Measuring Up Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Measuring Up.

Quotes About Measuring Up

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Short of hiring a new staff, consider giving subpar workers a chance to improve. Tell them why they're not measuring up and give them a set amount of time to make specific improvements. ~ Danny Meyer
Measuring Up quotes by Danny Meyer
Speaking of - why the heck am I looking at his figure? My eyes snap up. Sure enough, he's looking, cocky little grin in place like he's God's gift to the female eye and he caught me praising the Lord. ~ Nyrae Dawn
Measuring Up quotes by Nyrae Dawn
Feelings of despair, anger, hatred, bitterness, stress, and depression stem from the ego's anxiety and insistence on living up to an external standard. The result is the anguish of not measuring up or fitting in properly. The ego will seldom allow you to rest, and demands more and more because it's terrified that you'll be called a failure. When you move beyond ego and make your higher self the dominant force in your life, you'll begin to feel that contentment and inner glow of peace and success that characterizes the extra mile. 2. ~ Wayne W. Dyer
Measuring Up quotes by Wayne W. Dyer
I fear that some of us understand just enough about the gospel to feel guilty
guilty that we are not measuring up to some undefinable standard
but not enough about the Atonement to feel the peace and strength, the power and mercy it affords us. ~ Sheri Dew
Measuring Up quotes by Sheri Dew
Reality had a disappointing habit of not measuring up to my memories. ~ Jennifer Bradbury
Measuring Up quotes by Jennifer Bradbury
Hugh Laurie was intimidating, but he's the greatest guy. He's so wonderful and smart and funny and serious, and he sets the bar high. So if I was scared, it's because I wasn't measuring up. ~ Peter Jacobson
Measuring Up quotes by Peter Jacobson
The deepest fear we have, 'the fear beneath all fears,' is the fear of not measuring up, the fear of judgment. It's this fear that creates the stress and depression of everyday life. ~ Tullian Tchividjian
Measuring Up quotes by Tullian Tchividjian
The more self-love we have, the less we will experience self-abuse. Self-abuse comes from self-rejection, and self-rejection comes from having an image of what it means to be perfect and never measuring up to that ideal. ~ Miguel Ruiz
Measuring Up quotes by Miguel Ruiz
It is not a lack of spiritual experience that leads to failure, but a lack of working to keep our eyes focused and on the right goal. At least once a week examine yourself before God to see if your life is measuring up to the standard He has for you. Paul was like a musician who gives no thought to audience approval, if he can only catch a look of approval from his Conductor. ~ Oswald Chambers
Measuring Up quotes by Oswald Chambers
Ove stomped forward. The cat stood up. Ove stopped. They stood there measuring up to each other for a few moments, like two potential troublemakers in a small-town bar. Ove considered throwing one of his clogs at it. The cat looked as if it regretted not bringing its own clogs to lob back. ~ Fredrik Backman
Measuring Up quotes by Fredrik Backman
At least once a week examine yourself before God to see if your life is measuring up to the standard He has for you. ~ Oswald Chambers
Measuring Up quotes by Oswald Chambers
I was learning the hard way that the gospel alone can free us from our addiction to being liked - that Jesus measured up for us so that we wouldn't have to live under the enslaving pressure of measuring up for others. ~ Tullian Tchividjian
Measuring Up quotes by Tullian Tchividjian
Morality without religion is only a kind of dead reckoning - an endeavor to find our place on a cloudy sea by measuring the distance we have run, but without any observation of the heavenly bodies. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Measuring Up quotes by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
To start with, there's the alien accent. "Tree" is the number between two and four. "Jeintz" is the name of the New York professional football team. A "fit" is a bottle measuring seven ounces less than a quart. This exotic tongue has no relationship to any of the approved languages at the United Nations, and is only slightly less difficult to master than Urdu. ~ Fletcher Knebel
Measuring Up quotes by Fletcher Knebel
Libertarianism is a way of measuring how the government and other kinds of systems respect the individual. At the core of libertarianism is the idea that the individual is sacrosanct and that anything that's done contrary to the well-being of the individual needs some pretty serious justification. ~ P. J. O'Rourke
