Mary Eliza Mahoney Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Mary Eliza Mahoney.

Quotes About Mary Eliza Mahoney

Enjoy collection of 40 Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Mary Eliza Mahoney. Righ click to see and save pictures of Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Certainly, I thought, Dion means to have his way. But I suppose that's what makes a king. ~ Mary Renault
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Renault
I am Mary Iris Malone, and I am empty, cleaned the fuck out. All that's left is a fierce hunger for flight. ~ David Arnold
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by David Arnold
Looking backward through life, one can see the points of change like great locks through which one glides on a flood wave, so smoothly, on such irresistible power that one is hardly aware of any movement. But life is never the same again. One has gone through the lock and lives on a new level. ~ Mary O'Hara
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary O'Hara
As the evening beckons with the promise of tomorrow ... may your gratitude rise up and with strength answer, "yes." ~ Mary Anne Radmacher
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Anne Radmacher
Well, perhaps he's not my best friend, but I don't think he hates me anymore. ~ Mary Kirchoff
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Kirchoff
Usually, we believe that our pain is a misfortune that needs to be fixed, but in fact, all pain (physical, mental, and emotional) is a necessary step towards becoming conscious. ~ Mada Eliza Dalian
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mada Eliza Dalian
Everybody is going to die, so people are enthralled by the possibility that they don't have to completely die, that there is something that comes afterward. It's like if you're going to France for the summer, you're going to read up on it. Everyone just wants to know where they're going, or if they're going anywhere. ~ Mary Roach
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Roach
I was very ambitious at a young age. When I was six, I would tell everybody that I wanted to be an authoress. ~ Mary Harron
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Harron
Every where I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
In one sense, reading is a great waste of time. In another sense, it is a great extension of time, a way for one person to live a thousand and one lives in a single lifespan, to watch the great impersonal universe at work again and again, ~ Mary Ruefle
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Ruefle
One day you will learn that love does not always betray you. ~ Mary Balogh
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Balogh
Antioxidants have a good effect on certain forms of Crohn's disease. ~ Mary Ann Mobley
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Ann Mobley
Foolishness? No, It's Not.
Sometimes I spend all day trying to count the leaves on a single tree. To do this I have to climb branch by branch and write down the numbers in a little book. So I suppose, from their point of view, it's reasonable that my friends say: what foolishness! She's got her head in the clouds again.
But it's not. Of course I have to give up, but by then I'm half crazy with the wonder of it - the abundance of the leaves, the quietness of the branches, the hopelessness of my effort. And I am in that delicious and important place, roaring with laughter, full of earth-praise. ~ Mary Oliver
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Oliver
Our faults are apt to assume giant and exaggerated forms to our eyes in youth. ~ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
There's only one thing I never did and wish I had done: climbed over a fence. ~ Queen Mary
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Queen Mary
Yet now he felt that perhaps he had missed one of the few chances life offered to step off the wheel of routine and familiarity and duty to discover if there was joy somewhere beyond its turning. ~ Mary Balogh
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Balogh
When you can be anybody, you become nobody ~ Mary Elizabeth Summer
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Elizabeth Summer
If you insist on driving around in vintage cars with no seat belt on, try to time your crashes for the systole - blood-squeezed-out - portion of your heartbeat. ~ Mary Roach
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Roach
Jean Shrimpton was the most beautiful of all the models I have known. To walk down the King's Road, Chelsea, with Shrimpton was like walking through the rye. Strong men just keeled over right and left as she strode up the street. ~ Mary Quant
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Quant
She came up with a whole way of doing fluoroscopy, which is kind of like a live version of X-ray, so that she could see the heart as it worked, not frozen in a picture. ~ Mary Stuart Masterson
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Stuart Masterson
Questions are an under-used piece of communication in our culture. ~ Mary Lee LaBay
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Lee LaBay
She's the friend my sister needed, the daughter my mom wanted, a child my dad doesn't feel guilty about, and the fucking reason my heart beats." - Dusty ~ Mary Elizabeth
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Elizabeth
It would be a duty that I would seek to fulfill all the nights I am upon this earth. Mary ~ J.R. Ward
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by J.R. Ward
But then she put her hands on Mary's shoulders and kissed both her cheeks. Well, Mary didn't mind. Irene was the most interesting woman she had ever met. They were not in competition, but if they had been, she would happily have lost to Irene Norton. ~ Theodora Goss
