who never left those fields where killing occurred. ~ Jaime Allison Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Jaime Allison Parker
both practicing restraint. ~ Robert B. Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Robert B. Parker
We certainly do not want to abolish power, that would be abolishing life itself, but we need a new orientation toward it. ~ Mary Parker Follett
Quanah Parker quotes by Mary Parker Follett
If we are unfaithful to true self, we will extract a price from others. We will make promises we cannot keep, build houses from flimsy stuff, conjure dreams that devolve into nightmares, and other people will suffer - if we are unfaithful to true self. ~ Parker J. Palmer
Quanah Parker quotes by Parker J. Palmer
Susan had decided to sit by the pool at the hotel with a copy of a book by Alice Miller called The Drama of the Gifted Child. ~ Robert B. Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Robert B. Parker
Out of all the ridiculous religion stories - which are greatly, wonderfully ridiculous - the silliest one I've ever heard is, 'Yeah, there's this big, giant universe, and it's expanding, and it's all going to collapse on itself, and we're all just here, just 'cuz. Just 'cuz.' That to me, is the most ridiculous explanation ever. ~ Trey Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Trey Parker
we'll pretend you regret what you did
we'll pretend i'm not damaged goods ~ Cyrus Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Cyrus Parker
Evidence is strongly suggesting Bipolar Disorder - previously known as Manic Depression - may be dramatically increasing in modern society. ~ Gordon Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Gordon Parker
Finally (and here is a sentence I never imagined writing), I thank my conversation partners on Facebook. A couple of years ago, my friend Finn Ryan set up a Facebook author page for me. Grateful as I was, my skepticism about the medium kept me from posting anything there until six months before I finished this book. I am very glad that I took the leap. The folks who share that space with me have helped me refine a number of key ideas, allowing me to write a better book than I could have written alone. Many thanks to all my Facebook "friends" as well as my face-to-face friends. ~ Parker J. Palmer
Quanah Parker quotes by Parker J. Palmer
If I were worried about my reputation, I wouldn't do anything with start-ups ~ Sean Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Sean Parker
society has a way of bending you until you break, no matter how strong you think you are or how hard you try to fight back. it will try to fold you on top of yourself and shape you into something new - something prettier, smaller, less you and more them. but it doesn't realize that by doing so, it's creating a warrior out of you, one strong enough to sink mountains and raise tides. strong enough to reach inside the earth and shake it to its very core. strong enough to leave your mark on what's tried to leave its mark on you. ~ Cyrus Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Cyrus Parker
mind, this poor child must be from ~ P.L. Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by P.L. Parker
You can't steal a gift. Bird [Charlie Parker] gave the world his music, and if you can hear it you can have it. ~ Dizzy Gillespie
Quanah Parker quotes by Dizzy Gillespie
There's no credit in not doing what you don't want to do. There's no virtue in not falling, when you're not tempted. ~ Gilbert Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Gilbert Parker
What I've learned about being a parent is how much you sort of secretly learn from everyone else and how valuable it is. ~ Sarah Jessica Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Sarah Jessica Parker
Colombians have been dealing with cocaine since your ancestors were running around Ireland with their bodies painted blue," Kingsley ~ Robert B. Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Robert B. Parker
The most punk-rock thing you can do in L.A. is to say 'George Bush is fucking awesome' instead of talking about how lame it is that he's fighting for oil. ~ Trey Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Trey Parker
Home. It's where we come from. Who we are. ~ Jewell Parker Rhodes
Quanah Parker quotes by Jewell Parker Rhodes
A lot of people don't realize this, but probably the one person that gets made fun of in 'South Park' more than anybody is my dad. Stan's father, Randy - my dad's name is Randy - that's my drawing of my dad; that's me doing my dad's voice. That is just my dad. Even Stan's last name, Marsh, was my dad's stepfather's name. ~ Trey Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Trey Parker
Every lost color returned, one by one by one like cherry blossoms bursting to life in the spring, brighter and more vivid than ever before.
- pleasantville ii ~ Cyrus Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Cyrus Parker
Now all I have to worry about is what might crawl out of the darkness to get me in the night."
"Yeah, well, I think there's a box of doughnuts under the chair. You can toss those to distract it. ~ Elle Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Elle Parker
I love Matthew Broderick. Call me crazy, but I love him. We can only be in the marriage we are. We're very devoted to our family and our lives. I love our life. I love that he's the father of my children, and it's because of him that there's this whole other world that I love. ~ Sarah Jessica Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Sarah Jessica Parker
It is one of the secrets of happiness that you know which battles you can win and which you can't. ~ Robert B. Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Robert B. Parker
We need a coat with two pockets. In one pocket there is dust, and in the other pocket there is gold. We need a coat with two pockets to remind us who we are. ~ Parker J. Palmer
Quanah Parker quotes by Parker J. Palmer
Don't let anyone or anything rob you of the beauty and meaning at the heart of life. It's your birthright gift. ~ Parker J. Palmer
Quanah Parker quotes by Parker J. Palmer
There's life for you. Spend the best years of your life studying penmanship and rhetoric and syntax and Beowulf and George Eliot, and then somebody steals your pencil. ~ Dorothy Parker
Quanah Parker quotes by Dorothy Parker
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