Natrajs Indian Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Natrajs Indian.

Quotes About Natrajs Indian

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I mean, a Mexican boy couldn't be anything else but an Indian. And why did you take the name of Quinn, they used to say to me. Hey, you're an Indian, so I played Indians. ~ Anthony Quinn
Natrajs Indian quotes by Anthony Quinn
Without love, we would not comprehend compassion.
- Govinda Shauri ~ Krishna Udayasankar
Natrajs Indian quotes by Krishna Udayasankar
A US firm with a large "government affairs" division dedicated to lobbying politicians in Washington, a Russian company founded by an oligarch with personal friendships in the Kremlin, and an Indian company finding its way through the tangle of decades-old licensing and bureaucratic requirements face drastically different regulatory environments from one another, let alone from a start-up seeking to enter an industry for the first time. ~ Moises Naim
Natrajs Indian quotes by Moises Naim
That more than 90 per cent of the Indian population should continue to be illiterate even after 175 years of British rule in this country is an intolerable situation which calls for immediate action. ~ Syama Prasad Mukherjee
Natrajs Indian quotes by Syama Prasad Mukherjee
As an Indian, I would like to back my government. ~ Kapil Dev
Natrajs Indian quotes by Kapil Dev
To the traditional Indians, terms such as "intercourse", "penis", "vagina", "clitoris", "semen", "masturbation", "breasts", etc. are exclusive possessions of the night. The traditional Indians perceive these terms as something "dirty". No matter how old they look, they really never grow up to talk and discuss about sex. ~ Abhijit Naskar
Natrajs Indian quotes by Abhijit Naskar
By the time everyone was ready to leave, I was filling the last cream puff with pale green pastry cream. I licked a bit off my finger. It was good- an intriguing mix of warm pistachio, floral cardamom, and invigorating ginger. And ginger, of course, was a root. I only wished I knew what The Book would say about it. And was it good enough? Spotting the last of Mom's batch of kulfi- Indian ice cream made of thick sweetened cream and flavored with pistachio, ginger, and cardamom- had inspired me to make a pastry cream with the same flavors. ~ Rajani LaRocca
Natrajs Indian quotes by Rajani LaRocca
In ancient times, the seven seas were the Indian Ocean, the Black Sea, the Caspian see, the Adriatic Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Red Sea. ~ Antal Parody
Natrajs Indian quotes by Antal Parody
Certain media-related developments in the country are raising questions regarding its objectivity and credibility. Paid news and the declining roles of the editors and their editorial freedom is posing a major threat to the Indian media. ~ Mohammad Hamid Ansari
Natrajs Indian quotes by Mohammad Hamid Ansari
I would like to say, for the record, that I am in favor of using more American Indians and other minorities in motion pictures, I am against polluting the oceans of the world, I am for every nationality having its own homeland, I am against whacking baby seals on the head, and I am for saving the whales. ~ Johnny Carson
Natrajs Indian quotes by Johnny Carson
Heavy pillars, carved from the rock, bear the roof. Slowly, one's eyes become accustomed to the dim light; then they can make out marvelous representations from Indian mythology carved on the walls. ~ Rudolf Otto
Natrajs Indian quotes by Rudolf Otto
Bolivia's majority Indian population was always excluded, politically oppressed and culturally alienated. Our national wealth, our raw materials, was plundered. Indios were once treated like animals here. In the 1930s and 40s, they were sprayed with DDT to kill the vermin on their skin and in their hair whenever they came into the city. ~ Evo Morales
Natrajs Indian quotes by Evo Morales
The Pacific, greatest of oceans, has an area exceeding that of all dry land on the planet. Herman Melville called it "the tide-beating heart of earth." Covering more than a third of the planet's surface
as much as the Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic oceans combined
it's the largest geographical feature in the world. Its awesome 165,384,000 square km (up to 16,000 km wide and 11,000 km long) have an average depth of around 4,000 meters. Half the world's liquid water is stored here. You could drop the entire dry landmass of our planet into the Pacific and still have room for another continent the size of Asia. One theory claims the moon may have been flung from the Pacific while the world was still young. ~ David Stanley
Natrajs Indian quotes by David Stanley
'Indian policy' has now been brought down upon the American people, and the American people are the new Indians of the 21st Century. ~ Russell Means
Natrajs Indian quotes by Russell Means
Chana dal are skinless dried split chickpeas used in Indian cooking. They have a great texture and delicate flavour. ~ Yotam Ottolenghi
Natrajs Indian quotes by Yotam Ottolenghi
I know who you are," the Chicano said to Thomas. "You're that Indian guy did all the talking." "Yeah," one of the African men said. "You're that storyteller. Tell us some stories, chief, give us the scoop." Thomas looked at these five men who shared his skin color, at the white man who shared this bus which was going to deliver them into a new kind of reservation, barrio, ghetto, logging-town tin shack. He then looked out the window, through the steel grates on the windows, at the freedom just outside the glass. He saw wheat fields, bodies of water, and bodies of dark-skinned workers pulling fruit from trees and sweat from thin air. Thomas closed his eyes and told this story. ~ Sherman Alexie
Natrajs Indian quotes by Sherman Alexie