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Theodora Goss
Not only do they offend thee, O Lady, who outrage thee, but thou art also offended by those who neglect to ask thy favors ... He who neglects the service of the Blessed Virgin will die in his sins ... He who does not invoke thee, O Lady, will never get to Heaven ... Not only will those from whom Mary turns her countenance not be saved, but there will be no hope of their salvation ... No one can be saved without the protection of Mary. ~ Bonaventure
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Bonaventure
I thank you, Walton," he said, "for your kind intentions towards to miserable a wretch; but when you speak of new ties and fresh affections think you that any can replace those who are gone? Can any man be to me as Clerval was, or any woman another Elizabeth? Even where the affections are not strongly moved by any superior excellence, the companions of our childhood always possess a certain power over our minds which hardly any later friend can obtain. They know our infantine dispositions, which, however they may be afterwards modified, are never eradicated; and they can judge of our actions with more certain conclusions as to the integrity of our motives."
Victor Frankenstein; Frankenstein ~ Mary Shelley
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Shelley
Life can be seen through your eyes but it is not fully appreciated until it is seen through your heart. ~ Mary Xavier Mehegan
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Xavier Mehegan
I grew up singing since the age of three. Vocally trained since the age of eight. Fascinated by Mary Poppins and all those musical movies and really knew that I wanted to be a performer. ~ Nikki Blonsky
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Nikki Blonsky
Sometimes it seemed the timing of the entire world was off, our intentions coming too soon or too late, life crowding up to blur our vision, and only later when the dust settles can we see our missteps. ~ Mary E. Pearson
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary E. Pearson
I would rather marry a good man, a man of mind, with a hope and bright prospects ahead for position, fame and power than to marry all the houses, gold and bones in the world. ~ Mary Todd Lincoln
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Todd Lincoln
Calling someone a monster does not make him more guilty; it makes him less so by classing him with beasts and devils. ~ Mary McCarthy
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary McCarthy
The Queen Mary was the most civilized and luxurious way one could travel to America in the late 1930s. ~ Maureen O'Hara
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Maureen O'Hara
Okay. Right. Horror meets romance meets erotica meets fantasy meets hip hop. Throw in some leather and some Miami Ink shit, stir with a baseball bat and a tire iron, sprinkle on some baby powder, and serve over a hot bed of Holy-Mary-mother-of-God-this-has-to-work-or-I'm-going-to-be-a-lawyer-for-the-rest-of-my-natural-life.
No problem."
(J.R. Ward on the elements of writing the Black Dagger Brotherhood) ~ J.R. Ward
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by J.R. Ward
Fat bodies are used comically. I respect Rebel Wilson so much, and Melissa McCarthy. I love them both. But so often, I feel like fat female bodies are used as props. ~ Mary Lambert
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Lambert
Life is just a chair of bowlies ~ Mary Engelbreit
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Engelbreit
A pristine landscape was perfection itself; it was only when you added people that everything changed. ~ Armistead Maupin
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Armistead Maupin
Christ used the flesh and blood of Mary for his life on earth, the Word of love was uttered in her heartbeat. Christ used his own body to utter his love on earth; his perfectly real body, with bone and sinew and blood and tears; Christ uses our bodies to express his love on earth, our humanity. A Christian life is a sacramental life, it is not a life lived only in the mind, only by the soul ... Our humanity is the substance of the sacramental life of Christ in us, like the wheat for the host, like the grape for the chalice. ~ Caryll Houselander
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Caryll Houselander
The Snow Cricket

Just beyond the leaves and the white faces
Of the lilies,
I saw the wings
Of the green snow cricket
As it went flying
From vine to vine,
Searching, then finding a shadowed place in which
To sing and sing…
One repeated
Rippling phrase
Built of loneliness
And its consequences: longing
And hope…
It was trembling
With the force of its crying out,
And in truth I couldn't wait to see if another would come to it
For fear that it wouldn't,
And I wouldn't be able to bear it
I wished it good luck, with all my heart,
And went back over the lawn, to where the lilies were standing
On their calm, cob feet,
Each in the ease
Of a single, waxy body
Breathing contentedly in the chill night air;
And I swear I pitied them, as I looked down
into the theater of their perfect faces-
That frozen, bottomless glare. ~ Mary Oliver
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Oliver
There is no water and still less soap. We have no city, but lots of hope. ~ Mary Pope Osborne
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Pope Osborne
I fired the ball for the purpose of giving those dudes to understand upon what ground I stood, believing that those of this class who believe that there are no women capable of taking care of themselves when young, would inform their friends that they might be in danger of their lives if they approached me. ~ Mary Edwards Walker
Mary Eliza Mahoney quotes by Mary Edwards Walker
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