Measuring Up quotes by P. J. O'Rourke
Can you tell me which is yours?" Standing at Bird's side, the nurse spoke as if she were addressing the father of the hospital's healthiest and most beautiful baby. But she wasn't smiling, she didn't even seem sympathetic; Bird decided this must be the standard intensive care ward quiz. Not only the nurse who had asked the question but two young nurses who were rinsing baby bottles beneath a huge water heater on the far wall, and the older nurse measuring powdered milk next to them, and the doctor studying file cards at a cramped desk against the smudgy poster-cluttered wall, and the doctor on this side of him, conversing with a stubby little man who seemed, like Bird, to be the father of one of the seeds of calamity gathered here - everybody in the room stopped what he was doing and turned in expectant silence to look at Bird. ~ Kenzaburo Oe
Measuring Up quotes by Kenzaburo Oe
"And for God's sake, never get into the petty habit of measuring your self-worth against other people's net-worth. As Yogi Ramen preached: 'Every second you spend thinking about someone elses dreams you take time away from your own.'" ~ Robin Sharma
Measuring Up quotes by Robin Sharma
Men and women, both straight and gay, who don't consider sexuality in measuring the worth of another human being. These aren't radicals or weirdos, Mama. They are shop clerks and bankers and little old ladies and people who nod and smile to you when you meet them on the bus. Their attitude is neither patronizing nor pitying. And their message is so simple: Yes, you are a person. Yes, I like you. Yes, it's all right for you to like me too. ~ Armistead Maupin
Measuring Up quotes by Armistead Maupin
Money is just a way of measuring work, but you don't need money if everyone agrees that trading one kind of work for another will do just as well. ~ Jack Gantos
Measuring Up quotes by Jack Gantos
Money is not real. It is a conscious agreement on measuring value. ~ John Ralston Saul
Measuring Up quotes by John Ralston Saul
I would warn against too much of a radical devotion to rationality. Rationality is an illusion, an invented concept, a construct from the mind of man. It is not a property of the universe. Rationality may be a useful tool when it suits our purposes, however, it is merely a measuring stick, calibrated against what we know of the nature of the universe - all of which may or may not be completely inaccurate. ~ Derek R. Audette
Measuring Up quotes by Derek R. Audette
The ego is constantly comparing itself to others. It has us measuring our self-worth against the looks, wealth, and social status of everyone else. Did this not explain some of my worrying at work? ~ Dan Harris
Measuring Up quotes by Dan Harris
Beauty misleads without lying, like an ambiguous prophecy in a Greek play. We read into it our hopes, to which it is indifferent. We ask it to be true and good, but it has its own way of measuring worth, its own standard and authority. ~ Phillip Margulies
Measuring Up quotes by Phillip Margulies
The main thing in measuring integrity is someone's motive and intent, not how many records they sell. Our intent in Ministry was never to be big. We just wanted to make enough money to live and to buy a studio, which we have done in Austin. ~ Al Jourgensen
Measuring Up quotes by Al Jourgensen
There's an unspoken rule in affluent circles that suggests you can always define an individual's status by measuring his or her proximity to the most influential person in the room. And as the maxim goes, closer is always better. ~ Jamie Johnson
Measuring Up quotes by Jamie Johnson
But as to your writing me that I don't love you very much, I don't know whether you're saying this in earnest or whether I should realise that you're joking with me. Still, what you say disturbs me. You are measuring a very healthy expression of a wife's loyalty by the standard of the insincere flattery of well-worn phrases. But I shall love you, my husband. What does it mean to you that you reassure me with those trivial little compliments? Do you want me to believe that you expect me to comb my hair in a stylish fashion for your homecoming? Or to feign adoring looks with a painted face? Let women without means, who worry and have no confidence in their virtue, flutter their eyelashes and play games to gain favour with their husbands. This is the adulation of a fox and the birdlime of deceitful bird hunting. I don't want to have to buy you at such a price. I'm not a person who lays more stock in words than duty. I am truly your Laura, whose soul is the same one you in turn had hoped for. ~ Laura Cereta
Measuring Up quotes by Laura Cereta