The Central Indian Trifakirs, though something of a pest, were quite harmless. They always appeared in threes, of course, and made a practice of handing out muddle-headed philosophical tracts. ~ Walter Moers
Natrajs Indian quotes by Walter Moers
Being Indian has never been about returning to the land. The land is everywhere or nowhere. ~ Tommy Orange
Natrajs Indian quotes by Tommy Orange
Usually, I'll be auditioning for the third lead, and there will be Latina actresses, Indian actresses, African American actresses because it will be like, 'Let's check off this box. We have our lead white girl, and we need an ethnic slot.' ~ Constance Wu
Natrajs Indian quotes by Constance Wu
It was the very fact of the note, stuck on my windshield on the Red Lake Indian Reservation in northern Minnesota, hundreds of miles from where Fatback had lived and, apparently, died. That, and the small deerskin pouch of tobacco that was tied to it. Fatback was a black Lab - a good dog - who had belonged to Dan, an elderly Lakota man who lived far out on the Dakota plains. Years before, as a result of a book of elders' memories I had done with students at Red Lake, Dan had contacted me to come out to his home to speak with him. His request was vague, and I had been both skeptical and apprehensive. But, reluctantly, I had gone, and it had changed my life. We had worked together, traveled together, and created a book together in which the old man told his stories and memories and thoughts about Indian people and our American land. ~ Kent Nerburn
Natrajs Indian quotes by Kent Nerburn
Lunch was quickly eaten because everyone was so curious about the Indian in the woods. ~ Gertrude Chandler Warner
Natrajs Indian quotes by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Alien Chutney is just what the name suggests it is. Its music that is so funny and quirky and weird that it feels entirely alien to the listener; yet, the content and the subject matter is so Indian and relatable, it's still chutney. ~ Vir Das
Natrajs Indian quotes by Vir Das
God is an Indian giver who gives only occasionally. ~ Jack Kerouac
Natrajs Indian quotes by Jack Kerouac
And an unstable childhood makes you appreciate calmness and not crave excitement. To spend a Saturday afternoon mopping your kitchen floor while listening to opera on the radio, and to go that night to an Indian restaurant with a friend and be home by nine o'clock - these are enough. They are gifts. ~ Curtis Sittenfeld
Natrajs Indian quotes by Curtis Sittenfeld
some prominent aviation museums across India including the HAL Museum in Bangalore, the Indian Air Force Museum in Delhi and the Naval Aviation Museum in Goa which are storehouses of information ~ A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Natrajs Indian quotes by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
The East India Company's domination of the Indian economy was based on its private army. ~ Robert Trout
Natrajs Indian quotes by Robert Trout
There is a marvellous Indian story of a boy who leaves home in search of truth. He goes to various teachers, walking endlessly in various parts of the country, every teacher asserting something or other. After many years, as an old man, after searching, searching, asking, meditating, taking certain postures, breathing rightly, fasting, no sex and all that, he comes back to his old house. As he opens the door there it is: the truth is just there. You understand? You might say, 'It wouldn't have been there if he hadn't wandered all over the place.' That's a cunning remark, but you miss the beauty of the story if you don't see that truth is not to be sought after. Truth is not something to be attained, to be experienced, to be held. It is there for those who can see it. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
Natrajs Indian quotes by Jiddu Krishnamurti
To listen to some devout people, one would imagine that God never laughs. ~ Sri Aurobindo
Natrajs Indian quotes by Sri Aurobindo
I will remain what I am until I die, a hunter, and when there are no buffalo or other game I will send my children to hunt and live on prairie mice, for where an Indian is shut up in one place his body becomes weak. ~ Sitting Bull
Natrajs Indian quotes by Sitting Bull
The land is sacred. These words are at the core of your being. The land is our mother, the rivers our blood. Take our land away and we die. That is, the Indian in us dies. ~ Mary Brave Bird
Natrajs Indian quotes by Mary Brave Bird
A community that engages readers and culturally enabled people to connect, support and harness intellectual and cultural capabilities. ~ Ashwin Sanghi
Natrajs Indian quotes by Ashwin Sanghi
We jettisoned our medical practices of the 1780s while retaining the Constitution. But Native American medicinal practitioners who abandon their traditional ways to embrace pasteurization from France and antibiotics from England are seen as compromising their Indian-ness. We can alter our modes of transportation or housing while remaining "American". Indians cannot and stay "Indian" in our eyes. ~ James W. Loewen
Natrajs Indian quotes by James W. Loewen
Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease and herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence. ~ Mourning Dove
Natrajs Indian quotes by Mourning Dove
Don't Let Him Know is a rich, evocative and brilliantly told tale of family, of loyalties, and of love that must stay secret. Sandip Roy has broken new ground in this tale of the modern Indian family. A lovely read ~ Abraham Verghese
Natrajs Indian quotes by Abraham Verghese