There's something wrong with a mother who washes out a measuring cup with soap and water after she's only measured water in it. ~ Erma Bombeck
Measuring Up quotes by Erma Bombeck
Could some of the challenging behaviours that often partner autism begin as experiements on measuring human reactions? Are these children exploring boundaries - seeing what makes the toy squeak or the adult shriek? ~ Adele Devine
Measuring Up quotes by Adele Devine
We shall probably never attain the power of measuring the velocity of nervous action; for we have not the opportunity of comparing its propagation through immense space, as we have in the case of light. ~ Johannes P. Muller
Measuring Up quotes by Johannes P. Muller
Instead of measuring my success and value by my own standards, I was measuring it by how others perceived me. ~ Jennifer Lopez
Measuring Up quotes by Jennifer Lopez
It says quite clearly that processes within the brain that trigger a hormone release can cause enormous effects on the body." It says, that is, that what we think can change our bodies, that there is a quantifiable chemical link between mind and matter, spirit and body, imagination and reality. Spiritual leaders, great thinkers, artists have been saying this very thing for ages, but the fact that hardheaded, hard-research oriented neuroscientists are not just saying it but actually identifying and measuring the very neurochemicals that link idea with matter adds a new legitimacy and urgency to the idea. ~ Michael Hutchison
Measuring Up quotes by Michael Hutchison
It is the worst way that big power could act, it is arrogance, it is proudness, it is measuring of one's decision in accordance to his bigness, unfortunately, therefore lack of any wisdom ... ~ Siad Barre
Measuring Up quotes by Siad Barre
Strategic planning is the continuous process of making present entrepreneurial (risk-taking) decisions systematically and with the greatest knowledge of their futurity; organizing systematically the efforts needed to carry out these decisions; and measuring the results of these decisions against the expectations through organized, systematic feedback. ~ Peter Drucker
Measuring Up quotes by Peter Drucker
The proud make every man their adversary by pitting their intellects, opinions, works, wealth, talents, or any other worldly measuring device against others. ~ Ezra Taft Benson
Measuring Up quotes by Ezra Taft Benson
It is a grave error for historians of literature to interpret the national spirit of the age in an oversimplified manner, ignoring the complexity of various cultural and life processes. Instead of using their imagination, they try to read the future by observing the hands of a clock which is still busy measuring the past. ~ Mieczyslaw Jastrun
Measuring Up quotes by Mieczyslaw Jastrun
Aaron held him and reached down to free a surprisingly big cock, measuring it with his hand. "Wow, where'd you get all this?"
"Stole it from my last boyfriend."
"Knew you were trouble. ~ K.A. Mitchell
Measuring Up quotes by K.A. Mitchell
Everyone is always in such a hurry
Measuring the minutes
Dripping off the end of the second hand
At the end of the day ~ Catherine Alene
Measuring Up quotes by Catherine Alene
Life is beautiful
only if the eyes of the heart are beautiful
It looks almost catastrophic via the mind
Measuring, quibbling and boasting
Let the heart control the mind
and we are off to the next Galaxy
both inward and outward. ~ Gabriel Iqbal
Measuring Up quotes by Gabriel Iqbal
What is this world? A complex whole, subject to endless revolutions. All these revolutions show a continual tendency to destruction; a swift succession of beings who follow one another, press forward, and vanish; a fleeting symmetry; the order of a moment. I reproached you just now with estimating the perfection of things by your own capacity; and I might accuse you here of measuring its duration by the length of your own days. ~ Denis Diderot
Measuring Up quotes by Denis Diderot
John McCain said that Barack Obama is already measuring the drapes in the White House. That's what he said. I understand Sarah Palin is already driving McCain around to look at assisted living facilities. ~ Jay Leno
Measuring Up quotes by Jay Leno
You will have peace to the extent that you have God, and the further you are away from God the less you will be at peace ... Thus you may measure your progress with God by measuring your peace or the lack of it. ~ Meister Eckhart
Measuring Up quotes by Meister Eckhart
What will be the legacy of your own quilt? How will you be remembered? These questions are potent measuring sticks for anyone who cares about making a difference, not just making a living. ~ Keith Ferrazzi
Measuring Up quotes by Keith Ferrazzi
When a fruit salad, a lover, or a jazz trio is just too imperfect for our tastes, we stop eating, kissing, and listening. But the law of large numbers suggests that when a measurement is too imperfect for our tastes, we should not stop measuring. Quite the opposite - we should measure again and again until niggling imperfections yield to the onslaught of data. ~ Daniel M. Gilbert
Measuring Up quotes by Daniel M. Gilbert
I smiled to myself, thinking of America, measuring her against the other girls. She was pretty, if a bit rough on the edges. It was an uncommon type of beauty, and I could tell she wasn't aware of it. ~ Kiera Cass
Measuring Up quotes by Kiera Cass
She'll have to get over it, then. Are you going to let her drop out of Dauntless for a stupid reason like not being able to walk? Zeke is quiet for a few seconds. His eyes shift over my face, and he squints, as if weighing and measuring me. Then he turns and bends and wraps his arms around me. it's been so long since someone hugged me that I stiffen. Then I relax, and let the gesture force warmth over my body ... ~ Veronica Roth
Measuring Up quotes by Veronica Roth
But she wasn't a wife and mother. And, Joey aside, she didn't want to be one. Her mother had spend every last minute cooking for Papa, cleaning for Papa, looking nice for Papa, entertaining for Papa, producing babies for Papa. The measuring stick she used to judge herself based on how pleased or displeased Papa was with her, their home, and her ability to raise their children properly.
The very thought of being measured by that same stick horrified Billy. She couldn't think of anything worse. As far as she was concerned, domesticity was nothing more than a glorified jail sentence. ~ Deeanne Gist
Measuring Up quotes by Deeanne Gist
In the early days, I had everything to prove. A very working class lad with a burning ambition. A very crude way of measuring success is how much you are worth. ~ John Caudwell
Measuring Up quotes by John Caudwell
Never get into the petty habit of measuring yourself worth against other people's net worth. ~ Robin Sharma
Measuring Up quotes by Robin Sharma
Prufrock had measured out his life with measuring spoons; Dubin, in books resurrecting the lives of others. ~ Bernard Malamud
Measuring Up quotes by Bernard Malamud
It's been said that love is all there is; that a lack of love causes people to do evil things. I can buy that. Take it a step further: capitalism, by itself, is not a bad thing; but when taken to an extreme, as it has been in America - when Christmas is but a measuring stick for how well the economy is doing, when Wall Street and the banking industry turn nescient heads to morality in pursuit of the Almighty Dollar, when love of money overshadows love of self and others - what then?
In the grand scheme of the universe - whatever that scheme may be - when one considers its immensity, that it has existed for billions of years, some of us realize how insignificant our seventy or eighty years is; while others, for whatever reason (selfishness?) pursue materialism to a vulgar degree. In the end, what does all that matter, really?
It's nice to spoil oneself from time to time; but really, life's true gift to oneself is doing and giving to others. That's love. ~ J. Conrad Guest, Novelist
Measuring Up quotes by J. Conrad Guest, Novelist
If you can not measure it, you can not improve it. ~ Lord Kelvin
Measuring Up quotes by Lord Kelvin
I've never been sure how to define 'in love.' It's like a measuring rope that keeps changing length. When Brandon's lie broke my heart that night in his bed, I thought, 'I'll never love anyone like this again,' and I haven't. I've never intensely cared for any man in a way that feels identical to how I cared for another. I found George because I was yearning to replace Ethan, and look what happened. I just added another love to the list. The mistake is in thinking there is only one spot. You divot the sand and the tide fills it in and then you create another pocket while the tide drains itself out. Same properties. Different shapes. It's never the same. ~ Charlotte Shane
Measuring Up quotes by Charlotte Shane
Mathematics is not arithmetic. Though mathematics may have arisen from the practices of counting and measuring it really deals with logical reasoning in which theorems - general and specific statements - can be deduced from the starting assumptions. It is, perhaps, the purest and most rigorous of intellectual activities, and is often thought of as queen of the sciences. ~ Christopher Zeeman
Measuring Up quotes by Christopher Zeeman
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