Some individuals came right out and accused me of being a Neo-Orientalist (in a pejorative Edward Said sense of the term). So of course eventually I bristled at the questions themselves. They seemed to stem from an obsessive political correctness that wished to brand every Western photographer working in Asia as a neo-colonialist, an ethnographer, or a culprit secretly advancing a hegemonic agenda. The idea that people of one culture cannot create valid art in another I found ludicrous and restrictive to say the least. ~ Waswo X. Waswo
Natrajs Indian quotes by Waswo X. Waswo
One chronicler writes of an area of India during the end of the 20th century: Almost no-one in this slum was poor by Indian benchmarks. ... True, a few residents trapped rats and frogs and fried them for dinner. A few ate the scrub grass at the sewage lake edge. And these individuals, miserable souls, thereby made an inestimable contribution to their neighbors. They gave those slum dwellers who didn't fry rats and eat weeds a sense of their upward mobility. ~ Katherine Boo
Natrajs Indian quotes by Katherine Boo
Aru used to think that friends were there to share your food and keep your secrets and laugh at your jokes while you walked from one classroom to the next. Sometimes, though, the best kind of friend is the one who doesn't say anything but just sits beside you. It's enough. ~ Roshani Chokshi
Natrajs Indian quotes by Roshani Chokshi
Fuchsia took three paces forward in the first of the attics and then paused a moment to re-tie a string above her knee. Over her head vague rafters loomed and while she straightened her-self she noticed them and unconsciously loved them. This was the lumber room. Though very long and lofty it looked relatively smaller than it was, for the fantastic piles of every imaginable kind of thing, from the great organ to the lost and painted head of a broken toy lion that must one day have been the plaything of one of Fuchsia's ancestors, spread from every wall until only an avenue was left to the adjacent room. This high, narrow avenue wound down the centre of the first attic before suddenly turning at a sharp angle to the right. The fact that this room was filled with lumber did not mean that she ignored it and used it only as a place of transit. Oh no, for it was here that many long afternoons had been spent as she crawled deep into the recesses and found for herself many a strange cavern among the incongruous relics of the past. She knew of ways through the centre of what appeared to be hills of furniture, boxes, musical instruments and toys, kites, pictures, bamboo armour and helmets, flags and relics of every kind, as an Indian knows his green and secret trail. Within reach of her hand the hide and head of a skinned baboon hung dustily over a broken drum that rose above the dim ranges of this attic medley. Huge and impregnable they looked in the warm still half-light, but Fuchsi ~ Mervyn Peake
Natrajs Indian quotes by Mervyn Peake
The first black borough presidents of Manhattan were West Indians. As late as 1970, the highest ranking blacks in New York's police department were West Indians, as were all the black federal judges in the city. The 1970 census showed that black West Indian families in the New York metropolitan area had 28 percent higher incomes than the families of American blacks. The incomes of second-generation West Indian families living in the same area exceeded that of black families by 58 percent. Neither race nor racism can explain such differences. Nor can slavery, since native-born blacks and West Indian blacks both had a history of slavery. ~ Thomas Sowell
Natrajs Indian quotes by Thomas Sowell
I would like to quote a very prejudicial doctrine that was handed down by the Supreme Court in 1823. It said that the Indian Nations do not have title to their lands because they weren't Christians. That the first Christian Nations to discover an area of heathen lands has the absolute title. This doctrine should be withdrawn and renounced to establish a new basis for relationship between indigenous peoples and other peoples of the world. ~ Floyd Red Crow Westerman
Natrajs Indian quotes by Floyd Red Crow Westerman
the out-of-control momentum of extreme violence of unlimited warfare fueled race hatred. "Successive generations of Americans, both soldiers and civilians, made the killing of Indian men, women, and children a defining element of their first military tradition and thereby part of a shared American identity. ~ Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Natrajs Indian quotes by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
I am an Indian to the core. ~ Vijay Mallya
Natrajs Indian quotes by Vijay Mallya
In a lot of Indian societies, spirituality has been lost, I think it's still the best way of looking at the world for Indians - better than any organized religion in this country. ~ James Welch
Natrajs Indian quotes by James Welch
The Indian race are waiting and praying. ~ Chief Joseph
Natrajs Indian quotes by Chief Joseph
Farsi Couplet:
Naala-e zanjeer-e Majnun arghanoon-e aashiqanast
Zauq-e aan andaza-e gosh-e ulul-albaab neest

English Translation:
The creaking of the chain of Majnun is the orchestra of the lovers,
To appreciate its music is quite beyond the ears of the wise. ~ Amir Khusrau
Natrajs Indian quotes by Amir Khusrau
I have known the Indians intimately - known them in their private relations - I think I understand the Indian character pretty well. ~ George Crook
Natrajs Indian quotes by George Crook
He was holding a tray. On the tray were two glasses of milky Indian chai. 'Chota hazari, sahib,' said Ladoo. Bed tea. 'What a nice gesture,' I said returning to Olivia. 'Mrs Puri has sent us up some tea.' 'I wish she had sent it up two hours later,' said Olivia from beneath her sheets. ~ William Dalrymple
Natrajs Indian quotes by William Dalrymple
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